Project is to translate Sign Language to Text and Speech

Dependencies:   mbed HCSR04 FXOS8700Q

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Mon Apr 22 02:49:05 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Scope of project is to translate sign language to Text and glove

Changed in this revision

FXOS8700Q.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/FXOS8700Q.lib	Mon Apr 22 02:49:05 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Mon Mar 18 12:37:58 2019 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Apr 22 02:49:05 2019 +0000
@@ -1,158 +1,337 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "hcsr04.h"
-#include "MFRC522.h"
-//Test of cheap 13.56 Mhz RFID-RC522 module 
-//Adapted for Nucleo STM32 F401RE. Should work on other Nucleos too
-// Nucleo Pin for MFRC522 reset (pick another D pin if you need D8)
-#define MF_RESET    D8
-//Connect as follows:
-//RFID pins        ->  Nucleo header CN5 (Arduino-compatible header)
-//RFID IRQ=pin5    ->   Not used. Leave open
-//RFID MISO=pin4   ->   Nucleo SPI_MISO=PA_6=D12
-//RFID MOSI=pin3   ->   Nucleo SPI_MOSI=PA_7=D11
-//RFID SCK=pin2    ->   Nucleo SPI_SCK =PA_5=D13
-//RFID SDA=pin1    ->   Nucleo SPI_CS  =PB_6=D7
-//RFID RST=pin7    ->   Nucleo         =PA_9=D6
-//3.3V and Gnd to the respective pins   
+#include "FXOS8700Q.h"
 // Initialize Serial port
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // tx, rx
 Serial bt(PTC17, PTC16); //For Bluetooth TX, RX
-//Initialize sensor and set pins
-HCSR04  usensor(PTB9,PTA1); //Pins for motion detector: Trigger, Echo
-DigitalOut Red(PTC4); //Pin used for red light
-DigitalOut Green(PTC12); //Pin used for green light
-DigitalOut Blue(PTD0); //Pin used for blue light
-DigitalOut LedBlue(LED3);//LED light on the board
+AnalogIn sensorPinTHUMB(A1); // pin that the THUMB flex sensor is attached to
+AnalogIn sensorPinINDEX(A2); // pin that the INDEX flex sensor is attached to
+AnalogIn sensorPinMIDDLE(A3); // pin that the MIDDLE flex sensor is attached to
+AnalogIn sensorPinRING(A4); // pin that the RING flex sensor is attached to
+AnalogIn sensorPinPINKY(A5); // pin that the PINKY flex sensor is attached to
+DigitalOut Green(PTC3);         // pin that the LED is attached to
+DigitalOut Yellow(PTC2);         // pin that the LED is attached to
+DigitalOut Blue(PTA2);         // pin that the LED is attached to
+//I2C lines for FXOS8700Q accelerometer/magnetometer
+FXOS8700Q_acc acc(PTE25, PTE24, FXOS8700CQ_SLAVE_ADDR1);
+// variables:
+float sensorValueTHUMB = 0;         // the THUMB sensor value
+float sensorValueINDEX = 0;         // the INDEX sensor value
+float sensorValueMIDDLE = 0;         // the MIDDLE sensor value
+float sensorValueRING = 0;         // the RING sensor value
+float sensorValuePINKY = 0;         // the PINKY sensor value
-MFRC522    RfChip   (D11, D12, D13, D7, D6);
+float sensorMinTHUMB = 1023;        // minimum THUMB sensor value
+float sensorMinINDEX = 1023;        // minimum INDEX sensor value
+float sensorMinMIDDLE = 1023;        // minimum MIDDLE sensor value
+float sensorMinRING = 1023;        // minimum RING sensor value
+float sensorMinPINKY = 1023;        // minimum PINKY sensor value
+float sensorMaxTHUMB = 0;           // maximum THUMB sensor value
+float sensorMaxINDEX = 0;           // maximum INDEX sensor value
+float sensorMaxMIDDLE = 0;           // maximum MIDDLE sensor value
+float sensorMaxRING = 0;           // maximum RING sensor value
+float sensorMaxPINKY = 0;           // maximum PINKY sensor value
-unsigned int dist;       
+char str[] = "Calibration was Successful";
 char c;
+int count1 = 0;
+int count2 = 0;
+int count3 = 0;
+int count4 = 0;
+int count5 = 0;
+int count6 = 0;
