embedded RTOS class project.

Fork of RTOS_project by Mike Moore

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mmPython/mmUI.txt	Tue Sep 17 19:42:49 2013 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python -tt                           # tt: detect mixed space/tab.
+#   licensed for personal and academic use.
+#   commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
+#   gated.clock@gmail.com
+from   Tkinter     import *                     # Tk graphics.
+import mmUSBserial                              # USB Serial object.
+from   mmUSBserial import *
+import time                                     # Time object.
+from   time import time, sleep
+import threading                                # Threading object.
+import tkFileDialog                             # File-select dialog object.'
+import os                                       # import os  library.
+        licensed for personal and accedemic use.
+        commercial use must be approved by the account-holder of
+        gated.clock@gmail.com
+        description: 
+        python/Tk code for interfacing with the mbed.org system.
+        this code provides a UI which is used to communicate over USB
+        to the mbed.org processor, and in turn the toy CPU programmed
+        into the altera device.
+        this code provides a UI which is used to monitor and write-to the
+        toy CPU's registers and its main memory. 
+        I/O capability:
+        * R0 write/read.
+        * R1 write/read.
+        * R2 write/read.
+        * R3 write/read.
+        * PC write/read.  (that's 'Program Counter'.)
+        * IR write/read.  (that's 'Instruction Register'.)
+        * MM address.     (that's 'Main Memory.')
+        * MM content.
+        Button Controls:
+        * USB Connect/Disconnect.
+        * Register Read.
+        * Register Write.
+        * Main Memory Read.
+        * Main Memory Write.
+        * Main Memory Load-From-File.
+        * Main Memory Dump-To-File.
+        * Step CPU.
+        * Run-Fast, Run-Slow, Stop CPU.
+        * Run Test.
+        * Exit.
+if (1):                                         # allow further indentation.                            
+        class mmUI:                             # UI class.
+          def __init__(self,masterWidget):      # constructor.
+            self.__masterWidget = masterWidget  # promote to object scope.
+                                                # master widget title.
+            self.__masterWidget.wm_title("CPU Control")
+            self.__frame = Frame(masterWidget)  # create frame widget.
+            self.__frame.grid(column=0, row=0)  # use grid packer.
+            self.__connected   = 0              # not yet __connected to USB.
+            self.__isRunning   = 0              # program execution not running.
+            self.__testRunning = 0              # test mode not runing.
+            self.__testIter    = 0              # test mode iteration count.
+            self.__sleepVal    = 0.04           # serial transceive sleep.  3 works.
+            self.uiR0      (0, 1, 10)           # label/entry widgets (x, y, width)
+            self.uiR1      (0, 2, 10)
+            self.uiR2      (0, 3, 10)
+            self.uiR3      (0, 4, 10)
+            self.uiPC      (0, 5, 10)
+            self.uiIR      (0, 6, 10)
+            self.uimmADR   (0, 7, 10)
+            self.uimmVAL   (0, 8, 10)
+            self.uiConnect (3,  1, 8)           # button widgets (x, y, width)
+            self.uiRegRead (3,  2, 8)
+            self.uiRegWrite(3,  3, 8)
+            self.uimmRead  (3,  4, 8)
+            self.uimmWrite (3,  5, 8)
+            self.uiProg    (3,  6, 8)
+            self.uimmDump  (3,  7, 8)
+            self.uiStep    (3,  8, 8)
+            self.uiRun     (3,  9, 8)
+            self.uiTest    (3, 10, 8)
+            self.uiExit    (3, 11, 8)
+            self.refreshUI()                    # initial content display.
+          def __del__(self):                    # destructor.
+            print "object destroyed."
