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Wed Oct 11 07:05:25 2017 +0000
Commit message:
stewart platform

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StewartPlatform.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
StewartPlatform.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StewartPlatform.cpp	Wed Oct 11 07:05:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,768 @@
+#include "StewartPlatform.h"
+//功能:计算矩阵乘法 C=A*B 
+//返回值:计算是否成功 成功返回0 否则返回1 
+int MatrixDot(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B, MatrixType* C)
+    int i, j, k;                                            //循环控制变量 
+    int posA, posB, posC;                                   //矩阵下标索引 
+    //判断异常 
+    if(A->Size[1] != B->Size[0])                            //维度不匹配 
+        return 1;
+    if(A->Size[0] * B->Size[1] > 50)                        //C矩阵规模太大
+        return 1;
+    //计算矩阵乘法
+    C->Size[0]  = A->Size[0];                               //得到C的行列数 
+    C->Size[1]  = B->Size[1];
+    for(i = 1; i <= C->Size[0]; i++)                        //行循环 
+    {
+        for(j = 1; j <= C->Size[1]; j++)                    //列循环 
+        {
+            posC = f2(i,j,C->Size[1]);
+            C->Elements[posC] = 0;
+            for(k = 1; k <= A->Size[1]; k++)                //计算乘法结果 
+            {
+                posA = f2(i,k,A->Size[1]);
+                posB = f2(k,j,B->Size[1]);
+                C->Elements[posC]  += A->Elements[posA] * B->Elements[posB];
+            }
+        }
+    } 
+    return 0;
+void MatrixTransposition(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B)
+    int i, j;
+    int posA, posB;
+    B->Size[0] = A->Size[1];
+    B->Size[1] = A->Size[0];
+    for(i = 1; i <= A->Size[0]; i++)
+    {
+        for(j = 1; j <= A->Size[1]; j++)
+        {
+            posA = f2(i,j,A->Size[1]);
+            posB = f2(j,i,B->Size[1]);
+            B->Elements[posB] = A->Elements[posA];
+        }
+    }
+//输入参数:A:原矩阵 StartRow、StartColumn、EndRow、EndColumn:子阵起始元素 子阵终了元素 
+void MatrixSub(MatrixType* A,int StartRow, int StartColumn, int EndRow, int EndColumn, MatrixType* B)
+    int i, j;                                               //循环控制变量
+    int posA, posB;                                         //矩阵索引 
+    B->Size[0] = EndRow - StartRow + 1;                     //计算子阵的维度 
+    B->Size[1] = EndColumn - StartColumn + 1;
+    for(i = 1; i <= B->Size[0]; i++) 
+    {
+        for(j = 1; j <= B->Size[1]; j++)
+        {
+            posA = f2(StartRow + i - 1, StartColumn + j - 1, A->Size[1]);
+            posB = f2(i, j, B->Size[1]);
+            B->Elements[posB] = A->Elements[posA];
+        }
+    }
+//功能:填充矩阵 将一个矩阵填充到另一个矩阵中 
+//输入参数:A:被填充的矩阵 Row、Column:矩阵填充的位置 B:要填充到被填充矩阵的矩阵 
+//返回值:0 代表成功 1代表失败 
+int MatrixFill(MatrixType* A,int Row, int Column, MatrixType* B)
+    int i, j, posA, posB;
+    if((Row + B->Size[0] - 1) > A->Size[0])
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else if((Column + B->Size[1] - 1) > A->Size[1])
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        for(i = 1; i <= B->Size[0]; i++)
+        {
+            for(j = 1; j <= B->Size[1]; j++)
+            {
+                posA = f2(Row + i - 1, Column + j - 1, A->Size[1]);
+                posB = f2(i, j, B->Size[1]);
+                A->Elements[posA] = B->Elements[posB];
+            }
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+//功能:指定动平台变换矩阵参数x,y,z,a,b,c,计算动平台上的点A在绝对坐标系下的坐标B  A可以是多个点 一行一个点 
+//输入参数:x,y,z,a,b,c:动平台变换矩阵参数  A:动平台上点的相对坐标 
+void Inverse(float x, float y, float z, float a, float b, float c, MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B)
+    int i;
+    MatrixType T;                                   //原点平移
+    MatrixType Ra;                                  //俯仰 YAW
+    MatrixType Rb;                                  //横滚 ROLL 
+    MatrixType Rc;                                  //偏航 PITCH 
+    MatrixType temp1, temp2, temp3;
+    T.Size[0] = 4;
+    T.Size[1] = 4;
+    T.Elements[f2(1,1,T.Size[1])] = 1;
+    T.Elements[f2(1,2,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(1,3,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(1,4,T.Size[1])] = x;
+    T.Elements[f2(2,1,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(2,2,T.Size[1])] = 1;
+    T.Elements[f2(2,3,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(2,4,T.Size[1])] = y;
+    T.Elements[f2(3,1,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(3,2,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(3,3,T.Size[1])] = 1;
+    T.Elements[f2(3,4,T.Size[1])] = z;
+    T.Elements[f2(4,1,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(4,2,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(4,3,T.Size[1])] = 0;
+    T.Elements[f2(4,4,T.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Ra.Size[0] = 4;
+    Ra.Size[1] = 4;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(1,1,Ra.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(1,2,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(1,3,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(1,4,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(2,1,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(2,2,Ra.Size[1])] = cosd(a);
+    Ra.Elements[f2(2,3,Ra.Size[1])] = -sind(a);
