Onboard temperature sensor sample for WIZnet IoT Shield

--- a/main.cpp	Thu Mar 21 07:51:49 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 25 10:11:25 2019 +0000
@@ -2,22 +2,22 @@
  * Copyright (c) 2019 WIZnet Co., Ltd.
  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- /* 
- * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
- * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
- * You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- *
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- *
- */
+* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+* You may obtain a copy of the License at
+*     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
 #include <string>
@@ -64,82 +64,33 @@
 /* Debug message settings */
 #define BG96_PARSER_DEBUG           DEBUG_DISABLE
-// Functions: Module Status
-void waitCatM1Ready(void);
-int8_t setEchoStatus_BG96(bool onoff);
-int8_t getUsimStatus_BG96(void);
-int8_t getNetworkStatus_BG96(void);
-int8_t checknSetApn_BG96(const char * apn);
-int8_t getFirmwareVersion_BG96(char * version);
-// Functions: PSM (Power Saving Mode)
-int8_t setPsmActivate_BG96(char * Requested_Periodic_TAU, char * Requested_Active_Time);
-int8_t setPsmDeactivate_BG96(void);
-int8_t getPsmSetting_BG96(bool * enable, int * Requested_Periodic_TAU, int * Requested_Active_Time);
-// Functions: Network time
-int8_t getNetworkTimeGMT_BG96(char * timestr);
-int8_t getNetworkTimeLocal_BG96(char * timestr);
-void setFlagGettime(void);
-void clearFlagGettime(void);
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // USB debug
-UARTSerial *_serial;        // Cat.M1 module    
-ATCmdParser *_parser;
+UARTSerial *_serial;        // Cat.M1 module
-Ticker flip;
+float val = 0;          // 온도 측정 값 넣을 변수
+float voltage = 0;    // 전압 계산 값 넣을 변수
+float celsius = 0;    // 섭씨 계산 값 넣을 변수
+float fahrenheit = 0; // 화씨 계산 값 넣을 변수
 bool flag_gettime = false;
+float getTemperature_F(float _celsius);
+float getTemperature_C(float _voltage);
 void serialPcInit(void)
     pc.format(8, Serial::None, 1);
-void serialDeviceInit(PinName tx, PinName rx, int baudrate) 
-    _serial = new UARTSerial(tx, rx, baudrate);    
-void serialAtParserInit(const char *delimiter, bool debug_en)
-    _parser = new ATCmdParser(_serial);    
-    _parser->debug_on(debug_en);
-    _parser->set_delimiter(delimiter);    
-    _parser->set_timeout(BG96_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);
-void catm1DeviceInit(void)
-    serialDeviceInit(   MBED_CONF_IOTSHIELD_CATM1_TX, 
-                        MBED_CONF_IOTSHIELD_CATM1_RX, 
-                        BG96_DEFAULT_BAUD_RATE);
-    serialAtParserInit( BG96_PARSER_DELIMITER, 
-                        BG96_PARSER_DEBUG);
-void catm1DeviceReset_BG96(void)
-    _RESET_BG96 = 1;
-    _PWRKEY_BG96 = 1;
-    wait_ms(300);
-    _RESET_BG96 = 0;
-    _PWRKEY_BG96 = 0;
-    wait_ms(400);
-    _RESET_BG96 = 1;    
-    wait_ms(1000);
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -148,401 +99,56 @@
 int main()
-    serialPcInit();    
-    catm1DeviceInit();
-    myprintf("Waiting for Cat.M1 Module Ready...\r\n");
-    catm1DeviceReset_BG96();
-    waitCatM1Ready();
-    wait_ms(5000);
+    serialPcInit();
     myprintf("System Init Complete\r\n");
     myprintf("WIZnet IoT Shield for Arm MBED");
     myprintf("LTE Cat.M1 Version");
-    myprintf(">> Target Board: WIoT-QC01 (Quectel BG96)");
-    myprintf(">> Sample Code: PSM (Power Saving Mode)");
+    myprintf(">> Sample Code: TEMP Test)");
-    setEchoStatus_BG96(OFF);
-    getUsimStatus_BG96();
-    getNetworkStatus_BG96();
-    checknSetApn_BG96(CATM1_APN_SKT);
-    Timer t;
-    float elapsed_time_sec = 0;       
-    bool psm_en = false;
-    int psm_tau = 0;
-    int psm_active = 0;
