Brought over the files from the Freescale site and modified for mbed.

This code is only partially working for me. Not every download seems to be successful on Mac OS X. I just took the example files and hacked them around to get it working with mbed. If you want working code I think Erik Olieman's SLCD project is probably a better source.


//KL46Z try out
#include "mbed.h"
#include "TSISensor.h"
#include "MMA8451Q.h"
#include "MAG3110.h"
#include "vfnLCD.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

TSISensor tsi;
MMA8451Q acc51(PTE25, PTE24, 0x1D<<1);
MAG3110 mag(PTE25, PTE24, 0x0E<<1);
vfnLCD lcd;

PwmOut rled(PTE29);
PwmOut gled(PTD5);
AnalogIn lightSensor(PTE22);
//DigitalIn SW1(PTC3);
//DigitalIn SW3(PTC12);
//AnalogOut lcd03(PTB23);
//PwmOut lcd07(PTB7);

char chBufDisp[10];

int main()
    using namespace std;

    float onTime = 1.0;
    float offTime = 0.0;
    float holdTime = 1.0;
    bool on = true;
    bool off = false;
    int magX = 0, magY = 0, magZ = 0;
    int count=100;
    uint8_t message[]="1234";

    while(true) {  
        cout << "I'm alive and running\n\r";              
        rled = onTime - abs(acc51.getAccX());
        gled = onTime - abs(acc51.getAccY());
        mag.getValues(&magX, &magY, &magZ);
        cout << "MMA8451: " << acc51.getAccX() << "\t" << acc51.getAccY() << "\t" << acc51.getAccZ() << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "MAG3110: " << magX << "\t" << magY << "\t" << magZ << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "MAG3110: " << mag.getHeading() << "\n\r" << endl;
        rled = tsi.readPercentage();
        gled = tsi.readPercentage();
        cout << "Touch: " << tsi.readPercentage() << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "SW1: " << SW1 << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "SW3: " << SW3 << "\n\r" << endl;
        cout << "Light Sensor: " << lightSensor << "\n\r" << endl;
        lcd.vfnLCD_Write_Msg((uint8_t *)chBufDisp);
        if (count>9999) count=0;
    return 0;

