homework 7

Dependencies:   mbed-rtos mbed C12832_lcd LM75B



File content as of revision 120:64a969984af2:

    student   : m-moore
    class     : rtos
    directory : RTOS_HW_07
    file      : main.cpp
    1. using pc.printf inside a ticker routine will freeze the routine.
    2. using queues (get, put) will not work within a ticker routine.
    3. Ticker has a bug.  http://mbed.org/questions/1563/Mbed-Tickerfunction-hangs-system-from-re/
    countdown timer needs to be sync'd to start button press.
    this could not be done, use granularity setting instead.
    global variables considerations (mutex)
    the global variables associated with joystick button presses are 
    in the structure 'tButtons' (instance 'giButtons').  ISRs store that a
    button has been pressed in this struct, and since mutex can not be called
    within an interrupt, no mutex is used on these buttons.
    only the ISRs are 'authorized' to set those variables, and the bottom-half
    of the ISRs, 'threadButtonStateManager', is authorized to clear them once
    'threadButtonStateManager' has forwarded the fact that the buttons were
    pressed.  I don't expect there to be any collision of writing the variables.
    #include "mbed.h"                           // mbed class.
    #include "rtos.h"                           // rtos class.
    #include "LM75B.h"                          // thermometer class.
    #include "C12832_lcd.h"                     // LCD  class.
    #define LCD1 lcd.locate(0, 0);              // LCD line 1.
    #define LCD2 lcd.locate(0,11);              // LCD line 2.
    #define LCD3 lcd.locate(0,22);              // LCD line 3.