+int count7 = 0;
+int count8 = 0;
+int count9 = 0;
+int count10 = 0;
+int count11 = 0;
 int main()
-        //Green light needs to be ON at idle to prove system is active and ready
-       Blue = 0; Green = 1; Red = 0;  //Turn the Green light on and all others off
-       LedBlue = 1;
+   while(1) {
+        if (bt.readable() > 0)  
+        c = bt.getc();            
+        pc.putc(c); // echo input back to serial
+ }
+// turn on LED to signal the start of the calibration period:
+        if(c == '0') {
+            pc.printf("Request to calibrate the glove\n\r");
+            Green = 1; Yellow = 1; Blue = 1;
+            pc.printf("Calibration in progress...\n\r");
+            pc.printf("Flex, close and open your gloved fist several times\n\r");
+            bt.printf("Calibration in progress...\n\r");
+            bt.printf("Flex, close and open your gloved fist several times\n\r");
+            //wait (100); //Timeout for door to stay open
+            //Blue = 0; Red = 0; Green = 1;
+            //bt.printf("Door is CLOSED");
-  pc.printf("starting...\n");
-  RfChip.PCD_Init();
+    // calibrate using the first 100 values 
+        int b;
+        for ( b = 0; b < 50; b = b + 1)
+        {
+// Find the max flex sensor values for all 5 fingers
+        pc.printf("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//\n");
+        pc.printf("**********************************************************************************************\n");
+        pc.printf("//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//\n");
+        sensorValueTHUMB = 10 *; //Find the maximum flex sensor values for the thumb
+        if (sensorValueTHUMB > sensorMaxTHUMB) 
+        sensorMaxTHUMB = sensorValueTHUMB;
+        else
+        sensorMaxTHUMB = sensorMaxTHUMB;
+        if (sensorValueTHUMB < sensorMinTHUMB) //Find the minimum flex sensor values for the thumb
+        sensorMinTHUMB = sensorValueTHUMB;
+        else
+        sensorMinTHUMB = sensorMinTHUMB;
+        pc.printf("Thumb Flex Sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorValueTHUMB);
-    while(1) {
-    // Init. RC522 Chip and HCSR04 motion Sensor
-     usensor.start();
-//******************************Motion sensor begin*************************************
-  dist=usensor.get_dist_cm();
-  if (dist < 200) 
-        printf("AMBER ALERT - Motion is detected within (cm) (%1d)\r\n", dist);
-        bt.printf("AMBER ALERT - Motion is detected within (cm) (%1d)\r\n", dist);
-        Red = 1;
-        Green = 0;
-        Blue = 0;
-        wait_ms(2);    
+        sensorValueINDEX = 10 *;   //Find the maximum flex sensor values for the index
+        if (sensorValueINDEX > sensorMaxINDEX) 
+        sensorMaxINDEX = sensorValueINDEX;
+        else
+        sensorMaxINDEX = sensorMaxINDEX;
+        if (sensorValueINDEX < sensorMinINDEX) //Find the minimum flex sensor values for the index
+        sensorMinINDEX = sensorValueINDEX;
+        else
+        sensorMinINDEX = sensorMinINDEX;
+        pc.printf("Index Flex Sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorValueINDEX);
+        sensorValueMIDDLE = 10 *; //Find the maximum flex sensor values for the middle
+        if (sensorValueMIDDLE > sensorMaxMIDDLE) 
+        sensorMaxMIDDLE = sensorValueMIDDLE;
+        else
+        sensorMaxMIDDLE = sensorMaxMIDDLE;
+        if (sensorValueMIDDLE < sensorMinMIDDLE) //Find the minimum flex sensor values for the middle
+        sensorMinMIDDLE = sensorValueMIDDLE;
+        else
+        sensorMinMIDDLE = sensorMinMIDDLE;
+        pc.printf("Middle Flex Sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorValueMIDDLE);
+        sensorValueRING = 10 *; //Find the maximum flex sensor values for the Ring
