Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon with nRF24L01(+). Data is received and displayed by Android device (Android app source code is attached).

Dependencies:   DS1820 mbed

nRF24L01 as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Broadcaster/Beacon

Temperature measured by a DS1820 sensor is broadcasted by a nRF24L01(+) module as Bluetooth Low Energy signal. Data is then received and displayed on an Android device (smartphone/tablet) with Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) enabled. In order to have Bluetooth LE available your device should run Android 4.3 or more recent.

Needed parts:

Zoom in /media/uploads/hudakz/img_20150314_115402.jpg
Figure 1: The hookup and the Android app in action

It was Dmitry Grinberg who figured out how to use nRF24L01 for BLE.
Read his amazing "Bit-banging" Bluetooth Low Energy. Thank you Dmitry!
I ported the code to mbed from Lijun's repository. Read his very neat article on the topic. Thank you Lijun!

It takes just few steps to build a Temperature Beacon

  1. Connect the nRF24L01(+) module and the DS1820 sensor to the mbed board according to the pin assignment defined in main.cpp. Don't forget to connect a 4.7k Ohm resistor between the DS1820's data pin and the +3.3V pin.

    Figure 2: nRF24L01(+) pinout

  2. Compile the project and save the binary file to your mbed module.
  3. Enable Bluetooth on the Android device.
  4. To view the raw data, install Nordic's nRF Master Control Panel (available at Google Play for free) to your Android device. Run the app and wait until a new nRF24L01 device is found. Do not tap the CONNECT button. This device is a broadcaster and enables only one way data flow (from the mbed to the Android). To see more details, tap the found nRF24L01 device on the left side of the screen and then the small RAW button which appears on the right side just below the CONNECT button. Now you should be able to see and check the raw bytes received from the mbed.
  5. Install the Android app:
    - Download the TemperatureBeacon app to your computer's folder of choice.
    - Open the folder and copy (send via Bluetooth or USB cable) the downloaded file to your Android device.
    - To install the app, open the folder on the Android with the file downloaded in the previous step and tap it.
  6. Once the app is installed and running:
    - After a while you should see the temperature displayed on Android (See in Figure 1).
    - Data is periodically updated. To verify that, touch the DS1820 sensor and you should see some new values.

If you'd like to adapt the Android app to your taste

  • Install Android Studio onto your computer (Window, Mac, Linux). It's a fantastic IDE from Google for free.
  • Download the Android app project to your computer's folder of choice and unzip.
  • Start Android Studio, open the project downloaded in the previous step and have fun.

I have learnt a lot about Android and Bluetooth Low Energy here:,

The Android app is based on:
Thank you Dave!



File content as of revision 4:b3c5c54cfd21:

Using nRF24L01(+) as a Bluetooth Low Energy Advertiser/Broadcaster/Beacon
by hacking an nRF24L01(+) module (which is under $1 per unit on eBay).

Note: It works with both nRF24L01 and nRF24L01+ modules.

In this project we broadcast temperature readings measured by a DS1820 chip.
(You can easily modify the code to broadcast some other custom data.
 Only make sure not to exceed the 32 bytes packet length.)
The data can be received and displayed on an Android device (smartphone/tablet)
with Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth Smart) enabled. 
In order to have Bluetooth 4.0 available (which implements Bluetooth LE)
your device should run Android 4.3 or more recent.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "DS1820.h"

#define DEBUG 1

Serial serial(USBTX, USBRX);

// The MAC address of BLE advertizer -- just make one up
// If you decide to ceate more Beacons make sure that MAC address (MY_MAC) is unique (differs)

#define MY_MAC_0    0x11
#define MY_MAC_1    0x12
#define MY_MAC_2    0x33
#define MY_MAC_3    0x44
#define MY_MAC_4    0x55
#define MY_MAC_5    0x66

#if defined(TARGET_LPC1768)
SPI         spi(p11, p12, p13);     // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(p8);                 // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(p14);                // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(p15);            // create a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_FRDM_KL25Z)
SPI         spi(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PTD0);               // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PTD5);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PTA13);          // create a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_FRDM_KL46Z)
SPI         spi(PTD2, PTD3, PTD1);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PTD0);               // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PTD5);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PTA13);          // create a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_LPC11U24)
SPI         spi(P16, P15, P13);     // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(P17);                // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(P18);                // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(P10);            // create a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F030R8)
SPI         spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PB_10);              // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PA_8);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01+ chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PA_9);           // creates a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F072RB)
SPI         spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PB_10);              // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PA_8);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PA_9);           // creates a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F103RB)
SPI         spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PB_10);              // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PA_8);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PA_9);           // create a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F401RE)
SPI         spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PB_10);              // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PA_8);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PA_9);           // creates a ds1820 sensor
#elif defined(TARGET_NUCLEO_F411RE)
SPI         spi(PB_5, PB_4, PB_3);  // MOSI, MISO, SCK
DigitalOut  cs(PB_10);              // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
DigitalOut  ce(PA_8);               // CE   (enable nRF24L01 chip)
DS1820      ds1820(PA_9);           // creates a ds1820 sensor

