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Sat Apr 21 14:07:27 2012 +0000
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main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 8048a8bcde59 -r 307500c991dd main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Apr 15 11:55:19 2012 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat Apr 21 14:07:27 2012 +0000
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     int navi_loop       =   10;
     int xbee_loop       =   100;
-    double dt_wait = 0.00064;
+    double dt_wait = 0.00043;
     //double dt_wait = 0.01;
     double dt =   0.01;
     double t  = 0;
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
     // Calibration routine
     double calib_acc[N]         =   {0};
     double calib_gyro[N]        =   {0};
-    double compass_basis_rad    =   0;
+    //double compass_basis_rad    =   0;
     // Getting data
     double acc[N]       =   {0, 0, 1};
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
     double d_acc[N]     =   {0};
     double gyro_deg[N]  =   {0};
     double gyro_rad[N]  =   {0};
-    int    mag[N]       =   {0};
+    //int    mag[N]       =   {0};
     // Measurement algorithm
-    double angle_acc[2] =   {0};
+    //double angle_acc[2] =   {0};
     double angle_deg[N] =   {0};
     double angle_rad[N] =   {0};
     double zLWMA[N]     =   {0};
-    double compass_rad  =   0;
-    double compass_deg  =   0;
+    //double compass_rad  =   0;
+    //double compass_deg  =   0;
     // Gravity z
     for( int i=0;i<N_LWMA;i++ ){    z_buf[2][i]    =    1;    }
@@ -116,7 +116,15 @@
                        {     0,-1.826,     0,-1.984,-0.408},
                        { 1.581,-0.913, 1.718,-0.992, 0.408},
                        { 1.581, 0.913, 1.718, 0.992,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=100, q2=100, q3=1, q4=1, q5=1)
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 1.496, 0.408},
+                       {-5, 2.887,-1.296, 0.748,-0.408},
+                       {-5,-2.887,-1.296,-0.748, 0.408},
+                       { 0,-5.774,     0,-1.496,-0.408},
+                       { 5,-2.887, 1.296,-0.748, 0.408},
+                       { 5, 2.887, 1.296, 0.748,-0.408}};
     // Gain (q1=100, q2=100, q3=10, q4=10, q5=1)
 /*    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 2.288, 0.408},
                        {-5, 2.887,-1.982, 1.144,-0.408},
@@ -125,34 +133,61 @@
                        { 5,-2.887, 1.982,-1.144, 0.408},
                        { 5, 2.887, 1.982, 1.144,-0.408}};
-    // Gain (q1=1000, q2=1000, q3=10, q4=10, q5=1)
-/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{      0, 18.257,    0, 3.058, 0.408},
-                       {-15.811,  9.129,-2.65, 1.529,-0.408},
-                       {-15.811, -9.129,-2.65,-1.529, 0.408},
-                       {      0,-18.257,    0,-3.058,-0.408},
-                       { 15.811, -9.129, 2.65,-1.529, 0.408},
-                       { 15.811,  9.129, 2.65, 1.529,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=100, q2=100, q3=50, q4=50, q5=1)
+    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 4.309, 0.408},
+                       {-5, 2.887,-3.732, 2.155,-0.408},
+                       {-5,-2.887,-3.732,-2.155, 0.408},
+                       { 0,-5.774,     0,-4.309,-0.408},
+                       { 5,-2.887, 3.732,-2.155, 0.408},
+                       { 5, 2.887, 3.732, 2.155,-0.408}};
     // Gain (q1=100, q2=100, q3=100, q4=100, q5=1)
-    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 5.936, 0.408},
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 5.936, 0.408},
                        {-5, 2.887,-5.141, 2.968,-0.408},
                        {-5,-2.887,-5.141,-2.968, 0.408},
                        { 0,-5.774,     0,-5.936,-0.408},
                        { 5,-2.887, 5.141,-2.968, 0.408},
                        { 5, 2.887, 5.141, 2.968,-0.408}};
-    // Gain (q1=100, q2=100, q3=1, q4=1, q5=1)
-/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{ 0, 5.774,     0, 1.496, 0.408},
-                       {-5, 2.887,-1.296, 0.748,-0.408},
-                       {-5,-2.887,-1.296,-0.748, 0.408},
-                       { 0,-5.774,     0,-1.496,-0.408},
-                       { 5,-2.887, 1.296,-0.748, 0.408},
-                       { 5, 2.887, 1.296, 0.748,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=300, q2=300, q3=100, q4=100, q5=1)
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{    0, 10,     0, 6.052, 0.408},
+                       {-8.66,  5,-5.242, 3.026,-0.408},
+                       {-8.66, -5,-5.242,-3.026, 0.408},
+                       {    0,-10,     0,-6.052,-0.408},
+                       { 8.66, -5, 5.242,-3.026, 0.408},
+                       { 8.66,  5, 5.242, 3.026,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=400, q2=400, q3=100, q4=100, q5=1)
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{  0, 11.547,     0, 6.094, 0.408},
+                       {-10,  5.774,-5.278, 3.047,-0.408},
+                       {-10, -5.774,-5.278,-3.047, 0.408},
+                       {  0,-11.547,     0,-6.094,-0.408},
+                       { 10, -5.774, 5.278,-3.047, 0.408},
