Dependencies:   biquadFilter MODSERIAL QEI Servo mbed

Fork of Robot_Battle_met_ARVID by Gaston Gabriël

Fri Nov 02 13:46:29 2018 +0000
zekers te weten te vinden ok, deze is voor de robot battle;

Who changed what in which revision?

UserRevisionLine numberNew contents of line
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 1 // EMG + KINEMATICS + PID + MOTOR CONTROL
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 3 //----------------~INITIATING-------------------------
aschut 0:90750f158475 4 #include "mbed.h"
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 5
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 6 // EMG -- DEPENDENCIES
aschut 0:90750f158475 7 #include <iostream>
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 8 #include "BiQuad.h"
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 9 #include "BiQuadchains_zelfbeun.h"
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 10 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 11
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 12 // KINEMATICS -- DEPENDENCIES
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 13 #include "stdio.h"
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 14 #define _USE_MATH_DEFINES
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 15 #include <math.h>
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 16 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 /* pi */
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 17
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 18 // PID CONTROLLER -- DEPENDENCIES
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 19 #include "BiQuad.h"
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 20 #include "QEI.h"
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 21 //#include "HIDScope.h"
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 22
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 23 //Clicker servo library
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 24 #include "Servo.h"
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 25 Servo myservo(A5);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 26
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 27
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 28 // GENERAL PIN DEFENITIONS
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 29 MODSERIAL pc(USBTX, USBRX);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 30
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 31 // EMG -- PIN DEFENITIONS
aschut 0:90750f158475 32 DigitalOut gpo(D0);
aschut 0:90750f158475 33
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 34 DigitalIn button2(SW3);
aschut 0:90750f158475 35 DigitalIn button1(SW2); //or SW2
aschut 0:90750f158475 36
aschut 0:90750f158475 37 DigitalOut led1(LED_GREEN);
aschut 0:90750f158475 38 DigitalOut led2(LED_RED);
aschut 0:90750f158475 39 DigitalOut led3(LED_BLUE);
aschut 0:90750f158475 40
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 41 //EMG tickers, these tickers are called in the mainscript with fsample 500Hz, also sends to HIDscope with same fsample
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 42 Ticker sample_ticker; //ticker for filtering pref. with 1000Hz, define in tick.attach
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 43 Ticker threshold_check_ticker;
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 44 Timer t; //timer try out for Astrid
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 45 Timer timer_calibration; //timer for EMG calibration
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 46
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 47 //Input system
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 48 AnalogIn emg1(A0); //right biceps
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 49 AnalogIn emg2(A1); //right triceps
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 50 AnalogIn emg3(A2); //left biceps
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 51 AnalogIn emg4(A3); //left triceps
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 52
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 53
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 54 // PID CONTROLLER -- PIN DEFENITIONS
cmaas 12:99e29b8d4155 55 //AnalogIn button3(A4);
cmaas 12:99e29b8d4155 56 //AnalogIn button4(A5);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 57
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 58 DigitalOut directionpin1(D7); // motor 1
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 59 DigitalOut directionpin2(D4); // motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 60 DigitalOut directionpin3(D13); // motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 61 PwmOut pwmpin1(D6); // motor 1
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 62 PwmOut pwmpin2(D5); // motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 63 PwmOut pwmpin3(D12); // motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 64
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 65 QEI encoder1 (D9, D8, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 66 QEI encoder2 (D11, D10, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING); // motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 67 QEI encoder3 (D3, D2, NC, 8400, QEI::X4_ENCODING); // motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 68 // HIDScope scope(2);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 69
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 70 // PID - TICKERS
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 71 Ticker ref_rot;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 72 Ticker show_counts;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 73 Ticker Scope_Data;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 74
cmaas 10:2325e545ce11 75 //------------------------GLOBALS-----------------------------
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 76 // GLOBALS EMG
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 77 //Filtered EMG signals from the end of the chains
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 78 volatile double emg1_filtered, emg2_filtered, emg3_filtered, emg4_filtered;
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 79 int i = 0;
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 80
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 81 //Define doubles for calibration and ticker
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 82 double ts = 0.001; //tijdsstap
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 83 double calibration_time = 55; //time EMG calibration should take
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 84
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 85 volatile double temp_highest_emg1 = 0; //highest detected value right biceps
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 86 volatile double temp_highest_emg2 = 0;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 87 volatile double temp_highest_emg3 = 0;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 88 volatile double temp_highest_emg4 = 0;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 89
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 90 //Doubles for calculation threshold
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 91 double biceps_p_t = 0.4; //set threshold at percentage of highest value
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 92 double triceps_p_t = 0.5; //set threshold at percentage of highest value
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 93 volatile double threshold1;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 94 volatile double threshold2;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 95 volatile double threshold3;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 96 volatile double threshold4;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 97
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 98 // thresholdreads bools
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 99 int bicepsR;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 100 int tricepsR;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 101 int bicepsL;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 102 int tricepsL;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 103
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 104 // VARIABLES ROBOT KINEMATICS