+    Ra.Elements[f2(2,4,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(3,1,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(3,2,Ra.Size[1])] = sind(a);
+    Ra.Elements[f2(3,3,Ra.Size[1])] = cosd(a);
+    Ra.Elements[f2(3,4,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(4,1,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(4,2,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(4,3,Ra.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Ra.Elements[f2(4,4,Ra.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rb.Size[0] = 4;
+    Rb.Size[1] = 4;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(1,1,Rb.Size[1])] = cosd(b);
+    Rb.Elements[f2(1,2,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(1,3,Rb.Size[1])] = sind(b);
+    Rb.Elements[f2(1,4,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(2,1,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(2,2,Rb.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(2,3,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(2,4,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(3,1,Rb.Size[1])] = -sind(b);
+    Rb.Elements[f2(3,2,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(3,3,Rb.Size[1])] = cosd(b);
+    Rb.Elements[f2(3,4,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(4,1,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(4,2,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(4,3,Rb.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rb.Elements[f2(4,4,Rb.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rc.Size[0] = 4;
+    Rc.Size[1] = 4;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,1,Rc.Size[1])] = cosd(c);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,2,Rc.Size[1])] = -sind(c);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,1,Rc.Size[1])] = sind(c);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,2,Rc.Size[1])] = cosd(c);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,1,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,2,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,1,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,2,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 1;
+    B->Size[0] = A->Size[0]; 
+    B->Size[1] = A->Size[1]; 
+    MatrixDot(&T, &Rc, &temp1);                     //相当于T * Rc * Rb * Ra 
+    MatrixDot(&temp1, &Rb, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&temp2, &Ra, &temp1);
+    for(i = 1; i <= B->Size[0]; i++)
+    {
+        MatrixSub(A, i, 1, i, A->Size[1], &temp2);
+        MatrixTransposition(&temp2, &temp3);
+        MatrixDot(&temp1, &temp3, &temp2);
+        MatrixTransposition(&temp2, &temp3);
+        MatrixFill(B, i, 1, &temp3);
+    }
+//输入参数:A, B:要计算距离的矩阵 
+int  Distance2Point(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B, MatrixType* C)
+    float distance = 0;
+    int i = 0, j = 0;
+    if((A->Size[0] != B->Size[0]) || (A->Size[1] != 4) || (B->Size[1] != 4))
+    {
+        return 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        C->Size[0] = A->Size[0];
+        C->Size[1] = 1;
+        for(i = 1; i <= A->Size[0]; i++)
+        {
+            for(j = 1; j <= A->Size[1]; j++)
+            {
+                distance = distance + (A->Elements[f2(i,j,A->Size[1])] - B->Elements[f2(i,j,B->Size[1])]) * (A->Elements[f2(i,j,A->Size[1])] - B->Elements[f2(i,j,B->Size[1])]);
+            }
+            C->Elements[f2(i,1,C->Size[1])] = sqrt(distance);
+            distance = 0;
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+//输入参数:Platform:动感平台数据结构 包含各种输入输出 
+void CalStewartPlatform(StewartPlatformType* Platform)
+    int x, y, z, a, b, c;                                           //动平台变换矩阵参数
+    float xx, yy, zz, r, l, AA, BB, CC, DD, EE, delta, mytheta1, mytheta2, d, e, f, l1, l2, l3, l4;                                 //计算电机角度用的参数 
+    float theta1, theta2, theta3, theta4, theta5, theta6;
+    float topRadius, topInterval, bottomRadius, bottomInterval, lengthOfSteelWheel, lengthOfCardan, lengthOfBar;
+                                                                    //平台机械尺寸定义 
+    float theta0;                                                   //舵盘结构的倾角 
+    MatrixType temp1, temp2; 
+    MatrixType topPlatform;                                         //动平台上的6个参考点
+    MatrixType Rc;
+    MatrixType bottomPlatform;                                      //定平台上的6个参考点
+    MatrixType lengthOfBar1;
+    topRadius = Platform->topRadius;                                                //平台参数初始化 
+    topInterval = Platform->topInterval;
+    bottomRadius = Platform->bottomRadius;
+    bottomInterval = Platform->bottomInterval;
+    lengthOfSteelWheel = Platform->lengthOfSteelWheel;
+    lengthOfCardan = Platform->lengthOfCardan;
+    lengthOfBar = Platform->lengthOfBar;
+    topPlatform.Size[0] = 6;
+    topPlatform.Size[1] = 4;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,topPlatform.Size[1])] = -topInterval / 2;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,topPlatform.Size[1])] = -topRadius;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,topPlatform.Size[1])] = 0;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,4,topPlatform.Size[1])] = 1;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,topPlatform.Size[1])] = topInterval / 2;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,topPlatform.Size[1])] = -topRadius;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,topPlatform.Size[1])] = 0;
