mRackitBall - the single player pong

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE mbed-rtos mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 22 18:48:34 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,762 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+//#include "rtos.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
+#define boldOn uLCD.text_bold(ON)
+#define boldOff uLCD.text_bold(OFF)
+/*Setting up required pins, global variables and other required items*/
+//Debugging Options
+int lcdjoystickDebug = 0; //1=on, 0=off
+/* ----- Status Led ----- */
+//DigitalOut statusLed(LED1); //if off - in menu ... if on - in game ... if flashing - paused?
+/* ----- Pushbuttons ----- */
+InterruptIn pbSelect(p22); //right pb - select
+InterruptIn pbPause(p21); //left pb - pause/resume game
+/* ----- LCD screen ----- */
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p9, p10, p11); // create a lcd object
+//Mutex lcd_mutex;  //used to lock the lcd
+/* ----- Joystick ----- */
+static const float lcdWidth = 128; //Lcd screen is 128x128
+static const float lcdHeight = 128;
+AnalogIn joystickX(p15);
+AnalogIn joystickY(p16);
+volatile float joystickXReading; //Read joystick x
+volatile float joystickYReading; //Read joystick y
+volatile unsigned int Xpos; //joystick x pos after calc
+volatile unsigned int Ypos; //joystick y pos after calc
+/* ----- States for game and menus ----- */
+//Probably a way to optimize this to limit the usage of global variables
+volatile int currentState = 1; //State starts in menu -- 1=menu -- 2=options -- 3=start game -- 4=pause game
+volatile int mainMenuSelection = 1; //Determines which menu option is currently highlighted 1=Start , 2=Options
+volatile int optionsMenuSelection = 1; //Determines which option is highlighted
+volatile int optionsChoice = 1; //Determines which # is highlighted on each item
+/* ----- Functions/Prototypes ----- */
+void mainMenu();
+void optionsMenu();
+void helpMenu();
+void startGame();
+void drawDesign();
+/* ----- End Functions/Prototypes ----- */
+/* ----- Changeable Options ----- */
+//When drawing the menu, drawing the player paddle or drawing the ball on the screen
+//use these variables
+int textColorMain = GREEN; // Changes the main text color
+int textColorSecondary = RED; //This is the color of text when highlighted
+int playerColor = GREEN; // Changes the player paddle color -- 1=green, 2=blue
+int ballColor = WHITE; //Changes the ball color -- 1=white, 2=red
+int borderDesign = 1; //Changes the main menu's border design -- 1=none, 2=square with lines
+/* ----- End Changeable Options ----- */
+/* ----- Game Variables And Functions ----- */
+//For player paddle
+int playerxPos, playeryPos, playerLength, playerThickness;
+void movePlayer(); //moving the padddle
+//For ball
+int ballxPos, ballyPos, ballRadius;
+float fx, fy,vx,vy;
+void moveBall(); //moving the ball
+/* ----- End In-game Variables ----- */
+/* ----- Main ----- */
+int main() {
+    pbSelect.mode(PullUp); // PullUp mode for pushbuttons
+    pbPause.mode(PullUp); 
+    uLCD.baudrate(3000000); //overclock LCD
+    uLCD.cls();
+    playerxPos   = 50;  playeryPos = 124;
+    playerLength = 78;  playerThickness = 126;
+    fx=60.0, fy=115.0, vx=1.0, vy=0.5;
+    ballxPos = 60;  ballyPos = 115; ballRadius = 3;
+    while(true) {
+        joystickXReading = joystickX; //Joystick calculations
+        joystickYReading = 1.0f - joystickY;
+        Xpos = (unsigned int)(lcdWidth * joystickXReading);
+        Ypos = (unsigned int)(lcdHeight * joystickYReading);        
+        switch(currentState){ //States for the game -- 1=menu -- 2=options -- 3=help -- 4=start game -- 5=pause game
+            case 1: //MENU
+            mainMenu();
+            wait(.15); //delay for selecting
+            break;
+            case 2: //OPTIONS
+            optionsMenu();
+            wait(.15);
+            break;
+            case 3: //HELP
+            helpMenu();
+            wait(.15);
+            break;
+            case 4: //START GAME
+            startGame();
+            wait(.15);
+            break;
+            case 5: //PAUSE GAME
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("Paused", 6, 7, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+            while(pbPause);
+            uLCD.text_string("      ", 6, 7, FONT_5X7, BLACK);
+            currentState = 4; //Stay in above loop unless pressed
+            wait(.15);
+            break;
+        }//End switch for states        
+    }//End While
+}//End Main
+/* ----- End Main ----- */
+/* ----- Full Functions ----- */
+// --- mainMenu --- //
+void mainMenu(){ //This will show which option the player has selected by highlighting it based on mainMenuSelection
+    if( Xpos > 70 ) { //We are scrolling down, 66 is when joystick isn't moving
+        mainMenuSelection++;
+        if(mainMenuSelection > 3) mainMenuSelection = 1; //If there were more options you could change (> 2) to (> # of selections)                     
+    }
+    if( Xpos < 62 ) { //We are scrolling up
+        mainMenuSelection--;
+        if(mainMenuSelection < 1) mainMenuSelection = 3; //If there were more options you could change (menuSelection # of selections)                     
+    } 
+    uLCD.locate(4,0);
+    uLCD.printf("mRackitBall");
+    if(borderDesign != 1) drawDesign(); //If borderDesign doesn't equal one then there is a design, draw it
+    if(mainMenuSelection == 1) {
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("Start", 6, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;
+    }
+    else {
+        uLCD.text_string("Start", 6, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    }
+    if(mainMenuSelection == 2) {
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("Options", 6, 7, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;
+    }
+    else {
+        uLCD.text_string("Options", 6, 7, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    }
+    if(mainMenuSelection == 3) {
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("Help", 6, 10, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;
+    }
+    else {
+        uLCD.text_string("Help", 6, 10, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    }
+    uLCD.text_string("", 7, 10, FONT_5X7, textColorMain); //Prevents other text from gettin wrong colors (how to fix..)    