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 105 // constants
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 106 const float la = 0.256; // lengte actieve arm
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 107 const float lp = 0.21; // lengte passieve arm
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 108 const float rp = 0.052; // straal van midden end effector tot hoekpunt
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 109 const float rm = 0.23; // straal van global midden tot motor
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 110 const float a = 0.09; // zijde van de driehoek
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 111 const float xas = 0.40; // afstand van motor 1 tot motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 112 const float yas = 0.346; // afstand van xas tot motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 113 const float thetap = 0; // rotatiehoek van de end effector
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 114
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 115
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 116 // motor locatie
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 117 const int a1x = 0; //x locatie motor 1
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 118 const int a1y = 0; //y locatie motor 1
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 119 const float a2x = (0.5)*xas; // x locatie motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 120 const float a2y = yas; // y locatie motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 121 const float a3x = xas; // x locatie motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 122 const int a3y = 0; // y locatie motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 123
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 124 // script voor het bepalen van de desired position aan de hand van emg (1/0)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 125
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 126 // EMG OUTPUT
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 127 int EMGxplus;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 128 int EMGxmin ;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 129 int EMGyplus;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 130 int EMGymin ;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 131
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 132 // Dit moet experimenteel geperfectioneerd worden
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 133 float tijdstap = 0.005; //nu wss heel langzaam, kan miss omhoog KEER V GEEFT VERANDERING IN POSITIE
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 134 float v = 0.1; // snelheid kan wss ook hoger
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 135
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 136 float px = 0.2; //starting x // BOUNDARIES
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 137 float py = 0.155; // starting y // BOUNDARIES
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 138
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 139 // verschil horizontale as met de actieve arm
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 140 float da1 = 1.619685; // verschil a1 hoek en motor
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 141 float da2 = -0.609780;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 142 float da3 = 3.372859;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 143
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 144 // limits (since no forward kinematics)
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 145 float upperxlim = 0.25; //36, 0.04, 0.315, -0.085niet helemaal naar requierments ff kijken of ie groter kan
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 146 float lowerxlim = 0.15;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 147 float upperylim = 0.225;
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 148 float lowerylim = 0.05; //0.03 is goed
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 149
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 150 // VARIABLES PID CONTROLLER
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 151 double PI = M_PI;// CHANGE THIS INTO M_PI
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 152 double Kp = 14; //200 , 50
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 153 double Ki = 0; //1, 0.5
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 154 double Kd = 3; //200, 10
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 155 double Ts = 0.1; // Sample time in seconds
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 156 double reference_rotation; //define as radians
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 157 double motor_position;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 158 bool AlwaysTrue;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 159
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 160 //----------------FUNCTIONS--------------------------
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 161
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 162 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~EMG FUNCTIONS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 163 void emgsample()
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 164 {
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 165 //All EMG signal through Highpass
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 166 double emgread1 =;
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 167 double emgread2 =;
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 168 double emgread3 =;
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 169 double emgread4 =;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 170
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 171 double emg1_highpassed = highp1.step(emgread1);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 172 double emg2_highpassed = highp2.step(emgread2);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 173 double emg3_highpassed = highp3.step(emgread3);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 174 double emg4_highpassed = highp4.step(emgread4);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 175
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 176 //All EMG highpassed through Notch
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 177 double emg1_notched = notch1.step(emg1_highpassed);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 178 double emg2_notched = notch2.step(emg2_highpassed);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 179 double emg3_notched = notch3.step(emg3_highpassed);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 180 double emg4_notched = notch4.step(emg4_highpassed);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 181
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 182 //All EMG notched rectify
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 183 double emg1_abs = abs(emg1_notched);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 184 double emg2_abs = abs(emg2_notched);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 185 double emg3_abs = abs(emg3_notched);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 186 double emg4_abs = abs(emg4_notched);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 187
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 188 //All EMG abs into lowpass
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 189 emg1_filtered = lowp1.step(emg1_abs);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 190 emg2_filtered = lowp2.step(emg2_abs);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 191 emg3_filtered = lowp3.step(emg3_abs);
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 192 emg4_filtered = lowp4.step(emg4_abs);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 193
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 194
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 195
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 196 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 197
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 198 void CalibrationEMG()
