Simple controller class for Stinger Robot without using Robotics Connection board.

Wed Oct 13 03:18:54 2010 +0000


Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 1 #ifndef ROBOT_H
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 2 #define ROBOT_H
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 3
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 4 // This library was designed simplify operation of Stinger robot only with MBED and two H-Bridges.
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 5 // Is is still in development.
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 6 // Class Robot integrated QEI, PID and Motor classes to work together through use of Ticker function to
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 7 // regularly poll QEI objects, adjust PID and Motor objects.
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 8 // Right now all pins have been preassigned, later empty constructor will be added with individual pin assignments.
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 9 // Pinouts are:
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 10 // rightMotor = new Motor(p23, p6, p5); // pwm, fwd, rev
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 11 // leftMotor = new Motor(p22, p8, p7); // pwm, fwd, rev
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 12 // leftQei = new QEI(p29, p30, NC, 624, QEI::X2_ENCODING); //chanA, chanB, index, ppr
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 13 // rightQei = new QEI(p27, p28, NC, 624, QEI::X2_ENCODING); //chanB, chanA, index, ppr
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 14 // leftPid = new PID(0.4312, 0.1, 0.0, RATE); //Kc, Ti, Td
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 15 // rightPid = new PID(0.4312, 0.1, 0.0, RATE); //Kc, Ti, Td
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 16
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 17 #include "mbed.h"
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 18 #include "Motor.h"
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 19 #include "QEI.h"
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 20 #include "PID.h"
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 21
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 22 #define MAX_SPEED 3200
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 23 #define RATE 0.05
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 24 #define DPP 14.2 //Pulses per degree of motor rotation
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 25
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 26 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 27 * Robot class.
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 28 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 29
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 30 class Robot {
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 31 public:
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 32 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 33 * Constructor
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 34 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 35 Robot();
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 36 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 37 * Destructor
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 38 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 39 virtual ~Robot();
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 40 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 41 * Move Straight
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 42 * @param s speed between -1.0 and 1.0
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 43 * @param clix Number of pulses to move
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 44 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 45 void MoveStraightPulses(float s, int clix);
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 46 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 47 * Move Straight
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 48 * @param speed speed between -1.0 and 1.0
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 49 * @param in Number of inches to move
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 50 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 51 void MoveStraightInches(float speed, float in);
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 52 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 53 * Move Straight
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 54 * @param seed speed between -1.0 and 1.0
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 55 * @param rotations Number of wheel rotations to move
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 56 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 57 void MoveStraightRotations(float speed, float rotations);
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 58 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 59 * Stop Left Wheel
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 60 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 61 void StopLeft();
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 62 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 63 * Stop Right Wheel
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 64 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 65 void StopRight();
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 66 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 67 * Stop
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 68 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 69 void Stop();
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 70 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 71 * Pivet left
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 72 * @param deg degrees
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 73 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 74 void PivetLeft(float deg);
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 75 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 76 * Pivet right
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 77 * @param deg degrees
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 78 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 79 void PivetRight(float deg);
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 80 void RotateLeftWheel(float rpm, float deg); //Rotate Wheel <deg> Degrees
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 81 void RotateRightWheel(float rpm, float deg); //Rotate Wheel <deg> Degrees
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 82 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 83 * Returns 0 if robot is not moving
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 84 * Returns 1 otherwise
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 85 * @returns flat
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 86 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 87 int IsBusy();
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 88
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 89
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 90 protected:
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 91 Motor *rightMotor;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 92 Motor *leftMotor;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 93 QEI *leftQei;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 94 QEI *rightQei;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 95 PID *leftPid;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 96 PID *rightPid;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 97 Serial *pc;
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 98 /**
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 99 * Ticker function
gtg795y 1:b4d202b471ae 100 */
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 101 void Call();
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 102
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 103 private:
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 104 Ticker ticker;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 105 volatile int leftPulses;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 106 volatile int rightPulses;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 107 volatile int leftPrevPulses;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 108 volatile int rightPrevPulses;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 109 volatile int leftPulsesGoTo;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 110 volatile int rightPulsesGoTo;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 111 volatile int leftSpeed;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 112 volatile int rightSpeed;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 113 volatile float rightVelocity;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 114 volatile float leftVelocity;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 115 float leftDirection;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 116 float rightDirection;
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 117 };
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 118
gtg795y 0:fc95840345e8 119 #endif /* ROBOT_H */