-    // PSM enable
-#if 0    
-    setPsmDeactivate_BG96();
-    if(getPsmSetting_BG96(&psm_en, &psm_tau, &psm_active) == RET_OK) {
-        if(psm_en != true) {
-            if(setPsmActivate_BG96("10100101", "00100100") == RET_OK) {
-                myprintf("Cat.M1 PSM enable, Device reboot");
-                // Cat.M1 reboot
-                catm1DeviceReset_BG96();
-                waitCatM1Ready();
-            } else {
-                myprintf("Cat.M1 PSM enable failed");
-            }            
-        }
-    }
-    myprintf("Cat.M1 PSM Config: %s, TAU time: %dsec, Active time: %dsec", psm_en?"Enabled":"Disabled", psm_tau, psm_active);
-    // Timer event callback       
-    flip.attach(callback(&setFlagGettime), 1.0);
+    while(1) {
+        // read the value from the sensor:
+        val = tempVal.read_u16()/100;
+        // 실제 전압 계산
+        // 0~5V의 값을 구하기 위해 아래와 같이 5를 곱하고 1024를 나눈다.
+        // (Analog값 * IC에 걸리는 전압 / Analog 10bit 분해능(1024))
+        // IC에 걸리는 전압은 측정기로 측정
-    while(1)
-    {
-        if(flag_gettime) {
-            char nettime[30] = {0, };
-            if(getNetworkTimeLocal_BG96(nettime) == RET_OK) {
-                if(elapsed_time_sec > 0) {
-                    t.stop();
-                    myprintf("Cat.M1 Active, Sleep time: %.2fsec", elapsed_time_sec);                    
-                    elapsed_time_sec = 0;   
-                }                
-                myprintf("%s", nettime);
-            } else {
-                if(elapsed_time_sec == 0) {                    
-                    t.start();         
-                    myprintf("%s", "Sleep Start");               
-                }
-                elapsed_time_sec = t.read();
-                myprintf("Cat.M1 PSM, %.2f", elapsed_time_sec);               
-            }
-            clearFlagGettime();
-        }
+        voltage = val * 4.95 / 1024;
+        celsius = getTemperature_C(voltage);
+        fahrenheit = getTemperature_F(celsius);
+        wait_ms(1000);
+        myprintf("[ Temperature Data ]");
+        myprintf("Sensor value : %.2f", val);
+        myprintf("Volt : %.2f mV", voltage);
+        myprintf("Celsius temp : %.2f C", celsius);
+        myprintf("Fahrenheit temp : %.2f F", fahrenheit);
+        wait_ms(1000);
-    /*    
-    // Set HTTP request URL
-    if(setHttpRequest_BG96(request_url, strlen(request_url)-1) != RET_OK) {   
-        myprintf("[HTTP] setHttpRequest failed\r\n");
-        while(1){;}
-    }
-    int http_response_code = 0;
-    int http_response_len = 0;
-    if(sendHttpRequest_BG96(20, &http_response_code, &http_response_len)) {
-        if(http_response_code == HTTP_STATUS_CODE_OK) {
-            myprintf("[HTTP] 200 OK, Response content length: %d\r\n", http_response_len);
-            char * http_buf;
-            http_buf = (char*)calloc(http_response_len+2, sizeof(char)); // memory allocation
-            if(getHttpResponse_BG96(20, http_buf, http_response_len+2)) {
-                dumpHttpRespones_BG96(http_buf);        
-            }
-            free(http_buf); // release
-            myprintf("[HTTP] getHttpResponse success\r\n");
-        } else {
-            myprintf("[HTTP] sendHttpRequest failed - HTTP response code: %d\r\n", http_response_code);
-        }
-    }
-    */
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Functions: Cat.M1 Status
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-void waitCatM1Ready(void)
-    while(1) 
-    {   
-        if(_parser->recv("RDY")) 
-        {
-            myprintf("BG96 ready\r\n");
-            return ;
-        }
-        else if(_parser->send("AT") && _parser->recv("OK"))
-        {
-            myprintf("BG96 already available\r\n");
-            return ;
