Class library for using the ESP8266 wifi module.

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ESP8266 Class Reference

ESP8266 Class Reference

Class library for using the ESP8266 wifi module. More...

#include <ESP8266.h>

Public Member Functions

 ESP8266 (PinName Tx, PinName Rx, PinName Rst)
 Create a ESP8266 object connected to the specified pins.
bool startup (uint8_t mode)
 Starts the ESP8266 in a specified mode.
void getVersion (char *version)
 Get the version of AT Command Set from the ESP8266.
void getAPList (char *list)
 Search available AP list and return it.
bool setSoftAPParam (string ssid, string pwd, uint8_t chl=7, uint8_t ecn=4)
 Set SoftAP parameters.
bool DHCP (bool enabled, int mode)
 Enable/Disable DHCP.
bool joinAP (string ssid, string pwd)
 Join in AP.
void getLocalIP (char *LocalIP)
 Get the local IP address of ESP8266.
bool setLocalIP (string LocalIP)
 Sets the IP Address of the ESP8266 Station.
bool setSoftAPIP (string LocalIP)
 Sets the IP Address of the ESP8266 SoftAP.
bool TCPServerStart (uint32_t port=333)
 Start TCP Server(Only in multiple mode).
bool TCPPacketReceived (void)
 Indicates whether a new packet has arrived from a connected client.
void TCPPacketRead (uint8_t *ID, uint32_t *LEN, char DATA[])
 Reads the current received TCP packet.
bool TCPPacketSend (uint8_t ID, uint32_t LEN, char DATA[])
 Send a data packet using TCP to a specified client.

Detailed Description

Class library for using the ESP8266 wifi module.

Definition at line 36 of file ESP8266.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ESP8266 ( PinName  Tx,
PinName  Rx,
PinName  Rst 

Create a ESP8266 object connected to the specified pins.

TxPin used to connect to ESP8266's Tx pin
RxPin used to connect to ESP8266's Rx pin

Definition at line 5 of file ESP8266.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool DHCP ( bool  enabled,
int  mode 

Enable/Disable DHCP.

enabledDHCP enabled when true
modemode of DHCP 0-softAP, 1-station, 2-both
true only if ESP8266 enables/disables DHCP successfully

Definition at line 53 of file ESP8266.cpp.

void getAPList ( char *  list )

Search available AP list and return it.

listString variable where AP list will be stored.
This method will occupy a lot of memeory(hundreds of Bytes to a couple of KBytes). Do not call this method unless you must and ensure that your board has enough memory left.

Definition at line 42 of file ESP8266.cpp.

void getLocalIP ( char *  LocalIP )

Get the local IP address of ESP8266.

versionString variable where version will be stored.

Definition at line 61 of file ESP8266.cpp.

void getVersion ( char *  version )

Get the version of AT Command Set from the ESP8266.

versionString variable where version will be stored.

Definition at line 35 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool joinAP ( string  ssid,
string  pwd 

Join in AP.

ssidSSID of AP to join in.
pwdPassword of AP to join in.
Return values:
true- success.
false- failure.
This method will take a couple of seconds.

Definition at line 57 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool setLocalIP ( string  LocalIP )

Sets the IP Address of the ESP8266 Station.

LocalIPThe IP Address of the ESP8266 Station
Return values:
true- success.
false- failure.

Definition at line 68 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool setSoftAPIP ( string  LocalIP )

Sets the IP Address of the ESP8266 SoftAP.

LocalIPThe IP Address of the ESP8266 SoftAP
Return values:
true- success.
false- failure.

Definition at line 72 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool setSoftAPParam ( string  ssid,
string  pwd,
uint8_t  chl = 7,
uint8_t  ecn = 4 

Set SoftAP parameters.

ssidSSID of SoftAP.
pwdPASSWORD of SoftAP.
chlthe channel (1 - 13, default: 7).
ecnthe way of encrypstion (0 - OPEN, 1 - WEP, 2 - WPA_PSK, 3 - WPA2_PSK, 4 - WPA_WPA2_PSK, default: 4).
This method should not be called when station mode.

Definition at line 49 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool startup ( uint8_t  mode )

Starts the ESP8266 in a specified mode.

modeThe WiFi mode the ESP8266 must be set to (1=Station, 2=SoftAP, 3=Station+SoftAP)
Return values:
true- succesfull
false- not succesfull

Definition at line 10 of file ESP8266.cpp.

void TCPPacketRead ( uint8_t *  ID,
uint32_t *  LEN,
char  DATA[] 

Reads the current received TCP packet.

IDPointer for the ID of client for the new received packet.
LENPointer for the length of the new received packet.
DATAString pointer for the string of the new received packet.

Definition at line 88 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool TCPPacketReceived ( void   )

Indicates whether a new packet has arrived from a connected client.

Return values:
true- A new packet has arrived.
false- No new packets have arrived.

Definition at line 84 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool TCPPacketSend ( uint8_t  ID,
uint32_t  LEN,
char  DATA[] 

Send a data packet using TCP to a specified client.

IDThe identifier of client to send the packet to (available value: 0 - 4).
LENThe length of packet to send.
DATAThe buffer of data to send.
Return values:
true- success.
false- failure.

Definition at line 95 of file ESP8266.cpp.

bool TCPServerStart ( uint32_t  port = 333 )

Start TCP Server(Only in multiple mode).

After started, only methods TCPPacketSend, TCPPacketRead, and TCPPacketArrived can be used. Once TCPServerStop is called, all other methods can be used again.

portThe port number to listen on (default: 333).
Return values:
true- success.
false- failure.

Definition at line 76 of file ESP8266.cpp.