A wrapper Class library for using the touch LCD on the DISCO-F469NI Development board. The class uses the existing BSP class created by Team ST.


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DISCOF469LCD Class Reference

DISCOF469LCD Class Reference

A wrapper Class library for using the touch lcd on the DISCO-F469NI Development board. More...

#include <DISCOF469LCD.h>

Public Member Functions

 DISCOF469LCD (void)
 Create a DISCOF469LCD object for using the graphics LCD on the DISCO-F469NI Development board.
void Clear (uint32_t Color)
 Clears the LCD by filling it with the specified color pixels.
void DrawPixel (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a pixel on the LCD.
uint32_t ReadPixel (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos)
 Reads the color of an LCD pixel.
void DrawLine (uint16_t x1, uint16_t y1, uint16_t x2, uint16_t y2, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a line on the LCD.
void DrawRectangle (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a rectangle on the LCD.
void FillRectangle (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Width, uint16_t Height, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a filled rectangle on the LCD.
void DrawCircle (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a circle on the LCD.
void FillCircle (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t Radius, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a filled circle on the LCD.
void DrawEllipse (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t XRadius, uint16_t YRadius, uint32_t Color)
 Draws an ellipse on the LCD.
void FillEllipse (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint16_t XRadius, uint16_t YRadius, uint32_t Color)
 Draws a filled ellipse on the LCD.
void DrawStringAtXY (uint16_t Xpos, uint16_t Ypos, uint8_t FontSize, uint32_t TextColor, uint32_t BackColor, char *Text)
 Displays a string on the LCD at Xpos,Ypos.
void DrawStringAtLine (uint16_t Line, uint8_t FontSize, uint32_t TextColor, uint32_t BackColor, uint8_t Mode, char *Text)
 Displays a string on the LCD at a certain line based on the font size.
uint8_t Touches (void)
 Determines if the touchscreen is being touched or not.
void GetTouch1 (uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y)
 Gets the x and y coordinates of the first touch on the touchscreen.
void GetTouch2 (uint16_t *x, uint16_t *y)
 Gets the x and y coordinates of the second touch on the touchscreen.

Detailed Description

A wrapper Class library for using the touch lcd on the DISCO-F469NI Development board.

The class uses the existing BSP class created by Team ST.


 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "DISCOF469LCD.h"
 DISCOF469LCD lcd;
 void DisplayPattern(void);
 int main() {
     char buf[40];               
     int numtouches;             
     bool cleared = false;
     uint16_t x1, y1, x2, y2;
         numtouches = lcd.Touches();     //read if the screen is touched
         if(numtouches > 0)              //has the screen been touched?
             cleared = false;            //reset clear flag
             if(numtouches == 1)         //if one finger is on the screen
                 lcd.GetTouch1(&x1, &y1);
                 sprintf(buf, "Touch 1: x=%3u y=%3u", x1, y1);
                 lcd.DrawStringAtLine(0,4,LCD_BLUE, LCD_WHITE, 0, buf);
                 lcd.FillCircle(x1, y1, 50, LCD_RED);
             else if(numtouches == 2)    //if two fingers are on the screen
                 lcd.GetTouch1(&x1, &y1);
                 lcd.GetTouch2(&x2, &y2);
                 sprintf(buf, "Touch 1: x=%3u y=%3u", x1, y1);
                 lcd.DrawStringAtLine(0,4,LCD_BLUE, LCD_WHITE, 0, buf);
                 sprintf(buf, "Touch 2: x=%3u y=%3u", x2, y2);
                 lcd.DrawStringAtLine(1,4,LCD_BLUE, LCD_WHITE, 0, buf);
                 lcd.FillCircle(x1, y1, 50, LCD_RED);
                 lcd.FillCircle(x2, y2, 50, LCD_BLUE);
             if(!cleared)                //if the screen hasn't been cleared 
                 lcd.Clear(LCD_WHITE);   //clear the screen after fingers left screen
                 cleared = true;
 void DisplayPattern(void)
     lcd.FillRectangle(0, 0, 50, 479,LCD_WHITE);
     lcd.FillRectangle(50, 0, 50, 479,LCD_SILVER);
     lcd.FillRectangle(100, 0, 50, 479,LCD_GRAY);
     lcd.FillRectangle(150, 0, 50, 479,LCD_BLACK);
     lcd.FillRectangle(200, 0, 50, 479,LCD_RED);
     lcd.FillRectangle(250, 0, 50, 479,LCD_MAROON);
     lcd.FillRectangle(300, 0, 50, 479,LCD_YELLOW);
     lcd.FillRectangle(350, 0, 50, 479,LCD_OLIVE);
     lcd.FillRectangle(400, 0, 50, 479,LCD_LIME);
     lcd.FillRectangle(450, 0, 50, 479,LCD_GREEN);
     lcd.FillRectangle(500, 0, 50, 479,LCD_AQUA);
     lcd.FillRectangle(550, 0, 50, 479,LCD_TEAL);
     lcd.FillRectangle(600, 0, 50, 479,LCD_BLUE);
     lcd.FillRectangle(650, 0, 50, 479,LCD_NAVY);
     lcd.FillRectangle(700, 0, 50, 479,LCD_FUCHSIA);
     lcd.FillRectangle(750, 0, 50, 479,LCD_PURPLE);
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(0, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "White");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(50, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Silver");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(100, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Gray");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(150, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Black");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(200, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Red");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(250, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Maroon");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(300, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Yellow");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(350, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Olive");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(400, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Lime");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(450, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Green");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(500, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Aqua");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(550, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Teal");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(600, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Blue");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(650, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Navy");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(700, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Fuchsia");
     lcd.DrawStringAtXY(750, 0, 1, LCD_WHITE, LCD_BLACK, "Purple");

