ILI9340 Library based on the Arduino version from Adafruit. It has been tested with a custom STM32F103C8 board.
Using ILI9340 Library
Using the ILI9340 Adafruit based Library¶
It is very easy to use this library. The Adafruit_ILI9340 can be initialized with the following ways. NOTE: the following example was tested with a custom STM32F103C8 based board.
Initialization for software SPI
// Our pins DigitalOut rst_pin(D0); DigitalOut cs_pin(D1); DigitalOut dc_pin(D7); DigitalOut clk_pin(D13); DigitalOut mosi_pin(D11); DigitalIn miso_pin(D12); // Constructor for software SPI Adafruit_ILI9340 myTFT(NULL); // These should be set in both cases (software or hardware SPI) myTFT.setRST(&rst_pin); myTFT.setCS(&cs_pin); myTFT.setDC(&dc_pin); // These are needed for software SPI myTFT.setCLK(&clk_pin); myTFT.setMISO(&miso_pin); myTFT.setMOSI(&mosi_pin); myTFT.begin();
Initialization for hardware SPI
// Our pins DigitalOut rst_pin(D0); DigitalOut cs_pin(D1); DigitalOut dc_pin(D7); // Our hardware SPI SPI spi1(D11,D12,D13); // Constructor for software SPI Adafruit_ILI9340 myTFT(&spi1); // These should be set in both cases (software or hardware SPI) myTFT.setRST(&rst_pin); myTFT.setCS(&cs_pin); myTFT.setDC(&dc_pin); myTFT.begin();
Then the library functions can be used as usual
Using the library
myTFT.fillRect(0,0,240,320,0); myTFT.fillRect(40,40,15,15,0xF000); myTFT.drawChar(30,100,'a',0x0F,0,2); myTFT.drawChar(40,100,'b',0x0F,0,2); myTFT.drawChar(50,100,'c',0x0F,0,2);