A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and a first approach to an RTOS. Many thanks to Andrew Levido for his support and his patience on teaching me the RTOS principles from the other side of the Earth. It uses NMEA library by Tim (xtimor@gmail.com) ported by Ken Todotani (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/) on public mbed library (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/programs/GPS_nmeaLib/5yo4h) also available, as original universal C library, on http://nmea.sourceforge.net

Dependencies:   mbos Watchdog TextLCD mbed ConfigFile



File content as of revision 0:d177c0087d1f:

// Ports initialization
DigitalOut led1(LED1);
DigitalOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
Serial gps(NC, GPSRX);

PwmOut LcdBklight(p25);
AnalogIn KeypadIn(p20);

// Globals
int size;
int X=0, Y=0;
char Key='-';

char msgBuff[2][BUFF_SIZE];     // Receive data buffer from GPS module
                                // Two buffer for double buffering
volatile int writePointer = 0;  // Write pointer for active data buffer
volatile unsigned int bufferSelect = 0; // Active buffer selector

double latitude, longitude;
double degrees, minutes;

int SetTimeOk=0; // is RTC in sync?
int PcMonitor=0;    // to control serial out on USB serial
int Menu = 0;
const char *Lab[]={"MAG", "DIR", "GPS"}; //Label to display in compass view
int CmpPos[]={0,15,0}; //Compass position
int Ang[3]; //Compass angle values
enum DirLab{Mag, Dir, Gps};

nmeaINFO info;                  // Store GPS information 
nmeaPARSER parser;

typedef struct _DegMinSec
    int Deg;         
    int Min; 
    double Sec;        
 } DegMinSec;

typedef struct _DistAzimuth
    double Dist; 
    double Azimuth[2];
 } DistAzimuth;
 DistAzimuth Path;
 nmeaPOS Pos[2];
 nmeaINFO Dest;