+#         WIDGETS: BEGIN LABEL/ENTRY PAIRS.     #===============================
+          def uiR0(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # R0.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__R0Label = Label(self.__frame, text="R0")
+            self.__R0Label.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__R0Entry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="GREEN")
+            self.__R0Entry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiR1(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # R1.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__R1Label = Label(self.__frame, text="R1")
+            self.__R1Label.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__R1Entry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="GREEN")
+            self.__R1Entry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiR2(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # R2.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__R2Label = Label(self.__frame, text="R2")
+            self.__R2Label.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__R2Entry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="GREEN")
+            self.__R2Entry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiR3(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # R3.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__R3Label = Label(self.__frame, text="R3")
+            self.__R3Label.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__R3Entry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="GREEN")
+            self.__R3Entry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiPC(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # program counter.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__PCLabel = Label(self.__frame, text="PC")
+            self.__PCLabel.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__PCEntry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="ORANGE")
+            self.__PCEntry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiIR(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):   # instruction register.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__IRLabel = Label(self.__frame, text="IR")
+            self.__IRLabel.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__IREntry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, background="ORANGE")
+            self.__IREntry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uimmADR(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):# mmADR.
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__mmADRLabel = Label(self.__frame, text="mmADR")
+            self.__mmADRLabel.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__mmADREntry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, 
+                                      background="MAROON", foreground="WHITE")
+            self.__mmADREntry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uimmVAL(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):# mmVAL.        
+            dColumnPlusOne = dColumn + 1
+            self.__mmVALLabel = Label(self.__frame, text="mmVAL")
+            self.__mmVALLabel.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+            self.__mmVALEntry = Entry(self.__frame, width=dWidth, 
+                                      background="MAROON", foreground="WHITE")
+            self.__mmVALEntry.grid(column=dColumnPlusOne, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+#         WIDGETS: BEGIN BUTTONS.               #===============================
+                                                # generate the 'connect' button.
+          def uiConnect(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):      
+            self.__connectButton = Button(self.__frame, text="CONNECT", 
+                                          command=self.selectConnectButtonPressed,
+                                          background="RED",
+                                          width = dWidth)
+            self.__connectButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+                                                # generate the register-read button.
+          def uiRegRead(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):
+            self.__RegReadButton = Button(self.__frame, text="REG READ", 
+                                        command=self.selectRegReadButtonPressed,
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__RegReadButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+                                                # generate the 'reg write' button.
+          def uiRegWrite(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):
+            self.__RegWriteButton = Button(self.__frame, text="REG WRITE", 
+                                        command=self.selectRegWriteButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__RegWriteButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+                                                # generate the mm-read button.
+          def uimmRead(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):
+            self.__mmReadButton = Button(self.__frame, text="MM READ", 
+                                        command=self.selectmmReadButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__mmReadButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+                                                # generate the 'mm write' button.
+          def uimmWrite(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):
+            self.__mmWriteButton = Button(self.__frame, text="MM WRITE", 
+                                        command=self.selectmmWriteButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__mmWriteButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiProg(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth): # generate the 'program' button.
+            self.__ProgButton = Button(self.__frame, text="PROGRAM", 
+                                        command=self.selectProgButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__ProgButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+                                                # generate the 'mm dump' button.
+          def uimmDump(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):
+            self.__mmWriteButton = Button(self.__frame, text="DUMP", 
+                                        command=self.selectmmDumpButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__mmWriteButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiStep(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth): # generate the 'step' button.
+            self.__StepButton = Button(self.__frame, text="STEP", 
+                                        command=self.selectStepButtonPressed, 
+                                        width = dWidth)
+            self.__StepButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(W))
+          def uiRun(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth):  # generate the 'run' button.
+            self.__runButton = Button(self.__frame, text="RUN", 
+                                      command=self.selectRunButtonPressed,width = dWidth)
+            self.__runButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+          def uiTest(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth): # generate the 'test' button.
+            self.__testButton = Button(self.__frame, text="TEST", 
+                                      command=self.selectTestButtonPressed,width = dWidth)
+            self.__testButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+          def uiExit(self,dColumn,dRow,dWidth): # generate the 'exit' button.
+            self.__isRunning = 0                # end the running thread.
+            sleep(2.0)                          # give thread time to stop.
+            self.__exitButton = Button(self.__frame, text="EXIT", 
+                                       command=sys.exit,width = dWidth)
+            self.__exitButton.grid(column=dColumn, row=dRow, sticky=(E))
+#         BEGIN EXECUTE-WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED CODE#===============================
+          def selectConnectButtonPressed(self): # execute CONNECT.