    #define DEBOUNCEmS       16                 // debounce wait in mS.
    #define uS_TIMEOUT      100                 // Timer uS timeout.
    #define LBSIG             1                 // left button signal code.
    #define PIPEuS         1000                 // pipeline clock period.
    #define SLOWCLOCKuS  500000                 // slow-clock period.
    #define TEMPCLOCKS        1                 // temperature-measuring period in S.
    #define PIPEDATASIZE      8                 // dimension of tPipeData.
    #define THREAD_1_WAITmS 400                 // thread 1 wait in mS.
    #define THREAD_2_WAITmS  40                 // LCD thread wait.
    #define THREAD_3_WAITmS  80                 // thread 3 wait in mS.
    #define THREAD_4_WAITmS   1                 // thread 4 wait in mS.
    #define THREAD_5_WAITmS   100                 // FSM thread wait.
    #define HB_MODULO      1024                 // heartbeat modulo divisor.
    #define MSG_INC_TIME   0x01
    #define MSG_DEC_TIME   0x02
    #define MSG_START      0x04
    #define MSG_STOP       0x08
    #define MSG_OPEN       0x10
    #define MSG_CLOSED     0x20
    #define FSM_IDLE       0x01                 // cook-state state-machine.
    #define FSM_COOK       0x02                 // cook-state state-machine.
    #define FSM_PAUSE      0x04                 // cook-state state-machine.
    #define FSM_CONTINUE   0x08                 // cook-state state-machine.
    #define FSM_DONE       0x10                 // cook-state state-machine.
    #define RT_PRELOAD     0x01                 // remaining-time preload.
    #define RT_DECREMENT   0x02                 // remaining-time decrement.
    #define RT_PAUSE       0x03                 // remaining-time don't change.
    #define RT_CLEAR       0x04                 // remaining-time set to zero.
    #define TEMP_READ      0x01                 // temperature synthesizer control.
    #define TEMP_CALC      0x02                 // temperature synthesizer control.
    #define TEMP_FREEZE    0x03                 // temperature synthesizer control.
    #define GRANULARITY    0x400                // 1-second countdown ticker granularity.
    #define MAXSECONDS       180                // maximum microwave-on time.
    #define BEEPTIME           3                // beep duration in S.
    #define BEEPFREQ         300                // beep frequency in Hz.
    #define TIMEINC           10                // time increment in seconds.
    struct tButtons                             // button ISR updates.
      char cLeftButton;                         // cooktime +60S.
      char cRightButton;                        // cooktime -60S.
      char cTopButton;                          // start cook.
      char cBottomButton;                       // stop cook.
      char cCenterButton;                       // center button pressed.
      char cDoorOpen;                           // door open. 
    struct tRemainingTime                       // remaining time related.
      char cControl;                            // countdown control.
      char cBeepEnable;                         // beep control.
      int  dTotalTime;                          // initialize to this.
      int  dRemainingTime;                      // the countdown value.
    struct tMagnetron                           // magnetron control.
      char cMagnetron;                          // magnetron blink control.
      char cCarousel;                           // carousel  blink control.
    struct tLCD                                 // LCD related.
      int   dTotalCookTime;                     // display time in seconds.
      int   dRemainingTime;                     // display time in seconds.
      float fCelsius;                           // temperature in celsius.
    Queue<int, 1> queueModTotalTime;            // modify total time.
    Queue<int, 1> queueUpdateFSM;               // tell FSM what button was pressed.
    Queue<int, 1> queueUpdateRemainingTime;     // message to update remaining time.
    Queue<int, 1> queueSetRemainingTime;        // tell countdown it's start time.
    Queue<int, 1> queueTemperatureControl;      // control the temperature synthesizer.
    Queue<int, 1> queueSuppressTimeAdjust;      // total time control.
    Queue<int, 1> queueClearTotalTime;          // total time control.
    tButtons       giButtons;                   // ISR button updates.
    tRemainingTime giRemainingTime;             // structure instance.
    tMagnetron     giMagnetron;                 // structure instance.
    tLCD           giLCD;                       // structure instance.
    Serial      pc(USBTX, USBRX);               // PuTTY terminal communication.
    LM75B        temperature(p28,p27);          // on-board thermometer.   
    C12832_LCD   lcd;                           // LCD object.
    DigitalOut   led0(LED4);                    // magnetron.
    DigitalOut   led1(LED3);
    DigitalOut   led2(LED2);
    DigitalOut   led3(LED1);
    DigitalOut   speaker(p26);                  // speaker device.
    InterruptIn  iJoyStickUp    (p15);          // joystick up rising edge.
    InterruptIn  iJoyStickDown  (p12);          // joystick down rising edge.
    InterruptIn  iJoyStickLeft  (p13);          // joystick left rising edge.
    InterruptIn  iJoyStickRight (p16);          // joystick right rising edge.
    InterruptIn  iJoyStickCenter(p14);          // 1 if joystick middle pressed.
    Timer        debounceTimer;                 // button debounce timer.
    Timer        beepTimer;                     // beep-duration timer.
    Timer        temperatureTimer;              // how often to raise temperature.

    Ticker       tickerButtonStateManager;      // manage the button states.
    Ticker       tickerCookCountdown;           // remaining cook time.      
    Ticker       tickerBeep;                    // beeper ticker. 
    Ticker       tickerBlinkMagnetron;          // magnetron LED blinker.
    Ticker       tickerBlinkCarousel;           // caroulsel LED blinker.

    void slowClock();                           // 1Hz or thereabouts.

    void initialization();                      // initialize settings.
    void ISRleftButtonRising();                 // cook-time increase.
    void ISRleftButtonFalling();                // button-release debounce.
    void ISRrightButtonRising();                // cook-time decrease.
    void ISRrightButtonFalling();               // button-release debounce.
    void ISRtopButtonRising();                  // cook start.
    void ISRtopButtonFalling();                 // button-release debounce.
    void ISRbottomButtonRising();               // cook stop.
    void ISRbottomButtonFalling();              // button-release debounce.
    void ISRcenterButtonRising();               // door state toggle.
    void ISRcenterButtonFalling();              // button-release debounce.
    void disableSignalWaiting();                // break from signal waiting.
    void threadButtonStateManager(void const *args);
    void threadTotalTimeControl(void const *args);
    void threadCookStateFSM(void const *args);
    void tickCookRemainingTime();               // remaining time countdown.
    void temperatureThread(void const *args);   // temperature measurement.
    void LCDthread        (void const *args);   // LCD display thread.

    void tickerBeeper();                        // beep oscillator.
    void tickerMagnetron();                     // blink magnetron LED.
    void tickerCarousel();                      // blink carousel LED.
    int main(void) 
      initialization();                         // initialize variables.

