UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 62a1c91a859a control.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/control.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+void DoAltitudeHold(void);
+void UpdateAltitudeSource(void);
+void AltitudeHold(void);
+void InertialDamping(void);
+void DoOrientationTransform(void);
+void DoControl(void);
+void CheckThrottleMoved(void);
+void LightsAndSirens(void);
+void InitControl(void);
+real32 Angle[3], Anglep[3], Rate[3], Ratep[3]; // Milliradians
+real32 Comp[4];
+real32 DescentComp;
+real32 AngleE[3], AngleIntE[3];
+real32 GS;
+real32 Rl, Pl, Yl, Ylp;
+int16 HoldYaw;
+int16 CruiseThrottle, MaxCruiseThrottle, DesiredThrottle, IdleThrottle, InitialThrottle, StickThrottle;
+int16 DesiredRoll, DesiredPitch, DesiredYaw, DesiredHeading, DesiredCamPitchTrim;
+real32 ControlRoll, ControlPitch, ControlRollP, ControlPitchP;
+int16 CurrMaxRollPitch;
+int16 AttitudeHoldResetCount;
+real32 AltDiffSum, AltD, AltDSum;
+real32 DesiredAltitude, Altitude, AltitudeP;
+real32 ROC;
+uint32 AltuSp;
+int16 DescentLimiter;
+real32 GRollKp, GRollKi, GRollKd, GPitchKp, GPitchKi, GPitchKd;
+boolean    FirstPass;
+int8 BeepTick = 0;
+void DoAltitudeHold(void) { // Syncronised to baro intervals independant of active altitude source
+    static int16 NewAltComp;
+    static real32 AltP, AltI, AltD;
+    static real32 LimAltE, AltE;
+    static real32 AltdT, AltdTR;
+    static uint32 Now;
+    Now = uSClock();
+    AltdT = ( Now - AltuSp ) * 0.000001;
+    AltdT = Limit(AltdT, 0.01, 0.1); // limit range for restarts
+    AltdTR = 1.0 / AltdT;
+    AltuSp = Now;
+    AltE = DesiredAltitude - Altitude;
+    LimAltE = Limit(AltE, -ALT_BAND_M, ALT_BAND_M);
+    AltP = LimAltE * K[AltKp];
+    AltDiffSum += LimAltE;
+    AltI = AltDiffSum * K[AltKi] * AltdT;
+    AltI = Limit(AltDiffSum, -K[AltIntLimit], K[AltIntLimit]);
+    ROC = ( Altitude - AltitudeP ) * AltdTR; // may neeed filtering - noisy
+    AltitudeP = Altitude;
+    AltD = ROC * K[AltKd];
+    if ( ROC < ( -K[MaxDescentRateDmpS] * 10.0 ) ) {
+        DescentLimiter += 1;
+        DescentLimiter = Limit(DescentLimiter, 0, ALT_MAX_THR_COMP * 2.0);
+    } else
+        DescentLimiter = DecayX(DescentLimiter, 1);
+    NewAltComp = AltP + AltI + AltD + AltDSum + DescentLimiter;
+    NewAltComp = Limit(NewAltComp, -ALT_MAX_THR_COMP, ALT_MAX_THR_COMP);
+    Comp[Alt] = SlewLimit(Comp[Alt], NewAltComp, 1.0);
+    if ( ROC > Stats[MaxROCS] )
+        Stats[MaxROCS] = ROC;
+    else
+        if ( ROC < Stats[MinROCS] )
+            Stats[MinROCS] = ROC;
+} // DoAltitudeHold
+void UpdateAltitudeSource(void) {
+    if ( F.UsingRangefinderAlt )
+        Altitude = RangefinderAltitude;
+    else
+        Altitude = BaroRelAltitude;
+} // UpdateAltitudeSource
+void AltitudeHold() {
+    static int16 NewCruiseThrottle;
+    GetBaroAltitude();
+    GetRangefinderAltitude();
+    CheckThrottleMoved();
+    if ( F.AltHoldEnabled ) {
+        if ( F.NewBaroValue  ) { // sync on Baro which MUST be working
+            F.NewBaroValue = false;
+            UpdateAltitudeSource();
+            if ( ( NavState != HoldingStation ) && F.AllowNavAltitudeHold ) { // Navigating - using CruiseThrottle
