LIS3MDL I2C Mbed class with compass heading function

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LIS3MDL.h	Tue Apr 13 13:46:21 2021 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#ifndef LIS3MDL_h
+#define LIS3MDL_h
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#define LIS3MDL_PI             3.1415926535897932384626433832795
+#define LIS3MDL_Rad2Degree     57.295779513082320876798154814105
+#define LIS3MDL_WHO_AM_I        0x0F
+#define LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG1       0x20
+#define LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG2       0x21
+#define LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG3       0x22
+#define LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG4       0x23
+#define LIS3MDL_CTRL_REG5       0x24
+#define LIS3MDL_STATUS_REG      0x27
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_X_L         0x28
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_X_H         0x29
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_Y_L         0x2A
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_Y_H         0x2B
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_Z_L         0x2C
+#define LIS3MDL_OUT_Z_H         0x2D
+#define LIS3MDL_TEMP_OUT_L      0x2E
+#define LIS3MDL_TEMP_OUT_H      0x2F
+#define LIS3MDL_INT_CFG         0x30
+#define LIS3MDL_INT_SRC         0x31
+#define LIS3MDL_INT_THS_L       0x32
+#define LIS3MDL_INT_THS_H       0x33
+#define LIS3MDL_ADDRESS         0x3C
+//Register Masks
+//WHO_AM_I masks
+#define LIS3MDL_I_AM_MASK       0x3D
+// CTRL_REG1 masks
+#define LIS3MDL_TEMP_EN_MASK    0xF0
+#define LIS3MDL_OM_MASK         0x06
+#define LIS3MDL_DO_MASK         0x1C
+#define LIS3MDL_ST_MASK         0x01
+// CTRL_REG2 masks
+#define LIS3MDL_FS_MASK         0x60
+#define LIS3MDL_REBOOT_MASK     0x08
+#define LIS3MDL_SOFT_RST_MASK   0x04
+// CTRL_REG3 masks
+#define LIS3MDL_LP_MASK         0x20
+#define LIS3MDL_SIM_MASK        0x04
+#define LIS3MDL_MD_MASK         0x03
+// CTRL_REG4 masks
+#define LIS3MDL_OMZ_MASK        0x0C
+#define LIS3MDL_BLE_MASK        0x02
+// CTRL_REG5 masks
+#define LIS3MDL_BDU_MASK        0x40
+// STATUS_REG masks
+#define LIS3MDL_ZYXOR_MASK      0x80
+#define LIS3MDL_ZOR_MASK        0x40
+#define LIS3MDL_YOR_MASK        0x20
+#define LIS3MDL_XOR_MASK        0x10
+#define LIS3MDL_ZYXDA_MASK      0x08
+#define LIS3MDL_ZDA_MASK        0x04
+#define LIS3MDL_YDA_MASK        0x02
+#define LIS3MDL_XDA_MASK        0x01
+// INT_CFG masks
+#define LIS3MDL_XIEN_MASK       0x80
+#define LIS3MDL_YIEN_MASK       0x40
+#define LIS3MDL_ZIEN_MASK       0x20
+#define LIS3MDL_IEA_MASK        0x04
+#define LIS3MDL_LIR_MASK        0x02
+#define LIS3MDL_IEN_MASK        0x01
+// INT_SRC masks
+#define LIS3MDL_PTH_X_MASK      0x80
+#define LIS3MDL_PTH_Y_MASK      0x40
+#define LIS3MDL_PTH_Z_MASK      0x20
+#define LIS3MDL_NTH_X_MASK      0x01
+#define LIS3MDL_NTH_Y_MASK      0x08
+#define LIS3MDL_NTH_Z_MASK      0x04
+#define LIS3MDL_MROI_MASK       0x02
+#define LIS3MDL_INT_MASK        0x01
+// INT_THS_L masks
+#define LIS3MDL_THS_L_MASK      0xFF
+// INT_THS_H masks
+#define LIS3MDL_THS_H_MASK      0x7F
+//typedef enum { false, true } bool;
+class LIS3MDL
+    /*
+    public:
+    template <typename T> struct vector
+    {
+      T x, y, z;
+    };
+    */
+    public:
+     * Create itself the i2c serial line
+     */
+    LIS3MDL(PinName sda, PinName scl);
+    bool init(void);
+        int16_t getAxisX(void);
+        int16_t getAxisY(void);
+        int16_t getAxisZ(void);