// If your board/plaform is not present yet then uncomment
// the following five lines and replace TARGET_YOUR_BOARD, SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK, SPIS_CS, CE_PIN and DS1820_DATA_PIN as appropriate.

//#elif defined(TARGET_YOUR_BOARD)
//SPI         spi(SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK);
//DigitalOut  cs(SPI_CS);             // CSN  (select SPI chip/slave)
//DigitalOut  cs(CE_PIN);             // CE   (enable nRF24L01+ chip)
//DS1820      ds1820(DS1820_DATA_PIN);// create a ds1820 sensor


uint8_t     buf[32];

 * @brief   Implements CRC with LFSR
 * @note
 * @param   data:   packet data
 *          len:    packet length
 *          dst:    destination/location of CRC
 * @retval
void bleCRC(const uint8_t* data, uint8_t len, uint8_t* dst) {
    uint8_t v, t, d;

    while(len--) {
        d = *data++;
        for(v = 0; v < 8; v++, d >>= 1) {
            t = dst[0] >> 7;
            dst[0] <<= 1;
            if(dst[1] & 0x80)
                dst[0] |= 1;
            dst[1] <<= 1;
            if(dst[2] & 0x80)
                dst[1] |= 1;
            dst[2] <<= 1;

            if(t != (d & 1)) {
                dst[2] ^= 0x5B;
                dst[1] ^= 0x06;

 * @brief   Reverses bit order in a single byte
 * @note
 * @param   a:  byte to be reveresed
 * @retval  byte with reveresed bit order
uint8_t swapBits(uint8_t a) {
    uint8_t v = 0;
    if(a & 0x80)
        v |= 0x01;
    if(a & 0x40)
        v |= 0x02;
    if(a & 0x20)
        v |= 0x04;
    if(a & 0x10)
        v |= 0x08;
    if(a & 0x08)
        v |= 0x10;
    if(a & 0x04)
        v |= 0x20;
    if(a & 0x02)
        v |= 0x40;
    if(a & 0x01)
        v |= 0x80;
    return v;

 * @brief   Implements whitening with LFSR
 * @note
 * @param   data:   location of the data to be whiten
 *          len:    data length
 *          whitenCoeff:    whitening coefficient
 * @retval
void bleWhiten(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len, uint8_t whitenCoeff) {
    uint8_t m;
    while(len--) {
        for(m = 1; m; m <<= 1) {
            if(whitenCoeff & 0x80) {
                whitenCoeff ^= 0x11;
                (*data) ^= m;

            whitenCoeff <<= 1;


 * @brief   Starts whitening
 * @note    the value we actually use is what BT'd use left shifted one...makes our life easier
 * @param   chan:   BT channel
 * @retval  single byte
static inline uint8_t bleWhitenStart(uint8_t chan) {
    return swapBits(chan) | 2;

 * @brief   Assembles the packet to be transmitted
 * @note
 * @param   data:   packet data
 *          len:    packet length
 *          dst:    BLE channel
 * @retval
void blePacketEncode(uint8_t* packet, uint8_t len, uint8_t chan) {
    // Length is of packet, including crc. pre-populate crc in packet with initial crc value!
    uint8_t i, dataLen = len - 3;
    bleCRC(packet, dataLen, packet + dataLen);
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++, dataLen++)
        packet[dataLen] = swapBits(packet[dataLen]);
    bleWhiten(packet, len, bleWhitenStart(chan));
    for(i = 0; i < len; i++)
        packet[i] = swapBits(packet[i]);    // the byte order of the packet should be reversed as well

 * @brief   Sends cmommand to nRF24L01
 * @note
 * @param   cmd:    Command
 *          data:   Data associated with the command
 * @retval
void nrfCmd(uint8_t cmd, uint8_t data) {

    // Write to nRF24's register

    cs = 0;
    cs = 1;

 * @brief   Transfers one byte to nRF24L01
 * @note
 * @param   cmd: the byte to be transferred
 * @retval
void nrfWriteByte(uint8_t cmd) {
    // transfer only one byte
    cs = 0;
    cs = 1;