+    topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,4,topPlatform.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rc.Size[0] = 4;
+    Rc.Size[1] = 4;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,1,Rc.Size[1])] = cosd(120);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,2,Rc.Size[1])] = -sind(120);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(1,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,1,Rc.Size[1])] = sind(120);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,2,Rc.Size[1])] = cosd(120);
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(2,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,1,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,2,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 1;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(3,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,1,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,2,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,3,Rc.Size[1])] = 0;
+    Rc.Elements[f2(4,4,Rc.Size[1])] = 1; 
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 1, 1, 1, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于topPlatform(3,:) = (Rc * topPlatform(1, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&topPlatform, 3, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 2, 1, 2, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于topPlatform(4,:) = (Rc * topPlatform(2, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&topPlatform, 4, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 3, 1, 3, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于topPlatform(5,:) = (Rc * topPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&topPlatform, 5, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 4, 1, 4, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于topPlatform(5,:) = (Rc * topPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&topPlatform, 6, 1, &temp2);
+    x = Platform->x;
+    y = Platform->y;
+    z = Platform->z;
+    a = Platform->a;
+    b = Platform->b;
+    c = Platform->c;
+    Inverse(x, y, z, a, b, c, &topPlatform, &temp1);                //计算出动平台参考点的实际位置
+    MatrixFill(&topPlatform, 1, 1, &temp1);
+    bottomPlatform.Size[0] = 6;
+    bottomPlatform.Size[1] = 4;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = -bottomInterval / 2;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = -bottomRadius;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = 0;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,4,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = 1;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = bottomInterval / 2;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = -bottomRadius;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = 0;
+    bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,4,bottomPlatform.Size[1])] = 1;
+    MatrixSub(&bottomPlatform, 1, 1, 1, 4, &temp1);                 //等效于bottomPlatform(3,:) = (Rc * bottomPlatform(1, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&bottomPlatform, 3, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&bottomPlatform, 2, 1, 2, 4, &temp1);                 //等效于bottomPlatform(4,:) = (Rc * bottomPlatform(2, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&bottomPlatform, 4, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&bottomPlatform, 3, 1, 3, 4, &temp1);                 //等效于bottomPlatform(5,:) = (Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&bottomPlatform, 5, 1, &temp2);
+    MatrixSub(&bottomPlatform, 4, 1, 4, 4, &temp1);                 //等效于bottomPlatform(6,:) = (Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixFill(&bottomPlatform, 6, 1, &temp2);
+    Distance2Point(&topPlatform, &bottomPlatform, &lengthOfBar1);
+    Platform->BarLength[0] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(1,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];       //赋值计算出的杆长 
+    Platform->BarLength[1] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(2,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];
+    Platform->BarLength[2] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(3,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];
+    Platform->BarLength[3] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(4,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];
+    Platform->BarLength[4] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(5,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];
+    Platform->BarLength[5] = lengthOfBar1.Elements[f2(6,1,lengthOfBar1.Size[1])];
+    //计算角度
+    r = sqrt(lengthOfCardan * lengthOfCardan + lengthOfSteelWheel * lengthOfSteelWheel);
+    l = lengthOfBar;
+    //点1
+    xx =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = 2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta1 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta1 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l3 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta1 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta1 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    //点2
