cc3000 driver with expanded buffers.

Fork of cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket by Martin Kojtal

Revisions of cc3000_spi.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
52:ad6514e66b3b 2014-05-06 Delete all profiles on start. Also, maybe fix the random hangs by saying "screw it, let's do this" rather than curling up in a spinny ball. File  Diff  Annotate
51:a3f8d6de71b4 2014-05-05 We need these while(1) loops to wait for interrupts, because apparently something something. File  Diff  Annotate
50:039f2518e98a 2014-05-05 Slow down cc3000 spi because the lpc134x is crap and doesn't have GPDMA. File  Diff  Annotate
49:0400c0aeba7f 2014-05-04 Drive CC3000 spi port faster, to get slightly better performance. File  Diff  Annotate
45:50ab13d8f2dc 2013-11-06 complete Ethernet interface File  Diff  Annotate
44:960b73df5981 2013-10-13 all _DEBUG_ are set to 0, toggle to enable/disable, doxygen doc for new ethernet interface functions File  Diff  Annotate
42:bd2c631a031a 2013-10-12 Added David's IRQ checking before re-enabling the IRQ.; Modified the is_connected function, connect + dhcp are needed ; Moved inet_ntoa_r to the socket class, not sure this is the best place, but other conversion functions live here. File  Diff  Annotate
34:1ad18123bf11 2013-10-08 doxygen comments added by Frank V., htonl in Endpoint File  Diff  Annotate
33:9e23b24fb4f3 2013-10-08 Removed code (set buffers) - non-sense, doxygen comments for simple link class File  Diff  Annotate
20:30b6ed7bf8fd 2013-10-03 UNIX line endings File  Diff  Annotate
0:615c697c33b0 2013-09-19 initial commit File  Diff  Annotate