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/vfnLCD.cpp	Mon Jan 13 22:32:43 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,588 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "vfnLCD.h"
+#include "LCDConfig.h"
+/*used to indicate in which position of the LCD is the next character to write */
+static uint8_t bLCD_CharPosition;
+uint8_t lcd_alternate_mode;  //this variable must be 0 or 4 
+uint8_t bflgLCD_Scroll = 0x01;
+extern const uint32_t *LCD_TO_PORT[];
+extern const uint32_t MASK_BIT[32];
+char lcdBuffer[32]; // used for temporary storage for formating strings
+local functions
+void vfnLCD_Init(void);
+void vfnEnablePins(void);  // Pin Enable/ BPEN / COM configurations
+void vfnSetBackplanes(void); // reconfigure COM to default values
+void vfnBP_VScroll(int8_t scroll_count);
+void vfnLCD_Home (void);
+void vfnLCD_Contrast (uint8_t lbContrast);
+void vfnLCD_Write_MsgPlace (uint8_t *lbpMessage, uint8_t lbSize );
+void vfnLCD_Write_Msg (uint8_t *lbpMessage);
+void vfnLCD_All_Segments_ON (void);    
+void vfnLCD_All_Segments_Char (uint8_t val);
+void vfnLCD_All_Segments_OFF (void);
+void vfnLCD_Write_Char (uint8_t lbValue);  // This function is dependent on the LCD panel
+void PutPoint(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
+void ClrPoint(uint8_t x, uint8_t y);
+void SetX(uint8_t x, uint8_t value);
+void lcd_pinmux(uint8_t  mux_val);
+void vfnLCD_interrupt_init(void);
+void vfnLCD_isrv(void);
+void print_slcd_registers(void)
+ // printf("\n\r LCD_GCR ");
+    printf("\n\r LCD_GCR = %i",LCD_GCR);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_AR = %i",LCD_AR);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_FDCR = %i",LCD_FDCR);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_FDSR = %i",LCD_FDSR);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_PENL = %i",LCD_PENL);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_PENH = %i",LCD_PENH);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_BPENL = %i",LCD_BPENL);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_BPENH = %i",LCD_BPENH);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF3TO0 = %i",LCD_WF3TO0);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF7TO4 = %i",LCD_WF7TO4);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF11TO8 = %i",LCD_WF11TO8);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF15TO12 = %i",LCD_WF15TO12);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF19TO16 = %i",LCD_WF19TO16);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF23TO20 = %i",LCD_WF23TO20);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF27TO24 = %i",LCD_WF27TO24);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF31TO28 = %i",LCD_WF31TO28);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF35TO32 = %i",LCD_WF35TO32);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF39TO36 = %i",LCD_WF39TO36);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF43TO40 = %i",LCD_WF43TO40);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF47TO44 = %i",LCD_WF47TO44);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF51TO48 = %i",LCD_WF51TO48);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF55TO52 = %i",LCD_WF55TO52);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF59TO56 = %i",LCD_WF59TO56);
+   printf("\n\r LCD_WF63TO60 = %i",LCD_WF63TO60);
+vfnLCD::vfnLCD() {
+     //* configure pins for LCD operation    
+  PORTC->PCR[20] = 0x00000000;     //VLL2
+  PORTC->PCR[21] = 0x00000000;     //VLL1
+  PORTC->PCR[22] = 0x00000000;     //VCAP2
+  PORTC->PCR[23] = 0x00000000;     //VCAP1
+     // Enable IRCLK 
+     MCG->C2 &= ~MCG_C2_IRCS_MASK ;  //0 32KHZ internal reference clock; 1= 4MHz irc
+     vfnLCD_interrupt_init();       
+     LCD->GCR = 0x0;
+     LCD->AR  = 0x0;
+ //    lcd_pinmux(0); 
+/* LCD configurartion according to */     
+                   | LCD_GCR_RVTRIM(_LCDRVTRIM)    //0-15
+                   | LCD_GCR_CPSEL_MASK*_LCDCPSEL 
+                   | LCD_GCR_LADJ(_LCDLOADADJUST)     //0-3*/
+                   | LCD_GCR_VSUPPLY_MASK*_LCDSUPPLY  //0-1*/
+                   |!LCD_GCR_FDCIEN_MASK
+                   | LCD_GCR_ALTDIV(_LCDALTDIV)  //0-3
+                   |!LCD_GCR_LCDDOZE_MASK  
+                   |!LCD_GCR_LCDSTP_MASK
+                   | LCD_GCR_LCLK(_LCDLCK)   //0-7
+                   | LCD_GCR_DUTY(_LCDDUTY)   //0-7
+                 );    
+      lcd_alternate_mode = LCD_NORMAL_MODE;          //Message will be written to default backplanes  if = 4
+      vfnEnablePins();         // Enable LCD pins and Configure BackPlanes
+   /*   LCD_GCR |= LCD_GCR_LCDIEN_MASK;    // Enable interrupts */
+   /* Configure LCD Auxiliar Register*/   
+      LCD->AR  = LCD_AR_BRATE(_LCDBLINKRATE); // all other flags set as zero
+     // print_slcd_registers();
+/* Enable pins according  WF_ORDERING_TABLE, BP_ORDERING_TABLE
+ //Enable the LCD module frontplane waveform output (FP[39:0])
+  void vfnLCD::vfnEnablePins (void)
+  {
+   uint8_t i;
+   uint32_t *p_pen;
