very rough at the mo

Dependencies:   QT60486 mbed

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Jun 24 10:24:58 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "QT60486.h"
+#define NUM_KEYS 48
+SPI captouch(p5,p6,p7);
+DigitalOut qt_cs (p8);
+DigitalOut qt_wake (p9);
+DigitalIn qt_drdy (p10);
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+uint16_t keydata[NUM_KEYS];
+uint16_t * p;
+void qt_signalAll(void);
+bool qt_proxsetup(void);
+bool qt_calAll(void);
+void setup() {
+    pc.baud(38400);
+    pc.printf("baudset\r\n");
+    captouch.format(8,3);
+    pc.printf("formated\r\n");
+    qt_cs = 1; // set pin high, disables communication
+    while(qt_proxsetup() == false)
+       {;;}   
+    pc.printf("setup_done\r\n");
+ }
+int main()                     
+ {
+    setup();
+   qt_signalAll();
+   for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i ++)
+   {
+   pc.printf("%i\t",keydata[i]); 
+   }
+   pc.printf("\r\n");
+   wait(0.001);
+ }
+void qt_signalAll(void) 
+  {
+    qt_cs = 0;
+    captouch.write(SIGNAL_ALL);
+    while(qt_drdy == 0){
+        for(uint8_t i = 0; i < NUM_KEYS; i ++ ){
+            keydata[i] = ((captouch.write(0x00) << 8) & captouch.write(0x00));
+             }
+    }
+bool qt_proxsetup(void)
+  { 
+    //bool ret = false;
+    //qt_cs = 0;
+    //uint8_t ret = 0x00;
+    //while(captouch.write(0x0F) != 0xF0)
+    //  {;;}
+    //ret = captouch.write(ENTER_SETUP);
+    //ret = captouch.write(ENTER_SETUP);
+    //while(captouch.write(0x00) != 0xFE)
+     // {;;}    
+     // captouch.write(0x00);
+     // captouch.write(0x00);
+     // qt_cs = 1;
+     // wait(0.025);
+      qt_cs = 0;
+      //captouch.write(FORCE_RESET);
+      //while(captouch.write(0x0F) != 0xF0)
+      //  {;;}  
+      while(qt_calAll() == false)
+        {;;}  
+      pc.printf("caldone\r\n");
+      captouch.write(REPORT_FIRST);
+       if (qt_drdy == 0) {
+            while (qt_drdy == 0)
+            {;;}
+            }
+      if (captouch.write(0x00) != 0x3F)
+            {qt_calAll();
+            }  
+      while(qt_calAll() == false)
+        {;;}  
+      return true;
+  };
+  bool qt_calAll(void)
+      { 
+      pc.printf("calibrating...\r\n");
+        bool ret = false;
+        captouch.write(CAL_ALL);
+        if (qt_drdy == 0) {
+            while (qt_drdy == 0)
+            {;;}
+            }
+        captouch.write(CAL_ALL);
+        if (qt_drdy == 0) {
+            while (qt_drdy == 0)
+            {;;}
+            }
+            pc.printf("comms...\r\n");
+        while(captouch.write(0x00) != 0xFC)
+            {;;}  
+        //uint8_t genstat = captouch.write(GENERAL_STATUS);
+        //ret = !(genstat & 0x04);
+        ret = true;
+        pc.printf("ret %i\r\n", ret);
+        return ret; 
+  }
\ No newline at end of file