                                                // ISR setup.
      iJoyStickLeft.rise (&ISRleftButtonRising);
      iJoyStickLeft.fall (&ISRleftButtonFalling);
      iJoyStickUp.rise   (&ISRtopButtonRising);
      iJoyStickUp.fall   (&ISRtopButtonFalling);      
      iJoyStickDown.rise (&ISRbottomButtonRising);
      iJoyStickDown.fall (&ISRbottomButtonFalling);
      debounceTimer.start();                    // kick-off debounce timer.
                                                // kick-off tickers.
      tickerBeep.attach_us         (&tickerBeeper         ,2000);     
                                                // kick-off threads.
      Thread thread_1(temperatureThread       ,NULL,osPriorityIdle,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL);
      Thread thread_2(LCDthread               ,NULL,osPriorityNormal,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL);
      Thread thread_3(threadTotalTimeControl  ,NULL,osPriorityIdle,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL);
      Thread thread_4(threadButtonStateManager,NULL,osPriorityIdle,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL);
      Thread thread_5(threadCookStateFSM      ,NULL,osPriorityIdle,DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE,NULL);

      while(1) Thread::wait(10000);             // execute microwave controller.

//  this serves as the bottom-half for all of the button-press IRSs.
//  it sends button-status messages to other threads, and it also
//  clears the button-state globals to prepare them for the next
//  button press.

    void threadButtonStateManager(void const *args)         
      int dMessage;                             // message.
      while(1)                                  // thread loop.
//---                                           // TOTAL TIME CONTROL.

                                                // encoded integers will be sent,
                                                // not pointers.
      if (giButtons.cLeftButton)                // total time increment button.
        dMessage = MSG_INC_TIME;                // set message.
        queueModTotalTime.put((int *) dMessage,1);
        giButtons.cLeftButton = 0;              // clear the button state.

      if (giButtons.cRightButton)               // total time decrement button.
        dMessage = MSG_DEC_TIME;                // set message.
        queueModTotalTime.put((int *) dMessage,1);
        giButtons.cRightButton = 0;             // clear the button state.
//---                                           // COOK-STATE FSM.
      if (giButtons.cTopButton)                 // start-cook button.             
        dMessage = MSG_START;                   // set message.
        queueUpdateFSM.put((int *) dMessage,1);
        giButtons.cTopButton = 0;               // clear the button state.
      if (giButtons.cBottomButton)              // stop-cook button.
        dMessage = MSG_STOP;                    // set message.
        queueUpdateFSM.put((int *) dMessage,1); 
        giButtons.cBottomButton = 0;            // clear the button state.
      if (giButtons.cCenterButton)              // door-state-toggle.
        dMessage = giButtons.cDoorOpen;         // determined in ISR.
        queueUpdateFSM.put((int *) dMessage,1); 
        giButtons.cCenterButton = 0;            // clear the button state.      
        Thread::wait(THREAD_4_WAITmS);          // multitasking.
      }                                         // thread loop.
    }                                           // threadButtonStateManager.
                                                // total time controller.
    void threadTotalTimeControl(void const *args)           
      static int   dTotalTime = 0;              // total time variable.
             int   dMessage;                    // message.
             int   dSuppress;                   // 1 to suppress operation.
         osEvent   queueEvent;                  // queue event.