+   uint8_t pen_offset;   // 0 or 1   
+   uint8_t pen_bit;      //0 to 31
+   LCD->PEN[0]= 0x00;
+   LCD->PEN[1] = 0x0;
+   LCD->BPEN[0] = 0x00;
+   LCD->BPEN[1] = 0x00;
+   p_pen = (uint32_t *)LCD->PEN;
+    for (i=0;i<_LCDUSEDPINS;i++) 
+    {
+      pen_offset = WF_ORDERING_TABLE[i]/32;
+      pen_bit    = WF_ORDERING_TABLE[i]%32;
+      p_pen[pen_offset] |= MASK_BIT[pen_bit];
+      if (i>= _LCDFRONTPLANES)    // Pin is a backplane
+      {
+        p_pen[pen_offset+2] |= MASK_BIT[pen_bit];  // Enable  BPEN 
+        LCD->WF8B[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[i]] = MASK_BIT[i - _LCDFRONTPLANES];   // fill with 0x01, 0x02, etc 
+      } 
+    }
+  }
+  Fill Backplanes with normal mask for  0x01, 0x02,  according to BP_ORDERING_TABLE;
+void vfnLCD::vfnSetBackplanes(void)
+ {
+   uint8_t i;
+   for (i=0;i<_LCDBACKPLANES;i++)
+   {
+   }  
+  };
+ /*
+ rotate Backplanes  scroll_y units
+   if scroll_y>0  rotate to the right
+   if scroll_y<0  rotate to the left
+   if scroll_y=0  set normal configuration
+void vfnLCD::vfnBP_VScroll(int8_t scroll_count)
+ {
+   uint8_t bp_count;
+   if (scroll_count != 0)
+   {  
+    for (bp_count=0;bp_count< _LCDBACKPLANES; bp_count++)
+    {
+       if (scroll_count>0)
+         LCD->WF8B[0]=((uint8_t)WF_ORDERING_TABLE[_LCDFRONTPLANES +bp_count]);
+      else   //(scroll_count<0)
+        { 
+           LCD->WF8B[0]=((uint8_t)WF_ORDERING_TABLE[_LCDFRONTPLANES +bp_count]);       
+        }
+    }  
+   }
+    else vfnSetBackplanes(); 
+  }
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Home (void)
+ {
+      bLCD_CharPosition =  0;
+ }
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Contrast (uint8_t lbContrast)
+       lbContrast &= 0x0F;                                               //Forced to the only values accepted 
+       LCD->GCR |= LCD_GCR_RVTRIM(lbContrast);
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Write_MsgPlace (uint8_t *lbpMessage, uint8_t lbSize )
+ {
+          if (lbSize > _CHARNUM)
+          {
+               vfnLCD_Scroll(lbpMessage, lbSize);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            do
+            {
+                    vfnLCD_Write_Char (*lbpMessage);
+                    lbpMessage ++;     
+             }while (--lbSize);
+          }
+ }
+ /*
+ vfnLCD_Write_Msg.  Display a Message starting at the first character of display
+   until _CHARNUM  or End of string.
+ */
+void  vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Write_Msg (uint8_t *lbpMessage) {
+  uint8_t lbSize      = 0;          
+  bLCD_CharPosition = 0;  //Home display
+  while (lbSize<_CHARNUM && *lbpMessage!='\0') {
+    vfnLCD_Write_Char(*lbpMessage++);
+    lbSize++;     
+  }
+  if (lbSize<_CHARNUM) {
+    while (lbSize++< _CHARNUM) {
+      vfnLCD_Write_Char(BLANK_CHARACTER);  // complete data with blanks
+    }
+  }
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_All_Segments_ON (void)
+ uint8_t lbTotalBytes = _CHARNUM * _LCDTYPE;              
+ uint8_t lbCounter=0;
+ uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+    lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)&LCD->WF;
+        while (lbCounter < lbTotalBytes)
+          {
+              lbpLCDWF[(uint8_t)WF_ORDERING_TABLE[lbCounter++]]=_ALLON;
+          }
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_All_Segments_Char (uint8_t val)
+ uint8_t lbTotalBytes = _CHARNUM * _LCDTYPE;              
+ uint8_t lbCounter=0;
+ uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+    lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)&LCD->WF;
+        while (lbCounter < lbTotalBytes)
+          {
+              lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[lbCounter++]]=val;
+          }
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_All_Segments_OFF (void)
+ uint8_t lbTotalBytes = _CHARNUM * _LCDTYPE;              
+ uint8_t lbCounter=0;
+ uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+    lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)&LCD->WF;
+        while (lbCounter < lbTotalBytes)
+          {
+              lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[lbCounter++]]=0;
+          }
+ Write a Char at position bLCD_CharPosition;
+ After write is complete  bLCD_CharPosition point to next position 
+ Verify Char is a Valid character  between '0'  and 'z'
+ in this case char is between 'a' to 'z' are taken as upper case
+ If the char is a invalid char it is taken as ':'  code, in this case as SPACE
+Aug-16   LP  arrayOffset was added due that array size with matrix symbols is greater than uint8
+#ifdef DOT_MATRIX
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Write_Char (uint8_t lbValue)
+          uint8_t char_val, temp;   //for test only
+          uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+          uint8_t lbCounter;
+          uint16_t arrayOffset;
+          uint8_t position;
+          lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)&LCD_WF3TO0;
+/*only ascci character if value not writeable write as @*/