+    if(!pbSelect) { //When the select(right) button is pressed currentState will change
+        if(mainMenuSelection == 1) { //Start the game -- 4=start game
+            currentState = 4; 
+            uLCD.cls();
+        }                
+        if(mainMenuSelection == 2) { //Open options menu -- 2=options
+            currentState = 2;
+            uLCD.cls(); 
+        }
+        if(mainMenuSelection == 3) { //Open help menu -- 3=help
+            currentState = 3;
+            uLCD.cls();
+        }
+    } // End pushButton selection
+} // End Menu Function
+// --- Options Menu
+void optionsMenu() {
+    uLCD.text_string("Options", 5, 0, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    //These determine how many options are in each highlighted options, each option will change accordingly
+    //Example: If you want 3 text options, make numTextOptions = 3 and then add the new text color
+    //         to the correct section of the code.  Although due to LCD width constraints you may be only 
+    //         able to add 4 different options.
+    //Changes these variables according to how many options you want to have.
+    int numTextOptions = 2; //green, white
+    int numPlayerOptions = 2; //green, blue
+    int numBallColorOptions = 2; //white, red
+    int numMainMenuDesigns = 3; //none, squares with lines, squares with double lines
+    //-- This is for the options menu determining which option is highlighted    
+    if( Xpos > 70 ) { //We are scrolling down, 66 is when joystick isn't moving -- This is for the options menu determining which option is highlighted
+        optionsMenuSelection++;
+        if(optionsMenuSelection > 5) optionsMenuSelection = 1; //If there were more options you could change (> 2) to (> # of selections)                     
+    }        
+    if( Xpos < 62 ) { //We are scrolling up
+        optionsMenuSelection--;
+        if(optionsMenuSelection < 1) optionsMenuSelection = 5; //If there were more options you could change (menuSelection # of selections)                     
+    }   
+    if( Ypos < 70 ) { //We are scrolling right
+        optionsChoice++;                    
+    }   
+    if( Ypos > 62 ) { //We are scrolling left
+        optionsChoice--;                   
+    }
+//Begin Option Selection and Changing
+//--TextColor Change
+    if( optionsMenuSelection == 1 ) {
+        if(optionsChoice > numTextOptions) { optionsChoice = numTextOptions; } //Don't go past the max number of options.  No wrap around.
+        if(optionsChoice < 0) { optionsChoice = 1; }
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("TextColor", 0, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;       
+        if(optionsChoice == 1) { //highlight textColor 1 -- green
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(optionsChoice == 2) { //highlight textColor 2 -- white
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //From the example above, you would add more colors here.
+        //Press pushbutton to select the option
+        if(!pbSelect){
+            if(optionsChoice == 1) { textColorMain = GREEN; }
+            if(optionsChoice == 2) { textColorMain = WHITE; }
+        }        
+    }
+    else { //if not selected, just display it
+        uLCD.text_string("TextColor", 0, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        //This will keep the option bolded in the options Menu -- showing which option is currently selected
+        if(textColorMain == GREEN) { //keep 1 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(textColorMain == WHITE) { //keep 2 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //From the example above, you would add more colors here aswell.
+    }
+//--End TextColor Change
+//--Player Color
+    if( optionsMenuSelection == 2 ) {        
+        if(optionsChoice > numPlayerOptions) { optionsChoice = numPlayerOptions; } //Don't go past the max number of options.  No wrap around.
