Added support for obtaining BLE device name by parsing advertising data.
Fork of BLE_BlueNRG by
- Committer:
- hemddabral
- Date:
- 2014-07-31
- Revision:
- 7:e293b0f43dc7
- Parent:
- 0:309c845d289d
File content as of revision 7:e293b0f43dc7:
/******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2012 STMicroelectronics ******************** * File Name : ble_status.h * Author : AMS - HEA&RF BU * Version : V1.0.0 * Date : 19-July-2012 * Description : Header file with BLE Stack status codes. ******************************************************************************** * THE PRESENT FIRMWARE WHICH IS FOR GUIDANCE ONLY AIMS AT PROVIDING CUSTOMERS * WITH CODING INFORMATION REGARDING THEIR PRODUCTS IN ORDER FOR THEM TO SAVE TIME. * AS A RESULT, STMICROELECTRONICS SHALL NOT BE HELD LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIMS ARISING FROM THE * CONTENT OF SUCH FIRMWARE AND/OR THE USE MADE BY CUSTOMERS OF THE CODING * INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IN CONNECTION WITH THEIR PRODUCTS. *******************************************************************************/ #ifndef __BLE_STATUS_H__ #define __BLE_STATUS_H__ #include <hal_types.h> /** @defgroup ble_status Bluetooth Status/Error Codes * @{ */ typedef tHalUint8 tBleStatus; /* Error Codes as specified by the specification * according to the spec the error codes range * from 0x00 to 0x3F */ #define ERR_CMD_SUCCESS (0x00) #define BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS (0x00) #define ERR_UNKNOWN_HCI_COMMAND (0x01) #define ERR_UNKNOWN_CONN_IDENTIFIER (0x02) #define ERR_AUTH_FAILURE (0x05) #define ERR_PIN_OR_KEY_MISSING (0x06) #define ERR_MEM_CAPACITY_EXCEEDED (0x07) #define ERR_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT (0x08) #define ERR_COMMAND_DISALLOWED (0x0C) #define ERR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE (0x11) #define ERR_INVALID_HCI_CMD_PARAMS (0x12) #define ERR_RMT_USR_TERM_CONN (0x13) #define ERR_RMT_DEV_TERM_CONN_LOW_RESRCES (0x14) #define ERR_RMT_DEV_TERM_CONN_POWER_OFF (0x15) #define ERR_LOCAL_HOST_TERM_CONN (0x16) #define ERR_UNSUPP_RMT_FEATURE (0x1A) #define ERR_INVALID_LMP_PARAM (0x1E) #define ERR_UNSPECIFIED_ERROR (0x1F) #define ERR_LL_RESP_TIMEOUT (0x22) #define ERR_LMP_PDU_NOT_ALLOWED (0x24) #define ERR_INSTANT_PASSED (0x28) #define ERR_PAIR_UNIT_KEY_NOT_SUPP (0x29) #define ERR_CONTROLLER_BUSY (0x3A) #define ERR_DIRECTED_ADV_TIMEOUT (0x3C) #define ERR_CONN_END_WITH_MIC_FAILURE (0x3D) #define ERR_CONN_FAILED_TO_ESTABLISH (0x3E) /** * Generic/System error codes * starts with 0x40 */ #define BLE_STATUS_FAILED (0x41) #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMS (0x42) #define BLE_STATUS_BUSY (0x43) #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_LEN_PDU (0x44) #define BLE_STATUS_PENDING (0x45) #define BLE_STATUS_NOT_ALLOWED (0x46) #define BLE_STATUS_ERROR (0x47) /** * flash error codes * starts with 0x49 */ #define FLASH_READ_FAILED (0x49) #define FLASH_WRITE_FAILED (0x4A) #define FLASH_ERASE_FAILED (0x4B) /** * L2CAP error codes * starts with 0x50 */ #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_CID (0x50) /* * timer error codes * starts with 0x54 */ #define TIMER_NOT_VALID_LAYER (0x54) #define TIMER_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES (0x55) /** * SM error codes * starts with 0x5A */ #define BLE_STATUS_CSRK_NOT_FOUND (0x5A) #define BLE_STATUS_IRK_NOT_FOUND (0x5B) #define BLE_STATUS_DEV_NOT_FOUND_IN_DB (0x5C) #define BLE_STATUS_SEC_DB_FULL (0x5D) #define BLE_STATUS_DEV_NOT_BONDED (0x5E) /** * Gatt Error Codes * starts with 0x60 */ #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE (0x60) #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER (0x61) #define BLE_STATUS_OUT_OF_HANDLE (0x62) #define BLE_STATUS_INVALID_OPERATION (0x63) #define BLE_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES (0x64) #define BLE_INSUFFICIENT_ENC_KEYSIZE (0x65) #define BLE_STATUS_CHARAC_ALREADY_EXISTS (0x66) /** * @} */ #endif /* __BLE_STATUS_H__ */