+                F.HoldingAlt = true;
+                DoAltitudeHold();
+            } else
+                if ( F.ThrottleMoving ) {
+                    F.HoldingAlt = false;
+                    DesiredAltitude = Altitude;
+                    Comp[Alt] = Decay1(Comp[Alt]);
+                } else {
+                    F.HoldingAlt = true;
+                    if ( fabs(ROC) < ALT_HOLD_MAX_ROC_MPS  ) {
+                        NewCruiseThrottle = DesiredThrottle + Comp[Alt];
+                        CruiseThrottle = HardFilter(CruiseThrottle, NewCruiseThrottle);
+                        CruiseThrottle = Limit( CruiseThrottle , IdleThrottle, MaxCruiseThrottle );
+                    }
+                    DoAltitudeHold();
+                }
+        }
+    } else {
+        Comp[Alt] = Decay1(Comp[Alt]);
+        ROC = 0.0;
+        F.HoldingAlt = false;
+    }
+} // AltitudeHold
+void InertialDamping(void) { // Uses accelerometer to damp disturbances while holding altitude
+    static uint8 i;
+    if ( F.AccelerationsValid  && F.NearLevel ) {
+        // Up - Down
+        Vel[UD] += Acc[UD] * dT;
+        Comp[UD] = Vel[UD] * K[VertDampKp];
+        Vel[UD] = DecayX(Vel[UD], K[VertDampDecay]);
+        // Lateral compensation only when holding altitude
+        if ( F.HoldingAlt && F.AttitudeHold ) {
+            if ( F.WayPointCentred ) {
+                // Left - Right
+                Vel[LR] += Acc[LR] * dT;
+                Comp[LR] = Vel[LR] * K[HorizDampKp];
+                Comp[LR] = Limit(Comp[LR], -DAMP_HORIZ_LIMIT, DAMP_HORIZ_LIMIT);
+                Vel[LR] = DecayX(Vel[LR], K[HorizDampDecay]);
+                // Back - Front
+                Vel[BF] += Acc[BF] * dT;
+                Comp[BF] = Vel[BF] * K[HorizDampKp];
+                Comp[BF] = Limit(Comp[BF], -DAMP_HORIZ_LIMIT, DAMP_HORIZ_LIMIT);
+                Vel[BF] = DecayX(Vel[BF], K[HorizDampDecay]);
+            } else {
+                Vel[LR] = Vel[BF] = 0;
+                Comp[LR] = Decay1(Comp[LR]);
+                Comp[BF] = Decay1(Comp[BF]);
+            }
+        } else {
+            Vel[LR] = Vel[BF] = 0;
+            Comp[LR] = Decay1(Comp[LR]);
+            Comp[BF] = Decay1(Comp[BF]);
+        }
+    } else
+        for ( i = 0; i < (uint8)3; i++ )
+            Comp[i] = Vel[i] = 0.0;
+} // InertialDamping
+void DoOrientationTransform(void) {
+    static real32 OSO, OCO;
+    if ( F.UsingPolar ) {
+        OSO = OSin[PolarOrientation];
+        OCO = OCos[PolarOrientation];
+    } else {
+        OSO = OSin[Orientation];
+        OCO = OCos[Orientation];
+    }
+    if ( !F.NavigationActive )
+        NavCorr[Roll] = NavCorr[Pitch] = NavCorr[Yaw] = 0;
+    // -PS+RC
+    ControlRoll = (int16)( -DesiredPitch * OSO + DesiredRoll * OCO );
+    // PC+RS
+    ControlPitch = (int16)( DesiredPitch * OCO + DesiredRoll * OSO );
+} // DoOrientationTransform
+void GainSchedule(boolean UseAngle) {
+    /*
+    // rudimentary gain scheduling (linear)
+    static int16 AttDiff, ThrDiff;
+    if ( (!F.NavigationActive) || ( F.NavigationActive && (NavState == HoldingStation ) ) )
+    {
+        // also density altitude?