-        }        
-    }        
-int8_t setEchoStatus_BG96(bool onoff)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    char _buf[10];        
-    sprintf((char *)_buf, "ATE%d", onoff);    
-    if(_parser->send(_buf) && _parser->recv("OK")) {        
-        devlog("Turn Echo %s success\r\n", onoff?"ON":"OFF");
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    } else { 
-        devlog("Turn Echo %s failed\r\n", onoff?"ON":"OFF");
-    }    
-    return ret;
-int8_t getUsimStatus_BG96(void)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    _parser->send("AT+CPIN?");    
-    if(_parser->recv("+CPIN: READY") && _parser->recv("OK")) {
-        devlog("USIM Status: READY\r\n");
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    } else { 
-        devlog("Retrieving USIM Status failed\r\n");        
-    }
-    return ret;
-int8_t getNetworkStatus_BG96(void)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;    
-    if(_parser->send("AT+QCDS") && _parser->recv("+QCDS: \"SRV\"") && _parser->recv("OK")) {
-        devlog("Network Status: attached\r\n");
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    } else if (_parser->send("AT+QCDS") && _parser->recv("+QCDS: \"LIMITED\"") && _parser->recv("OK")) {
-        devlog("Network Status: limited\r\n");
-        ret = RET_OK;    
-    } else { 
-        devlog("Network Status: Error\r\n");        
-    }
-    return ret;
-int8_t checknSetApn_BG96(const char * apn) // Configure Parameters of a TCP/IP Context
-    char resp_str[100];
-    uint16_t i = 0;
-    char * search_pt;
-    memset(resp_str, 0, sizeof(resp_str));
-    devlog("Checking APN...\r\n");
-    _parser->send("AT+QICSGP=1");
-    while(1)
-    {
-        _parser->read(&resp_str[i++], 1);        
-        search_pt = strstr(resp_str, "OK\r\n");
-        if (search_pt != 0)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    search_pt = strstr(resp_str, apn);
-    if (search_pt == 0)
-    {
-        devlog("Mismatched APN: %s\r\n", resp_str);
-        devlog("Storing APN %s...\r\n", apn);
-        if(!(_parser->send("AT+QICSGP=1,%d,\"%s\",\"\",\"\",0", BG96_APN_PROTOCOL, apn) && _parser->recv("OK")))
-        {
-            return RET_NOK; // failed
-        }
-    }    
-    devlog("APN Check Done\r\n");
-    return RET_OK;
-int8_t getFirmwareVersion_BG96(char * version)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    if(_parser->send("AT+QGMR") && _parser->recv("%s\n", version) && _parser->recv("OK"))
-    {           
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    } 
-    return ret;
-int8_t getImeiNumber_BG96(char * imei)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;    
-    if(_parser->send("AT+CGSN") && _parser->recv("%s\n", imei) && _parser->recv("OK"))
-    { 
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    } 
-    return ret;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Functions: Cat.M1 PSM activate / deactivate
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-int8_t setPsmActivate_BG96(char *Requested_Periodic_TAU, char *Requested_Active_Time)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    if (_parser->send("AT+CPSMS=1,,,\"%s\",\"%s\"", Requested_Periodic_TAU, Requested_Active_Time)
-        && _parser->recv("OK")) 
-    {
-        devlog("PSM activate success\r\n");
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int8_t setPsmDeactivate_BG96(void)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    if (_parser->send("AT+CPSMS=0") && _parser->recv("OK")) {
-        devlog("PSM deactivate success\r\n");
-    }
-    return ret;
-int8_t getPsmSetting_BG96(bool * enable, int * Requested_Periodic_TAU, int * Requested_Active_Time)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    int en = 0;
