
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/plans/ChannelPlan_AU915.cpp	Mon Jun 19 16:03:40 2017 -0500
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+#include "ChannelPlan_AU915.h"
+#include "limits.h"
+using namespace lora;
+const uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::AU915_TX_POWERS[] = { 30, 28, 26, 24, 22, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12, 10 };
+const uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::AU915_RADIO_POWERS[] = { 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19 };
+const uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::AU915_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE[] = { 11, 53, 126, 242, 242, 0, 0, 0, 53, 129, 242, 242, 242, 242, 0, 0 };
+const uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::AU915_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE_REPEATER[] = { 11, 53, 126, 222, 222, 0, 0, 33, 109, 222, 222, 222, 0, 0 };
+  ChannelPlan(NULL, NULL)
+ChannelPlan_AU915::ChannelPlan_AU915(Settings* settings)
+  ChannelPlan(NULL, settings)
+ChannelPlan_AU915::ChannelPlan_AU915(SxRadio* radio, Settings* settings)
+  ChannelPlan(radio, settings)
+ChannelPlan_AU915::~ChannelPlan_AU915() {
+void ChannelPlan_AU915::Init() {
+    _plan = AU915;
+    _planName = "AU915";
+    _datarates.clear();
+    _channels.clear();
+    _dutyBands.clear();
+    DutyBand band;
+    band.Index = 0;
+    band.DutyCycle = 0;
+    Datarate dr;
+    _maxTxPower = 30;
+    _minTxPower = 0;
+    _minFrequency = AU915_FREQ_MIN;
+    _maxFrequency = AU915_FREQ_MAX;
+    band.FrequencyMin = AU915_FREQ_MIN;
+    band.FrequencyMax = AU915_FREQ_MAX;
+    _freqUBase125k = AU915_125K_FREQ_BASE;
+    _freqUStep125k = AU915_125K_FREQ_STEP;
+    _freqUBase500k = AU915_500K_FREQ_BASE;
+    _freqUStep500k = AU915_500K_FREQ_STEP;
+    _freqDBase500k = AU915_500K_DBASE;
+    _freqDStep500k = AU915_500K_DSTEP;
+    GetSettings()->Session.Rx2Frequency = AU915_500K_DBASE;
+    _minDatarate = AU915_MIN_DATARATE;
+    _maxDatarate = AU915_MAX_DATARATE;
+    _minRx2Datarate = DR_8;
+    _maxRx2Datarate = DR_13;
+    _minDatarateOffset = AU915_MIN_DATARATE_OFFSET;
+    _maxDatarateOffset = AU915_MAX_DATARATE_OFFSET;
+    _numChans125k = AU915_125K_NUM_CHANS;
+    _numChans500k = AU915_500K_NUM_CHANS;
+    logInfo("Initialize channels...");
+    SetNumberOfChannels(AU915_125K_NUM_CHANS + AU915_500K_NUM_CHANS, false);
+    dr.SpreadingFactor = SF_10;
+    logInfo("Initialize datarates...");
+    // Add DR0-3
+    while (dr.SpreadingFactor >= SF_7) {
+        AddDatarate(-1, dr);
+        dr.SpreadingFactor--;
+        dr.Index++;
+    }
+    // Add DR4
+    dr.SpreadingFactor = SF_8;
+    dr.Bandwidth = BW_500;
+    AddDatarate(-1, dr);
+    dr.Index++;
+    // Skip DR5-7 RFU
+    dr.SpreadingFactor = SF_INVALID;
+    AddDatarate(-1, dr), dr.Index++;
+    AddDatarate(-1, dr), dr.Index++;
+    AddDatarate(-1, dr), dr.Index++;
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand == 0) {
+        band.PowerMax = 30;
+    } else {
+        band.PowerMax = 21;
+    }
+    band.TimeOffEnd = 0;
+    AddDutyBand(-1, band);
+    GetSettings()->Session.Rx2DatarateIndex = DR_8;
+    // Add DR8-13
+    dr.SpreadingFactor = SF_12;
+    while (dr.SpreadingFactor >= SF_7) {
+        AddDatarate(-1, dr);
+        dr.SpreadingFactor--;
+        dr.Index++;
+    }
+    // Skip DR14-15 RFU
+    dr.SpreadingFactor = SF_INVALID;
+    AddDatarate(-1, dr), AddDatarate(-1, dr);
+    GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate = DR_0;
+    GetSettings()->Session.TxPower = GetSettings()->Network.TxPower;
+    SetFrequencySubBand(GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand);
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandleJoinAccept(const uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t size) {
+    if (size > 17) {
+        // TODO: Handle future channel mask settings
+    }
+    return LORA_OK;
+void ChannelPlan_AU915::SetNumberOfChannels(uint8_t channels, bool resize) {
