Library for Manchester encoding using UART's hardware.
Dependents: ManchesterUART_Transmitter ManchesterUART_Receiver
Manchester encoding using UART's hardware
This library implements Manchester code using UART. Each data byte is encoded into two bytes representing two nibbles of the original data. UART's hardware is then used to generate the Manchester encoded bit stream. Prior to decoding, the receiver converts the received bit stream to bytes using its UART. Start and stop patterns are sent to identify the boundaries (begin and end) of a data frame.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The library is based on an article published by Adrian Mills.
Import programManchesterUART_Transmitter
Transmitter demo for the Manchester encoding library using UART's hardware.
Import programManchesterUART_Receiver
Receiver demo for the Manchester encoding library using UART's hardware.
NOTE: To perform a simple test (without radio link) connect the txPin on transmitter board to the rxPin on the receiver board and make sure that grounds are also connected one another.
Number of start patterns in preamble can be set.
2018-10-17, by hudakz [Wed, 17 Oct 2018 16:16:34 +0000] rev 2
Number of start patterns in preamble can be set.
Preamble length can be modified.
2018-07-30, by hudakz [Mon, 30 Jul 2018 09:38:03 +0000] rev 1
Preamble length can be modified.
Initial release.
2017-11-22, by hudakz [Wed, 22 Nov 2017 16:37:13 +0000] rev 0
Initial release.