Definition at line 145 of file DISCOF469LCD.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

DISCOF469LCD ( void   )

Create a DISCOF469LCD object for using the graphics LCD on the DISCO-F469NI Development board.

Definition at line 6 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void Clear ( uint32_t  Color )

Clears the LCD by filling it with the specified color pixels.

ColorColor to fill the screen with - represented in ARGB8888 color space format.

Definition at line 12 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawCircle ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  Radius,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a circle on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
RadiusCircle radius
ColorCircle color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 44 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawEllipse ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  XRadius,
uint16_t  YRadius,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws an ellipse on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
XRadiusEllipse X radius
YRadiusEllipse Y radius
ColorEllipse color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 56 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawLine ( uint16_t  x1,
uint16_t  y1,
uint16_t  x2,
uint16_t  y2,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a line on the LCD.

x1Point 1 X position
y1Point 1 Y position
x2Point 2 X position
y2Point 2 Y position
ColorLine color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 26 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawPixel ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a pixel on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
ColorPixel color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 16 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawRectangle ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  Width,
uint16_t  Height,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a rectangle on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
WidthRectangle width
HeightRectangle height
ColorRectangle color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 32 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawStringAtLine ( uint16_t  Line,
uint8_t  FontSize,
uint32_t  TextColor,
uint32_t  BackColor,
uint8_t  Mode,
char *  Text 

Displays a string on the LCD at a certain line based on the font size.

LineLine where to display the string
FontSizeThe size of the text (0 - 4)
TextColorThe text foreground color
BackColorThe text background color
ModeDisplay mode (0=LEFT mode; 1=CENTER mode; 2=RIGHT mode)
TextString to display on LCD

Definition at line 85 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void DrawStringAtXY ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint8_t  FontSize,
uint32_t  TextColor,
uint32_t  BackColor,
char *  Text 

Displays a string on the LCD at Xpos,Ypos.

XposX position (in pixel)
YposY position (in pixel)
FontSizeThe size of the text (0 - 4)
TextColorThe text foreground color
BackColorThe text background color
TextString to display on LCD

Definition at line 69 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void FillCircle ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  Radius,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a filled circle on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
RadiusCircle radius
ColorCircle color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 50 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void FillEllipse ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  XRadius,
uint16_t  YRadius,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a filled ellipse on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
XRadiusEllipse X radius
YRadiusEllipse Y radius
ColorEllipse color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 63 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void FillRectangle ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos,
uint16_t  Width,
uint16_t  Height,
uint32_t  Color 

Draws a filled rectangle on the LCD.

XposX position
YposY position
WidthRectangle width
HeightRectangle height
ColorRectangle color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 38 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void GetTouch1 ( uint16_t *  x,
uint16_t *  y 

Gets the x and y coordinates of the first touch on the touchscreen.

xPointer to the x coordinate
yPointer to the y coordinate

Definition at line 116 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

void GetTouch2 ( uint16_t *  x,
uint16_t *  y 

Gets the x and y coordinates of the second touch on the touchscreen.

xPointer to the x coordinate
yPointer to the y coordinate

Definition at line 125 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

uint32_t ReadPixel ( uint16_t  Xpos,
uint16_t  Ypos 

Reads the color of an LCD pixel.

XposX position
YposY position
Return values:
uint32_tPixel color in ARGB mode (8-8-8-8)

Definition at line 21 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.

uint8_t Touches ( void   )

Determines if the touchscreen is being touched or not.

Return values:
uint8_tNumber of simulantanous touches on screen. 0 = not touched.

Definition at line 108 of file DISCOF469LCD.cpp.