+        if(optionsChoice < 0) { optionsChoice = 1; }
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("PlayerCol", 0, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;       
+        if(optionsChoice == 1) { //highlight textColor 1 -- green
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(optionsChoice == 2) { //highlight textColor 2 -- blue
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //add more player colors above
+        //Press pushbutton to select the option
+        if(!pbSelect){
+            if(optionsChoice == 1) { playerColor = GREEN; }
+            if(optionsChoice == 2) { playerColor = BLUE; }
+        }        
+    }
+    else { //if not selected, just display it
+        uLCD.text_string("PlayerCol", 0, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        //This will keep the option bolded in the options Menu -- showing which option is currently selected
+        if(playerColor == GREEN) { //keep 1 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(playerColor == BLUE) { //keep 2 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        } 
+        //add more player colors above
+    }
+//--End Player Color
+//--Ball Color
+    if( optionsMenuSelection == 3 ) {        
+        if(optionsChoice > numBallColorOptions) { optionsChoice = numBallColorOptions; } //Don't go past the max number of options.  No wrap around.
+        if(optionsChoice < 0) { optionsChoice = 1; }
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("BallColor", 0, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;       
+        if(optionsChoice == 1) { //highlight textColor 1 -- green
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(optionsChoice == 2) { //highlight textColor 2 -- red
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //add more ball colors above
+        //Press pushbutton to select the option
+        if(!pbSelect){
+            if(optionsChoice == 1) { ballColor = WHITE; }
+            if(optionsChoice == 2) { ballColor = RED; }
+        }        
+    }
+    else { //if not selected, just display it
+        uLCD.text_string("BallColor", 0, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        //This will keep the option bolded in the options Menu -- showing which option is currently selected
+        if(ballColor == WHITE) { //keep 1 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(ballColor == RED) { //keep 2 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //add more ball colors above
+    }
+//--End Ball Color
+//--Main Menu Design
+    if( optionsMenuSelection == 4 ) {
+        if(optionsChoice > numMainMenuDesigns) { optionsChoice = numMainMenuDesigns; } //Don't go past the max number of options.  No wrap around.
+        if(optionsChoice < 0) { optionsChoice = 1; }
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("Design", 0, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;       
+        if(optionsChoice == 1) { //highlight design 1 - no design
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(optionsChoice == 2) { //highlight design 2 -- rectangles with lines
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(optionsChoice == 3) { // highlight design 3 -- rectangles with double lines
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("3", 14, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("3", 14, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);   
+        }
+        //Add new designs above here        
+        //Press pushbutton to select the option
+        if(!pbSelect){
+            if(optionsChoice == 1) { borderDesign = 1; }
+            if(optionsChoice == 2) { borderDesign = 2; }
+            if(optionsChoice == 3) { borderDesign = 3; }
+        }        
+    }
+    else {
+        uLCD.text_string("Design", 0, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        //This will keep the option bolded in the options Menu -- showing which option is currently selected
+        if(borderDesign == 1) { //keep 1 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;        
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("1", 10, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(borderDesign == 2) { //keep 2 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("2", 12, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        if(borderDesign == 3) { //keep 3 bolded
+            boldOn;
+            uLCD.text_string("3", 14, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            boldOff;
+        }
+        else {
+            uLCD.text_string("3", 14, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        }
+        //Add new designs above here
+    }//end else
+//--End MainMenu Design
+    if( optionsMenuSelection == 5 ) { //Go Back to mainMenu state
+        boldOn;
+        uLCD.text_string("Back", 0, 13, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+        boldOff;
+        uLCD.text_string("", 1, 13, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+        if(!pbSelect) { //When pushbutton is pressed go back to mainmenu state
+            currentState = 1;
+            optionsMenuSelection = 1; //reset is back to 1 for next entry
+            uLCD.cls();            
+        }        
+    }
+    else {
+        uLCD.text_string("Back", 0, 13, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);        
+    }
+//--End Back 
+// --- End Options Menu
+// --- Help Menu
+void helpMenu(){