+          if (lbValue>='a' && lbValue<='z') lbValue -= 32; // UpperCase
+          if (lbValue<ASCCI_TABLE_START || lbValue >ASCCI_TABLE_END) lbValue = BLANK_CHARACTER;  // default value as space
+          lbValue -=ASCCI_TABLE_START;        // Remove the offset to search in the ascci table
+          arrayOffset = (lbValue * _CHAR_SIZE); // Compensate matrix offset
+// ensure bLCD position is in valid limit
+          lbCounter =0;  //number of writings to complete one char
+          while (lbCounter<_CHAR_SIZE  && bLCD_CharPosition < _CHARNUM )
+          {
+              //    position = (bLCD_CharPosition) *_CHAR_SIZE + lbCounter; //-1 to compensate first incomplete character
+              //     position = (bLCD_CharPosition) *_LCDTYPE + lbCounter; //-1 to compensate first incomplete character
+                     position = bLCD_CharPosition; // for DOt matrix 
+                    char_val = ASCII_TO_WF_CODIFICATION_TABLE[arrayOffset + lbCounter]; 
+                    if (bLCD_CharPosition==0) //write complete character
+                    {
+                     lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[position]] = char_val;  //all 4 bits correspond to 7 digit character
+                    }
+                    else  //bit0 of second character is a symbol (DP o COL on the LCD) and must not be written
+                    {
+                      temp = lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[position]] & 0x01;  //bit 0 correspond to a Symbol
+                      lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[position]] = char_val | temp;  //only bit 1,2,3 correspond to 7 digit character
+                    }  
+                    if (char_val==0) lbCounter = _CHAR_SIZE; //end of this character
+                    lbCounter++;
+                    bLCD_CharPosition++;
+          }
+// For 7 Segment LCD
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Write_Char (uint8_t lbValue) {
+  uint8_t char_val;
+  uint8_t temp;
+  uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+  uint8_t lbCounter;
+  uint16_t arrayOffset;
+  uint8_t position;
+  lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)LCD->WF;
+  /* only ascii character if value not writeable write as @ */
+  if (lbValue>='a' && lbValue<='z') {
+    lbValue -= 32; // UpperCase
+  }
+  if (lbValue<ASCCI_TABLE_START || lbValue >ASCCI_TABLE_END) {
+    lbValue = BLANK_CHARACTER;  // default value as space
+  }
+  lbValue -=ASCCI_TABLE_START;        // Remove the offset to search in the ascci table
+  arrayOffset = (lbValue * _CHAR_SIZE); // Compensate matrix offset
+  // ensure bLCD position is in valid limit
+  lbCounter = 0;  //number of writings to complete one char
+  while (lbCounter<_CHAR_SIZE  && bLCD_CharPosition < _CHARNUM) {
+    position = (bLCD_CharPosition) *_LCDTYPE + lbCounter; 
+    temp=0;
+    if (lbCounter==1) {
+      temp = lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[position]] & 0x01;//bit 0 has the special symbol information
+    } 
+    char_val = ASCII_TO_WF_CODIFICATION_TABLE[arrayOffset + lbCounter];
+    lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[position]] = char_val | temp;
+    //  if (char_val==0) lbCounter = _CHAR_SIZE; //end of this character
+    lbCounter++;
+  }
+  bLCD_CharPosition++;
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_Scroll(uint8_t *lbpMessage, uint8_t lbSize)
+ {
+ }
+void vfnLCD::PutPoint(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
+ {
+   uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+   lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)LCD->WF;
+   if (x>= _CHARNUM  || y>7) return;
+   lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[x]] |= (1<<y); 
+ }
+void vfnLCD::ClrPoint(uint8_t x, uint8_t y)
+ {
+   uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+              lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)LCD->WF;
+              if (x>= _CHARNUM  || y>7) return;
+              lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[x]] &= ~(1<<y); 
+ }
+void vfnLCD::SetX(uint8_t x, uint8_t value)
+ {
+   uint8_t *lbpLCDWF;
+   lbpLCDWF = (uint8_t *)LCD->WF;
+              if (x>= _CHARNUM) return;
+              lbpLCDWF[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[x]] = value;  
+ }
+ Configure LCD used pins as MUX=0  for LCD normal operation (analog operation)
+ Configure LCD used pins as MUX=7  for LCD Fault detectionoperation (pull resistor  control enabled)
+ only 0 or 7 is allowed for LCD operation
+void vfnLCD::lcd_pinmux(uint8_t  mux_val)
+   uint8_t i;
+   for (i=0;i< _LCDUSEDPINS; i++)
+   {
+      *(uint32_t *)LCD_TO_PORT[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[i]] &= ~PORT_PCR_MUX_MASK; //Clear previos value
+      *(uint32_t *)LCD_TO_PORT[WF_ORDERING_TABLE[i]] |= PORT_PCR_MUX(mux_val); // Set new value
+   }
+  vfnLCD_interrupt_init
+ for kinetis NVIC must be initialized in order to 