+        float getAxisX_mag();
+        float getAxisY_mag();
+        float getHeading();
+        int16_t getTemperature(void);
+        void getMag(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az);
+        bool whoAmI(void);
+        bool getTempEnabled(void);
+        bool setTempEnabled(bool enable);
+        uint8_t getOperativeMode(void);
+        bool setOperativeMode(uint8_t mode);
+        uint8_t getDataRate(void);
+        bool setDataRate(uint8_t rate);
+        bool getSelfTestEnabled(void);
+        bool setSelfTestEnabled(bool enable);
+        uint8_t getFullScale(void);
+        bool setFullScale(uint8_t sccale);
+        bool reboot(void);
+        bool softReset(void);
+        bool getLowPowerMode(void);
+        bool setLowPowerMode(bool mode);
+        bool getSPIMode(void);
+        bool setSPIMode(bool mode);
+        uint8_t getOperatingMode(void);
+        bool setOperatingMode(uint8_t mode);
+        uint8_t getOMZ(void);
+        bool setOMZ(uint8_t mode);
+        bool getEndian(void);
+        bool setEndian(bool selection);
+        bool disableDataUpdate(void);
+        bool enableDataUpdate(void);
+        bool getDataUpdateStatus(void);
+        bool getXYZOverrun(void);
+        bool getZOverrun(void);
+        bool getYOverrun(void);
+        bool getXOverrun(void);
+        bool getXYZDataAvailable(void);
+        bool getZDataAvailable(void);
+        bool getYDataAvailabl(void);
+        bool getXDataAvailable(void);
+        bool enableXInterupt(void);
+        bool disableXInterupt(void);
+        bool isXIntEnabled(void);
+        bool enableYInterupt(void);
+        bool disableYInterupt(void);
+        bool isYIntEnabled(void);
+        bool enableZInterupt(void);
+        bool disableZInterupt(void);
+        bool isZIntEnabled(void);
+        bool setIntHigh(void);
+        bool setIntLow(void);
+        bool checkIntConfig(void);
+        bool setInteruptLatch(bool latch);
+        bool checkInteruptLatch(void);
+        bool enableIntInterupt(void);
+        bool disableIntInterupt(void);
+        bool checkIntInterupt(void);
+        bool posXThreshold(void);
+        bool posYThreshold(void);
+        bool posZThreshold(void);
+        bool negXThreshold(void);
+        bool negYThreshold(void);
+        bool negZThreshold(void);
+        bool measurementOverflow(void);
+        bool checkInteruptEvent(void);
+        void getMotion(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az);
+        bool setInteruptThreshold(uint16_t threshold);
+        uint16_t getInteruptThreshold(void);
+    private:
+        I2C i2c;
+        int i2c_write(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr,uint8_t value, uint16_t NumByteToWrite);
+        int i2c_read(uint8_t DeviceAddr, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead);
+        bool writeRegister(const uint8_t register_addr, const uint8_t value);
+        bool writeRegisters(const uint8_t msb_register, const uint8_t msb_value, const uint8_t lsb_register, const uint8_t lsb_value);
+        bool writeMaskedRegister(const uint8_t register_addr, const uint8_t mask, const bool value);
+        bool writeMaskedRegister(const int register_addr, const int mask, const int value);
+        uint8_t readRegister(const uint8_t register_addr);
+        uint16_t readRegisters(const uint8_t msb_register, const uint8_t lsb_register);
+        uint8_t readMaskedRegister(const uint8_t register_addr, const uint8_t mask);
+        uint8_t _address;
+        uint8_t _whoami;