+    uint8_t newsize = ((channels - 1) / CHAN_MASK_SIZE) + 1;
+    if (resize) {
+        _channels.resize(channels);
+    }
+    _channelMask.resize(newsize, 0x0);
+    _numChans = channels;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::GetMinDatarate() {
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.Mode == lora::PEER_TO_PEER)
+        return 8;
+    else
+        return _minDatarate;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::GetMaxDatarate() {
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.Mode == lora::PEER_TO_PEER)
+        return 13;
+    else
+        return _maxDatarate;
+bool ChannelPlan_AU915::IsChannelEnabled(uint8_t channel) {
+    uint8_t index = channel / CHAN_MASK_SIZE;
+    uint8_t shift = channel % CHAN_MASK_SIZE;
+    assert(index < _channelMask.size() * CHAN_MASK_SIZE);
+    // cannot shift over 32 bits
+    assert(shift < 32);
+    // logDebug("index: %d shift %d cm: %04x bit: %04x enabled: %d", index, shift, _channelMask[index], (1 << shift), (_channelMask[index] & (1 << shift)) == (1 << shift));
+    return (_channelMask[index] & (1 << shift)) == (1 << shift);
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetRx1Offset(uint8_t offset) {
+    GetSettings()->Session.Rx1DatarateOffset = offset;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetRx2Frequency(uint32_t freq) {
+    GetSettings()->Session.Rx2Frequency = freq;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetRx2DatarateIndex(uint8_t index) {
+    GetSettings()->Session.Rx2DatarateIndex = index;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetTxConfig() {
+    logInfo("Configure radio for TX");
+    uint8_t band = GetDutyBand(GetChannel(_txChannel).Frequency);
+    Datarate txDr = GetDatarate(GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate);
+    int8_t max_pwr = _dutyBands[band].PowerMax;
+    int8_t pwr = 0;
+    pwr = std::min < int8_t > (GetSettings()->Session.TxPower, max_pwr);
+    if (pwr + GetSettings()->Network.AntennaGain >= max_pwr + 6 && GetSettings()->Network.AntennaGain > 6) {
+        pwr -= (GetSettings()->Network.AntennaGain - 6);
+    }
+    for (int i = 20; i >= 0; i--) {
+        if (RADIO_POWERS[i] <= pwr) {
+            pwr = i;
+            break;
+        }
+        if (i == 0) {
+            pwr = i;
+        }
+    }
+    logDebug("Session pwr: %d ant: %d max: %d", GetSettings()->Session.TxPower, GetSettings()->Network.AntennaGain, max_pwr);
+    logDebug("Radio Power index: %d output: %d total: %d", pwr, RADIO_POWERS[pwr], RADIO_POWERS[pwr] + GetSettings()->Network.AntennaGain);
+    uint32_t bw = txDr.Bandwidth;
+    uint32_t sf = txDr.SpreadingFactor;
+    uint8_t cr = txDr.Coderate;
+    uint8_t pl = txDr.PreambleLength;
+    uint16_t fdev = 0;
+    bool crc = txDr.Crc;
+    bool iq = txDr.TxIQ;
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.DisableCRC == true)
+        crc = false;
+    SxRadio::RadioModems_t modem = SxRadio::MODEM_LORA;
+    if (sf == SF_FSK) {
+        modem = SxRadio::MODEM_FSK;
+        sf = 50e3;
+        fdev = 25e3;
+        bw = 0;
+    }
+    GetRadio()->SetTxConfig(modem, pwr, fdev, bw, sf, cr, pl, false, crc, false, 0, iq, 3e3);
+    logDebug("TX PWR: %u DR: %u SF: %u BW: %u CR: %u PL: %u CRC: %d IQ: %d", pwr, txDr.Index, sf, bw, cr, pl, crc, iq);
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetRxConfig(uint8_t window, bool continuous) {
+    RxWindow rxw = GetRxWindow(window);
+    GetRadio()->SetChannel(rxw.Frequency);
+    Datarate rxDr = GetDatarate(rxw.DatarateIndex);
+    uint32_t bw = rxDr.Bandwidth;
+    uint32_t sf = rxDr.SpreadingFactor;
+    uint8_t cr = rxDr.Coderate;
+    uint8_t pl = rxDr.PreambleLength;
+    uint16_t sto = rxDr.SymbolTimeout();
+    uint32_t afc = 0;
+    bool crc = false; // downlink does not use CRC according to LORAWAN
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.DisableCRC == true)
+        crc = false;
+    Datarate txDr = GetDatarate(GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate);
