UAVX Multicopter Flight Controller.

Dependencies:   mbed

diff -r 000000000000 -r 62a1c91a859a compass.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/compass.c	Fri Feb 18 22:28:05 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+// ===============================================================================================
+// =                              UAVXArm Quadrocopter Controller                                =
+// =                           Copyright (c) 2008 by Prof. Greg Egan                             =
+// =                 Original V3.15 Copyright (c) 2007 Ing. Wolfgang Mahringer                   =
+// =                                 =
+// ===============================================================================================
+//    This is part of UAVXArm.
+//    UAVXArm is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU
+//    General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+//    License, or (at your option) any later version.
+//    UAVXArm is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without
+//    even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
+//    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+//    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.
+//    If not, see
+#include "UAVXArm.h"
+// Local magnetic declination not included
+void ReadCompass(void);
+void GetHeading(void);
+void CalibrateCompass(void);
+void ShowCompassType(void);
+void DoCompassTest(void);
+void InitCompass(void);
+MagStruct Mag[3] = {{ 0,0 },{ 0,0 },{ 0,0 }};
+real32 MagDeviation, CompassOffset;
+real32 MagHeading, Heading, Headingp, FakeHeading;
+real32 HeadingSin, HeadingCos;
+uint8 CompassType;
+void ReadCompass(void) {
+    switch ( CompassType ) {
+        case HMC5843:
+            ReadHMC5843();
+            break;
+        case HMC6352:
+            ReadHMC6352();
+            break;
+        default:
+            Heading = 0;
+            break;
+    } // switch
+} // ReadCompass
+void CalibrateCompass(void) {
+    switch ( CompassType ) {
+        case HMC5843:
+            CalibrateHMC5843();
+            break;
+        case HMC6352:
+            CalibrateHMC6352();
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    } // switch
+} // CalibrateCompass
+void ShowCompassType(void) {
+ switch ( CompassType ) {
+        case HMC5843:
+             TxString("HMC5843");
+            break;
+        case HMC6352:
+            TxString("HMC6352");
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+ } // ShowCompassType
+void DoCompassTest(void) {
+    switch ( CompassType ) {
+        case HMC5843:
+            DoHMC5843Test();
+            break;
+        case HMC6352:
+            DoHMC6352Test();
+            break;
+        default:
+            TxString("\r\nCompass test\r\nCompass not detected?\r\n");
+            break;
+    } // switch
+} // DoCompassTest
+void GetHeading(void) {
+    const real32 CompassA = COMPASS_UPDATE_S / ( OneOnTwoPiCompassF + COMPASS_UPDATE_S );
+    ReadCompass();
+    Heading = Make2Pi( MagHeading - MagDeviation - CompassOffset );
+    if ( fabs(Heading - Headingp ) > PI )
+        Headingp = Heading;
+    Heading = Headingp + (Heading - Headingp) * CompassA;
+    Headingp = Heading;
+#ifdef SIMULATE
+#if ( defined AILERON | defined ELEVON )
+    if ( State == InFlight )
+        FakeHeading -= FakeDesiredRoll/5 + FakeDesiredYaw/5;
+    if ( State == InFlight ) {
+        if ( Abs(FakeDesiredYaw) > 5 )
+            FakeHeading -= FakeDesiredYaw/5;
+    }
+    FakeHeading = Make2Pi((int16)FakeHeading);
+    Heading = FakeHeading;
+#endif // AILERON | ELEVON
+#endif // SIMULATE 
+} // GetHeading
+void InitCompass(void) {
+    if ( IsHMC5843Active() )
+        CompassType = HMC5843;
+    else
+        if ( HMC6352Active() )
+            CompassType = HMC6352;
+        else {
+            CompassType = NoCompass;
+            F.CompassValid = false;
+        }
+    switch ( CompassType ) {
+        case HMC5843:
+            InitHMC5843();
+            break;
+        case HMC6352:
+            InitHMC6352();
+            break;
+        default:
+            MagHeading = 0;
+    } // switch
+    ReadCompass();
+    mS[CompassUpdate] = mSClock();
+    Heading = Headingp = Make2Pi( MagHeading - MagDeviation - CompassOffset );
