cc3000 driver with expanded buffers.

Fork of cc3000_hostdriver_mbedsocket by Martin Kojtal

Revisions of cc3000.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
45:50ab13d8f2dc 2013-11-06 complete Ethernet interface File  Diff  Annotate
44:960b73df5981 2013-10-13 all _DEBUG_ are set to 0, toggle to enable/disable, doxygen doc for new ethernet interface functions File  Diff  Annotate
42:bd2c631a031a 2013-10-12 Added David's IRQ checking before re-enabling the IRQ.; Modified the is_connected function, connect + dhcp are needed ; Moved inet_ntoa_r to the socket class, not sure this is the best place, but other conversion functions live here. File  Diff  Annotate
41:eb1999bd50fb 2013-10-12 Removed a debug timer, added debug messages to callback function File  Diff  Annotate
40:acb9324640c4 2013-10-12 Merged with Martin's File  Diff  Annotate
39:03ac37ab34eb 2013-10-12 Added mbed ethernet library compatability, get ip, gateway and sub mask functions. Added enabled flag so we know when the module is enabled. Smart config tweaks File  Diff  Annotate
38:1d374a7f0c0d 2013-10-08 Enabling debugging File  Diff  Annotate
37:3332f57b7f1e 2013-10-12 GCC conflict with FD_SET File  Diff  Annotate
36:1f70a62a160e 2013-10-09 smart config start - erased delete all profiles File  Diff  Annotate
32:e62d7252401e 2013-10-06 TCP/UDP client/server old implementation removal File  Diff  Annotate
26:456f73ed2a75 2013-10-04 Commit to merge branches File  Diff  Annotate
23:fed7f64dd520 2013-10-03 Added separate debug messages and VT100 formatting File  Diff  Annotate
20:30b6ed7bf8fd 2013-10-03 UNIX line endings File  Diff  Annotate
19:9fdf8b4e41bf 2013-10-03 return values from get_mac/set_mac File  Diff  Annotate
16:f3676ae62f96 2013-10-02 Merged martins changes with mine File  Diff  Annotate
14:28c8bbbea025 2013-10-02 More debug changes, 3 separate levels of debug File  Diff  Annotate
13:5e36c267e62f 2013-10-02 Now using a #define for debug printing control, allowing redirection and modification in a single place File  Diff  Annotate
12:1c2a856c618a 2013-10-02 Debug messages (\r\n), socket bsd naming File  Diff  Annotate
11:5e3771b29385 2013-10-01 Added \r\n to all debug messages; Fixed debug message displaying the port no incorrectly File  Diff  Annotate
4:15b58c119a0a 2013-09-21 mbed socket interface changes; - socket init (creates upd/tcp socket); - debug prints; host driver changes; - blocking call when closing socket (Frank's recommedation); - delete profiles (user info retrieved, then erased) File  Diff  Annotate
3:ad95e296bfbf 2013-09-19 buffer clean up File  Diff  Annotate
0:615c697c33b0 2013-09-19 initial commit File  Diff  Annotate