gs fan
HTTP(GET/POST) client see:
- Committer:
- gsfan
- Date:
- 2013-05-20
- Revision:
- 0:940529a06f88
- Child:
- 1:eddcf7c7f8a1
File content as of revision 0:940529a06f88:
/* * HTTP client and NTP client */ #include "mbed.h" #include "GSwifi.h" #define HTTP_HOST "" #define HTTP_PORT 80 #define HTTP_URI "/" #define SECURE GSwifi::GSSEC_WPA_PSK #define SSID "SSID" #define PASS "PASSPHRASE" GSwifi gs(p13, p14, p20); // TX, RX, Reset (no flow control) //GSwifi gs(p13, p14, p12, P0_22, p20, NC, 115200); // TX, RX, CTS, RTS, Reset, Alarm Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2); extern "C" void HardFault_Handler() { printf("Hard Fault!\r\n"); gs.disconnect(); exit(-1); } void onGsReceive (int cid, int len) { int i; char buf[GS_DATA_SIZE + 1]; led2 = 1; i = gs.recv(cid, buf, len); buf[i] = 0; pc.printf(buf); } int main () { int r; IpAddr ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver; Host host; led1 = 1; pc.baud(115200); pc.printf("connecting...\r\n"); if (gs.connect(SECURE, SSID, PASS)) { return -1; } gs.getAddress(ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver); pc.printf("ip %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3]); pc.printf("httpGet\r\n"); host.setName(HTTP_HOST); host.setPort(HTTP_PORT); r = gs.httpGet(host, HTTP_URI, 0, &onGsReceive); if (r >= 0) { for (;;) { gs.poll(); if (! gs.isConnected(r)) break; wait_ms(50); led1 = !led1; led2 = 0; } } pc.printf("exit\r\n"); }