+        if ( P[Acro] > 0) // due to Foliage 2009 and Alexinparis 2010
+        {
+             AttDiff = CurrMaxRollPitch  - ATTITUDE_HOLD_LIMIT;
+            GS = GS * ( 1000.0 - (AttDiff * (int16)P[Acro]) );
+            GS *= 0.001;
+            GS = Limit(GS, 0, 1.0);
+        }
+        if ( P[GSThrottle] > 0 )
+        {
+             ThrDiff = DesiredThrottle - CruiseThrottle;
+            GS = (int32)GS * ( 1000.0 + (ThrDiff * (int16)P[GSThrottle]) );
+            GS *= 0.001;
+        }
+    }
+    */
+    GS = 1.0; // Temp
+    GRollKp = K[RollKp];
+    GRollKi = K[RollKi];
+    GRollKd = K[RollKd];
+    GPitchKp = K[PitchKp];
+    GPitchKi = K[PitchKi];
+    GPitchKd = K[PitchKd];
+} // GainSchedule
+void DoControl(void) {
+    GetAttitude();
+    AltitudeHold();
+    InertialDamping();
+#ifdef SIMULATE
+    FakeDesiredRoll = DesiredRoll + NavRCorr;
+    FakeDesiredPitch = DesiredPitch + NavPCorr;
+    FakeDesiredYaw =  DesiredYaw + NavYCorr;
+    Angle[Roll] = SlewLimit(Angle[Roll], FakeDesiredRoll * 16.0, 4.0);
+    Angle[Pitch] = SlewLimit(Angle[Pitch], FakeDesiredPitch * 16.0, 4.0);
+    Angle[Yaw] = SlewLimit(Angle[Yaw], FakeDesiredYaw, 4.0);
+    Rl = FakeDesiredRoll;
+    Pl = FakeDesiredPitch;
+    Yl = DesiredYaw;
+    DoOrientationTransform();
+    GainSchedule(F.UsingAngleControl);
+    // for commissioning
+    Comp[BF] = Comp[LR] = Comp[UD] = Comp[Alt] = 0;
+    NavCorr[Roll] = NavCorr[Pitch] = NavCorr[Yaw] = 0;
+    F.UsingAngleControl = false;
+    if ( F.UsingAngleControl ) {
+        // Roll
+        AngleE[Roll] = ( ControlRoll * ATTITUDE_SCALE ) - Angle[Roll];
+        AngleIntE[Roll] += AngleE[Roll] * dT;
+        AngleIntE[Roll] = Limit(AngleIntE[Roll], -K[RollIntLimit], K[RollIntLimit]);
+        Rl  = -(AngleE[Roll] * GRollKp + AngleIntE[Roll] * GRollKi + Rate[Roll] * GRollKd * dTR);
+        Rl -=  NavCorr[Roll] - Comp[LR];
+        // Pitch
+        AngleE[Pitch] = ( ControlPitch * ATTITUDE_SCALE ) - Angle[Pitch];
+        AngleIntE[Pitch] += AngleE[Pitch] * dT;
+        AngleIntE[Pitch] = Limit(AngleIntE[Pitch], -K[PitchIntLimit], K[PitchIntLimit]);
+        Pl  = -(AngleE[Pitch] * GPitchKp + AngleIntE[Pitch] * GPitchKi + Rate[Pitch] * GPitchKd * dTR);
+        Pl -= NavCorr[Pitch] - Comp[BF];
+    } else {
+        // Roll
+        AngleE[Roll] = Limit(Angle[Roll],  -K[RollIntLimit], K[RollIntLimit]);
+        Rl  = Rate[Roll] * GRollKp + AngleE[Roll] * GRollKi + (Rate[Roll]-Ratep[Roll]) * GRollKd * dTR;
+        Rl -=  NavCorr[Roll] - Comp[LR];
+        Rl *= GS;
+        Rl -= ControlRoll;
+        ControlRollP = ControlRoll;
+        Ratep[Roll] = Rate[Roll];
+        // Pitch
+        AngleE[Pitch] = Limit(Angle[Pitch],  -K[PitchIntLimit], K[PitchIntLimit]);