+    bool iq = txDr.RxIQ;
+    if (P2PEnabled()) {
+        iq = txDr.TxIQ;
+    }
+    SxRadio::RadioModems_t modem = SxRadio::MODEM_LORA;
+    if (sf == SF_FSK) {
+        modem = SxRadio::MODEM_FSK;
+        sf = 50e3;
+        cr = 0;
+        bw = 50e3;
+        afc = 83333;
+        iq = false;
+        crc = true;  // FSK must use CRC
+    }
+    // Disable printf's to actually receive packets, printing to debug may mess up the timing
+    // logTrace("Configure radio for RX%d on freq: %lu", window, rxw.Frequency);
+    // logTrace("RX SF: %u BW: %u CR: %u PL: %u STO: %u CRC: %d IQ: %d", sf, bw, cr, pl, sto, crc, iq);
+    GetRadio()->SetRxConfig(modem, bw, sf, cr, afc, pl, sto, false, 0, crc, false, 0, iq, continuous);
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::AddChannel(int8_t index, Channel channel) {
+    logTrace("Add Channel %d : %lu : %02x %d", index, channel.Frequency, channel.DrRange.Value, _channels.size());
+    assert(index < (int) _channels.size());
+    if (index >= 0) {
+        _channels[index] = channel;
+    } else {
+        _channels.push_back(channel);
+    }
+    return LORA_OK;
+Channel ChannelPlan_AU915::GetChannel(int8_t index) {
+    Channel chan;
+    memset(&chan, 0, sizeof(Channel));
+    if (_channels.size() > 0) {
+        chan = _channels[index];
+    } else {
+        if (index < 64) {
+            chan.Index = index;
+            chan.DrRange.Fields.Min = _minDatarate;
+            chan.DrRange.Fields.Max = _maxDatarate - 1;
+            chan.Frequency = _freqUBase125k + (_freqUStep125k * index);
+        } else if (index < 72) {
+            chan.Index = index;
+            chan.DrRange.Fields.Min = _maxDatarate;
+            chan.DrRange.Fields.Max = _maxDatarate;
+            chan.Frequency = _freqUBase500k + (_freqUStep500k * (index - 64));
+        }
+    }
+    return chan;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::SetFrequencySubBand(uint8_t sub_band) {
+    _txFrequencySubBand = sub_band;
+    if (sub_band > 0) {
+        SetChannelMask(0, 0x0000);
+        SetChannelMask(1, 0x0000);
+        SetChannelMask(2, 0x0000);
+        SetChannelMask(3, 0x0000);
+        SetChannelMask(4, 0x0000);
+        SetChannelMask((sub_band - 1) / 2, (sub_band % 2) ? 0x00FF : 0xFF00);
+        SetChannelMask(4, 1 << (sub_band - 1));
+    } else {
+        SetChannelMask(0, 0xFFFF);
+        SetChannelMask(1, 0xFFFF);
+        SetChannelMask(2, 0xFFFF);
+        SetChannelMask(3, 0xFFFF);
+        SetChannelMask(4, 0x00FF);
+    }
+    return LORA_OK;
+void ChannelPlan_AU915::LogRxWindow(uint8_t wnd) {
+    RxWindow rxw = GetRxWindow(wnd);
+    Datarate rxDr = GetDatarate(rxw.DatarateIndex);
+    uint8_t bw = rxDr.Bandwidth;
+    uint8_t sf = rxDr.SpreadingFactor;
+    uint8_t cr = rxDr.Coderate;
+    uint8_t pl = rxDr.PreambleLength;
+    uint16_t sto = rxDr.SymbolTimeout();
+    bool crc = false; // downlink does not use CRC according to LORAWAN
+    bool iq = GetTxDatarate().RxIQ;
+    logTrace("RX%d on freq: %lu", wnd, rxw.Frequency);
+    logTrace("RX DR: %u SF: %u BW: %u CR: %u PL: %u STO: %u CRC: %d IQ: %d", rxDr.Index, sf, bw, cr, pl, sto, crc, iq);
+RxWindow ChannelPlan_AU915::GetRxWindow(uint8_t window) {
+    RxWindow rxw;
+    int index = 0;
+    if (P2PEnabled()) {
+        rxw.Frequency = GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency;
+        index = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate;
+    } else {
+        if (window == 1) {
+            if (_txChannel < _numChans125k) {
+                if (GetSettings()->Network.Mode == PUBLIC) {
+                    rxw.Frequency = _freqDBase500k + (_txChannel % 8) * _freqDStep500k;
+                } else {
+                    rxw.Frequency = _freqDBase500k + (_txChannel / 8) * _freqDStep500k;
+                }
+            } else
+                rxw.Frequency = _freqDBase500k + (_txChannel - _numChans125k) * _freqDStep500k;
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate <= DR_6) {