+} // InitCompass
+// HMC5843 3 Axis Magnetometer
+void ReadHMC5843(void);
+void GetHMC5843Parameters(void);
+void DoHMC5843Test(void);
+void CalibrateHMC5843(void);
+void InitHMC5843(void);
+boolean HMC5843Active(void);
+void ReadHMC5843(void) {
+    static char b[6];
+    static i16u X, Y, Z;
+    static uint8 r;
+    static real32 mx, my;
+    static real32 CRoll, SRoll, CPitch, SPitch;
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    r = I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC5843_ID);
+    r = I2CCOMPASS.write(0x03); // point to data
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+, b, 6);
+    X.b1 = b[0];
+    X.b0 = b[1];
+    Y.b1 = b[2];
+    Y.b0  =b[3];
+    Z.b1 = b[4];
+    Z.b0 = b[5];
+    if ( F.Using9DOF ) { // SparkFun/QuadroUFO 9DOF Breakout pins  front edge components up
+        Mag[BF].V = X.i16;
+        Mag[LR].V = -Y.i16;
+        Mag[UD].V = -Z.i16;
+    } else { // SparkFun Magnetometer Breakout pins  right edge components up
+        Mag[BF].V = -X.i16;
+        Mag[LR].V = Y.i16;
+        Mag[UD].V = -Z.i16;
+    }
+    CRoll = cos(Angle[Roll]);
+    SRoll = sin(Angle[Roll]);
+    CPitch = cos(Angle[Pitch]);
+    SPitch = sin(Angle[Pitch]);
+    mx = (Mag[BF].V-Mag[BF].Offset) * CPitch + (Mag[LR].V-Mag[LR].Offset) * SRoll * SPitch + (Mag[UD].V-Mag[UD].Offset) * CRoll * SPitch;
+    my =  (Mag[LR].V-Mag[LR].Offset) * CRoll - (Mag[UD].V-Mag[UD].Offset) * SRoll;
+    // Magnetic Heading
+    MagHeading = MakePi(atan2( -my, mx ));
+    F.CompassValid = true;
+    return;
+} // ReadHMC5843
+void CalibrateHMC5843(void) {
+} // DoHMC5843Test
+void DoHMC5843Test(void) {
+    TxString("\r\nCompass test (HMC5843)\r\n\r\n");
+    ReadHMC5843();
+    TxString("Mag:\t");
+    TxVal32(Mag[LR].V, 0, HT);
+    TxVal32(Mag[BF].V, 0, HT);
+    TxVal32(Mag[UD].V, 0, HT);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxVal32(MagHeading * RADDEG * 10.0, 1, 0);
+    TxString(" deg (Magnetic)\r\n");
+    Heading = Headingp = Make2Pi( MagHeading - MagDeviation - CompassOffset );
+    TxVal32(Heading * RADDEG * 10.0, 1, 0);
+    TxString(" deg (True)\r\n");
+} // DoHMC5843Test
+void InitHMC5843(void) {
+    static uint8 r;
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    r = I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC5843_ID);
+    r = I2CCOMPASS.write(0x02);
+    r = I2CCOMPASS.write(0x00);   // Set continuous mode (default to 10Hz)
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    Delay1mS(50);
+} // InitHMC5843Magnetometer
+boolean IsHMC5843Active(void) {
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    F.CompassValid = !(I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC5843_ID) != I2C_ACK);
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    if ( F.CompassValid )
+        TrackMinI2CRate(400000);
+    return ( F.CompassValid );
+} // IsHMC5843Active
+// HMC6352 Compass
+void ReadHMC6352(void);
+uint8 WriteByteHMC6352(uint8);
+void GetHMC6352Parameters(void);
+void DoHMC6352Test(void);
+void CalibrateHMC6352(void);
+void InitHMC6352(void);
+boolean IsHMC6352Active(void);
+void ReadHMC6352(void) {
+    static i16u v;
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    F.CompassMissRead = I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID + 1) != I2C_ACK;
+    v.b1 =;
+    v.b0 =;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    MagHeading = Make2Pi( ((real32)v.i16 * PI) / 1800.0 - CompassOffset ); // Radians
+} // ReadHMC6352
+uint8 WriteByteHMC6352(uint8 d) {
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK ) goto WError;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(d) != I2C_ACK ) goto WError;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    return( I2C_ACK );
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    return ( I2C_NACK );
+} // WriteByteHMC6352
+char CP[9];
+#define TEST_COMP_OPMODE 0x70    // standby mode to reliably read EEPROM
+void GetHMC6352Parameters(void) {
+    uint8 r;
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write('G')  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(0x74) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(TEST_COMP_OPMODE) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    Delay1mS(20);
+    for (r = 0; r <= (uint8)8; r++) { // must have this timing - not block read!