+            if (self.__connected == 0):
+              self.__iUSB = mmUSBserial(idVendor=0x1234, idProduct=0x0006)
+              self.__connected = 1
+              self.__connectButton["text"] = "DISCONNECT"
+              self.__connectButton["background"] = self.__frame.cget("background")
+            else:
+              del(self.__iUSB)
+              self.__connected = 0
+              self.__connectButton["text"] = "CONNECT"
+              self.__connectButton["background"] = "RED"
+          def selectRegReadButtonPressed(self): # REG READ button has been pressed.
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats.
+                                                # real all registers.
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildReadAllRegisterCommand())
+            messageVector =   self.__iUSB.read()
+                                                # parse-out the register entries.
+            hexTextR0     = "0x" + messageVector[ 1: 3]
+            hexTextR1     = "0x" + messageVector[ 3: 5]
+            hexTextR2     = "0x" + messageVector[ 5: 7]
+            hexTextR3     = "0x" + messageVector[ 7: 9]
+            hexTextPC     = "0x" + messageVector[ 9:11]
+            hexTextIR     = "0x" + messageVector[11:15]
+            self.__R0Entry.delete(0,99)         # R0 to UI.
+            self.__R0Entry.insert(0,hexTextR0)
+            self.__R1Entry.delete(0,99)         # R1 to UI.
+            self.__R1Entry.insert(0,hexTextR1)
+            self.__R2Entry.delete(0,99)         # R2 to UI.
+            self.__R2Entry.insert(0,hexTextR2)
+            self.__R3Entry.delete(0,99)         # R3 to UI.
+            self.__R3Entry.insert(0,hexTextR3)
+            self.__PCEntry.delete(0,99)         # PC to UI.
+            self.__PCEntry.insert(0,hexTextPC)
+            self.__IREntry.delete(0,99)         # IR to UI.
+            self.__IREntry.insert(0,hexTextIR)
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats
+          def selectmmReadButtonPressed(self):  # MM READ button has been pressed.
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats.
+            transmitmmADRText = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__mmADREntry.get())
+            commandText = self.buildReadMMCommand(transmitmmADRText)
+            self.__iUSB.write(commandText)
+            fetchTextmmVAL = self.__iUSB.read()
+            buildHextmmVALString = fetchTextmmVAL[3:7]
+            self.__mmVALEntry.delete(0,99)
+            self.__mmVALEntry.insert(0,buildHextmmVALString)
+            self.selectRegReadButtonPressed()   # because registers are affected.
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats
+#         before writing the register values currently displayed in the UI,
+#         this method will first run that data through a formatter, so that
+#         the data is transformed into '0x##' format.  this is convenient for
+#         the user.  for example, the user can type '12' in a register entry
+#         form, press the 'REG WRITE' button, and that data will be reformatted
+#         to appear as '0x12'.
+          def selectRegWriteButtonPressed(self):# REG WRITE button has been pressed.
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats.
+                                                # place those values in the
+                                                # standard format.
+            R0Val = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__R0Entry.get())
+            R1Val = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__R1Entry.get())
+            R2Val = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__R2Entry.get())
+            R3Val = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__R3Entry.get())
+            PCVal = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__PCEntry.get())
+            IRVal = self.formatWordStringForTransmit(self.__IREntry.get()) 
+                                                # write those values to the CPU.
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("0",R0Val))
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("1",R1Val))
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("2",R2Val))
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("3",R3Val))
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("4",PCVal))
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteIRCommand      (    IRVal))
+#         before writing the main-memory values currently displayed in the UI,
+#         this method will first run that data through a formatter, so that
+#         the data is transformed into '0x##' or '0x####' format.  
+#         this is convenient for the user.  
+#         for example, the user can type '12' in the mmADR entry
+#         form, press the 'MM WRITE' button, and that data will be reformatted
+#         to appear as '0x12'.
+          def selectmmWriteButtonPressed(self): # mm WRITE button has been pressed.
+            self.refreshUI()                    # ensure proper text formats.
+                                                # obtain mm values currently
+                                                # displayed in the UI.
+            self.__transmitmmADRText = self.__mmADREntry.get()
+            self.__transmitmmVALText = self.__mmVALEntry.get()
+                                                # place those values in the
+                                                # standard format.
