Library for the EZO ph probe communicating with the I2C protocol.

Dependencies:   mbed



File content as of revision 0:1e392c8ebfcd:

 *  Ezo ph sensor library
 *  @author  Louis-Philippe Gauthier
 *  @version 1.0
 *  @date    03-March-2017
 *  Library for "EZO PH sensor module" from Atlas Scientific
 *  For more information about the EZO:

#ifndef MBED_EZOPH_H
#define MBED_EZOPH_H

#include "mbed.h"
#include <string>

#define DEFAULT_SLAVE_ADDRESS (0x63 << 1)

/** EZO class
 *  EZO: A library to communicate with the Ezo PH sensor
 *  @endcode

class EZOPH

    /** Create a EZOPH instance
     *  which is connected to specified I2C pins with specified address
     * @param sda I2C-bus SDA pin
     * @param scl I2C-bus SCL pin
     * @param slave_adr (option) I2C-bus address (default: 0x63)
    EZOPH(PinName sda, PinName sck, char slave_adr = DEFAULT_SLAVE_ADDRESS);

    /** Destructor of EZOPH
    virtual ~EZOPH();

    /** clear cmd buffer and response buffer
    void clear(void);

    /** Set the temperature compensation value in DegC
    int Tcompensation (float tmp);

    /** Ask the compensation temperature of the EZOPH sensor
     * return the compensation temperature in float with one decimal :
     * 19.5 is the temperature in degC
    float QTcompensation (void);

    /** Ask EZOPH sensor information
     * return a string containing the sensor information in the following template :
     * ?I,ph,1.0
     * ph = device type
     * 1.0 = firmware version number
    string getSensorInfo(void);

    /** Ask EZOPH sensor status (reason for last reset and value of VCC)
     * return a string containing the sensor information in the following template :
     * ?STATUS,P,5.038
     * P = reason for the last reset event
     *          P = power on reset
     *          S = software reset
     *          B = nrown out reset
     *          W = watchdog reset
     *          U = unknown
     * 5.038 = voltage at VCC
    string getSensorStatus(void);

    /** EZOPH sensor do a single reading
    float read(void);

    /** Enable or Disable the LED of the EZOPH sensor
     * [in] 1 : Enable LED (default)
     * [in] 0 : Disable LED
    int sensorLED(bool on);

    /** Query the LED state of the EZOPH sensor
    int QsensorLED(void);

    /** Clear the EZOPH sensor calibration
    int calibrationClear(void);

    /** Ask the status of the EZOPH sensor calibration
     * return a string in the following template : 
     * ?CAL,0 : not calibrated
     * ?CAL,1 : single point calibration
     * ?CAL,2 : two point calibration
     * ?CAL,3 : three point calibration
    string calibrationQuery(void);

    /** Calibrate the EZOPH sensor for a PH of 7.00
    int calibratingMid(void);

    /** Calibrate the EZOPH sensor for a PH of 4.00
    int calibratingLow(void);

    /** Calibrate the EZOPH sensor for a PH of 10.00
    int calibratingHigh(void);

    /** Ask the precision of the actual calibration
    * return a string containing the slope information in the following template :
    * ?SLOPE,99.7,100.3
    * 99.7 : how closely the slope of the acid calibration matched the "ideal" ph probe
    * 100.3 : how closely the slope of the base calibration matched the "ideal" ph probe
    string slope(void);

    /** Do a factory reset on the EZOPH sensor
    string factoryReset(void);

    /** Put the EZOPH sensor to sleep
    void sleep(void);

    /** Enable or Disable the protocol lock of the EZOPH sensor
     * [in] 1 : Enable protocol lock
     * [in] 0 : Disable protocol lock
    int EDProtocolLock(bool on);

    /** Ask the status of the protocol lock of the EZOPH sensor
     * return a string containing the protocl lock information in the following template :
     * ?PLOCK,1 : Protocl lock is ON
     * ?PLOCK,0 : Protocol lock is OFF
    int QProtocolLock();

    /** Change protocol of communication from UART to I2C
    void changeUART(int baudRate);


    I2C         *i2c_p;
    I2C         &i2c;
    char        address;
    char        cmdData[16];
    char        ezodata[21];
    char        receivedValue[20];
    string      ezovalue;
    string      error255;
    string      error254;
    string      failedStr;
    string      succesStr;
    int         failed;
    int         success;

#endif // MBED_EZOPH_H