

#include "scrp_slave.hpp"
#include "core.hpp"

#include "mbed.h"

ScrpSlave sendpwm(PC_12,PD_2 ,PH_1 ,SERIAL_TX,SERIAL_RX,0x0807f800);
Robot AKASHIKOSEN(50.8,25.4,322.5,259.75);

int main(){


Position pos;
    pos = RBT.getStatus();
Mon Oct 18 08:15:39 2021 +0000

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 1 #include "core.hpp"
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 2
hamohamo 3:3f42230ca4ec 3 Core::Core(Robot* robot,int mode,double dt):rbt(robot),mode(mode),dt(dt),Mots(5),Encs(9),PIDs(6){}
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 4 Motor* Core::addMOT(PinName plus,PinName minus,int period,int id){
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 5 Mots.at(id) = new Motor(plus,minus,period,id);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 6 return Mots.at(id);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 7 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 8 void Core::addENC(PinName plus,PinName minus,int resolution,int mode,int id){Encs.at(id) = new Encoder(plus,minus,resolution,mode,id);}
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 9 PID* Core::addPID(double Kp,double Ki,double Kd,int id){
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 10 PIDs.at(id) = new PID(Kp,Ki,Kd,id);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 11 return PIDs.at(id);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 12 }
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 13 void Core::setPWM(double pwm,int id){Mots[id]->setPWM(pwm);}
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 14
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 15 void Core::START(){timer.start();}
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 16 bool Core::LOOP(){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 17 bool ret = true;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 18 long long int temp;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 19 while(temp <= dt*1000.0*1000.0){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 20 temp = timer.read_us()-t;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 21 if(temp < 0.0){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 22 ret = false;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 23 printf("WARN!:Out of cycle:%lld(us)\n",temp);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 24 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 25 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 26 t = timer.read_us();
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 27 return ret;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 28 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 29 void Core::WAIT(double wt){while(timer.read_us()-t <= wt*1000.0*1000.0);}
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 30 void Core::setPosition(double x,double y,double theta){
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 31 pos.x = x;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 32 pos.y = y;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 33 pos.theta = theta;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 34 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 35 void Core::setVelocity(double Vx,double Vy,double Vw){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 36 double w1,w2,w3,w4;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 37 double k = sqrt(2.0)/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 38 switch(mode){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 39 case OMNI4:
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 40 w1 = -Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) - Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 41 w2 = -Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 42 w3 = Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 43 w4 = Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) - Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 44 break;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 45 case OMNI3:
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 46 w1 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 47 w2 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 48 w3 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 49 w4 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 50 break;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 51 case MECANUM:
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 52 w1 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 53 w2 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 54 w3 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 55 w4 = 0.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 56 break;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 57 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 58 Encs[rbt->RF]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 59 Encs[rbt->RB]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 60 Encs[rbt->LB]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 61 Encs[rbt->LF]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 62 PIDs[rbt->RF]->Update(Encs[rbt->RF]->get_Omega(),w1/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 63 PIDs[rbt->RB]->Update(Encs[rbt->RB]->get_Omega(),w2/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 64 PIDs[rbt->LB]->Update(Encs[rbt->LB]->get_Omega(),w3/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 65 PIDs[rbt->LF]->Update(Encs[rbt->LF]->get_Omega(),w4/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 5:8dec5e011b3c 66 printf("%lf,%lf",Encs[rbt->RF]->get_Omega(),w1/rbt->CWR);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 67 setPWM(PIDs[rbt->RF]->getGain(),rbt->RF);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 68 setPWM(PIDs[rbt->RB]->getGain(),rbt->RB);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 69 setPWM(PIDs[rbt->LB]->getGain(),rbt->LB);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 70 setPWM(PIDs[rbt->LF]->getGain(),rbt->LF);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 71 }