      dSuppress = 0;                            // initialize.
      while(1)                                  // thread loop.
                                                // if FSM tells this to clear
                                                // the total time.
        queueEvent = queueClearTotalTime.get(1);     
        if (queueEvent.status == osEventMessage)
          dTotalTime = 0;
          queueSetRemainingTime.put((int *) dTotalTime,1);
          giRemainingTime.dTotalTime = dTotalTime;
                                                // suppression mail from FSM.
        queueEvent = queueSuppressTimeAdjust.get(1);     
        if (queueEvent.status == osEventMessage)
          dSuppress = (int) queueEvent.value.p;
        queueEvent = queueModTotalTime.get(1);  // get message.
        if (queueEvent.status == osEventMessage)
          dMessage = (int) queueEvent.value.p;  // interpret as integer, not pointer.
          if (!dSuppress)                       // increment total time.
          if (dMessage == MSG_INC_TIME) dTotalTime += TIMEINC; 
          if (!dSuppress)                       // decrement total time.
          if (dMessage == MSG_DEC_TIME) dTotalTime -= TIMEINC;
                                                // saturations.
          if (dTotalTime > 180) dTotalTime = 180; 
          if (dTotalTime <   0) dTotalTime =   0;         
          queueSetRemainingTime.put((int *) dTotalTime,1);
          giRemainingTime.dTotalTime = dTotalTime;

        Thread::wait(THREAD_3_WAITmS);          // multitasking. 
      }                                         // thread loop.
    }                                           // threadTotalTimeControl.
    void threadCookStateFSM(void const *args)   // cook-cycle FSM.
      int       dFSMstate      = FSM_IDLE;      // state of this FSM.    
      int       dFSMstateLast  = FSM_IDLE;      // previous FSM state.
      int       dButtonState   =  0;            // received button state.
      int       dRemainingTime = 0;             // received remaining time.
      int       dButtonStart   = 0;             // received button state.
      int       dButtonStop    = 0;             // received button state.
      int       dDoorOpen      = 0;             // received door state.

      osEvent   queueEvent;                     // from button state manager.
      beepTimer.start();                        // run the beep timer.

                                                // constantly read live temperature.
      queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_READ,1);
      while(1)                                  // thread loop.

        switch (dFSMstate)                      // cook-mode state machine.
          case  FSM_IDLE :                      // IDLE.
            giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 0;     // highest priority.
            giMagnetron.cCarousel  = 0;     // turn on carousel.
            if (dFSMstate != dFSMstateLast)     // if just entered state.
                                                // live read of temperature,
                                                // allow total time adjustments,
                                                // clear total time.
              queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_READ,1);   
              queueSuppressTimeAdjust.put((int*) 0,1);
              queueClearTotalTime.put    ((int*) 1,1);

                                                // set global LCD data.
            giLCD.dTotalCookTime = giRemainingTime.dTotalTime;
            giLCD.dRemainingTime = 0;           // suppress remaining time display.

                                                // remaining time loaded with total time.
            giRemainingTime.cControl = RT_PRELOAD;                                           
            dFSMstateLast = dFSMstate;          // determine next state.
                                                // to FSM_COOK if the start button was
                                                // pressed, the door is closed, and the
                                                // remaining time is more than zero.
            if ((dButtonStart == 1) && (dDoorOpen == 0) && (giRemainingTime.dTotalTime > 0)) dFSMstate = FSM_COOK;
           case  FSM_COOK :                     // COOK.
            giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 1;     // highest priority.
            giMagnetron.cCarousel  = 1;     // turn on carousel.
            if (dFSMstate != dFSMstateLast)     // if just entered state.

