C1541-III mbed edition

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:28557a4d2215:

/*            1541-III, Hardware control routines, Written by Jan Derogee           */

/*  History:                                                                        
    2007-03-08    status of LED output was set to 1 (LED-ON) during config, must be 0 (LED-OFF)
    2006-06-22    changed baudrate to 115K2, this is more practical/compatible with the bootloader (currently)
    2006-06-21    added complete device configuration word, witout it the source is not complete
                in previous versions the user had to set the configuration word within MPLAB
                but to make this source independent, the configuration word must be included here!!
                and NOT in the development environment. Doing it within the source also documents it.
    2006-04-12    enabled interrupt on RB0 (for ATN handling under interrupt)
    2006-03-28    change in IO-pin definiions required for new PCB design
    2006-02-04    added timer-0 (for the led blinking routines)
    2006-02-02    improvements in code layout... i.o.w. making it more readable


/*  TO DO:                                                                          


/*                        includes                        */
#include <mbed.h>
//#include <IEC_bus.h>

#include <hardware.h> 

/*                         globals                        */
bool    std_out;        /*this holds the destination of the putch- and printf-routines*/


void HardwareInit(void)        /*initialize processor here*/
//    INTEDG0    = 0;    /*set interrupt trigger to falling edge*/
//    INT0IE    = 0;    /*disable interrupts on pin RB0 (INT0), this line is connected to the ATN line*/

//    IPEN=1;            /*enable priority for interrrupts*/
//    PEIE=1;
//    GIE=1;

extern void enable_ATN_interrupt(void);

#define RS232 1
#define LCD 0

/*redirect standard output to serial or LCD*/
void putch(unsigned char ch) 

The author of sourcecode without comments is the only one to fully understand the written code... for the first 3 months.