Bertl2014 Bulme

Dependencies:   mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sat May 06 20:12:01 2017 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+/* RTC8563 Real Time Clock
+ * creator: Matthias Hemmer
+ * date: 16.01.2017
+ * handover date: 30.01.2017
+ *
+ * |-------------------------|
+ * |!!the RTC must be reseted|
+ * |-------------------------|
+ *
+ */
+//include mbed library
+#include "mbed.h"
+//include i2c class
+#include "myi2c.h"
+//include string library from C++ string library
+#include <string>
+//include the addresses for the PCF8563
+#include "PCF8563_addr.h"
+using namespace std;
+PCF8563 pcf8563(p28, p27);    //SDA,SCL
+Serial pc(USBTX,USBRX); //RS232 connection
+void send();    //read parameters and write it via serial to pc
+void send_hh_mm_ss();   //send only the time in format: hh:mm:ss
+void send_date();   //send only the date in format: dd:month:yyyy
+void set_date(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second);  //set day class
+void toggle();      //toogle the bool between ture and false
+string ConvertToDate(uint8_t value); //convert from hex to string
+//global parameters
+bool check = false; //toogle variable
+uint8_t second, minute, hour, day, week, month, year;       // uint8_t is a 8 bit integer
+string century_month(" ");  //initialzied
+char c; //char from the pc keyboard entry
+//interrupt for the serial port
+void callback()
+    c = pc.getc();  //save the Character which was send from the pc
+    switch(c) {
+        case 'C':
+            toggle();
+            break;
+        case 'c':
+            toggle();
+            break;
+        case 't':
+            send_hh_mm_ss();
+            break;
+        case 'T':
+            send_hh_mm_ss();
+            break;
+        case 'd':
+            send_date();
+            break;
+        case 'D':
+            send_date();
+            break;
+    }
+ * the programm have to set the date and read it in a second clock about the serial port to the pc
+ * if "C" or "c" are pressed the date will send to the pc and if it will be presss a second time it will stop
+ * before you can send another option you HAVE TO stop with a 'C' or 'c'
+ * if "T" or "t" are pressed than it send the current time from the rtc to the pc in format: hh:mm:ss
+ * if "D" od "d" are pressed than it send the date from the rtc to the pc in format: dd.month.yyyy
+ */
+int main()
+    pc.attach(&callback);   //if any key will be pressed on the keyboard from the pc it will call an interrupt
+    pc.baud(9600);      //set the rate of the serial port to 9600; default: 9600
+    //set at first the date
+    set_date(0x99, 0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x05, 0x00);
+    //shows up the menu
+    pc.printf( "C/c: Gibt das Datum in sekunden dakt aus.\n\r"
+               "T/t: Gibt die aktuelle Zeit der Echtzeituhr aus.\n\r"
+               "D/d: Gibt das aktuelle Datum der Echtzeituhr aus.\n\r");
+    while(1) {
+        switch(c) {
+            case 'C':
+                send();
+                break;
+            case 'c':
+                send();
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+}//end main
+ * set function, the first address is the register, the second is the argument
+ * example: set(register, 0x01); set the reigster to one
+ *
+ * 1. set the STOP bit 1 (look shema datasheet) at the reigster CONTROL1
+ * 2. set the time
+ * 3. set the STOP bit 0 (look shema datasheet) at the register CONTROL1
+ */
+void set_date(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second)
+    uint8_t week_val = 0x05;    //SAT
+    //set the STOP bit
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, CONTROL1, 0x20);  //set CONTROL1 STOP bit = 1 0b00100000
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, CONTROL2, 0x00);  //set CONTROL2 0b00000000
+    //set date
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, YEARS, year);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, MONTHS, month);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, WEEKDAYS, week_val);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, DAYS, day);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, HOURS, hour);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, MINUTES, minute);
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, SECONDS, second);
+    //releas the STOP bit
+    //CLOCKOUT_FREQ must set to 0, see shema datasheet
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, CLOCKOUT_FREQ, 0x00); //0x83 = TE on & 1Hz
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, TIMER_CINTROL, 0x00); // see datasheet
+    pcf8563.write(PCF8563_ADR_WR, CONTROL1, 0x00); //set CONTROL1 STOP bit = 0 0b00000000
+}// end set
+//invert the bool check
+void toggle()
+    check = !check;
+}//end toggle
+void send()
+    while(check == true) {
+        //read all parameters and connect the read value with a '&' with a register entry to 1: 0b11111111
+        second =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, SECONDS) &0x7F;
+        minute =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, MINUTES) &0x7F;
+        hour =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, HOURS) &0x3F;
+        day =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, DAYS) & 0x3F;
+        week =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, WEEKDAYS) &0x07;   //must not be used
+        month =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, MONTHS) &0x1F;
+        year =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, YEARS) &0xFF;
+        century_month = ConvertToDate(month);   //convert from hex into a string
+        /*serial export to pc
+         *%d02 shows: 00
+         *19%02 must be writen, becouse the register of the year goes only until 99
+         */
+        pc.printf("%d.%s.19%d\n\r%02d:%02d:%02d\n\r", pcf8563.bcdToDec(day), century_month, pcf8563.bcdToDec(year), pcf8563.bcdToDec(hour), pcf8563.bcdToDec(minute), pcf8563.bcdToDec(second)); //ignore warning, becouse it cames from the string library      //Warning message: Warning: Non-POD class type passed through ellipsis in "main.cpp" dont' care
+        wait(1);    //to send only one value
+    }
+}//end send
+void send_hh_mm_ss()
+    //read second, minute and hour from the rtc
+    second =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, SECONDS) &0x7F;
+    minute =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, MINUTES) &0x7F;
+    hour =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, HOURS) &0x3F;
+    pc.printf("Aktuelle Zeit: %02d:%02d:%02d\n\r", pcf8563.bcdToDec(hour), pcf8563.bcdToDec(minute), pcf8563.bcdToDec(second));
+    wait(1);    //to send only one value
+}//end send_hh_mm_ss
+void send_date()
+    day =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, DAYS) & 0x3F;
+    month =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, MONTHS) &0x1F;
+    year =, PCF8563_ADR_RD, YEARS) &0xFF;
+    century_month = ConvertToDate(month);   //convert from hex into a string
+    pc.printf("Ich wurde geboren am %02d.%s.19%d.\n\r", pcf8563.bcdToDec(day), century_month, pcf8563.bcdToDec(year));      //ignore warning, becouse it cames from the string library
+    wait(1);    //to send only one value
+}//end send_date
+ * have to be coded from the user
+ * month are coded in hex
+ * return the month in a string (string library used)
+ */
+string ConvertToDate(uint8_t value)
+    string month(" ");      // initialized
+    if(value == 0x01)   //compare value with a hex coded number until 0x12 is reached (see datashet)
+        month = "January";      //set the montch
+    if(value == 0x02)
+        month = "February";
+    if(value == 0x03)
+        month = "March";
+    if(value == 0x04)
+        month = "April";
+    if(value == 0x05)
+        month = "May";
+    if(value == 0x06)
+        month = "June";
+    if(value == 0x07)
+        month = "July";
+    if(value == 0x08)
+        month = "August";
+    if(value == 0x09)
+        month = "September";
+    if(value == 0x10)
+        month = "October";
+    if(value == 0x11)
+        month ="November";
+    if(value == 0x12)
+        month = "December";
+    return month;
+}//end ConvertToDate
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