-    if (_parser->send("AT+QPSMS?") // BG96 only
-        && _parser->recv("+QPSMS: %d,,,\"%d\",\"%d\"", &en, Requested_Periodic_TAU, Requested_Active_Time)
-        && _parser->recv("OK")) 
-    {
-        if(en != 0) 
-            *enable = true;
-        else
-            *enable = false;
-        devlog("Get PSM setting success\r\n");
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    }
-    return ret;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Functions: Cat.M1 Network time
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-int8_t getNetworkTimeGMT_BG96(char * timestr)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    if (_parser->send("AT+QLTS=1") 
-        && _parser->recv("+QLTS: \"%[^\"]\"", timestr)
-        && _parser->recv("OK")) 
-    {
-        //devlog("Get current GMT time success\r\n");        
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    }
-    return ret;
-int8_t getNetworkTimeLocal_BG96(char * timestr)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    if (_parser->send("AT+QLTS=2") 
-        && _parser->recv("+QLTS: \"%[^\"]\"", timestr)
-        && _parser->recv("OK")) 
-    {
-        //devlog("Get current local time success\r\n");        
-        ret = RET_OK;
-    }
-    return ret;
-void setFlagGettime(void)
-    flag_gettime = true;
-void clearFlagGettime(void)
-    flag_gettime = false;
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-// Functions: Cat.M1 HTTP send & recv
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------
-int8_t setHttpRequest_BG96(char * req, int len)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;    
-    bool done = false;
-    _parser->set_timeout(BG96_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
-    _parser->send("AT+QHTTPURL=%d,%d", len, 5);    
-    if( !done && _parser->recv("CONNECT\r\n") )
-        done = (_parser->write(req, len) <= 0);
-        if( !done ) {        
-        done = (_parser->recv("OK"));        
-        if(done) {
-            devlog("Set HTTP request URL success: %s\r\n", req);
-            ret = RET_OK;
-        }
-    }
-    _parser->set_timeout(BG96_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); 
-    return ret;
-int8_t sendHttpRequest_BG96(int timeout, int * rsp_code, int * content_len)
+float getTemperature_F(float _celsius)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    int err;
-    _parser->set_timeout(BG96_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT + (timeout * 1000));
-    if( _parser->send("AT+QHTTPGET=%d", timeout) 
-        && _parser->recv("+QHTTPGET: %d,%d,%d\r\n", &err, rsp_code, content_len)
-        && (err == 0)) 
-    {        
-        devlog("The HTTP request is sent and the response is successful\r\n");        
-        ret = RET_OK;            
-    }    
-    _parser->set_timeout(BG96_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); 
-    return ret;
+    // 섭씨에서 화씨 환산 -> (화씨온도 = 섭씽온*9/5+32)
+    fahrenheit = celsius * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32.0;
+    return fahrenheit;
-int8_t getHttpResponse_BG96(int timeout, char * buf, int len)
+float getTemperature_C(float _voltage)
-    int8_t ret = RET_NOK;
-    bool done = false;
-    if( _parser->send("AT+QHTTPREAD=%d", timeout) && _parser->recv("CONNECT\r\n")) {
-        done = _parser->read(buf, len);
-    }
-    if(done) {
-        if( _parser->recv("OK") && _parser->recv("+QHTTPREAD: 0")) {
-            ret = RET_OK;
-        }
-    }            
-    return ret;
+    // LM35는 섭씨 1도당 10mV의 전위차를 갖는다.
+    // 센서핀의 전압이 0.28V라면 280mV이므로 온도는 28도씨.
+    // 100을 곱해서 섭씨 온도로 나타냄
+    celsius = voltage * 100.0;
+    return celsius;
-void dumpHttpRespones_BG96(char * buf)
-    myprintf("%s", buf);   