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 199 {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 200 //static float samples = calibration_time/ts;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 201 while(timer_calibration<55) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 202 if(timer_calibration>0 && timer_calibration<10) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 203 led1=!led1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 204 if(emg1_filtered>temp_highest_emg1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 205 temp_highest_emg1= emg1_filtered;
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 206 //pc.printf("Temp1 = %f \r\n",temp_highest_emg1);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 207 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 208 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 209 if(timer_calibration>10 && timer_calibration<15) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 210 led1=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 211 led2=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 212 led3=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 213 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 214 if(timer_calibration>15 && timer_calibration<25) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 215 led2=!led2;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 216 if(emg2_filtered>temp_highest_emg2) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 217 temp_highest_emg2= emg2_filtered;
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 218 //pc.printf("Temp2 = %f \r\n",temp_highest_emg2);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 219 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 220 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 221 if(timer_calibration>25 && timer_calibration<30) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 222 led1=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 223 led2=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 224 led3=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 225 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 226 if(timer_calibration>30 && timer_calibration<40) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 227 led3=!led3;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 228 if(emg3_filtered>temp_highest_emg3) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 229 temp_highest_emg3= emg3_filtered;
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 230 //pc.printf("Temp3 = %f \r\n",temp_highest_emg3);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 231 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 232 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 233 if(timer_calibration>40 && timer_calibration<45) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 234 led1=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 235 led2=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 236 led3=0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 237 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 238 if(timer_calibration>45 && timer_calibration<55) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 239 led2=!led2;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 240 led3=!led3;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 241 if(emg4_filtered>temp_highest_emg4) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 242 temp_highest_emg4= emg4_filtered;
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 243 //pc.printf("Temp4 = %f \r\n",temp_highest_emg4);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 244 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 245 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 246 led1=1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 247 led2=1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 248 led3=1;
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 249
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 250
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 251 }
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 252
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 253 //pc.printf("Highest value right biceps= %f \r\n", temp_highest_emg1);
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 254 //pc.printf("Highest value right triceps= %f \r\n", temp_highest_emg2);
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 255 //pc.printf("Highest value left biceps= %f \r\n", temp_highest_emg3);
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 256 //pc.printf("Highest value left triceps= %f \r\n", temp_highest_emg4);
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 257
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 258
gastongab 6:f55ab7e38a7f 259 threshold1 = temp_highest_emg1*biceps_p_t; //Right Biceps
gastongab 6:f55ab7e38a7f 260 threshold2 = temp_highest_emg2*triceps_p_t; //Right Triceps
gastongab 6:f55ab7e38a7f 261 threshold3 = temp_highest_emg3*biceps_p_t; //Left Biceps
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 262 threshold4 = temp_highest_emg4*triceps_p_t; //Left Triceps
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 263 }
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 264
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 265 //Check if emg_filtered has reached their threshold
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 266 void threshold_check()
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 267 {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 268
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 269 //EMG1 threshold check
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 270 if(emg1_filtered>threshold1) {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 271 bicepsR = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 272 } else {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 273 bicepsR= 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 274 }
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 275 //EMG2 threshold check
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 276 if(emg2_filtered>threshold2) {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 277 tricepsR = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 278 } else {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 279 tricepsR= 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 280 }
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 281 //EMG3 threshold check
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 282 if(emg3_filtered>threshold3) {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 283 bicepsL = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 284 } else {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 285 bicepsL= 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 286 }
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 287 //EMG4 threshold check
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 288 if(emg4_filtered>threshold4) {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 289 tricepsL = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 290 } else {
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 291 tricepsL= 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 292 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 293
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 294 /*
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 295 pc.printf("Biceps Right = %i", bicepsR);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 296 pc.printf("Triceps Right = %i",tricepsR);
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 297 pc.printf("Biceps Left = %i", bicepsL);
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 298 pc.printf("Triceps Left = %i", tricepsL);
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 299 */
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 300
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 301
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 302 }
aschut 0:90750f158475 303
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 304 //-----------------------------DEMO PART---------------------------------------
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 305
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 306 // DEMO COORDINATES