+        if (sensorValueRING > sensorMaxRING) 
+        sensorMaxRING = sensorValueRING;
+        else
+        sensorMaxRING = sensorMaxRING;
+        if (sensorValueRING < sensorMinRING) //Find the minimum flex sensor values for the Ring
+        sensorMinRING = sensorValueRING;
+        else
+        sensorMinRING = sensorMinRING;
+        pc.printf("Ring Flex Sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorValueRING);
+        sensorValuePINKY = 10 *;   //Find the maximum flex sensor values for the PINKY
+        if (sensorValuePINKY > sensorMaxPINKY) 
+        sensorMaxPINKY = sensorValuePINKY;
+        else
+        sensorMaxPINKY = sensorMaxPINKY;
+        if (sensorValuePINKY < sensorMinPINKY) //Find the minimum flex sensor values for the Pinky
+        sensorMinPINKY = sensorValuePINKY;
-        printf("Motion is detected within (cm) (%1d)\r\n", dist);
-        Green = 1;
-        Red = 0;
-        Blue = 0;
-        wait_ms(2); 
-        bt.printf(" \r\n", dist);
-//********************Bluetooth and Android App Code************************************
-if (bt.readable() > 0)  
-         c = bt.getc();            
-            pc.putc(c); // echo input back to serial
-        if(c == '1') {
-            Blue = 1; Red = 0; Green = 0;            
-            pc.printf("Door is OPEN from Android App!\n\r");
-            bt.printf("Door is OPEN\n\r");
-            bt.printf("Door will be closed within 10s");
-            wait (10); //Timeout for door to stay open
-            Blue = 0; Red = 0; Green = 1;
-            bt.printf("Door is CLOSED");
-            }
-       /* if(c == '0') {
-            Green = 0; Blue = 0;Red = 1;
-            pc.printf("Door is CLOSED from Android App!\n\r");
-            bt.printf("Door is CLOSED");
-            wait(3);
-            Red = 0; Green = 1;
-                 }*/
-        } 
+        sensorMinPINKY = sensorMinPINKY;
+        pc.printf("Pinky Flex Sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorValuePINKY);
+    } //end For loop
+        //Summary of Minimum and Maximum flex sensors
+        pc.printf("Max THUMB sensor value: %0.4f, Min THUMB sensor value: %0.4f\n", sensorMaxTHUMB, sensorMinTHUMB);
+        pc.printf("Max INDEX Sensor Value: %0.4f, Min INDEX sensor Value: %0.4f\n",  sensorMaxINDEX, sensorMinINDEX);
+        pc.printf("Max MIDDLE Sensor Value: %0.4f, Min MIDDLE sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorMaxMIDDLE, sensorMinMIDDLE);
+        pc.printf("Max RING Sensor Value: %0.4f, Min RING sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorMaxRING, sensorMinRING);
+        pc.printf("Max PINKY Sensor Value: %0.4f, Min PINKY sensor Value: %0.4f\n", sensorMaxPINKY, sensorMinPINKY);
+        bt.printf("%s", str);  //send successful calibration message to phone
+        Green = 0; Yellow = 0; Blue = 0;
-//******************************Code for RFID*******************************************
-    // Look for new cards
-    if ( ! RfChip.PICC_IsNewCardPresent())
-    {
-      wait_ms(10);
-      continue;
-    }
+        return 0; 
+} // End If Loop for c=0
-    // Select one of the cards
-   if ( ! RfChip.PICC_ReadCardSerial())
-    {
-      wait_ms(10);
-      continue;
-    }
-        printf("ACCESS ALLOWED using RFID tag.\r\n");
-        bt.printf("ACCESS ALLOWED using RFID tag. Door is OPEN\r\n");        
-        bt.printf("Door will be closed within 10s");
-        Red = 0; Green = 0; Blue = 1;
-        wait(5);
-        Blue = 0; Red = 0; Green = 1;
-        bt.printf("Door is CLOSED.\r\n");
-    if(dist < 200)
-    {
-        Red = 1; Green = 0; Blue = 0;  
-        //LedBlue = 1;
+if(c == '1') {
+    acc.enable();       //enable K64f accelerometer