+    uLCD.text_string("Help", 6, 0, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Joystick", 0, 2, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Used to move", 1, 3, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Left Button", 0, 5, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Used to pause", 1, 6, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Right Button", 0, 8, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    uLCD.text_string("Used to select", 1, 9, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    boldOn;
+    uLCD.text_string("Back", 0, 13, FONT_5X7, textColorSecondary);
+    boldOff;
+    uLCD.text_string("", 1, 13, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+    if(!pbSelect) { // When Back is selected go back to the main menu state -- 1=main menu  
+        currentState = 1;
+        uLCD.cls();
+    }
+// --- End Help Menu
+// --- drawDesign (border for mainmenu)
+void drawDesign() {
+    if(borderDesign == 2) {
+        uLCD.line(0, 0, 0, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(127, 0, 127, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(0, 127, 127, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(122, 0, 127, 5, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(0, 122, 5, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(122, 122, 127, 127, textColorMain);        
+    }
+    if(borderDesign == 3) {
+        uLCD.line(0, 0, 0, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(127, 0, 127, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(0, 127, 127, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(5, 0, 5, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(122, 0, 122, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.line(0, 122, 127, 122, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(0, 0, 5, 5, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(122, 0, 127, 5, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(0, 122, 5, 127, textColorMain);
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(122, 122, 127, 127, textColorMain);        
+    }
+// --- drawDesign
+// --- Start Game
+void startGame() {
+    if(!pbSelect) {
+        currentState = 1; //Reset and go to menu if rightbutton is pressed
+        playerxPos   = 50;  playeryPos = 124; //Reset the variables for next run
+        playerLength = 78;  playerThickness = 126;
+        fx=60.0, fy=115.0, vx=1.0, vy=0.5;
+        ballxPos = 60;  ballyPos = 115; ballRadius = 3;
+        uLCD.cls();
+        wait(.2);
+        return; 
+    }
+    if(!pbPause) {
+        wait(.15);
+        currentState = 5; //Pause the game
+        return; 
+    }
+    //uLCD.filled_circle(64, 115, 3, ballColor); //ball
+    movePlayer(); //move the paddle
+    moveBall();
+// --- End Start Game
+// --- movePlayer
+//For player paddle
+//int playerxPos, playeryPos, playerLength, playerThickness;
+void movePlayer() {
+    //Draw paddle
+    uLCD.filled_rectangle(playerxPos, playeryPos, playerLength, playerThickness, playerColor); //player paddle
+    int playerSpeedModifier = 3;
+    if( Ypos < 70 && playerLength < 126) { //scrolling left, increasing x, and not at the border
+       playerxPos += playerSpeedModifier; //Changes these numbers to increase scrolling speed
+       playerLength += playerSpeedModifier;
+       //color to the left
+       uLCD.filled_rectangle(playerxPos-(playerSpeedModifier), playeryPos, playerxPos, playerThickness, BLACK);
+    }
+    if( Ypos > 62 && playerxPos > 0) { //scrolling right, decreaseing x, and not at the border
+        playerxPos -= playerSpeedModifier; //Changes these numbers to increase scrolling speed
+        playerLength -= playerSpeedModifier;
+        //color to the right
+        uLCD.filled_rectangle(playerLength, playeryPos, playerLength+(playerSpeedModifier), playerThickness, BLACK);
+    }
+// --- End Move
+// --- moveball
+//For ball
+int ballxPos, ballyPos, ballWidth, ballHeight, ballxSpeed, ballySpeed;
+void moveBall(); //moving the ball
+void moveBall() {
+    uLCD.filled_circle(ballxPos, ballyPos, ballRadius, BLACK); //ball
+    if( (ballxPos <= ballRadius+1) || (ballxPos>=127-ballRadius) ) {       
+       vx = -vx*2;
+    }
+    if( (ballyPos <= ballRadius+1) || (ballyPos>=127-ballRadius) ) {
+        if(ballyPos >= playeryPos && ( (ballxPos <= playerxPos)||(ballxPos >= playerLength) ) )  {
+            uLCD.text_string("Game over", 6,4, FONT_5X7, textColorMain);
+            currentState = 1;
+            wait(4);
+            uLCD.cls();
+            playerxPos   = 50;  playeryPos = 124; //Reset the variables for next run
+            playerLength = 78;  playerThickness = 126;
+            fx=60.0, fy=115.0, vx=1.0, vy=0.5;
+            ballxPos = 60;  ballyPos = 115; ballRadius = 3;
+            return;
+        }
+       vy = -vy*2;
+    }
+    if(vy > 6 ) { vy = 6; } //These determine how fast the ball will go and when it will cap off
+    else if( vy < -6 ) { vy = -6; }
+    if(vx > 6 ){ vx = 6; }
+    else if( vx < -6 ) { vx = -6; }
+    if(lcdjoystickDebug){
+        uLCD.locate(0,0);
+        uLCD.printf("px%3d, py%3d",playerxPos, playeryPos);
+        uLCD.locate(0,1);
+        uLCD.printf("l%3d, t%3d", playerLength, playerThickness);
+        uLCD.locate(0,2);
+        uLCD.printf("bx%3d, by%3d",ballxPos,ballyPos);
+    }
+    fx=fx+vx;
+    fy=fy+vy;
+    ballxPos = (int)fx;
+    ballyPos = (int)fy;   
+    uLCD.filled_circle(ballxPos, ballyPos, ballRadius, ballColor); //ball
+// --- End moveBall
+//End of Main Code