Test program for 20A 24V power stagefor sine commutation of BLDC motor. PID loop and communication will foolow

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 2:5eacc17e53eb:

// May 2013
// HJK Test PWM sine generator
// Reads 2 potmeter (value 0 to 1 float) and generates a sine wave with amplidute and freq.
// The resulting value is sent to Led 3 and PWM output 1

#include "mbed.h"
//#include "math.h"
//#include "Tables.cpp"

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
DigitalOut led1(LED1);  // main led
DigitalOut led2(LED2);  // Interrupt led
PwmOut led3(LED3), aPwm0(p21), aPwm1(p22), aPwm2(p23);

Ticker t;

//int SineTable tSineTable;
Timer tmr1;
AnalogIn AD1(p20), AD2(p19);

unsigned int ServoCnt =0, BackgrCnt =0, ServoTime =0; 
float Potm1, Potm2;
float Potm1Offset = 0.5;                // Center position is speed zero

int TableIndex0 =0, TableIndex1 =0, TableIndex2 =0;                         // Index in sine table 
float fTableIndex0 =0, fTableIndex1 =0,  fTableIndex2 =0, SpeedIndex =0;           // Speedindex is calculated dependinding on cycle speed. fTableIndex0 is the floating point index progressing 

int SineOut0, SineOut1, SineOut2;       // The Sine output values
float mSineOut0, mSineOut1, mSineOut2;  // The multiplied Sine output values
float MotorSpeed, CycleSpeed;           // Motor speed in cycles per second derived from potm1
float MaxMotorSpeed = 10;
float MaxCycleSpeed = 10;

int Rti_us = 100000;                     // Real time interrupt time in us
float Rti_sec = 0.33;                    // The cycle time

// Change PWM freq HERE
int PwmTime_us = 50, PwmPulsWidth0 = 0, PwmPulsWidth1 = 0, PwmPulsWidth2 = 0;  // Reference time Pwm and actual puls time
//int PwmTime_us = 10000, PwmPulsWidth0 = 0, PwmPulsWidth1 = 0, PwmPulsWidth2 = 0;  // Reference time Pwm and actual puls time
int Sin1Offset = 120, Sin2Offset = 240;  // Offsets for two other phase outputs

int SineTable[360] = {0, 17, 35, 52, 70, 87, 105, 122, 139, 156 
,174, 191, 208, 225, 242, 259, 276, 292, 309, 326 
,342, 358, 375, 391, 407, 423, 438, 454, 469, 485 
,500, 515, 530, 545, 559, 574, 588, 602, 616, 629 
,643, 656, 669, 682, 695, 707, 719, 731, 743, 755 
,766, 777, 788, 799, 809, 819, 829, 839, 848, 857 
,866, 875, 883, 891, 899, 906, 914, 921, 927, 934 
,940, 946, 951, 956, 961, 966, 970, 974, 978, 982 
,985, 988, 990, 993, 995, 996, 998, 999, 999, 1000 
,1000, 1000, 999, 999, 998, 996, 995, 993, 990, 988 
,985, 982, 978, 974, 970, 966, 961, 956, 951, 946 
,940, 934, 927, 921, 914, 906, 899, 891, 883, 875 
,866, 857, 848, 839, 829, 819, 809, 799, 788, 777 
,766, 755, 743, 731, 719, 707, 695, 682, 669, 656 
,643, 629, 616, 602, 588, 574, 559, 545, 530, 515 
,500, 485, 469, 454, 438, 423, 407, 391, 375, 358 
,342, 326, 309, 292, 276, 259, 242, 225, 208, 191 
,174, 156, 139, 122, 105, 87, 70, 52, 35, 17 
,0, -17, -35, -52, -70, -87, -105, -122, -139, -156 
,-174, -191, -208, -225, -242, -259, -276, -292, -309, -326 
,-342, -358, -375, -391, -407, -423, -438, -454, -469, -485 
,-500, -515, -530, -545, -559, -574, -588, -602, -616, -629 
,-643, -656, -669, -682, -695, -707, -719, -731, -743, -755 
,-766, -777, -788, -799, -809, -819, -829, -839, -848, -857 
,-866, -875, -883, -891, -899, -906, -914, -921, -927, -934 
,-940, -946, -951, -956, -961, -966, -970, -974, -978, -982 
,-985, -988, -990, -993, -995, -996, -998, -999, -999, -1000 
,-1000, -1000, -999, -999, -998, -996, -995, -993, -990, -988 
,-985, -982, -978, -974, -970, -966, -961, -956, -951, -946 
,-940, -934, -927, -921, -914, -906, -899, -891, -883, -875 
,-866, -857, -848, -839, -829, -819, -809, -799, -788, -777 
,-766, -755, -743, -731, -719, -707, -695, -682, -669, -656 
,-643, -629, -616, -602, -588, -574, -559, -545, -530, -515 
,-500, -485, -469, -454, -438, -423, -407, -391, -375, -358 
,-342, -326, -309, -292, -276, -259, -242, -225, -208, -191 
,-174, -156, -139, -122, -105, -87, -70, -52, -35, -17 