 * @brief   Transfers several bytes to nRF24L01
 * @note
 * @param   data:   location of bytes to be transferred
 *          len:    number of bytes to be transferred
 * @retval
void nrfWriteBytes(uint8_t* data, uint8_t len) {
    // transfer several bytes in a row
    cs = 0;
    } while(--len);
    cs = 1;

int main() {
    uint8_t data[4];  
    float*  temp = reinterpret_cast < float * > (&data[0]);
    // Chip must be deselected
    cs = 1;
    // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock,
    // second edge capture, with a 10MHz clock rate
    ce = 0;

    // Initialize nRF24L01+, setting general parameters
    nrfCmd(0x20, 0x12);    // on, no crc, int on RX/TX done
    nrfCmd(0x21, 0x00);    // no auto-acknowledge
    nrfCmd(0x22, 0x00);    // no RX
    nrfCmd(0x23, 0x02);    // 4-byte address
    nrfCmd(0x24, 0x00);    // no auto-retransmit
    nrfCmd(0x26, 0x06);    // 1MBps at 0dBm
    nrfCmd(0x27, 0x3E);    // clear various flags
    nrfCmd(0x3C, 0x00);    // no dynamic payloads
    nrfCmd(0x3D, 0x00);    // no features
    nrfCmd(0x31, 32);      // always RX 32 bytes
    nrfCmd(0x22, 0x01);    // RX on pipe 0

    // Set access addresses (TX address in nRF24L01) to BLE advertising 0x8E89BED6
    // Remember that both bit and byte orders are reversed for BLE packet format
    buf[0] = 0x30;
    buf[1] = swapBits(0x8E);
    buf[2] = swapBits(0x89);
    buf[3] = swapBits(0xBE);
    buf[4] = swapBits(0xD6);
    nrfWriteBytes(buf, 5);
    buf[0] = 0x2A;          // set RX address in nRF24L01, doesn't matter because RX is ignored in this case
    nrfWriteBytes(buf, 5);
    if(!ds1820.begin()) {
#if DEBUG        
        serial.printf("No DS1820 sensor found!\r\n");
        return 1;
    ds1820.startConversion();   // Start temperature conversion
    wait(1.0);                  // let DS1820 complete the temperature conversion
    while(1) {
        static const uint8_t    chRf[] = { 2, 26, 80 };
        static const uint8_t    chLe[] = { 37, 38, 39 };
        uint8_t                 i = 0;
        uint8_t                 j = 0;
        uint8_t                 ch = 0;
        *temp =;

#if DEBUG        
        serial.printf("temp = %3.1f'C\r\n", *temp); 
        buf[i++] = 0x42;            // PDU type, given address is random; 0x42 for Android and 0x40 for iPhone
        buf[i++] = 25;              // number of following data bytes, max 29  (CRC is not included)
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_0;
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_1;
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_2;
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_3;
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_4;
        buf[i++] = MY_MAC_5;
        buf[i++] = 2;               // flags (LE-only, limited discovery mode)
        buf[i++] = 0x01;
        buf[i++] = 0x05;
        buf[i++] = 9;               // length of the name, including type byte
        buf[i++] = 0x08;            // TYPE_NAME_SHORT
        buf[i++] = 'n';
        buf[i++] = 'R';
        buf[i++] = 'F';
        buf[i++] = '2';
        buf[i++] = '4';
        buf[i++] = 'L';
        buf[i++] = '0';
        buf[i++] = '1';
        buf[i++] = 5;               // length of custom data, including type byte
        buf[i++] = 0xff;            // TYPE_CUSTOMDATA

        buf[i++] = data[0];         // temperature floating point value (four bytes)
        buf[i++] = data[1];         
        buf[i++] = data[2];         
        buf[i++] = data[3];         
        buf[i++] = 0x55;            // CRC start value: 0x555555
        buf[i++] = 0x55;
        buf[i++] = 0x55;
        // Channel hopping
        if(++ch == sizeof(chRf))
            ch = 0;
        nrfCmd(0x25, chRf[ch]);
        nrfCmd(0x27, 0x6E);         // Clear flags
        blePacketEncode(buf, i, chLe[ch]);
        nrfWriteByte(0xE2);         // Clear RX Fifo
        nrfWriteByte(0xE1);         // Clear TX Fifo
        cs = 0;
        for(j = 0; j < i; j++)
        cs = 1;
        nrfCmd(0x20, 0x12);         // TX on
        ce = 1;                     // Enable Chip
        ce = 0;                     // (in preparation of switching to RX quickly)
        ds1820.startConversion();   // Start temperature conversion
        wait(1.0);                  // Broadcasting interval (shall be > DS1820 temperture converion time)