+    xx =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  topPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,topPlatform.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = -2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta2 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta2 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l4 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta2 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta2 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    //点3
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 3, 1, 3, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于bottomPlatform(6,:) = (Rc * Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp2, &temp1);
+    xx =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,1,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,2,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,3,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = 2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta3 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta3 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l4 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta3 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta3 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    //点4 
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 4, 1, 4, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于bottomPlatform(6,:) = (Rc * Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp2, &temp1);
+    xx =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,1,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,2,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  temp1.Elements[f2(1,3,temp1.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = -2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta4 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta4 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l4 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta4 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta4 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    //点5
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 5, 1, 5, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于bottomPlatform(6,:) = (Rc * Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    xx =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,1,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,2,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,3,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(1,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = 2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx + r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx + r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta5 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta5 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l4 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta5 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta5 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    //点6
+    MatrixSub(&topPlatform, 6, 1, 6, 4, &temp1);                    //等效于bottomPlatform(6,:) = (Rc * Rc * bottomPlatform(3, :)')';
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    MatrixDot(&Rc, &temp2, &temp1);
+    MatrixTransposition(&temp1, &temp2);
+    xx =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,1,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,1,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    yy =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,2,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,2,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    zz =  temp2.Elements[f2(1,3,temp2.Size[1])] - bottomPlatform.Elements[f2(2,3,bottomPlatform.Size[1])];
+    AA = -(l * l - xx * xx - yy * yy - r * r - zz * zz) / (2 * r * zz);
+    BB = -2 * r * xx / (2 * r * zz);
+    CC = BB * BB + 1;
+    DD = 2 * AA * BB;
+    EE = AA * AA - 1;
+    delta = DD * DD - 4 * CC * EE;
+    mytheta1 = acos((-DD + sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    mytheta2 = acos((-DD - sqrt(delta)) / 2 / CC);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta1));
+    l1 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta1)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta1));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta1));
+    l2 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(mytheta2));
+    l3 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    d = (xx - r * cos(mytheta2)) * (xx - r * cos(mytheta2));
+    e = yy * yy;
+    f = (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2)) * (zz - r * sin(-mytheta2));
+    l4 = sqrt(d + e + f);
+    mytheta1 = mytheta1 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    mytheta2 = mytheta2 / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    if(abs(l1 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta6 = mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l2 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta6 = -mytheta1;
+    }
+    else if(abs(l4 - l) <= 0.0001)
+    {
+        theta6 = mytheta2;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        theta6 = -mytheta2;
+    }
+    Platform->theta[0] = theta1; 