// A class for flip()-ing a DigitalOut 
class Flipper {
    Flipper(PinName pin) : _pin(pin) {
        _pin = 0;
    void flip() 
    {int starttime, endtime;
        starttime = tmr1.read_us();         // Measure time 1
        Potm1 = AD1.read(); Potm2 = AD2.read();  // Get potmeters
   //     led3.pulsewidth_us(Potm1 * PwmTime_us);     // Set duty cycle for LED
        CycleSpeed = (Potm1 - Potm1Offset) * 30 * MaxCycleSpeed;  // Potmeter -0.5 to +0.5
        SpeedIndex = CycleSpeed;
        fTableIndex0 = fTableIndex0 + SpeedIndex;
        fTableIndex1 = fTableIndex0+120;    // calculate offset angles other two phases
        fTableIndex2 = fTableIndex1+120;
        while (fTableIndex0 < 0) { fTableIndex0 += 360; };           // Caclulate modulo 360 index Ph0
        while (fTableIndex0 > 359) { fTableIndex0 -= 360; };
     //   fTableIndex1 = fTableIndex1 % 359;
        while (fTableIndex1 < 0) { fTableIndex1 += 360; };           // Caclulate modulo 360 index ph1
        while (fTableIndex1 > 359) { fTableIndex1 -= 360; };
        while (fTableIndex2 < 0) { fTableIndex2 += 359; };           // Caclulate modulo 360 index ph2
        while (fTableIndex2 > 359) { fTableIndex2 -= 360; };
        TableIndex0 = std::floor(fTableIndex0);
        TableIndex1 = std::floor(fTableIndex1); 
        TableIndex2 = std::floor(fTableIndex2);

        SineOut0 = SineTable[TableIndex0];   // Get sine value from table  ph0
        mSineOut0 = SineOut0 * Potm2;        // Multiply sine with potmeter
        SineOut1 = SineTable[TableIndex1];   // Get sine value from table  ph1
        mSineOut1 = SineOut1 * Potm2;        // Multiply sine with potmeter
        SineOut2 = SineTable[TableIndex2];   // Get sine value from table  ph2
        mSineOut2 = SineOut2 * Potm2;        // Multiply sine with potmeter
//        PwmPulsWidth = PwmTime_us * TableIndex0/360;
        PwmPulsWidth0 = PwmTime_us * (mSineOut0 + 1000) /2000;   // output based on sine table via degree index multiplied by potm2 and offset 50% 
        PwmPulsWidth1 = PwmTime_us * (mSineOut1 + 1000) /2000;   // output based on sine table via degree index multiplied by potm2 and offset 50%
        PwmPulsWidth2 = PwmTime_us * (mSineOut2 + 1000) /2000;   // output based on sine table via degree index multiplied by potm2 and offset 50%
        aPwm0.pulsewidth_us(PwmPulsWidth0);    // Set DC amp out 0
        aPwm1.pulsewidth_us(PwmPulsWidth1);    // Set DC amp out 0
        aPwm2.pulsewidth_us(PwmPulsWidth2);    // Set DC amp out 0
        //aPwm0.pulsewidth_us(Potm1 * PwmTime_us);    // Set DC amp out 0
     //   led3.pulsewidth_us(0.4 * PwmTime_us);     // Set duty cycle for LED
        led3.pulsewidth_us(PwmPulsWidth0);     // Set duty cycle for LED
    //    led3.pulsewidth_us(Potm1 * PwmTime_us);     // Set duty cycle for LED
     //   TableIndex0 = ceil(Potm1 * 359);
        SineOut0 = SineTable[TableIndex0];   // Get sine value from table
        mSineOut0 = SineOut0 * Potm2;        // Multiply sine with potmeter
        ServoCnt++;                         // Servo counter
        if ((ServoCnt % 10) == 0) {_pin = !_pin;};     // toggle led 2

        endtime = tmr1.read_us();           // Measure time 2
        ServoTime = endtime - starttime;
    DigitalOut _pin;

Flipper f(LED2);

// Init program
void DoInit(void) {
  //  Rti_sec = Rti_us / 1000000;
    t.attach_us(&f, &Flipper::flip, Rti_us); // the address of the object, member function, and interval
//    t.attach_us(&f, &Flipper::flip, 25); // the address of the object, member function, and interval
                                            // 25 us = 40kHz
//    led3 = 1;
    led3.period_us(PwmTime_us);            // Set the period to 10mS = 100Hz
//    aPwm0.period_us(PwmTime_us);    // Set the period for the pwm output to amplifier
//    aPwm1.period_us(PwmTime_us);    // Set the period for the pwm output to amplifier
//    aPwm2.period_us(PwmTime_us);    // Set the period for the pwm output to amplifier

    pc.printf("The Init time was %f seconds, Cycletime: %f\n\r", tmr1.read(), Rti_sec);
  //  Return 0;

int main() {

    while(1) {
        led1 = 1;
        led1 = 0;
        pc.printf("Servotm: %i, ServoCnt: %i , BackgrCnt: %i , Potm1: %.2f, Potm2: %.2f \r",
         ServoTime, ServoCnt, BackgrCnt, Potm1, Potm2);
        pc.printf("TableIndex0 :%i, TableIndex0 :%i, TableIndex0 :%i, SineOut0: %i , mSineOut0: %.2f, mSineOut1: %.2f, mSineOut2: %.2f \r",
         ServoTime, TableIndex0, TableIndex1, TableIndex2, SineOut0, mSineOut0, mSineOut1 , mSineOut2  );
        pc.printf("CycleSpeed: %.2f, fTableIndex0: %.2f, fTableIndex1: %.2f, fTableIndex2: %.2f  \r",
         CycleSpeed, fTableIndex0,  fTableIndex1, fTableIndex2);
        pc.printf("PwmPulsWidth0: %i, PwmPulsWidth1: %i ,, PwmPulsWidth2: %i \r\r",
         PwmPulsWidth0, PwmPulsWidth1, PwmPulsWidth2 );