                                                // start decrementing remaining time.
                                                // temperature synthesizer is now
                                                // calculating the temperature,
                                                // user can no longer adjust total time.
              giRemainingTime.cControl = RT_DECREMENT;
              queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_CALC,1);
              queueSuppressTimeAdjust.put((int*) 1,1);
                                                // update global LCD data.
            giLCD.dTotalCookTime = giRemainingTime.dTotalTime;
            giLCD.dRemainingTime = giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime;
            dFSMstateLast = dFSMstate;          // determine next state.
                                                // pause on door-open if remaining time.
            if ((dDoorOpen == 1) && (dRemainingTime > 0)) dFSMstate = FSM_PAUSE; 
                                                // stop button -> idle state.
            if (dButtonStop) dFSMstate = FSM_IDLE;
                                                // beeper state once countdown complete.
            if (dRemainingTime <= 0) dFSMstate = FSM_DONE;
          case  FSM_PAUSE :                     // PAUSE.
            giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 0;     // highest priority.
            giMagnetron.cCarousel  = 0;     // turn on carousel.
            if (dFSMstate != dFSMstateLast)     // if just entered state.
                                                // suspend synthesized temperature calculation.
              queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_FREEZE,1);
                                                // update LCD globals.
            giLCD.dTotalCookTime = giRemainingTime.dTotalTime;
            giLCD.dRemainingTime = giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime;
            giRemainingTime.cControl = RT_PAUSE;// pause remaining time countdown.
            dFSMstateLast = dFSMstate;          // determine next state.
                                                // continue if user hits start button,
                                                // and the door is closed, and there
                                                // is some remaining time.
            if ((dButtonStart == 1) && (dDoorOpen == 0) && (giRemainingTime.dTotalTime > 0)) dFSMstate = FSM_CONTINUE;
                                                // to idle if user hits stop button.
            if (dButtonStop) dFSMstate = FSM_IDLE; 
          case  FSM_CONTINUE :                  // CONTINUE.
            giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 1;     // highest priority.
            giMagnetron.cCarousel  = 1;     // turn on carousel.
            if (dFSMstate != dFSMstateLast)     // if just entered state.
                                                // continue calculating synthetic temperature.
              queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_CALC,1);
                                                // update LCD globals.
            giLCD.dTotalCookTime = giRemainingTime.dTotalTime;
            giLCD.dRemainingTime = giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime;
                                                // continue decrementing time.
            giRemainingTime.cControl = RT_DECREMENT;
            dFSMstateLast = dFSMstate;          // determine next state.
                                                // beep state when no more time.
            if (dRemainingTime <= 0) dFSMstate = FSM_DONE;
                                                // user stop causes jump to idle.
            if (dButtonStop) dFSMstate = FSM_IDLE; 
                                                // back to pause if door open,
                                                // and there's remaining time.
            if ((dDoorOpen == 1) && (dRemainingTime > 0)) dFSMstate = FSM_PAUSE;
          case  FSM_DONE :                      // DONE.
            giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 0;     // highest priority.
            giMagnetron.cCarousel  = 0;     // turn on carousel.          
            if (dFSMstate != dFSMstateLast)     // if just entered state.
                                                // freeze synthetic temperature.
              queueTemperatureControl.put((int *) TEMP_FREEZE,1);
              giRemainingTime.cBeepEnable = 1;  // initiate beep.
              beepTimer.reset();                // clear the beep timer.
                                                // update LCD globals.
            giLCD.dTotalCookTime = giRemainingTime.dTotalTime;
            giLCD.dRemainingTime = giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime;
            giRemainingTime.cControl = RT_CLEAR;// clear remaining time. (needed?)
            dFSMstateLast = dFSMstate;          // determine next state.
                                                // to idle once beeper is done.
            if (beepTimer.read() >= BEEPTIME) {dFSMstate = FSM_IDLE; giRemainingTime.cBeepEnable = 0;}
            else dFSMstate = FSM_DONE;          // (else stay here).
          default       : {dFSMstate = FSM_IDLE; break;}
        queueEvent = queueUpdateFSM.get(1);     // threadButtonStateManager
        if (queueEvent.status == osEventMessage)// update state variable.  
                                                // interpret as integer, not pointer.
          dButtonState = (int) queueEvent.value.p; 
          if (dButtonState == MSG_START)
            dButtonStart = 1;                   // copy-in start info.
            dButtonStop  = 0;
            if (dDoorOpen) dButtonStart = 0;    // cancel start if door open.
          if (dButtonState == MSG_STOP)
            dButtonStart = 0;                   // copy-in stop state.
            dButtonStop  = 1;
            queueClearTotalTime.put((int*) 1,1);// clear total time on stop.
          if (dButtonState == MSG_OPEN)         // if the door opens, clear current 'start' state.
            dDoorOpen    = 1;
            dButtonStart = 0;
          if (dButtonState == MSG_CLOSED)       // detect door closed.
            dDoorOpen = 0;
        else                                    // no queue update available.
          dButtonStart   = 0;
          dButtonStop    = 0;
                                                // fetch from global scope.
        dRemainingTime = giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime;

