example code using statis library for temperature measurement with LM35 and LM335

Dependencies:   mbed statis

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Nov 28 18:48:22 2012 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Dec 02 16:38:15 2012 +0000
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "include/util.h"
-#include "include/bitmsk.h"
-#include "include/ring.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "bitmsk.h"
+#include "ring.h"
 #include "tickerEvent.h"
 #include "temperatureSensor.h"
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-// tickerEvent initialisation
+// Ticker initialisation
 tickerEvent led1(LED1, 1);
-//tickerEvent led2(LED2, 0.9);
-//tickerEvent led3(LED3, 0.7);
-//tickerEvent led4(LED4, 0.1);
+Ticker disp;
+float DISP_RATE   = 2;
+float LM35_FREQ   = 10;
+int   LM35_SIZE   = 19;
+float LM335_FREQ  = 10;
+int   LM335_SIZE  = 19;
 // temperature sensor intialisation
 /* Statistical declaration is a bitmsk of type:
@@ -22,24 +28,32 @@
  STAT_ECART_TYPE -> standard deviation
 // LM35 temperature sensor out is connected to Mbed pin : p19
-temperatureSensor LM35(p19, 0.05, 0, STAT_MED_NORM|STAT_MED | STAT_MOYENNE | STAT_ECART_TYPE, 19);
+temperatureSensor LM35(p19, 1.0/LM35_FREQ, 0, STAT_MED_NORM | STAT_MED | STAT_MOYENNE | STAT_ECART_TYPE, LM35_SIZE);
 // LM335 temperature sensor out is connected to Mbed pin : p20
-temperatureSensor LM335(p20, 0.05, 273.15, STAT_MED_NORM|STAT_MED | STAT_MOYENNE | STAT_ECART_TYPE , 19);
+temperatureSensor LM335(p20, 1.0/LM35_SIZE, 273.15, STAT_MED_NORM | STAT_MED | STAT_MOYENNE | STAT_ECART_TYPE , LM335_SIZE);
+// function call by Ticker objet disp
+void display()
+    LM35.calcule();
+    pc.printf("LM35:  %+4.4g C, %+4.4g C, std: %03.1g ind: %2d (%3u)\t",
+              LM35.mediane(), LM35.moyenne(), LM35.ecart_type(), LM35.indice(), LM35.n_element());
+    LM335.calcule();              
+    pc.printf("LM335: %+4.4g C, %+4.4g C, std: %03.1g ind: %2d (%3u)\r",
+              LM335.mediane(), LM335.moyenne(), LM335.ecart_type(), LM335.indice(), LM335.n_element());
 // main program
 int main()
-    pc.printf("\r\nStarting ...\r\n");
+    disp.attach( &display, DISP_RATE );
+    pc.printf("\r\nStarting at %5.0f Hz ...\r\n", LM35_FREQ);
     pc.printf("Sensor: mediane, average, std-dev, indice\r\n");
     while (1) {
-        //for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
-        //pc.printf("Status LED1: %d\r\n", led1.read());
-        wait(2);
-        LM35.calcule();
-        LM335.calcule();
-        pc.printf("LM35:  %4.3g C, %4.3g C, std: %3.1g ind: %2d (%3u)\t\t", LM35.mediane(), LM35.moyenne(), LM35.ecart_type(), LM35.indice()), LM35.n_element();
-        pc.printf("LM335: %4.3g C, %4.3g C, std: %3.0g ind: %2d\r", LM335.mediane(), LM335.moyenne(), LM335.ecart_type(), LM335.indice());
-    //pc.printf("End ...\r\n");