+                index = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate + 10 - GetSettings()->Session.Rx1DatarateOffset;
+                if (index < DR_8)
+                    index = DR_8;
+                if (index > DR_13)
+                    index = DR_13;
+            } else if (GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate >= DR_8) {
+                index = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate - GetSettings()->Session.Rx1DatarateOffset;
+                if (index < DR_8)
+                    index = DR_8;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (GetSettings()->Network.Mode == PUBLIC) {
+                rxw.Frequency = GetSettings()->Session.Rx2Frequency;
+            } else {
+                if (_txChannel < 64)
+                    rxw.Frequency = _freqDBase500k + (_txChannel / 8) * _freqDStep500k;
+                else
+                    rxw.Frequency = _freqDBase500k + (_txChannel % 8) * _freqDStep500k;
+            }
+            index = GetSettings()->Session.Rx2DatarateIndex;
+        }
+    }
+    rxw.DatarateIndex = index;
+    return rxw;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandleRxParamSetup(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) {
+    status = 0x07;
+    int8_t datarate = 0;
+    int8_t drOffset = 0;
+    uint32_t freq = 0;
+    drOffset = payload[index++];
+    datarate = drOffset & 0x0F;
+    drOffset = (drOffset >> 4) & 0x07;
+    freq = payload[index++];
+    freq |= payload[index++] << 8;
+    freq |= payload[index++] << 16;
+    freq *= 100;
+    if (!CheckRfFrequency(freq)) {
+        logInfo("Freq KO");
+        status &= 0xFE; // Channel frequency KO
+    }
+    if (datarate < _minRx2Datarate || datarate > _maxRx2Datarate) {
+        logInfo("DR KO");
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
+    }
+    if (drOffset < 0 || drOffset > _maxDatarateOffset) {
+        logInfo("DR Offset KO");
+        status &= 0xFB; // Rx1DrOffset range KO
+    }
+    if ((status & 0x07) == 0x07) {
+        logInfo("RxParamSetup accepted Rx2DR: %d Rx2Freq: %d Rx1Offset: %d", datarate, freq, drOffset);
+        SetRx2DatarateIndex(datarate);
+        SetRx2Frequency(freq);
+        SetRx1Offset(drOffset);
+    } else {
+        logInfo("RxParamSetup rejected Rx2DR: %d Rx2Freq: %d Rx1Offset: %d", datarate, freq, drOffset);
+    }
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandleNewChannel(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) {
+    // Not Supported in AU915
+    status = 0;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandlePingSlotChannelReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) {
+    lora::CopyFreqtoInt(payload + index, _beaconRxChannel.Frequency);
+    index += 3;
+    if (_beaconRxChannel.Frequency != 0) {
+        _beaconRxChannel.DrRange.Value = payload[index];
+    } else {
+        // TODO: set to default beacon rx channel
+    }
+    status = 0x03;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandleBeaconFrequencyReq(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) {
+    status = 0x03;
+    Channel chParam;
+    // Skip channel index
+    index++;
+    lora::CopyFreqtoInt(payload + index, chParam.Frequency);
+    index += 3;
+    chParam.DrRange.Value = payload[index++];
+    if (!GetRadio()->CheckRfFrequency(chParam.Frequency)) {
+        status &= 0xFE; // Channel frequency KO
+    }
+    if (chParam.DrRange.Fields.Min < chParam.DrRange.Fields.Max) {
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate range KO
+    } else if (chParam.DrRange.Fields.Min < _minDatarate || chParam.DrRange.Fields.Min > _maxDatarate) {
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate range KO
+    } else if (chParam.DrRange.Fields.Max < _minDatarate || chParam.DrRange.Fields.Max > _maxDatarate) {
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate range KO
+    }
+    if ((status & 0x03) == 0x03) {
+        _beaconChannel = chParam;
+    }
+    if (_beaconChannel.Frequency == 0) {
+        // TODO: Set to default
+    }