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_interrupt_init(void)
+void vfnLCD::vfnLCD_isrv(void) 
+ {
+//   LcdInterruptCallBack(); // User defined function
+ }
+   This table relates LCD_Px to PORT Control Pin
+   in used for pinmux function
+const uint32_t *LCD_TO_PORT[60] =
+ {
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[0],  //LCD_P00
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[1],  //LCD_P01
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[2],  //LCD_P02
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[3],  //LCD_P03
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[20],  //LCD_P04
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[21],  //LCD_P05
+    //(uint32 *) PORTC->PCR[22],  //LCD_P06
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[0],  //LCD_P00  test
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[7],  //LCD_P07
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[8],  //LCD_P08
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[9],  //LCD_P09
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[10],  //LCD_P10
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[11],  //LCD_P11
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[16],  //LCD_P12
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[17],  //LCD_P13
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[18],  //LCD_P14
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[19],  //LCD_P15
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[20],  //LCD_P16
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[21],  //LCD_P17
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[22],  //LCD_P18
+    (uint32_t *) PORTB->PCR[23],  //LCD_P19
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[0],  //LCD_P20
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[1],  //LCD_P21
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[2],  //LCD_P22
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[3],  //LCD_P23
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[4],  //LCD_P24
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[5],  //LCD_P25
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[6],  //LCD_P26
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[7],  //LCD_P27
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[8],  //LCD_P28
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[9],  //LCD_P29
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[10],  //LCD_P30
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[11],  //LCD_P31
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[12],  //LCD_P32
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[13],  //LCD_P33
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[16],  //LCD_P36
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[17],  //LCD_P37
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[18],  //LCD_P38
+    (uint32_t *) PORTC->PCR[23],  //LCD_P39
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[0],  //LCD_P40
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[1],  //LCD_P41
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[2],  //LCD_P42
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[3],  //LCD_P43
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[4],  //LCD_P44
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[5],  //LCD_P45
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[6],  //LCD_P46
+    (uint32_t *) PORTD->PCR[7],  //LCD_P47
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[0],  //LCD_P48
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[1],  //LCD_P49
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[2],  //LCD_P50
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[3],  //LCD_P51
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[4],  //LCD_P52
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[5],  //LCD_P53
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[6],  //LCD_P54
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[16],  //LCD_P55
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[17],  //LCD_P56
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[18],  //LCD_P57
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[19],  //LCD_P58
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[20],  //LCD_P59
+    (uint32_t *) PORTE->PCR[21],  //LCD_P60
+    };
+const uint32_t MASK_BIT[32] = 
+       0x00000001 ,
+       0x00000002 ,
+       0x00000004 ,
+       0x00000008 ,
+       0x00000010 ,
+       0x00000020 ,
+       0x00000040 ,
+       0x00000080 ,
+       0x00000100 ,
+       0x00000200 ,
+       0x00000400 ,
+       0x00000800 ,
+       0x00001000 ,
+       0x00002000 ,
+       0x00004000 ,
+       0x00008000 ,
+       0x00010000 ,
+       0x00020000 ,
+       0x00040000 ,
+       0x00080000 ,
+       0x00100000 ,
+       0x00200000 ,
+       0x00400000 ,
+       0x00800000 ,
+       0x01000000 ,
+       0x02000000 ,
+       0x04000000 ,
+       0x08000000 ,
+       0x10000000 ,
+       0x20000000 ,
+       0x40000000 ,
+       0x80000000 ,