+                       { 10,  5.774, 5.278, 3.047,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=500, q2=500, q3=50, q4=50, q5=1)
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{     0, 12.910,     0, 4.574, 0.408},
+                       {-11.18,  6.455,-3.962, 2.287,-0.408},
+                       {-11.18, -6.455,-3.962,-2.287, 0.408},
+                       {     0,-12.910,     0,-4.574,-0.408},
+                       { 11.18, -6.455, 3.962,-2.287, 0.408},
+                       { 11.18,  6.455, 3.962, 2.287,-0.408}};
+    // Gain (q1=500, q2=500, q3=100, q4=100, q5=1)
+/*    double Kr[M][L] = {{     0, 12.910,    0, 6.131, 0.408},
+                       {-11.18,  6.455,-5.31, 3.066,-0.408},
+                       {-11.18, -6.455,-5.31,-3.066, 0.408},
+                       {     0,-12.910,    0,-6.131,-0.408},
+                       { 11.18, -6.455, 5.31,-3.066, 0.408},
+                       { 11.18,  6.455, 5.31, 3.066,-0.408}};
+    double Ccom_r   =   0.2;
+    double Ccom_p   =   0.2;
+    double Ccom_y   =   0.1;
     double motor[M]             =   {0};
-    double motor_attitude[M]    =   {0};    // Pulth width by the attitude control 
-    double thrust[M];
+    double motor_control[M]     =   {0};    // Pulth width generated by the transmitter
+    double motor_attitude[M]    =   {0};    // Pulth width generated by the attitude control 
     // Coefficient of transfering Force to Puls
     double Cfp      =   2*pow(10.0, -7);
@@ -231,7 +266,7 @@
     p_calib = calib();
     for( int i=0;i<3;i++ ){     calib_acc[i]    =   *p_calib;   p_calib = p_calib+1;    }
     for( int i=3;i<6;i++ ){     calib_gyro[i-3] =   *p_calib;   p_calib = p_calib+1;    }
-    compass_basis_rad   =   *p_calib;
+    //compass_basis_rad   =   *p_calib;
     led1 = 1;    led2 = 1;  led3 = 1;   led4 = 1;
@@ -253,7 +288,9 @@
                 command_buf2[i] = (int)command_buf1[i]-48;
                 if( command_buf2[i]==-16 ){     command_buf2[i]=0;      }
-            for( int i=0;i<chan;i++ ){  command[i]  =   0.0001*command_buf2[1+i*4]+0.00001*command_buf2[2+i*4]+0.000001*command_buf2[3+i*4]+0.001;  }
+            //for( int i=0;i<chan;i++ ){  command[i]  =   0.0001*command_buf2[1+i*4]+0.00001*command_buf2[2+i*4]+0.000001*command_buf2[3+i*4]+0.001;  }
+            command[0]  =   0.0001*command_buf2[1]+0.00001*command_buf2[2]+0.000001*command_buf2[3]+0.001;
+            for( int i=1;i<chan;i++ ){  command[i]  =   0.0001*command_buf2[1+i*4]+0.00001*command_buf2[2+i*4]+0.000001*command_buf2[3+i*4]-0.0005;     }
             navi_flag   =   0;
             navi_loop   =   0;
@@ -282,7 +319,7 @@
         gyro_deg[1] =   gyro.getGyroY();
         gyro_deg[2] =   gyro.getGyroZ();
-        for( int i=0;i<N;i++ ){     mag[0] = (int16_t)get_mag[0];   }
+        //for( int i=0;i<N;i++ ){     mag[0] = (int16_t)get_mag[0];   }
         // Low pass filter for acc
         //if( -0.05<acc[0] && acc[0]<0.05 ){    acc[0]=0;  }
@@ -341,7 +378,14 @@
             for( int j=0;j<L;j++ ){     motor_attitude[i] += -Kr[i][j]*state[j];     }
-        for( int i=0;i<M;i++ ){     motor[i] = command[0]+motor_attitude[i]*Cfp;     }
+        motor_control[0]    =   command[0]+0*Ccom_r*command[1]+2*Ccom_p*command[2]+1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        motor_control[1]    =   command[0]-1*Ccom_r*command[1]-1*Ccom_p*command[2]-1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        motor_control[2]    =   command[0]+1*Ccom_r*command[1]-1*Ccom_p*command[2]+1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        motor_control[3]    =   command[0]+0*Ccom_r*command[1]+2*Ccom_p*command[2]-1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        motor_control[4]    =   command[0]-1*Ccom_r*command[1]-1*Ccom_p*command[2]+1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        motor_control[5]    =   command[0]+1*Ccom_r*command[1]-1*Ccom_p*command[2]-1*Ccom_y*command[3];
+        for( int i=0;i<M;i++ ){     motor[i] = motor_control[i]+motor_attitude[i]*Cfp;     }
         //for( int i=0;i<M;i++ ){     motor[i] = command[0];     }
         // pulsewidth 0.0011~0.0019 (0.001~0.002?)
@@ -353,7 +397,7 @@
         ESC1.pulsewidth(motor[0]);  ESC2.pulsewidth(motor[1]);  ESC3.pulsewidth(motor[2]);  ESC4.pulsewidth(motor[3]);  ESC5.pulsewidth(motor[4]);  ESC6.pulsewidth(motor[5]);
-        for( int i=0;i<M;i++ ){    thrust[i] = 630000.0*motor[i]*motor[i]-700.0*motor[i];  }
+        //for( int i=0;i<M;i++ ){    thrust[i] = 630000.0*motor[i]*motor[i]-700.0*motor[i];  }
         //pc.printf("%7.2f, %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %5d, %5d, %5d\n\r", t, acc[0], acc[1], acc[2], gyro_deg[0], gyro_deg[1], gyro_deg[2], mag[0], mag[1], mag[2]);
         //pc.printf("%7.2f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.1f, %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.3f, %7.1f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f, %6.3f\n\r", t, state[0], state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4], zLWMA[0], zLWMA[1], zLWMA[2], alt, motor[0]*1000, motor[1]*1000, motor[2]*1000, motor[3]*1000, motor[4]*1000, motor[5]*1000, command[0]*1000, command[1]*1000, command[2]*1000, command[3]*1000);