+    status = 0x01;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::HandleAdrCommand(const uint8_t* payload, uint8_t index, uint8_t size, uint8_t& status) {
+    uint8_t power = 0;
+    uint8_t datarate = 0;
+    uint16_t mask = 0;
+    uint8_t ctrl = 0;
+    uint8_t nbRep = 0;
+    status = 0x07;
+    datarate = payload[index++];
+    power = datarate & 0x0F;
+    datarate = (datarate >> 4) & 0x0F;
+    mask = payload[index++];
+    mask |= payload[index++] << 8;
+    nbRep = payload[index++];
+    ctrl = (nbRep >> 4) & 0x07;
+    nbRep &= 0x0F;
+    if (nbRep == 0) {
+        nbRep = 1;
+    }
+    if (datarate > _maxDatarate) {
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
+    }
+    //
+    // Remark MaxTxPower = 0 and MinTxPower = 10
+    //
+    if (power < 0 || power > 10) {
+        status &= 0xFB; // TxPower KO
+    }
+    switch (ctrl) {
+        case 0:
+        case 1:
+        case 2:
+        case 3:
+        case 4:
+            SetChannelMask(ctrl, mask);
+            break;
+        case 6:
+            // enable all 125 kHz channels
+            SetChannelMask(0, 0xFFFF);
+            SetChannelMask(1, 0xFFFF);
+            SetChannelMask(2, 0xFFFF);
+            SetChannelMask(3, 0xFFFF);
+            SetChannelMask(4, mask);
+            break;
+        case 7:
+            // disable all 125 kHz channels
+            SetChannelMask(0, 0x0);
+            SetChannelMask(1, 0x0);
+            SetChannelMask(2, 0x0);
+            SetChannelMask(3, 0x0);
+            SetChannelMask(4, mask);
+            break;
+        default:
+            logWarning("rejecting RFU or unknown control value %d", ctrl);
+            status &= 0xFE; // ChannelMask KO
+            return LORA_ERROR;
+    }
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.ADREnabled) {
+        GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate = datarate;
+        GetSettings()->Session.TxPower = TX_POWERS[power];
+        GetSettings()->Session.Redundancy = nbRep;
+    } else {
+        logDebug("ADR is disabled, DR and Power not changed.");
+        status &= 0xFB; // TxPower KO
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
+    }
+    logDebug("ADR DR: %u PWR: %u Ctrl: %02x Mask: %04x NbRep: %u Stat: %02x", datarate, power, ctrl, mask, nbRep, status);
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::ValidateAdrConfiguration() {
+    uint8_t status = 0x07;
+    uint8_t chans_enabled = 0;
+    uint8_t datarate = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate;
+    uint8_t power = GetSettings()->Session.TxPower;
+    if (!GetSettings()->Network.ADREnabled) {
+        logDebug("ADR disabled - no applied changes to validate");
+        return status;
+    }
+    if (datarate > _maxDatarate) {
+        logWarning("ADR Datarate KO - outside allowed range");
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
+    }
+    if (power < _minTxPower || power > _maxTxPower) {
+        logWarning("ADR TX Power KO - outside allowed range");
+        status &= 0xFB; // TxPower KO
+    }
+    // at least 6 125kHz channels must be enabled
+    chans_enabled += CountBits(_channelMask[0]);
+    chans_enabled += CountBits(_channelMask[1]);
+    chans_enabled += CountBits(_channelMask[2]);
+    chans_enabled += CountBits(_channelMask[3]);
+    if (chans_enabled < 6) {
+        logWarning("ADR Channel Mask KO - at least 6 125kHz channels must be enabled");
+        status &= 0xFE; // ChannelMask KO
+    }
+    // if TXDR == 4 (SF8@500kHz) at least 1 500kHz channel must be enabled
+    if (datarate == DR_4 && (CountBits(_channelMask[4] & 0xFF) == 0)) {
+        logWarning("ADR Datarate KO - DR4 requires at least 1 500kHz channel enabled");
+        status &= 0xFD; // Datarate KO
+    }
+    return status;
+uint32_t ChannelPlan_AU915::GetTimeOffAir()
+    if (GetSettings()->Test.DisableDutyCycle == lora::ON)
+        return 0;
+    uint32_t min = 0;
+    uint32_t now = _dutyCycleTimer.read_ms();
+    if (GetSettings()->Session.AggregatedTimeOffEnd > 0 && GetSettings()->Session.AggregatedTimeOffEnd > now) {
