The port of adafruit dotstar library for arduino

Fri Mar 25 07:41:51 2016 +0000
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UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 1 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 2 This file is part of the Adafruit Dot Star library.
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 3
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 4 Adafruit Dot Star is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 5 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 6 as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 7 the License, or (at your option) any later version.
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 8
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 9 Adafruit Dot Star is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 10 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 11 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 12 GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 13
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 14 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 15 License along with DotStar. If not, see <>.
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 17
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 18 #ifndef _ADAFRUIT_DOT_STAR_H_
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 19 #define _ADAFRUIT_DOT_STAR_H_
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 20
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 21 #include <mbed.h>
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 22
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 23 // Color-order flag for LED pixels (optional extra parameter to constructor):
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 24 // Bits 0,1 = R index (0-2), bits 2,3 = G index, bits 4,5 = B index
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 25 #define DOTSTAR_RGB (0 | (1 << 2) | (2 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 26 #define DOTSTAR_RBG (0 | (2 << 2) | (1 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 27 #define DOTSTAR_GRB (1 | (0 << 2) | (2 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 28 #define DOTSTAR_GBR (2 | (0 << 2) | (1 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 29 #define DOTSTAR_BRG (1 | (2 << 2) | (0 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 30 #define DOTSTAR_BGR (2 | (1 << 2) | (0 << 4))
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 31 #define DOTSTAR_MONO 0 // Single-color strip WIP DO NOT USE YET
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 32
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 33 class Adafruit_DotStar {
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 34
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 35 public:
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 36
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 37 Adafruit_DotStar(uint16_t n, uint8_t o=DOTSTAR_BRG);
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 38 Adafruit_DotStar(uint16_t n, uint8_t d, uint8_t c, uint8_t o=DOTSTAR_BRG);
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 39 ~Adafruit_DotStar(void);
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 40 void
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 41 begin(void), // Prime pins/SPI for output
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 42 clear(), // Set all pixel data to zero
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 43 setBrightness(uint8_t), // Set global brightness 0-255
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 44 setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint32_t c),
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 45 setPixelColor(uint16_t n, uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b),
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 46 show(void), // Issue color data to strip
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 47 // updatePins(void), // Change pin assignments (HW)
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 48 // updatePins(uint8_t d, uint8_t c), // Change pin assignments (SW)
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 49 updateLength(uint16_t n); // Change length
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 50 uint32_t
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 51 Color(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b), // R,G,B to 32-bit color
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 52 getPixelColor(uint16_t n) const; // Return 32-bit pixel color
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 53 uint16_t
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 54 numPixels(void); // Return number of pixels
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 55 uint8_t
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 56 getBrightness(void) const, // Return global brightness
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 57 *getPixels(void) const; // Return pixel data pointer
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 58
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 59 private:
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 60
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 61 uint16_t
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 62 numLEDs; // Number of pixels
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 63 uint8_t
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 64 dataPin, // If soft SPI, data pin #
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 65 clockPin, // If soft SPI, clock pin #
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 66 brightness, // Global brightness setting
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 67 *pixels, // LED RGB values (3 bytes ea.)
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 68 rOffset, // Index of red in 3-byte pixel
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 69 gOffset, // Index of green byte
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 70 bOffset; // Index of blue byte
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 71 void
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 72 hw_spi_init(void), // Start hardware SPI
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 73 hw_spi_end(void); // Stop hardware SPI
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 74 // sw_spi_init(void), // Start bitbang SPI
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 75 // sw_spi_out(uint8_t n), // Bitbang SPI write
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 76 // sw_spi_end(void); // Stop bitbang SPI
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 77
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 78 };
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 79
hideakitai 0:bae97ff743a6 80 #endif // _ADAFRUIT_DOT_STAR_H_