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 72 Position Core::getStatus(){
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 73 double vx,vy,vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 74 double vX,vY;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 75 double Rw1,Rw2,Rw3,Rw4;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 76 Encs[rbt->F]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 77 Encs[rbt->R]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 78 Encs[rbt->B]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 79 Encs[rbt->L]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 80
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 81 Rw1 = Encs[rbt->F]->get_Omega()*(rbt->SWR);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 82 Rw2 = Encs[rbt->R]->get_Omega()*(rbt->SWR);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 83 Rw3 = Encs[rbt->B]->get_Omega()*(rbt->SWR);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 84 Rw4 = Encs[rbt->L]->get_Omega()*(rbt->SWR);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 85
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 86 vx = (-1*Rw1 + Rw3)/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 87 vy = (Rw2 + -1*Rw4)/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 88 vw = (Rw1 + Rw2 + Rw3 + Rw4)/(rbt->C2SD)/4.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 89 vX = cos(pos.theta)*vx - sin(pos.theta)*vy;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 90 vY = sin(pos.theta)*vx + cos(pos.theta)*vy;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 91
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 92 pos.x += (vel.x+vX)*dt/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 93 pos.y += (vel.y+vY)*dt/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 94 pos.theta += (vel.theta+vw)*dt/2.0;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 95 vel.x = vX;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 96 vel.y = vY;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 97 vel.theta = vw;
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 98 return pos;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 99 }
hamohamo 4:2425cd08e0c2 100 Core::Core(Robot* robot,ScrpSlave* scrp,int mode,double dt):rbt(robot),scrp(scrp),mode(mode),dt(dt),Mots(5),Encs(9),PIDs(6){}
hamohamo 5:8dec5e011b3c 101 void Core::sendPWM(double pwm,int id){scrp->send1(255, id ,(pwm * 100.0));}
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 102 void Core::sendVelocity(double Vx,double Vy,double Vw){
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 103 double w1,w2,w3,w4;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 104 double k = sqrt(2.0)/2.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 105 switch(mode){
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 106 case OMNI4:
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 107 w1 = -Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) - Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 108 w2 = -Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 109 w3 = Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 110 w4 = Vx*k*(sin(pos.theta)-cos(pos.theta)) - Vy*k*(sin(pos.theta)+cos(pos.theta)) + rbt->C2CD*Vw;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 111 break;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 112 case OMNI3:
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 113 w1 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 114 w2 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 115 w3 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 116 w4 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 117 break;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 118 case MECANUM:
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 119 w1 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 120 w2 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 121 w3 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 122 w4 = 0.0;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 123 break;
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 124 }
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 125 Encs[rbt->RF]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 126 Encs[rbt->RB]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 127 Encs[rbt->LB]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 128 Encs[rbt->LF]->Update(dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 129 PIDs[rbt->RF]->Update(Encs[rbt->RF]->get_Omega(),w1/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 130 PIDs[rbt->RB]->Update(Encs[rbt->RB]->get_Omega(),w2/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 131 PIDs[rbt->LB]->Update(Encs[rbt->LB]->get_Omega(),w3/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 132 PIDs[rbt->LF]->Update(Encs[rbt->LF]->get_Omega(),w4/rbt->CWR,dt);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 133 //printf("%lf,%lf\n",Encs[rbt->LF]->get_Omega(),w4/rbt->CWR);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 134 WAIT(0.01);
hamohamo 3:3f42230ca4ec 135 sendPWM(PIDs[rbt->RF]->getGain(),rbt->RF);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 136 WAIT(0.0125);
hamohamo 3:3f42230ca4ec 137 sendPWM(PIDs[rbt->RB]->getGain(),rbt->RB);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 138 WAIT(0.015);
hamohamo 3:3f42230ca4ec 139 sendPWM(PIDs[rbt->LB]->getGain(),rbt->LB);
hamohamo 2:d88ff6dda390 140 WAIT(0.0175);
hamohamo 3:3f42230ca4ec 141 sendPWM(PIDs[rbt->LF]->getGain(),rbt->LF);
hamohamo 0:0a9ce35078a3 142 }