Mbed Surveillance with text alert

Mbed Surveillance with text alert

This mini design project detected motion in the area and when motion was detected, the camera would take 4 pictures immediately after motion is detected. After the pictures are taken a text message is sent to the user at the programmed phone number.

Parts Used

  1. Mbed
  2. GSM Modem Enfora GSM 1308 w/SIM card
  3. Pololu Serial Adapter
  4. Serial cable from adapter to Modem
  5. LinkSprite JPEG Color Camera
  6. Phidgets Motion Sensor
  7. External Power Supply that can supply 6-40V and at least 200mA current


I drew a schematic for you to see the important connections /media/uploads/gtg846r/schematic0001.pdf

Motion Sensor Leads


Modem Connections

Mbed Serial Interface


Power and peripheral Interface



I have published the code here:

The algorithm used to determine when motion is detected was based off a moving average.


Youtube video

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