        Thread::wait(THREAD_5_WAITmS);          // multitasking. 
      }                                         // thread loop.
    }                                           // threadCookStateFSM.
    void initialization(void)                   // program initializations.
      led1 = 0;
      giButtons.cDoorOpen = 0;                  // initialize with door closed.
      giRemainingTime.cBeepEnable =0;
      giMagnetron.cMagnetron = 0;
      giMagnetron.cCarousel = 0;
    void ISRleftButtonRising(void)              // cooktime plus 60s.
      if (debounceTimer.read_ms() > DEBOUNCEmS)
      giButtons.cLeftButton = 1;                // detect left button.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRleftButtonFalling(void)             // button-release debounce.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRrightButtonRising(void)             // cooktime -60s.
      if (debounceTimer.read_ms() > DEBOUNCEmS)
      giButtons.cRightButton = 1;               // detect right button.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRrightButtonFalling(void)            // button-release debounce.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRtopButtonRising(void)               // cook start.
      if (debounceTimer.read_ms() > DEBOUNCEmS)
      giButtons.cTopButton = 1;                 // detect top button.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRtopButtonFalling(void)              // button-release debounce.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
//  front-end control of magnetron off.
//  due to physical danger, the magnetron is turned off immediately
//  upon off-button press, in the interrupt that it generates.

    void ISRbottomButtonRising(void)            // cook stop.
      if (debounceTimer.read_ms() > DEBOUNCEmS)
        led0 = 0;                               // magnetron off.
        giButtons.cBottomButton = 1;            // detect bottom button.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRbottomButtonFalling(void)           // button-release debounce.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
//  front-end control of magnetron off.
//  due to physical danger, the magnetron is turned off immediately
//  upon detection of an open door.

    void ISRcenterButtonRising(void)            // toggle door state.
      if (debounceTimer.read_ms() > DEBOUNCEmS)
        if (giButtons.cDoorOpen == MSG_OPEN)    // calculate door state.
        giButtons.cDoorOpen = MSG_CLOSED;
        giButtons.cDoorOpen = MSG_OPEN;
                                                // magnetron off.
        if (giButtons.cDoorOpen == MSG_OPEN) led0 = 0;        
        giButtons.cCenterButton = 1;              
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.
    void ISRcenterButtonFalling(void)           // button-release debounce.
      debounceTimer.reset();                    // begin debounce period.

//  this will measure live temperature,  or calculate it to be
//  increasing at 1/6 degree per second, or freeze it.

