This is an involuntary fork, created because the repository would not update mmSPI. SPI library used to communicate with an altera development board attached to four zigbee-header pins.

Dependents:   Embedded_RTOS_Project

Fork of mmSPI by Mike Moore

--- a/mmSPI.cpp	Mon Aug 19 04:41:29 2013 +0000
+++ b/mmSPI.cpp	Mon Aug 19 16:26:29 2013 +0000
@@ -76,19 +76,8 @@
                                                 // MSB out/in first.
     void mmSPI::transceive_vector(char *cReceive, char *cSend, char cNumBytes)
-                                                // the first SPI pulse after the
-                                                // CPU clock goes low is used for
-                                                // parallel-load of the SPI shadow
-                                                // registers, not for shifting.
-      if (0)
-      {
-        *pSCLK = 1;                              
-        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
-        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
-        *pSCLK = 0;
-        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
-        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
-      }
       for (dLoop02 = (cNumBytes - 1); dLoop02 >= 0; dLoop02--)
       transceive_byte(&(cReceive[dLoop02]), &(cSend[dLoop02]));
@@ -101,6 +90,76 @@
       *pCPUclk = 0;  
+      if (0)
+      {
+        *pSCLK = 1;                              
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        *pSCLK = 0;
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      }  
+    }
+                                                // transceive a character array.
+                                                // limit is 256 characters.
+                                                // MSB out/in first.
+    void mmSPI::transceive_vector2(char *pcReceive, char *pcSend, int dNumBytes)
+    {      
+      int  dClear;
+      int  dIndex;       
+      int  dMosiByteIndex;
+      int  dMosiBitIndex;
+      int  dMisoByteIndex;
+      int  dMisoBitIndex;
+      dIndex         = (dNumBytes * 8) - 1;
+      dMosiByteIndex = dIndex / 8;
+      dMosiBitIndex  = dIndex % 8;
+      for (dClear = 0; dClear < dNumBytes; dClear++) pcReceive[dClear] = 0;
+      *pCPUclk = 1;                             // pulse the CPU clock.
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      wait(fSPIquarterP);     
+      *pCPUclk = 0;  
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      *pSCLK = 1;                               // pulse the SPI clock for parallel load.              
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      *pSCLK = 0;
+                                                // pre-assert MOSI.
+      *pMOSI = ((pcSend[dMosiByteIndex]) >> dMosiBitIndex) & 1;
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+      for (dIndex = (dNumBytes * 8) - 1; dIndex >= 0; dIndex--)
+      {
+        dMisoByteIndex = dIndex / 8;
+        dMisoBitIndex  = dIndex % 8;
+        pcReceive[dMisoByteIndex] = pcReceive[dMisoByteIndex] | (*pMISO << dMisoBitIndex);
+//         pcReceive[dMisoByteIndex] = pcReceive[dMisoByteIndex] | (0x23 << dMisoBitIndex);
+        *pSCLK = 1;             
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        *pSCLK = 0;    
+        if (dIndex < 0) dIndex = 0;
+        dMosiByteIndex = (dIndex - 1) / 8;
+        dMosiBitIndex  = (dIndex - 1) % 8;
+        *pMOSI = ((pcSend[dMosiByteIndex]) >> dMosiBitIndex) & 1;
+        wait(fSPIquarterP); 
+        wait(fSPIquarterP);
+      }
                                                 // transceive a character array.
@@ -191,6 +250,15 @@
+    void mmSPI::write_register(char cRegister, char cValue, char * pcReceive, char * pcSend)
+    {     
+      pcSend[7] = 0x02;
+      pcSend[1] = ((cRegister & 0x07) << 2) | 0xA0;
+      pcSend[0] = cValue & 0xFF;
+ //     transceive_vector(pcReceive, pcSend, 8);
+    }
@@ -208,10 +276,3 @@