+        min = std::max < uint32_t > (min, GetSettings()->Session.AggregatedTimeOffEnd - now);
+    }
+    now = time(NULL);
+    uint32_t join_time = 0;
+    if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt != 0 && now < GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd) {
+        join_time = (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd - now) * 1000;
+    }
+    min = std::max < uint32_t > (join_time, min);
+    return min;
+std::vector<uint32_t> lora::ChannelPlan_AU915::GetChannels() {
+    std::vector < uint32_t > chans;
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand > 0) {
+        uint8_t chans_per_group = 8;
+        size_t start = (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand - 1) * chans_per_group;
+        for (int8_t i = start; i < int8_t(start + chans_per_group); i++) {
+            chans.push_back(GetChannel(i).Frequency);
+        }
+        chans.push_back(GetChannel(_numChans125k + (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand - 1)).Frequency);
+        chans.push_back(GetRxWindow(2).Frequency);
+    } else {
+        for (int8_t i = 0; i < _numChans; i++) {
+            chans.push_back(GetChannel(i).Frequency);
+        }
+        chans.push_back(GetRxWindow(2).Frequency);
+    }
+    return chans;
+std::vector<uint8_t> lora::ChannelPlan_AU915::GetChannelRanges() {
+    std::vector < uint8_t > ranges;
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand > 0) {
+        uint8_t chans_per_group = 8;
+        size_t start = (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand - 1) * chans_per_group;
+        for (int8_t i = start; i < int8_t(start + chans_per_group); i++) {
+            ranges.push_back(GetChannel(i).DrRange.Value);
+        }
+        ranges.push_back(GetChannel(_numChans125k + (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand - 1)).DrRange.Value);
+        ranges.push_back(GetRxWindow(2).DatarateIndex);
+    } else {
+        for (int8_t i = 0; i < _numChans; i++) {
+            ranges.push_back(GetChannel(i).DrRange.Value);
+        }
+        ranges.push_back(GetRxWindow(2).DatarateIndex);
+    }
+    ranges.push_back(GetRxWindow(2).DatarateIndex);
+    return ranges;
+void lora::ChannelPlan_AU915::EnableDefaultChannels() {
+    SetFrequencySubBand(GetFrequencySubBand());
+uint8_t ChannelPlan_AU915::GetNextChannel()
+    if (GetSettings()->Session.AggregatedTimeOffEnd != 0) {
+    }
+    if (P2PEnabled() || GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency != 0) {
+        logDebug("Using frequency %d", GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency);
+        if (GetSettings()->Test.DisableDutyCycle != lora::ON) {
+            int8_t band = GetDutyBand(GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency);
+            logDebug("band: %d freq: %d", band, GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency);
+            if (band != -1 && _dutyBands[band].TimeOffEnd != 0) {
+                return LORA_NO_CHANS_ENABLED;
+            }
+        }
+        GetRadio()->SetChannel(GetSettings()->Network.TxFrequency);
+        return LORA_OK;
+    }
+    uint8_t start = 0;
+    uint8_t maxChannels = _numChans125k;
+    uint8_t nbEnabledChannels = 0;
+    uint8_t *enabledChannels = new uint8_t[maxChannels];
+    if (GetTxDatarate().Bandwidth == BW_500) {
+        maxChannels = _numChans500k;
+        start = _numChans125k;
+    }
+// Search how many channels are enabled
+    DatarateRange range;
+    uint8_t dr_index = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate;
+    uint32_t now = _dutyCycleTimer.read_ms();
+    for (size_t i = 0; i < _dutyBands.size(); i++) {
+        if (_dutyBands[i].TimeOffEnd < now || GetSettings()->Test.DisableDutyCycle == lora::ON) {
+            _dutyBands[i].TimeOffEnd = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    for (uint8_t i = start; i < start + maxChannels; i++) {
+        range = GetChannel(i).DrRange;