    void temperatureThread(void const *args)    // temperature measurement.
      int       dTempControl = 0;               // temperature control.
      float     fLastMeasuredTemperature = 0.0; // last physically-measured temperature.
      float     fCelsius;                       // synthetic temperature.
      osEvent   queueEvent;                     // from button state manager.
      while(1)                                  // thread loop.
                                                // obtain temperature command.
        queueEvent = queueTemperatureControl.get(1);  
        if (queueEvent.status == osEventMessage)
          dTempControl = (int) queueEvent.value.p;  
        if (dTempControl == TEMP_READ)
          fCelsius = temperature.read();         // physical measurement.
          fLastMeasuredTemperature = fCelsius;
        if (dTempControl == TEMP_CALC)          // calculate synthetic temperature.
        fCelsius = ((float) (giRemainingTime.dTotalTime - giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime) / 
                            (float) 6.0) + fLastMeasuredTemperature;
        giLCD.fCelsius = fCelsius;              // to global scope for LCD.
        Thread::wait(THREAD_1_WAITmS);          // multitasking. 
      }                                         // thread loop.
    }                                           // temperatureThread.
    void LCDthread(void const *args)            // LCD display thread.
      static int   dLCDtotalCookTimeSec  = 0;   // sample current values.
      static int   dCookTimeRemainingSec = 0;
      static float fLCDcelsius           = 0.0;
                                                // remember previous values.
      static int   dLCDtotalCookTimeSecLast  = 0;
      static int   dCookTimeRemainingSecLast = 0;
      static float fLCDcelsiusLast           = 0.0;
      while(1)                                  // thread loop.
                                                // don't allow the values to
                                                // change in the middle of the 
                                                // below else the anti-blink
                                                // code won't work.
        dLCDtotalCookTimeSec  = giLCD.dTotalCookTime;
        dCookTimeRemainingSec = giLCD.dRemainingTime;
        fLCDcelsius           = giLCD.fCelsius;
                                                // clear display only when
                                                // necessary, in order to avoid
                                                // 'blinkieness'. 
        if (dLCDtotalCookTimeSec  != dLCDtotalCookTimeSecLast  ||
            dCookTimeRemainingSec != dCookTimeRemainingSecLast || 
            fLCDcelsius           != fLCDcelsiusLast)
        LCD1;                                   // line 1.
        lcd.printf(" total   cook time: %d",dLCDtotalCookTimeSec);
        LCD2;                                   // line 2.
        lcd.printf(" remaing cook time: %d",dCookTimeRemainingSec);
        LCD3;                                   // line 3.
        lcd.printf(" temperature      : %5.3f",fLCDcelsius);
                                                // pipeline variables.
        dLCDtotalCookTimeSecLast  = dLCDtotalCookTimeSec;
        dCookTimeRemainingSecLast = dCookTimeRemainingSec;
        fLCDcelsiusLast           = fLCDcelsius;
        Thread::wait(THREAD_2_WAITmS);          // multitasking.
      }                                         // thread loop.
    }                                           // LCDthread.

//  cook remaining time countdown counter.
//  possibly due to a bug in Ticker
//  http://mbed.org/questions/1563/Mbed-Tickerfunction-hangs-system-from-re/
//  I've been unable to detach/attach this routine in order to reset its phase
//  when I tried it at a 1s resolution.  In order to provide the human perception
//  of an immediate restart, I've increased the ticker frequency by the factor
//  'GRANULARITY' and likewise divide that factor out when this routine
//  promotes the remaining time to the global variable.

//  communication is via a global instance of struct tRemainingTime.

    void tickCookRemainingTime(void)            // cook-cycle countdown.
      static int dRemainingTime = 0;            // remaining time in seconds.
             int dMaximum;                      // MAXSECONDS * GRANULARITY.
      dMaximum = MAXSECONDS * GRANULARITY;      // precalculate.
      switch (giRemainingTime.cControl)         // control processing.
        case RT_PRELOAD   :                     // preload with total time.
                                                // the 'GRANULARITY - 1' factor
                                                // compensates for integer division
                                                // dropping the right-of-decimal result,
                                                // that occuring at the bottom of this
                                                // routine.
          dRemainingTime = (giRemainingTime.dTotalTime * GRANULARITY) + (GRANULARITY - 1);
        case RT_DECREMENT :                     // count-down.
        case RT_PAUSE    :                      // suspend countdown.
          dRemainingTime = dRemainingTime;
        case RT_CLEAR    :                      // clear countdown.
          dRemainingTime = 0;        
        default          :                      // saturate, just in case.
      }                                         // control processing.
                                                // saturate value.
      if (dRemainingTime >  dMaximum) dRemainingTime = dMaximum;
      if (dRemainingTime <         0) dRemainingTime = 0;
                                                // promote to global scope.
      giRemainingTime.dRemainingTime = dRemainingTime/GRANULARITY;
    }                                           // cookRemainingTime.
    void tickerBeeper(void)                     // beep when giRemainingTime.
      static char cState = 0;
      if (giRemainingTime.cBeepEnable)
        if (cState) {speaker = 1; cState = 0;}
        else        {speaker = 0; cState = 1;}
    void tickerMagnetron(void)                  // magnetron enunciator.
      if (giMagnetron.cMagnetron) led0 = !led0;
      else led0 = 0;

    void tickerCarousel(void)                   // carousel enunciator.
      if (giMagnetron.cCarousel) led1 = !led1;
      else led1 = 0;