+    float faX, faY, faZ; //declare variables to use x,y and z acelerator values
+    int16_t x = 0;      //
+    int16_t y = 0;
+    int16_t z = 0;
+        Green = 1; //turn the GREEN LED on to indicate glove is ready for use
+        acc.getX(&faX);
+        acc.getY(&faY);
+        acc.getZ(&faZ);
+        x = 10*faX;
+        y = 10*faY;
+        z = 10*faZ;
+// read the sensors:
+    sensorValueTHUMB = 10 *;
+    sensorValueINDEX = 10 *;
+    sensorValueMIDDLE = 10 *;
+    sensorValueRING = 10 *;
+    sensorValuePINKY = 10 *;
+    pc.printf("thumb: %0.4f, index: %0.4f, middle: %0.4f, ring: %0.4f, pinky: %0.4f, gyro: x= %d, y= %d, z= %d \n\r", sensorValueTHUMB, sensorValueINDEX, sensorValueMIDDLE, sensorValueRING, sensorValuePINKY,  x, y, z);
+    //bt.printf("thumb: %0.4f, index: %0.4f, middle: %0.4f, ring: %0.4f, pinky: %0.4f, gyro: %0.4f,  x= %d, y= %d, z= %d \n\r", sensorValueTHUMB, sensorValueINDEX, sensorValueMIDDLE, sensorValueRING, sensorValuePINKY,  x, y, z);
+    if((8.591 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 8.8207)&& (-2 < x && x < 4)){
+        pc.printf("A %s\n");
+        count8 = count8 + 1;
+        if (count8 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("A, ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((7.3513 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 7.5873)){
+        pc.printf("B %s\n");
+          count9 = count9 + 1;
+        if (count9 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("B, ");
+        }
+        }
-    }
-        else 
-    {
-        Red = 0; Green = 1; Blue = 0;  
-        //LedBlue = 1;
-    }
+     if((7.8727 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 8.1166) && (7.9865 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 9.0965) && (8.3113 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 8.7227) && (-3 < x && x < 1)){
+        pc.printf("C %s\n");
+          count10 = count10 + 1;
+        if (count10 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("C ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((8.0125 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 8.2077) && (-11 < y && y < -7) ){
+        pc.printf("D %s\n");
+        count11 = count11 + 1;
+        if (count11 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("D ");
+        }
+        }
+     /*
+     if((8.1634 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 8.656) && (8.7664 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 8.9605) && (8.5954 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 8.9223) && (7.3604 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 7.668) && (7.7595 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 8.4056) && (-2 < x && x < 1) && (-11 < y && y < -8) && (-3 < z && z < 1)){
+        pc.printf("1 %s\n");
+        bt.printf("1 %s");
+        }
+     if((7.9514 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 8.3063) && (8.625 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 8.9257) && (7.4993 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 7.7451) && (7.3913 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 7.6589) && (7.7869 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 8.1549) && (-2 < x && x < 1) && (-10 < y && y < -8) && (-3 < z && z < 0)){
+        pc.printf("2 %s\n");
+        bt.printf("2 %s");
+        }
+     if((8.1123 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 8.7055) && (8.2755 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 8.8242) && (7.5541 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 8.0875) && (7.3887 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 7.6744) && (7.269 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 7.5112) && (-1 < x && x < 1) && (-11 < y && y < -9) && (-2 < z && z < 1)){