+        // logDebug("chan: %d freq: %d range:%02x", i, GetChannel(i).Frequency, range.Value);
+        if (IsChannelEnabled(i) && (dr_index >= range.Fields.Min && dr_index <= range.Fields.Max)) {
+            int8_t band = GetDutyBand(GetChannel(i).Frequency);
+            // logDebug("band: %d freq: %d", band, _channels[i].Frequency);
+            if (band != -1 && _dutyBands[band].TimeOffEnd == 0) {
+                enabledChannels[nbEnabledChannels++] = i;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (GetTxDatarate().Bandwidth == BW_500) {
+        _dutyBands[0].PowerMax = 26;
+    } else {
+        if (nbEnabledChannels < 50)
+            _dutyBands[0].PowerMax = 21;
+        else
+            _dutyBands[0].PowerMax = 30;
+    }
+    logTrace("Number of available channels: %d", nbEnabledChannels);
+    uint32_t freq = 0;
+    uint8_t sf = GetTxDatarate().SpreadingFactor;
+    uint8_t bw = GetTxDatarate().Bandwidth;
+    if (nbEnabledChannels == 0) {
+        delete [] enabledChannels;
+        return LORA_NO_CHANS_ENABLED;
+    }
+    if (GetSettings()->Network.CADEnabled) {
+        // Search for free channel with ms timeout
+        int16_t timeout = 10000;
+        Timer tmr;
+        tmr.start();
+        for (uint8_t j = rand_r(0, nbEnabledChannels - 1); tmr.read_ms() < timeout; j++) {
+            freq = GetChannel(enabledChannels[j]).Frequency;
+            if (GetRadio()->IsChannelFree(SxRadio::MODEM_LORA, freq, sf, thres, bw)) {
+                _txChannel = enabledChannels[j];
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        uint8_t j = rand_r(0, nbEnabledChannels - 1);
+        _txChannel = enabledChannels[j];
+        freq = GetChannel(_txChannel).Frequency;
+    }
+    assert(freq != 0);
+    logDebug("Using channel %d : %d", _txChannel, freq);
+    GetRadio()->SetChannel(freq);
+    delete [] enabledChannels;
+    return LORA_OK;
+uint8_t lora::ChannelPlan_AU915::GetJoinDatarate() {
+    uint8_t dr = GetSettings()->Session.TxDatarate;
+    if (GetSettings()->Test.DisableRandomJoinDatarate == lora::OFF) {
+        static bool altDatarate = false;
+        if (GetSettings()->Network.FrequencySubBand == 0) {
+            static uint16_t used_bands_125k = 0;
+            static uint16_t used_bands_500k = 0;
+            uint8_t frequency_sub_band = 0;
+            if (altDatarate) {
+                // 500k channel
+                if (CountBits(used_bands_500k) == 8) {
+                    used_bands_500k = 0;
+                }
+                while ((frequency_sub_band = rand_r(1, 8)) && (used_bands_500k & (1 << (frequency_sub_band - 1))) != 0)
+                    ;
+                used_bands_500k |= (1 << (frequency_sub_band - 1));
+            } else {
+                // 125k channel
+                if (CountBits(used_bands_125k) == 8) {
+                    used_bands_125k = 0;
+                }
+                while ((frequency_sub_band = rand_r(1, 8)) && (used_bands_125k & (1 << (frequency_sub_band - 1))) != 0)
+                    ;
+                used_bands_125k |= (1 << (frequency_sub_band - 1));
+            }
+            logWarning("JoinDatarate setting frequency sub band to %d 125k: %04x 500k: %04x", frequency_sub_band, used_bands_125k, used_bands_500k);
+            SetFrequencySubBand(frequency_sub_band);
+        }
+        if (altDatarate && CountBits(_channelMask[4] > 0)) {
+            dr = lora::DR_4;
+        } else {
+            dr = lora::DR_0;
+        }
+        altDatarate = !altDatarate;
+    }
+    return dr;
+uint8_t lora::ChannelPlan_AU915::CalculateJoinBackoff(uint8_t size) {
+    time_t now = time(NULL);
+    uint32_t time_on_max = 0;
+    static uint32_t time_off_max = 15;
+    uint32_t rand_time_off = 0;
+    static uint16_t join_cnt = 0;
+    // TODO: calc time-off-max based on RTC time from JoinFirstAttempt, time-off-max is lost over sleep
+    if ((time_t)GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd > now) {
+        return LORA_JOIN_BACKOFF;
+    }
