USB Device Programming class project. This project allows a Python/Tk program running on a PC host to monitor/control a test-CPU programmed into an altera development board.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBDevice mbed-rtos mbed mmSPI

diff -r d1aca9ccbab8 -r db29cce17a33 mmPython/mmUSBserial.txt
--- a/mmPython/mmUSBserial.txt	Sun Sep 01 03:48:07 2013 +0000
+++ b/mmPython/mmUSBserial.txt	Sun Sep 01 03:55:03 2013 +0000
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-#!/usr/bin/python -tt                       # tt: detect mixed space/tab.
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt                           # tt: detect mixed space/tab.
 #   licensed for personal and academic use.
 #   commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
-import serial                   # serial over USB.
+import serial                                   # serial over USB.
 if (1):
-    class mmUSBserial():            # USB class.
+        class mmUSBserial():                    # USB class.
-                        # constructor.
-      def __init__(self, idVendor, idProduct):      
+                                                # constructor.
+          def __init__(self, idVendor, idProduct):      
-        self.__idVendor  = idVendor     # promote to object scope.
-        self.__idProduct = idProduct    # promote to object scope.
+            self.__idVendor  = idVendor         # promote to object scope.
+            self.__idProduct = idProduct        # promote to object scope.
-        openSuccess = 1
-        self.__serialPort = serial.Serial()
-        self.__serialPort.baudrate = 9600
+            openSuccess = 1
+            self.__serialPort = serial.Serial()
+            self.__serialPort.baudrate = 9600
-        for portIndex in range(7, -1, -1):
-          portString = "/dev/ttyACM" + "{}".format(portIndex)
-          self.__serialPort.port = portString
-          try:
-          except:
-            print("failed to open port {}.").format(portString)
-            openSuccess = 0
+            for portIndex in range(7, -1, -1):
+              portString = "/dev/ttyACM" + "{}".format(portIndex)
+              self.__serialPort.port = portString
+              try:
+              except:
+                print("failed to open port {}.").format(portString)
+                openSuccess = 0
-          if (openSuccess): break
-          openSuccess = 1
+              if (openSuccess): break
+              openSuccess = 1
-        if (openSuccess): print("successfully opened port {}.").format(portString)
-        else:             print("could not open any port.")
+            if (openSuccess): print("successfully opened port {}.").format(portString)
+            else:             print("could not open any port.")
-      def __del__(self):                    # destructor.
-        self.__serialPort.close()
-        print "object destroyed."
+          def __del__(self):                    # destructor.
+            self.__serialPort.close()
+            print "object destroyed."
-      def write(self,toWrite):      # write a string.
+          def write(self,toWrite):              # write a string.
             nowWrite = toWrite[:7]
-        nowWrite = nowWrite + "$"
-        self.__serialPort.write(nowWrite)
-        return(nowWrite)
+            nowWrite = nowWrite + "$"
+            self.__serialPort.write(nowWrite)
+            return(nowWrite)
-      def read(self):           # read a string.
-        gotRead =
-        return(gotRead)
+          def read(self):                       # read a string.
+            gotRead =
+            return(gotRead)
@@ -59,3 +59,14 @@