Rtos code cntains bug possible incompatability with I2C

Fork of mbed-rtos by mbed official

diff -r 34292fba723c -r 899aee34da6a rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_M4/TOOLCHAIN_GCC/HAL_CM4.s
--- a/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_M4/TOOLCHAIN_GCC/HAL_CM4.s	Thu Apr 16 11:45:43 2015 +0100
+++ b/rtx/TARGET_CORTEX_M/TARGET_M4/TOOLCHAIN_GCC/HAL_CM4.s	Thu Apr 23 08:30:38 2015 +0100
@@ -210,8 +210,12 @@
         CBZ     R1,SVC_Next             /* Runtask deleted? */
         TST     LR,#0x10                /* is it extended frame? */
+        #ifdef  __FPU_PRESENT
         ITTE    EQ
         VSTMDBEQ R12!,{S16-S31}         /* yes, stack also VFP hi-regs */
+        #else
+        ITE    EQ
+        #endif
         MOVEQ   R0,#0x01                /* os_tsk->stack_frame val */
         MOVNE   R0,#0x00
         STRB    R0,[R1,#TCB_STACKF]     /* os_tsk.run->stack_frame = val */
@@ -229,8 +233,12 @@
         LDMIA   R12!,{R4-R11}           /* Restore New Context */
         LDRB    R0,[R2,#TCB_STACKF]     /* Stack Frame */
         CMP     R0,#0                   /* Basic/Extended Stack Frame */
+        #ifdef  __FPU_PRESENT
         ITTE    NE
         VLDMIANE R12!,{S16-S31}         /* restore VFP hi-registers */
+        #else
+        ITE    NE
+        #endif
         MVNNE   LR,#~0xFFFFFFED         /* set EXC_RETURN value */
         MVNEQ   LR,#~0xFFFFFFFD
         MSR     PSP,R12                 /* Write PSP */
@@ -303,8 +311,12 @@
         MRS     R12,PSP                 /* Read PSP */
         TST     LR,#0x10                /* is it extended frame? */
+        #ifdef  __FPU_PRESENT
         ITTE    EQ
         VSTMDBEQ R12!,{S16-S31}         /* yes, stack also VFP hi-regs */
+        #else
+        ITE    EQ
+        #endif
         MOVEQ   R0,#0x01                /* os_tsk->stack_frame val */
         MOVNE   R0,#0x00
         STRB    R0,[R1,#TCB_STACKF]     /* os_tsk.run->stack_frame = val */
@@ -321,8 +333,12 @@
         LDMIA   R12!,{R4-R11}           /* Restore New Context */
         LDRB    R0,[R2,#TCB_STACKF]     /* Stack Frame */
         CMP     R0,#0                   /* Basic/Extended Stack Frame */
+        #ifdef  __FPU_PRESENT
         ITTE    NE
         VLDMIANE R12!,{S16-S31}         /* restore VFP hi-registers */
+        #else
+        ITE    NE
+        #endif
         MVNNE   LR,#~0xFFFFFFED         /* set EXC_RETURN value */
         MVNEQ   LR,#~0xFFFFFFFD
         MSR     PSP,R12                 /* Write PSP */