+        pc.printf("3 %s\n");
+        bt.printf("3 %s");
+        }
-    // Print Card UID
-    pc.printf("Card UID: ");
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RfChip.uid.size; i++)
-    {
-      pc.printf(" %X02", RfChip.uid.uidByte[i]);
+     if((7.3772 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 7.6766) && (7.4785 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 7.7242) && (7.6021 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 7.8327) && (7.4167 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 7.6906) && (8.0097 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 8.3341) && (-1 < x && x < 1) && (-1 < y && y < -8) && (-2 < z && z < 1)){
+        pc.printf("4 %s\n");
+        bt.printf("4 %s");
+        }
+     if((7.4744 < sensorValueTHUMB && sensorValueTHUMB < 7.7179) && (7.6393 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 7.7652) && (7.6108 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 7.8421) && (7.4869 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 7.7123) && (7.2608 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 7.4977) && (-1 < x && x < 1) && (-10 < y && y < -8) && (-3 < z && z < 0)){
+        pc.printf("5 %s\n");
+        bt.printf("5 %s");
+        }
+     /*
+     if((8.0029 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 8.5487) && (-10 < x && x < -7) && (-5 < y && y < 1) && (-4 < z && z < 3)){
+        pc.printf("We are %s\n");
+        count1 = count1 + 1;
+        if (count1 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("We are ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((-3 < x && x < 2) && (-4 < y && y < 0) && (7< z && z < 11)){
+        pc.printf("Group %s\n");
+        count2 = count2 + 1;
+        if (count2 == 1)
+        { 
+        bt.printf("Group ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((8.5806 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 9.189) && (-3 < x && x < 1) && (-11 < y && y < -8) && (-1 < z && z < 1)){
+        pc.printf("12, %s\n");
+         count3 = count3 + 1;
+        if (count3 == 1)
+        { 
+      bt.printf("12, ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((-4 < x && x < 0) && (-1 < y && y < 2) && (-10 < z && z < -7)){
+        pc.printf("this is a %s\n");
+         count4 = count4 + 1;
+        if (count4 == 1)
+        { 
+       bt.printf("this is a ");
+       }
+        }
+     if((7.7686 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 8.012) && (7.8952 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 8.249) && (-7< x && x < -4) && (-10 < y && y < -7) && (-5 < z && z < 2)){
+        pc.printf("to speech %s\n");
+         count5 = count5 + 1;
+        if (count5 == 1)
+        { 
+       bt.printf("to speech ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((0 < x && x < 4) && (-10 < y && y < -7) && (-5 < z && z < -1)){
+        pc.printf("sign %s\n");
+         count6 = count6 + 1;
+        if (count6 == 1)
+        { 
+       bt.printf("sign ");
+        }
+        }
+     if((8.4366 < sensorValueINDEX && sensorValueINDEX < 9.008) && (8.7243 < sensorValueMIDDLE && sensorValueMIDDLE < 9.2045) && (8.8161 < sensorValueRING && sensorValueRING < 9.2164) && (7.2151 < sensorValuePINKY && sensorValuePINKY < 7.6333) && (-2 < z && z < 2)){ 
+        pc.printf("project %s\n");
+         count7 = count7 + 1;
+        if (count7 == 1)
+        { 
+       bt.printf("project.");
-    pc.printf("\n\r");
-    // Print Card type
-    uint8_t piccType = RfChip.PICC_GetType(RfChip.uid.sak);
-    pc.printf("PICC Type: %s \n\r", RfChip.PICC_GetTypeName(piccType));
-    wait_ms(10);
-    }
\ No newline at end of file