+        I2CCOMPASS.start();
+        if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+        if ( I2CCOMPASS.write('r')  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+        if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(r)  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+        I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+        Delay1mS(10);
+        I2CCOMPASS.start();
+        if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID+1) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+        CP[r] =;
+        I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+        Delay1mS(10);
+    }
+    return;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    TxString("FAIL\r\n");
+} // GetHMC6352Parameters
+void DoHMC6352Test(void) {
+    static real32 Temp;
+    TxString("\r\nCompass test (HMC6352)\r\n");
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write('G')  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(0x74) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(TEST_COMP_OPMODE) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    Delay1mS(1);
+    //  I2CCOMPASS.start(); // Do Set/Reset now
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('O')  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    Delay1mS(7);
+    GetHMC6352Parameters();
+    TxString("\r\nRegisters\r\n");
+    TxString("\t0:\tI2C");
+    TxString("\t 0x");
+    TxValH(CP[0]);
+    if ( CP[0] != (uint8)0x42 )
+        TxString("\t Error expected 0x42 for HMC6352");
+    TxNextLine();
+    Temp = (CP[1]*256)|CP[2];
+    TxString("\t1:2:\tXOffset\t");
+    TxVal32((int32)Temp, 0, 0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    Temp = (CP[3]*256)|CP[4];
+    TxString("\t3:4:\tYOffset\t");
+    TxVal32((int32)Temp, 0, 0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("\t5:\tDelay\t");
+    TxVal32((int32)CP[5], 0, 0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("\t6:\tNSum\t");
+    TxVal32((int32)CP[6], 0, 0);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("\t7:\tSW Ver\t");
+    TxString(" 0x");
+    TxValH(CP[7]);
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxString("\t8:\tOpMode:");
+    switch ( ( CP[8] >> 5 ) & 0x03 ) {
+        case 0:
+            TxString("  1Hz");
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            TxString("  5Hz");
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            TxString("  10Hz");
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            TxString("  20Hz");
+            break;
+    }
+    if ( CP[8] & 0x10 ) TxString(" S/R");
+    switch ( CP[8] & 0x03 ) {
+        case 0:
+            TxString(" Standby");
+            break;
+        case 1:
+            TxString(" Query");
+            break;
+        case 2:
+            TxString(" Continuous");
+            break;
+        case 3:
+            TxString(" Not-allowed");
+            break;
+    }
+    TxNextLine();
+    InitCompass();
+    if ( !F.CompassValid ) goto CTerror;
+    Delay1mS(50);
+    ReadHMC6352();
+    if ( F.CompassMissRead ) goto CTerror;
+    TxNextLine();
+    TxVal32(MagHeading * RADDEG * 10.0, 1, 0);
+    TxString(" deg (Magnetic)\r\n");   
+    Heading = Headingp = Make2Pi( MagHeading - MagDeviation - CompassOffset );
+    TxVal32(Heading * RADDEG * 10.0, 1, 0);
+    TxString(" deg (True)\r\n");
+    return;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    TxString("FAIL\r\n");
+} // DoHMC6352Test
+void CalibrateHMC6352(void) {   // calibrate the compass by rotating the ufo through 720 deg smoothly
+    TxString("\r\nCalib. compass - Press CONTINUE button (x) to Start\r\n");
+    while ( PollRxChar() != 'x' ); // UAVPSet uses 'x' for CONTINUE button
+    // Do Set/Reset now
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('O') != I2C_ACK ) goto CCerror;
+    Delay1mS(7);
+    // set Compass device to Calibration mode
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('C') != I2C_ACK ) goto CCerror;
+    TxString("\r\nRotate horizontally 720 deg in ~30 sec. - Press CONTINUE button (x) to Finish\r\n");
+    while ( PollRxChar() != 'x' );
+    // set Compass device to End-Calibration mode
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('E') != I2C_ACK ) goto CCerror;
+    TxString("\r\nCalibration complete\r\n");
+    Delay1mS(50);
+    InitCompass();
+    return;
+    TxString("Calibration FAILED\r\n");
+} // CalibrateHMC6352
+void InitHMC6352(void) {
+    // 20Hz continuous read with periodic reset.
+#define COMP_OPMODE 0x62
+#define COMP_OPMODE 0x72
+    // Set device to Compass mode
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write('G')  != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(0x74) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    if ( I2CCOMPASS.write(COMP_OPMODE) != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    Delay1mS(1);
+    // save operation mode in Flash
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('L') != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    Delay1mS(1);
+    // Do Bridge Offset Set/Reset now
+    if ( WriteByteHMC6352('O') != I2C_ACK ) goto CTerror;
+    Delay1mS(50);
+    F.CompassValid = true;
+    return;
+    F.CompassValid = false;
+    Stats[CompassFailS]++;
+    F.CompassFailure = true;
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+} // InitHMC6352
+boolean HMC6352Active(void) {
+    I2CCOMPASS.start();
+    F.CompassValid = !(I2CCOMPASS.write(HMC6352_ID) != I2C_ACK);
+    I2CCOMPASS.stop();
+    if ( F.CompassValid )
+        TrackMinI2CRate(100000);
+    return ( F.CompassValid );
+} // HMC6352Active