embedded RTOS class project.

Dependencies:   C12832_lcd USBDevice mbed-rtos mbed mmSPI_RTOS watchdog_RTOS

Fork of RTOS_project_fork_01 by Mike Moore

Wed Sep 18 14:58:03 2013 +0000
test results.

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 1 #!/usr/bin/python -tt # tt: detect mixed space/tab.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 2 #---copyright-----------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 3 # licensed for personal and academic use.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 4 # commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 5 # gated.clock@gmail.com
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 6 #-------imports---------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 7 import serial # serial over USB.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 8 #=======class===================================#===============================
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 9 if (1):
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 10 class mmUSBserial(): # USB class.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 11 #-----------------------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 12 # constructor.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 13 def __init__(self, idVendor, idProduct):
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 14
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 15 self.__idVendor = idVendor # promote to object scope.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 16 self.__idProduct = idProduct # promote to object scope.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 17
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 18 openSuccess = 1
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 19 self.__serialPort = serial.Serial()
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 20 self.__serialPort.baudrate = 115200 # was 9600
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 21 self.__serialPort.timeout = 1 # one-second timeout.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 22
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 23 for portIndex in range(7, -1, -1):
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 24 portString = "/dev/ttyACM" + "{}".format(portIndex)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 25 self.__serialPort.port = portString
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 26 try:
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 27 self.__serialPort.open()
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 28 except:
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 29 print("failed to open port {}.").format(portString)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 30 openSuccess = 0
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 31
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 32 if (openSuccess): break
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 33 openSuccess = 1
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 34
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 35 if (openSuccess): print("successfully opened port {}.").format(portString)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 36 else: print("could not open any port.")
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 37
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 38 self.__SER_BYTES = 18 # same as mbed program's SER_BYTES.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 39 #-----------------------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 40 def __del__(self): # destructor.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 41 self.__serialPort.close()
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 42 print "object destroyed."
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 43 #-----------------------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 44 # the number of bytes written and read must both be SER_BYTES.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 45 # the '$' must be in bit<7> of what's written.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 46
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 47 def write(self,toWrite): # write a string.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 48 nowWrite = toWrite[:7]
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 49 nowWrite = nowWrite + "$" # in <7>.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 50 if (self.__SER_BYTES > 8): # flush out with 0's.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 51 for loopIndex in range (0, self.__SER_BYTES - 8):
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 52 nowWrite = nowWrite + "0"
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 53 # print("nowWrite {}").format(nowWrite)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 54 self.__serialPort.write(nowWrite)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 55 return(nowWrite)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 56 #-----------------------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 57 def read(self): # read a string.
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 58 gotRead = self.__serialPort.read(self.__SER_BYTES)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 59 # print("gotRead {}").format(gotRead)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 60 return(gotRead)
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 61 #-----------------------------------------------#-------------------------------
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 62 #===============================================#===============================
gatedClock 0:8e898e1270d6 63
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