
Dependencies:   a4998ss mbed

Fork of whouse by Keegan Hu

diff -r 09f6061e6e5d -r d66b6f331b74 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri May 11 10:42:09 2018 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Jun 03 10:18:11 2018 +0000
@@ -1,62 +1,129 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Stepper_motor.h"
-#include "robo.h"
-Serial Info(PB_10,PB_11);
-Ticker t1;
-void serial_ticker();//蓝牙串口中断函数
-// puma black
-/*Stepper_motor s1(PB_9,PB_0,PB_7,PA_11,10,16,1);
-Stepper_motor s2(PB_6,PA_7,PB_4,PA_15,10,16,1);
-Stepper_motor s3(PB_3,PA_6,PA_12,PB_1,10,16,1);
+#include "esp8266.h"
+#include <cstdarg>
+#include <cstring>
 //                en  step  dir button 减速比 细分数 初始方向
-Stepper_motor s1(PA_6,PC_5,PC_4,PB_14,10,16,0);//x  puma white
-Stepper_motor s2(PA_2,PA_5,PA_4,PC_6,10,16,1);//y
-Stepper_motor s3(PC_13,PC_3,PC_2,PB_15,10,16,0);//z
-//PwmOut pwm2(PA_1);
-//DigitalOut button(PA_0);
-float moterXdeg, moterYdeg, moterZdeg;
+Stepper_motor s1(PB_9,PB_0,PB_7,PC_15,10,16,1);
+Stepper_motor s2(PB_6,PA_7,PB_4,PB_13,10,16,1);
+Stepper_motor s3(PB_3,PA_6,PA_12,PB_5,10,16,0);
+DigitalOut air(PC_13);
+Serial ser2usb(PB_10, PB_11, 115200); 
+int stepok = 0;
+int actionok = 0;
+int state;
+int high;
 int main()
-    {//初始化
-        Info.attach(&serial_ticker);
-    }
-    {//计算电机角度
-     moterXdeg = 1;
-     moterYdeg = 2;
-     moterZdeg = 3; 
-     //Info.printf("moterXdeg:%f moterYdeg:%f moterZdeg:%f\n",moterXdeg, moterYdeg,moterZdeg);  
-    }
+     ser2usb.printf("starting\r\n");
-    {   //运动
-        /*若转动的角度为-1 则会一直转,此时rec_rate需大于0
-         * 除此之外,若转动角度或转速小于0,则电机反转
-         * 如在电机尚未停止前再次调用该函数,则会立刻开始新的电机运动
-         */
-        s1.Config(5,moterXdeg);
-        //wait(5);
-        //如果运动出现bug,可将上方注释去掉
-        s2.Config(5,moterYdeg);
-        //wait(5);
-        s3.Config(5,moterZdeg);
-        //wait(5);
+    // 选定与 esp8266 相连接的串口,WiFi 名称和密码
+    Esp8266 client(PA_9, PA_10, "iot_b827ebd838be", "ab087c9e");// 参数分别为 TX pin / RX pin / SSID / Password
+    //声明所有的传感器,每行一个,每个由名字、单位两部分组成,最后一行必须为空指针作为结尾
+    const char* sensors[][2] = {
+        "actionok", "",
+        NULL, NULL //最后一行以空指针作为结束标记
+    };
+    //声明所有的执行器,每行一个,每个由名字、参数类型两部分组成,最后一行必须为空指针作为结尾
+    const char* actuators[][2] = {
+        "do", "int",
+        "high","int",
+        NULL, NULL //最后一行以空指针作为结束标记
+    };
+    ser2usb.printf("connecting...\r\n");
+    //连接到服务器
+    client.connect_mqtt_broker("", "warehouse", sensors, actuators);
+    ser2usb.printf("Initialization done.\r\n");
+    char actuator_name[32], control_value[32];
+    while(1) {
+        //检查有没有收到新的执行器控制指令
+        if(client.get_control_cmd(actuator_name, control_value)){
+            ser2usb.printf("Received CMD %s %s\r\n", actuator_name, control_value);
+            //判断哪个执行器收到命令
+            if (actuator_name == "high")
+            {
+                high = atoi(control_value);
+            }
+            else if(actuator_name == "do")
+            {
+                state = atoi(control_value);
+                switch (state)
+                {
+                    case 1: //forward1
+                        s2.Config(10,10);
+                        break;
+                    case 2: //back1
+                        s2.Config(-10,10);
+                    case 3: //forward2
+                        s2.Config(10,20);
+                    case 4: //back2
+                        s2.Config(-10,20);
+                    case 5:
+                        s3.Config(10,20);   //到方块上方
+                        wait(3);
+//                        s1.Config(high,30); //下降
+//                        wait(4);
+//                        air = 1;            //开气泵
+//                        s1.Config(-high,30);//上升
+//                        wait(3);
+//                        s3.Config(-10,20);  //到小车上方
+//                        wait(3);
+//                        s1.Config(20,20);   //下降
+//                        wait(3);                  
+//                        air = 0;            //关气泵
+//                        wait(2);
+//                        s1.Config(-20,20);  //上升 
+                        client.publish_value("actionok", "0");   
+                    case 6:
+                        s1.Config(20,20);   //下降
+                        wait(3);                  
+//                        air = 1;            //开气泵
+//                        wait(2);
+//                        s1.Config(-20,20);  //上升
+//                        wait(3);
+//                        s3.Config(10,20);   //到方块上方
+//                        wait(3);
+//                        s1.Config(high,30); //下降
+//                        wait(4);
+//                        air = 0;            //关气泵
+//                        s1.Config(-high,30);//上升
+//                        wait(3);
+//                        s3.Config(-10,20);  //到小车上方
+                        client.publish_value("actionok", "0");
+                    default:
+                        break;
+                }
+            }
-    while(1)
-    {
-    }
+        if (stepok == 1)
+        {
+            switch (state)
+            {
+                case 1: 
+                case 2: 
+                case 3:
+                case 4:
+                    client.publish_value("actionok", "0");
+                    stepok = 0; 
+                    break;                
+                default:
+                    break;
+            }
+            actionok = 0;
+        }
-void serial_ticker()
\ No newline at end of file