+        Pl  = Rate[Pitch] * GPitchKp + AngleE[Pitch] * GPitchKi + (Rate[Pitch]-Ratep[Pitch]) * GPitchKd * dTR;
+        Pl -= NavCorr[Pitch] - Comp[BF];
+        Pl *= GS;
+        Pl -= ControlPitch;
+        ControlPitchP = ControlPitch;
+        Ratep[Pitch] = Rate[Pitch];
+    }
+    // Yaw
+    Rate[Yaw] -= NavCorr[Yaw];
+    if ( abs(DesiredYaw) > 5 )
+        Rate[Yaw] -= DesiredYaw;
+    Yl  = Rate[Yaw] * K[YawKp] + Angle[Yaw] * K[YawKi] + (Rate[Yaw]-Ratep[Yaw]) * K[YawKd] * dTR;
+    Ratep[Yaw] = Rate[Yaw];
+    Yl = SlewLimit(Ylp, Yl, 2.0);
+    Ylp = Yl;
+    Yl = Limit(Yl, -K[YawLimit] * 4.0, K[YawLimit] * 4.0);
+    Yl = Limit(Yl, -K[YawLimit], K[YawLimit]);
+#endif // TRICOPTER
+#endif // SIMULATE        
+} // DoControl
+static int8 RCStart = RC_INIT_FRAMES;
+void LightsAndSirens(void) {
+    static int24 Ch5Timeout;
+    LEDYellow_TOG;
+    if ( F.Signal ) LEDGreen_ON;
+    else LEDGreen_OFF;
+    Beeper_OFF;
+    Ch5Timeout = mSClock() + 500;                     // mS.
+    do {
+        ProcessCommand();
+        if ( F.Signal ) {
+            LEDGreen_ON;
+            if ( F.RCNewValues ) {
+                UpdateControls();
+                if ( --RCStart == 0 ) { // wait until RC filters etc. have settled
+                    UpdateParamSetChoice();
+                    MixAndLimitCam();
+                    RCStart = 1;
+                }
+                InitialThrottle = StickThrottle;
+                StickThrottle = 0;
+                OutSignals();
+                if ( mSClock() > Ch5Timeout ) {
+                    if ( F.Navigate || F.ReturnHome || !F.ParametersValid ) {
+                        Beeper_TOG;
+                        LEDRed_TOG;
+                    } else
+                        if ( Armed )
+                            LEDRed_TOG;
+                    Ch5Timeout += 500;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            LEDRed_ON;
+            LEDGreen_OFF;
+        }
+        ReadParameters();
+        GetIRAttitude(); // only active if IRSensors selected
+    } while ((!F.Signal) || (Armed && FirstPass) || F.Ch5Active || F.GyroFailure || (!F.AccelerationsValid) ||
+             ( InitialThrottle >= RC_THRES_START ) || (!F.ParametersValid) );
+    FirstPass = false;
+    Beeper_OFF;
+    LEDRed_OFF;
+    LEDGreen_ON;
+    LEDYellow_ON;
+    mS[LastBattery] = mSClock();
+    mS[FailsafeTimeout] = mSClock() + FAILSAFE_TIMEOUT_MS;
+    F.LostModel = false;
+    FailState = MonitoringRx;
+} // LightsAndSirens
+void InitControl(void) {
+    static uint8 i;
+    AltuSp = DescentLimiter = 0;
+    for ( i = 0; i < (uint8)3; i++ )
+        AngleE[i] = AngleIntE[i] = Angle[i] = Anglep[i] = Rate[i] = Trim[i] = Vel[i] = Comp[i] = 0.0;
+    Comp[Alt] = AltSum = Ylp = ControlRollP = ControlPitchP = AltitudeP = 0.0;
+} // InitControl