+            mmADRVAL = self.formatByteStringForTransmit(self.__mmADREntry.get())
+            mmVALVal = self.formatWordStringForTransmit(self.__mmVALEntry.get())
+                                                # write those values to the CPU.
+            self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteMMCommand(mmADRVAL,mmVALVal))
+            self.selectRegReadButtonPressed()   # because registers are affected.
+          def selectProgButtonPressed(self):    # Program button has been pressed.
+                                                # ask user for program source file
+                                                # name using a dialog.
+            fileName = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension='.txt')
+            print("memory load started.")       # announce to user.
+            self.progamMainMemory(fileName)     # main part of programming.
+            print("memory load completed.")     # announce to user.
+          def selectmmDumpButtonPressed(self):  # MM dump button has been pressed.
+                                                # obtain file-to-write-to name
+                                                # from user, using a dialog.
+            fileName = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(defaultextension='.txt')
+            print("memory dump started.")       # announce to user.
+            self.dumpMainMemory(fileName)       # dump main memory to file.
+            print("memory dump completed.")     # announce to user.
+          def selectStepButtonPressed(self):    # STEP button has been pressed.
+            self.__iUSB.write("50000000")       # the command code.
+            self.selectRegReadButtonPressed()   # monitor the result.
+          def selectRunButtonPressed(self):     # RUN/STOP button has been pressed.
+            if (self.__isRunning == 0):         # start high speed run.
+              self.__isRunning = 1
+              self.__runButton["text"] = "SLOW"
+              self.t = threading.Thread(target=self.doRun)
+              self.t.start()
+            elif (self.__isRunning == 1):       # switch to a slower run.
+              self.__isRunning = 2
+              self.__runButton["text"] = "STOP"
+            else:                               # stop the CPU.
+              self.__isRunning = 0
+              self.__runButton["text"] = "RUN"
+          def selectTestButtonPressed(self):    # TEST/STOP button has been pressed.
+            if (self.__testRunning == 0):       # start test.
+              self.__testRunning = 1
+              self.__testButton["text"] = "STOP TEST"
+              self.t = threading.Thread(target=self.doTest)
+              self.t.start()
+            else:                               # stop test.
+              self.__testRunning = 0
+              self.__testButton["text"] = "TEST"
+#         BEGIN UTILITY CODE.                   #===============================
+                                                # guarantee 0x## format.
+          def formatByteStringForDisplay(self, byteText):       
+            xIndex = byteText.find("x")         # eliminate any 0x, 0X prefix.
+            XIndex = byteText.find("X")
+            theXindex   = 0
+            if (xIndex >= 0): theXindex = xIndex + 1
+            if (XIndex >= 0): theXindex = XIndex + 1
+            buildText = byteText[theXindex:]    # any 0x, 0X prefix gone.
+                                                # build-out leading 0's.
+            if (len(buildText) == 0): buildText = "0" + buildText
+            if (len(buildText) == 1): buildText = "0" + buildText
+                                                # truncate leading characters.
+            if (len(buildText)  > 2): buildText = buildText[-2:]
+            buildText = "0x" + buildText        # add leading 0x.
+            return(buildText)                   # 0x## format returned.
+                                                # guarantee 0x#### format.
+          def formatWordStringForDisplay(self, wordText):       
+            xIndex = wordText.find("x")         # eliminate any 0x, 0X prefix.
+            XIndex = wordText.find("X")
+            theXindex   = 0
+            if (xIndex >= 0): theXindex = xIndex + 1
+            if (XIndex >= 0): theXindex = XIndex + 1
+            buildText = wordText[theXindex:]    # any 0x, 0X prefix gone.
+                                                # build-out leading 0's.
+            if (len(buildText) == 0): buildText = "0" + buildText
+            if (len(buildText) == 1): buildText = "0" + buildText
+            if (len(buildText) == 2): buildText = "0" + buildText
+            if (len(buildText) == 3): buildText = "0" + buildText
+                                                # truncate leading characters.
+            if (len(buildText)  > 4): buildText = buildText[-4:]
+            buildText = "0x" + buildText        # add leading 0x.
+            return(buildText)                   # 0x## format returned.
+                                                # guarantee ## format.
+          def formatByteStringForTransmit(self, byteText):
+            buildText = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(byteText)
+            buildText = buildText[-2:]
+            return(buildText)
+                                                # guarantee #### format.
