embedded RTOS class project.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBDevice mbed-rtos mbed mmSPI_RTOS watchdog_RTOS

Fork of RTOS_project_fork_01 by Mike Moore

diff -r 000000000000 -r 8e898e1270d6 mmRTL/instruction_decoder.txt
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmRTL/instruction_decoder.txt	Tue Sep 17 19:42:49 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+//      licensed for personal and academic use.
+//      commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
+//      gated.clock@gmail.com
+        module instruction_decoder
+        (
+          iSquelch,                             // disrupt output enables.
+          iIR,                                  // instruction register.
+          iBypass,                              // instruction from SPI.
+          iBypassIR,                            // override the IR.
+          oSel,                                 // common data-in selector.
+          oLER0,                                // R0 load-enable.
+          oLER1,                                // R1 load-enable.
+          oLER2,                                // R2 load-enable.
+          oLER3,                                // R3 load-enable.
+          oLEPC,                                // PC load-enable.
+          oWE,                                  // write-enable pulse.
+          oCEPC,                                // PC count-enable.
+          oImmediate                            // immediate data.
+        );
+        the instruction decoder.  
+        this instruction decoder operates in three different 'modes'.
+        1. nominal mode: the instruction word is decoded as per the CPU spec.
+        2. regular test mode: the instruction register is ignored, and instead
+           this decoder makes use of iBypass, which is the instruction pattern
+           provided by the instruction word shadow register (which is part of
+           the spi scan chain).  this allows the python code to take over the
+           operation of the CPU.
+        3. IR-write test mode: a special-case mode which occurs when python
+           writes to the instruction register.  in this case, the outputs of
+           this decoder which are used to provide load-enables to CPU 
+           resources, must be squelched.  this is because we don't want the
+           python-written instruction register content to be decoded and
+           the decoded signals sent into the CPU.  why?  because most likely
+           the python-write to the IR is only to check that it can be done,
+           and if the result of such a write were allowed to propagate, then
+           the other registers may be arbitrarily updated, confusing the
+           user at the python end.
+        input           iSquelch;               // disrupt output enables.
+        input   [15:0]  iIR;                    // instruction register.
+        input   [15:0]  iBypass;                // instruction from SPI.
+        input           iBypassIR;              // override the IR.
+        output  [ 2:0]  oSel;                   // common data-in selector.
+        output          oLER0;                  // R0 load-enable.
+        output          oLER1;                  // R1 load-enable.
+        output          oLER2;                  // R2 load-enable.
+        output          oLER3;                  // R3 load-enable.
+        output          oLEPC;                  // PC load-enable.
+        output          oWE;                    // write-enable pulse.
+        output          oCEPC;                  // PC count-enable.
+        output  [ 7:0]  oImmediate;             // immediate data.
+        wire            iSquelch;               // disrupt output enables.
+        wire    [15:0]  iIR;                    // instruction register.
+        wire    [15:0]  iBypass;                // instruction from SPI.
+        wire            iBypassIR;              // override the IR.
+        wire    [ 2:0]  oSel;                   // common data-in selector.
+        wire            oLER0;                  // R0 load-enable.
+        wire            oLER1;                  // R1 load-enable.
+        wire            oLER2;                  // R2 load-enable.
+        wire            oLER3;                  // R3 load-enable.
+        wire            oLEPC;                  // PC load-enable.
+        wire            oWE;                    // write-enable pulse.
+        wire            oCEPC;                  // PC count-enable.
+        wire    [ 7:0]  oImmediate;             // immediate data.
+        reg     [15:0]  rIR;                    // instruction.
+        reg             rLER0;                  // R0 load-enable.
+        reg             rLER1;                  // R1 load-enable.
+        reg             rLER2;                  // R2 load-enable.
+        reg             rLER3;                  // R3 load-enable.
+        reg             rLEPC;                  // PC load-enable.
+        always @ (rIR)
+        case     (rIR[12:10])                   // decode the load-enables.
+          7 : begin                             // no register.
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;
+              end
+          6 : begin                             // no register.
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;  
+              end
+          5 : begin                             // no register.
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;          
+              end
+          4 : begin                             // PC
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b1;                  
+              end
+          3 : begin                             // R3
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b1;                  
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;
+              end
+          2 : begin                             // R2
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b1;                  
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;
+              end
+          1 : begin                             // R1
+                rLER0  = 1'b0;
+                rLER1  = 1'b1;                  
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;
+              end
+          0 : begin                             // R0
+                rLER0  = 1'b1;                  
+                rLER1  = 1'b0;
+                rLER2  = 1'b0;
+                rLER3  = 1'b0;
+                rLEPC  = 1'b0;
+              end
+        endcase
+        assign oSel       = rIR[15:13];         // pass-through.
+        assign oLER0      = rLER0 & !iSquelch;  // decode iIR[12:10].
+        assign oLER1      = rLER1 & !iSquelch;  // decode iIR[12:10].
+        assign oLER2      = rLER2 & !iSquelch;  // decode iIR[12:10].
+        assign oLER3      = rLER3 & !iSquelch;  // decode iIR[12:10].
+        assign oLEPC      = rLEPC & !iSquelch;  // decode iIR[12:10].
+        assign oWE        = rIR[9] & !iSquelch; // pass-through.
+        assign oCEPC      = rIR[8] & !iSquelch; // pass-through.
+        assign oImmediate = rIR[7:0];           // pass-through.
+        always @ (iIR or iBypass or iBypassIR)
+        if (iBypassIR) rIR = iBypass;
+        else rIR = iIR;