+    Platform->theta[1] = theta2; 
+    Platform->theta[2] = theta3; 
+    Platform->theta[3] = theta4; 
+    Platform->theta[4] = theta5; 
+    Platform->theta[5] = theta6; 
+    theta0 = atan(lengthOfCardan / lengthOfSteelWheel) / 3.1415926 * 180;
+    Platform->theta_servo[0] = theta1 - theta0;
+    Platform->theta_servo[1] = theta2 - theta0;
+    Platform->theta_servo[2] = theta3 - theta0;
+    Platform->theta_servo[3] = theta4 - theta0;
+    Platform->theta_servo[4] = theta5 - theta0;
+    Platform->theta_servo[5] = theta6 - theta0;
+//功能:角度制的三角函数 余弦 
+float cosd(float angle)
+    return cos(angle/180*3.1415926);
+//功能:角度制的三角函数 正弦 
+float sind(float angle)
+    return sin(angle/180*3.1415926);
+void PrintMatrix(MatrixType* A)
+    int i, j;
+    int pos2 = 0;
+    printf("\r\nThe Matrix is:\r\n");
+    for(i = 1; i <= A->Size[0]; i++)
+    {   
+        for(j = 1; j <= A->Size[1]; j++)
+        {
+            pos2 = f2(i,j,A->Size[1]);
+            printf(" %f ", A->Elements[pos2]);
+        }
+        printf("\r\n");
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/StewartPlatform.h	Wed Oct 11 07:05:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h> 
+#define f1(i) (i-1)  
+/* 把习惯的一阶矩阵的下标转化为C语言数组下标*/
+#define f2(i,j,n) ((i-1)*(n)+j-1)
+/* 把习惯的二阶矩阵的下标转化为C语言数组下标*/
+typedef struct
+    float Elements[50];                                         //矩阵元素得存储空间 
+    int Size[2];                                        //矩阵的行列数 
+} MatrixType;                                                   //最大支持有50个元素的矩阵 
+typedef struct
+    float topRadius;                                                //平台结构尺寸参数 
+    float topInterval;
+    float bottomRadius;
+    float bottomInterval;
+    float lengthOfSteelWheel;
+    float lengthOfCardan;
+    float lengthOfBar;          
+    float x;                                                        //上平台姿态参数 
+    float y;
+    float z;
+    float a;
+    float b;
+    float c;
+    float theta[6];                                                 //角度
+    float theta_servo[6];                                           //舵机角度
+    float BarLength[6];                                             //上下平面对应的顶点之间的距离 
+} StewartPlatformType;
+//功能:计算矩阵乘法 C=A*B 
+//返回值:计算是否成功 成功返回0 否则返回1 
+int MatrixDot(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B, MatrixType* C);
+void MatrixTransposition(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B);
+//输入参数:A:原矩阵 StartRow、StartColumn、EndRow、EndColumn:子阵起始元素 子阵终了元素 
+void MatrixSub(MatrixType* A,int StartRow, int StartColumn, int EndRow, int EndColumn, MatrixType* B);
+//功能:填充矩阵 将一个矩阵填充到另一个矩阵中 
+//输入参数:A:被填充的矩阵 Row、Column:矩阵填充的位置 B:要填充到被填充矩阵的矩阵 
+//返回值:0 代表成功 1代表失败 
+int MatrixFill(MatrixType* A,int Row, int Column, MatrixType* B);
+//功能:指定动平台变换矩阵参数x,y,z,a,b,c,计算动平台上的点A在绝对坐标系下的坐标B  A可以是多个点 一行一个点 
+//输入参数:x,y,z,a,b,c:动平台变换矩阵参数  A:动平台上点的相对坐标 
+void Inverse(float x, float y, float z, float a, float b, float c, MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B);
+//输入参数:A, B:要计算距离的矩阵  A,B必须均为n*4的矩阵,维度相同 
+//返回值:0:计算成功 1:出错 
+int  Distance2Point(MatrixType* A, MatrixType* B, MatrixType* C);
+//输入参数:Platform:动感平台数据结构 包含各种输入输出 
+void CalStewartPlatform(StewartPlatformType* Platform);
+//功能:角度制的三角函数 余弦 
+float cosd(float angle);
+//功能:角度制的三角函数 正弦 
+float sind(float angle);
+void PrintMatrix(MatrixType* A); 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Oct 11 07:05:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h> 
+#include "StewartPlatform.h"
+DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+StewartPlatformType Platform;                                           //动感平台数据结构体 
+int main() 
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        myled = 1; // LED is ON
+        wait(0.2); // 200 ms
+        myled = 0; // LED is OFF
+        wait(1.0); // 1 sec
+        Platform.topRadius = 244.95;                                            //平台参数初始化 
+        Platform.topInterval = 100;
+        Platform.bottomRadius = 332.54;
+        Platform.bottomInterval = 340;
+        Platform.lengthOfSteelWheel = 150;
+        Platform.lengthOfCardan = 150;
+        Platform.lengthOfBar = 368;
+        Platform.x = 25;                                                        //设定上平台姿态 
+        Platform.y = 31;
+        Platform.z = 278;
+        Platform.a = 15;
+        Platform.b = 12;
+        Platform.c = 22;
+        CalStewartPlatform(&Platform);                                          //解析平台数据 
+        pc.printf("Angle: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", Platform.theta[0], Platform.theta[1], Platform.theta[2], Platform.theta[3], Platform.theta[4], Platform.theta[5]);
+        pc.printf("Servo Angle: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", Platform.theta_servo[0], Platform.theta_servo[1], Platform.theta_servo[2], Platform.theta_servo[3], Platform.theta_servo[4], Platform.theta_servo[5]);
+        pc.printf("BarLength: %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f \r\n", Platform.BarLength[0], Platform.BarLength[1], Platform.BarLength[2], Platform.BarLength[3], Platform.BarLength[4], Platform.BarLength[5]);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Wed Oct 11 07:05:25 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file