+          def formatWordStringForTransmit(self, wordText):
+            buildText = self.formatWordStringForDisplay(wordText)
+            buildText = buildText[-4:]
+            return(buildText)
+          def refreshUI(self):                  # reformat UI text.
+                                                # copy-in current form contents.
+            originalR0Entry    = self.__R0Entry.get()
+            originalR1Entry    = self.__R1Entry.get()
+            originalR2Entry    = self.__R2Entry.get()
+            originalR3Entry    = self.__R3Entry.get()
+            originalPCEntry    = self.__PCEntry.get()
+            originalIREntry    = self.__IREntry.get()
+            originalmmADREntry = self.__mmADREntry.get()
+            originalmmVALEntry = self.__mmVALEntry.get()
+                                                # reformat form contents.
+            newR0Entry    = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalR0Entry)
+            newR1Entry    = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalR1Entry)
+            newR2Entry    = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalR2Entry)
+            newR3Entry    = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalR3Entry)
+            newPCEntry    = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalPCEntry)
+            newIREntry    = self.formatWordStringForDisplay(originalIREntry)
+            newmmADREntry = self.formatByteStringForDisplay(originalmmADREntry)
+            newmmVALEntry = self.formatWordStringForDisplay(originalmmVALEntry)
+            self.__R0Entry.   delete(0,99)      # clear form contents.
+            self.__R1Entry.   delete(0,99)
+            self.__R2Entry.   delete(0,99)
+            self.__R3Entry.   delete(0,99)
+            self.__PCEntry.   delete(0,99)
+            self.__IREntry.   delete(0,99)
+            self.__mmADREntry.delete(0,99)
+            self.__mmVALEntry.delete(0,99)
+                                                # update form contents.
+            self.__R0Entry.   insert(0,newR0Entry)
+            self.__R1Entry.   insert(0,newR1Entry)
+            self.__R2Entry.   insert(0,newR2Entry)
+            self.__R3Entry.   insert(0,newR3Entry)
+            self.__PCEntry.   insert(0,newPCEntry)
+            self.__IREntry.   insert(0,newIREntry)
+            self.__mmADREntry.insert(0,newmmADREntry)
+            self.__mmVALEntry.insert(0,newmmVALEntry)
+                                                # build the command string for
+                                                # reading a value from a CPU register.
+          def buildReadRegisterCommand(self,regNum):
+            commandText = ""                    # build command for read register.
+            commandText = commandText + "2"     # command-code.
+            commandText = commandText + regNum  # register number.
+            commandText = commandText + "0000000000000"
+            return(commandText)
+                                                # build the command string for
+                                                # reading all CPU register values.
+          def buildReadAllRegisterCommand(self):
+            commandText = ""                    # build command for read register.
+            commandText = commandText + "7"     # command-code.
+            commandText = commandText + "00000000000000"
+            return(commandText)
+                                                # build the command-string for
+                                                # writing a value to a CPU register.
+          def buildWriteRegisterCommand(self,regNum,regVal):
+            commandText = ""
+            commandText = commandText + "1"     # command-code.
+            commandText = commandText + regNum  # register.
+            commandText = commandText + regVal  # content.
+            commandText = commandText + "00000000000"
+            return(commandText)
+                                                # build the command-string for
+                                                # writing a value to the IR.
+          def buildWriteIRCommand(self,regVal):
+            commandText = ""
+            commandText = commandText + "6"     # command-code.
+            commandText = commandText + "5"     # actually a placeholder.
+            commandText = commandText + regVal  # content.
+            commandText = commandText + "000000000"
+            return(commandText)
+                                                # build the command-string for
+                                                # writing a main-memory value.
+          def buildWriteMMCommand(self,mmADR,mmVAL):
+            commandText = ""
+            commandText = commandText + "3"     # command-code.
+            commandText = commandText + mmADR   # address.
+            commandText = commandText + mmVAL   # value.
+            commandText = commandText + "00000000"
+            return(commandText)
+          def buildReadMMCommand(self,mmADR):   # build read-mm command-string.
+              commandText = ""                  # build command for read main-memory.
+              commandText = commandText + "4"   # command-code.