+    uint32_t secs_since_first_attempt = (now - GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt);
+    uint16_t hours_since_first_attempt = secs_since_first_attempt / (60 * 60);
+    join_cnt = (join_cnt+1) % 16;
+    if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt == 0) {
+        /* 1 % duty-cycle for first hour
+         * 0.1 % next 10 hours
+         * 0.01 % upto 24 hours         */
+        GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt = now;
+        GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir += GetTimeOnAir(size);
+        GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = now + rand_r(GetSettings()->Network.JoinDelay + 2, GetSettings()->Network.JoinDelay + 3);
+    } else if (join_cnt == 0) {
+        if (hours_since_first_attempt < 1) {
+            time_on_max = 36000;
+            rand_time_off = rand_r(time_off_max - 1, time_off_max + 1);
+            // time off max 1 hour
+            time_off_max = std::min < uint32_t > (time_off_max * 2, 60 * 60);
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir < time_on_max) {
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir += GetTimeOnAir(size);
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = now + rand_time_off;
+            } else {
+                logWarning("Max time-on-air limit met for current join backoff period");
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt + 60 * 60;
+            }
+        } else if (hours_since_first_attempt < 11) {
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir < 36000) {
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir = 36000;
+            }
+            time_on_max = 72000;
+            rand_time_off = rand_r(time_off_max - 1, time_off_max + 1);
+            // time off max 1 hour
+            time_off_max = std::min < uint32_t > (time_off_max * 2, 60 * 60);
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir < time_on_max) {
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir += GetTimeOnAir(size);
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = now + rand_time_off;
+            } else {
+                logWarning("Max time-on-air limit met for current join backoff period");
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt + 11 * 60 * 60;
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir < 72000) {
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir = 72000;
+            }
+            uint32_t join_time = 2500;
+            // 16 join attempts is ~2754 ms, check if this is the third of the 24 hour period
+            time_on_max = 80700;
+            time_off_max = 1 * 60 * 60; // 1 hour
+            rand_time_off = rand_r(time_off_max - 1, time_off_max + 1);
+            if (GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir < time_on_max - join_time) {
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir += GetTimeOnAir(size);
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = now + rand_time_off;
+            } else {
+                logWarning("Max time-on-air limit met for current join backoff period");
+                // Reset the join time on air and set end of restriction to the next 24 hour period
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir = 72000;
+                uint16_t days = (now - GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt) / (24 * 60 * 60) + 1;
+                logWarning("days : %d", days);
+                GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = GetSettings()->Session.JoinFirstAttempt + ((days * 24) + 11) * 60 * 60;
+            }
+        }
+        logWarning("JoinBackoff: %lu seconds  Time On Air: %lu / %lu", GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd - now, GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir, time_on_max);
+    } else {
+        GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOnAir += GetTimeOnAir(size);
+        GetSettings()->Session.JoinTimeOffEnd = now + rand_r(GetSettings()->Network.JoinDelay + 2, GetSettings()->Network.JoinDelay + 3);
+    }
+    return LORA_OK;