Counts pulses on pin p29. Pulse frequency can be up to 48 MHz.

Example, counting 48MHz-pulses on pin p29 generated by pin p22 with PwmOscillator ( Pins p22 & p29 must be connected. Count is triggered when pin p30 = high (I connected oscillator with 9kHz that triggered periodically).

#include "mbed.h"
#include "PwmOscillator.h"
#include "PulseCounter.h"

Serial usbPC(USBTX, USBRX);   // sends log messages via USB to PC terminal
PwmOscillator pulseGenerator; // generates pulses to be count (48 MHz) on pin p22. Connect this pin to p29 (counter input).
PulseCounter pulseCounter;    // counts the pulses on pin p29 between trigger events (= rising edges) on pin p30.

int main() 
    usbPC.printf("---> start <---\n");
    wait(1);        // waiting 1 second for trigger events (pin30: rising edge). Count pulses between trigger events.
    // read & print pulseCounter results
    uint32_t pulseCounterResults[20];
    pulseCounter.counterArray(&pulseCounterResults[0],sizeof pulseCounterResults / sizeof (uint32_t));
    for(int i = 0; i < (sizeof pulseCounterResults / sizeof (uint32_t)); i++) {
        usbPC.printf("counter of trigger event %i = %u\n",i,pulseCounterResults[i]);
    usbPC.printf("   finished.\n");


bugfix: capture interrupt enabled before start() default tip

2013-01-09, by geotec [Wed, 09 Jan 2013 09:57:21 +0000] rev 4

bugfix: capture interrupt enabled before start()

changed datatype of counterArray (int -> uint32_t)

2013-01-08, by geotec [Tue, 08 Jan 2013 14:25:02 +0000] rev 3

changed datatype of counterArray (int -> uint32_t)

Changed clock sample rate (sample on both edges -> sample on rising edge on p29)

2012-12-16, by geotec [Sun, 16 Dec 2012 16:04:46 +0000] rev 2

Changed clock sample rate (sample on both edges -> sample on rising edge on p29)

MIT license added

2012-12-15, by geotec [Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:29:08 +0000] rev 1

MIT license added

Initial commit

2012-12-15, by geotec [Sat, 15 Dec 2012 14:26:47 +0000] rev 0

Initial commit