+              commandText = commandText + mmADR
+              commandText = commandText + "000000000000"
+              return(commandText)
+                                                # extract reg value payload.
+          def formatRegValPayload(self,messageVector):
+            buildHex = "0x" + messageVector[2:4]
+            return(buildHex)
+          def progamMainMemory(self,progFile):  # core of loading program to MM.
+            hFile = open(progFile, 'r')
+            fileLineList = hFile.readlines()    # read file into a list.
+            hFile.close()                       # close the file.
+                                                # load '0x12 0x3456' memory content
+                                                # format, into a list.
+            for listIndex in range(0, len(fileLineList)):
+              addressStartIndex = fileLineList[listIndex].find("0x") + 2
+              dataStartIndex    = fileLineList[listIndex].find("0x", addressStartIndex)   + 2
+              progAddress = fileLineList[listIndex][addressStartIndex : addressStartIndex + 2]
+              progAddress = format(listIndex,'02x')
+              progData    = fileLineList[listIndex][dataStartIndex    : dataStartIndex    + 4]
+              commandText = self.buildWriteMMCommand(progAddress,progData)
+              self.__iUSB.write(commandText)
+              print(fileLineList[listIndex][0:len(fileLineList[listIndex])-1])
+              sleep(self.__sleepVal)
+          def dumpMainMemory(self,dumpFile):    # core of dumping MM to file.
+            hFile = open(dumpFile, 'w')
+            for loopIndex in range(0, 256):     # traverse all of main-memory.
+              transmitmmADRText = "{}".format(hex(loopIndex))
+              transmitmmADRText = transmitmmADRText[2:]
+              if (len(transmitmmADRText) == 1): transmitmmADRText = "0" + transmitmmADRText
+              commandText = self.buildReadMMCommand(transmitmmADRText)
+              self.__iUSB.write(commandText)
+              fetchTextmmVAL = self.__iUSB.read()
+              buildHextmmVALString = fetchTextmmVAL[3:7]
+              buildHexIndex = hex(loopIndex)
+              buildHexIndex = buildHexIndex[2:]
+              if (len(buildHexIndex) == 1): buildHexIndex = "0" + buildHexIndex
+              buildHexIndex = "0x" + buildHexIndex
+              dumpString = "  {}  0x{}\n".format(buildHexIndex,buildHextmmVALString)
+              hFile.write(dumpString)
+              print(dumpString[0:len(dumpString)-1])
+              sleep(self.__sleepVal)
+            hFile.close()                       # close the dump file.
+#         BEGIN THREADED CODE.                  #===============================
+          def doRun(self):                      # drives the CPU running.
+            while(self.__isRunning):
+              self.selectStepButtonPressed()
+              self.__masterWidget.update_idletasks()    
+              if (self.__isRunning == 2): sleep(1.0)    
+#         the test consists of loading the add-list program into main memory,
+#         running it, dumping the result to a file, and comparing that file
+#         to the expected result.
+          def doTest(self):                     # drives the test.
+            while(self.__testRunning):
+                                                # load program into main memory.
+              self.progamMainMemory("prog_add_list.txt")
+                                                # clear instruction register.
+              self.__iUSB.write(self.buildWriteIRCommand("0000"))
+                                                # rewind program counter.
+              PCVal          = self.formatByteStringForTransmit("0")
+              writePCcommand = self.buildWriteRegisterCommand("4",PCVal)
+              self.__iUSB.write(writePCcommand)
+              self.selectRegReadButtonPressed()
+              for stepIndex in range(0, 196):   # step through program.
+                self.selectStepButtonPressed()
+                                                # dump result to file.
+              self.dumpMainMemory  ("dump_test.txt")
+                                                # build and run test commands.
+              self.__testIter = self.__testIter + 1     
+              iterationText = "test iteration {}".format(self.__testIter)
+              iterationText = "echo '" + iterationText + "' >> testlog.txt"
+              os.system("echo ============================ >> testlog.txt")
+              os.system("date >> testlog.txt")
+              os.system(iterationText)
+              os.system("echo 'compare dump_test.txt against dump_add_list.txt' >> testlog.txt")
+              os.system("diff dump_add_list.txt dump_test.txt >> testlog.txt")
+              self.__masterWidget.update_idletasks()    