Example code displaying how to use and implement the mbed RTOS along with a simple state machine used to capture button presses.
Fork of mbed-rtos by
- Committer:
- gelmes
- Date:
- 2016-02-25
- Revision:
- 105:d7ee57473fdb
- Child:
- 106:1b09dd92c3f1
File content as of revision 105:d7ee57473fdb:
#include "mbed.h" #include "rtos.h" #include "color.h" //Set Up all basic colors Color black(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f); Color red(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); Color yellow(1.0f,1.0f,0.0f); Color green(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); Color teal(0.0f,1.0f,1.0f); Color blue(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); Color purple(1.0f,0.0f,1.0f); PwmOut ledr(D12); PwmOut ledg(D11); PwmOut ledb(D10); DigitalIn btn(USER_BUTTON); DigitalOut led(LED1); int state = 0; bool fadeTo(Color start, Color finish, float steps, double stepTime) { float rSteps = (finish.r - start.r)/steps; float gSteps = (finish.g - start.g)/steps; float bSteps = (finish.b - start.b)/steps; steps = 1/steps; float rStepsCounter = 1.0f - start.r; float gStepsCounter = 1.0f - start.g; float bStepsCounter = 1.0f - start.b; int stateBefore = state; //Used as a temporary variable // and print what the measured voltage should be (assuming VCC = 3.3v) for (float i = 0.0f; i < 1.0f; i += steps) { rStepsCounter -= rSteps; gStepsCounter -= gSteps; bStepsCounter -= bSteps; ledr = rStepsCounter ; ledg = gStepsCounter; ledb = bStepsCounter; Thread::wait(stepTime*1000); if (stateBefore != state) return 0; } return 1; } void fadeThruAll(float steps, float stepTime) { bool cont = 1; cont = fadeTo(black, red, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(red, yellow, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(yellow, green, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(green, teal, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(teal, blue, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(blue, purple, steps, stepTime); if(cont) cont = fadeTo(purple, black, steps, stepTime); } void renderColors(void const * arg) { while (1) { switch(state) { case 0: fadeThruAll(100.0f, 0.025f); break; case 1: fadeThruAll(1.0f,0.1f); break; case 2: state = 0; break; default: state = 0; break; } } } enum SMBtnStates {SMBtnStart, SMBtnPressedOff, SMBtnUnpressedOff, SMBtnPressedOn, SMBtnUnpressedOn} SMBtnState; void btnPresses(void const * arg) { while(1) { switch(SMBtnState) { case SMBtnStart: SMBtnState = SMBtnUnpressedOff; break; case SMBtnUnpressedOff: if(!btn) SMBtnState = SMBtnPressedOn; break; case SMBtnPressedOn: if(btn) { SMBtnState = SMBtnUnpressedOn; state++; led = 1; } break; case SMBtnUnpressedOn: if(!btn) SMBtnState = SMBtnPressedOff; break; case SMBtnPressedOff: if(btn) { SMBtnState = SMBtnUnpressedOff; state++; led = 0; } break; default: SMBtnState = SMBtnStart; break; } switch(SMBtnState) { case SMBtnStart: SMBtnState = SMBtnUnpressedOff; break; case SMBtnUnpressedOff: break; case SMBtnPressedOn: break; case SMBtnUnpressedOn: break; case SMBtnPressedOff: break; default: SMBtnState = SMBtnStart; break; } } } int main() { Thread thread1(renderColors); Thread thread2(btnPresses); while(true) {}; }