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 307 float px1 = 0.2;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 308 float py1 = 0.15;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 309 float px2 = 0.15;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 310 float py2 =0.15;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 311 float px3 = 0.25;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 312 float py3 = 0.15;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 313 float px5 = 0.2;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 314 float py5 = 0.2;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 315 float px6 = 0.2;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 316 float py6 = 0.1;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 317
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 318 void demomodus()
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 319 {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 320 while(t<48) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 321 if(t>=0 && t<4) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 322 px = px1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 323 py = py1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 324 } else if(t>=4 && t<8) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 325 px = px2;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 326 py = py2;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 327 } else if(t>=8 && t<12) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 328 px = px3;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 329 py = py3;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 330 } else if(t>=12 && t<16) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 331 px = px1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 332 py = py1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 333 } else if(t>=16 & t<20) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 334 px = px5;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 335 py = py5;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 336 } else if(t>=20 && t<24) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 337 px = px6;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 338 py = py6;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 339 } else if(t>=24 && t<28) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 340 px = px1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 341 py = py1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 342 } else if(t>=28 && t<32) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 343 px = px3;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 344 py = py3;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 345 } else if(t>=32 && t<36) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 346 px = px5;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 347 py = py5;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 348 } else if(t>=36 && t<40) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 349 px = px2;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 350 py = py2;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 351 } else if(t>=40 && t<44) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 352 px = px6;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 353 py = py6;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 354 } else if(t>=44 && t<48) {
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 355 px = px1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 356 py = py1;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 357 }
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 358 }
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 359
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 360 }
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 361
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 362
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 363
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 364 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 365
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 366
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 367
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 368
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 369 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ROBOT KINEMATICS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 370
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 371 // functie x positie
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 372 float positionx(int EMGxplus,int EMGxmin)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 373 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 374 float EMGx = EMGxplus - EMGxmin;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 375
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 376 float verplaatsingx = EMGx * tijdstap * v;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 377 float pxnieuw = px + verplaatsingx;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 378 // x limit
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 379 if (pxnieuw <= upperxlim && pxnieuw >= lowerxlim) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 380 px = pxnieuw;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 381 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 382 if (pxnieuw >= lowerxlim) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 383 px = upperxlim;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 384 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 385 px = lowerxlim;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 386 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 387 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 388 //printf("X eindpunt (%f) en verplaatsing: (%f)\n\r",px,verplaatsingx);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 389 return px;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 390 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 391
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 392
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 393 // functie y positie
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 394 float positiony(int EMGyplus,int EMGymin)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 395 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 396 float EMGy = EMGyplus - EMGymin;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 397
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 398 float verplaatsingy = EMGy * tijdstap * v;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 399 float pynieuw = py + verplaatsingy;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 400
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 401 // y limit
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 402 if (pynieuw <= upperylim && pynieuw >= lowerylim) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 403 py = pynieuw;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 404 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 405 if (pynieuw >= lowerylim) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 406 py = upperylim;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 407 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 408 py = lowerylim;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 409 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 410 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 411 //printf("Y eindpunt (%f) en verplaatsing: (%f) \n\r",py,verplaatsingy);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 412 return (py);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 413 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 414
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 415
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 416 //~~~~~~~~~~~~CALCULATIING MOTOR ANGLES ~~~~~~~~
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 417 // arm 1 --> reference angle motor 1
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 418 float hoek1(float px, float py) // input: ref x, ref y
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 419 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 420 float c1x = px - rp * cos(thetap +(M_PI/6)); // x locatie hoekpunt end-effector
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 421 float c1y = py - rp*sin(thetap+(M_PI/6)); // y locatie hoekpunt end-effector
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 422 float alpha1 = atan2((c1y-a1y),(c1x-a1x)); // hoek tussen horizontaal en lijn van motor naar bijbehorende end-effector punt
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 423 float psi1 = acos(( pow(la,2)-pow(lp,2)+pow((c1x-a1x),2)+pow((c1y-a1y),2))/(2*la*sqrt(pow ((c1x-a1x),2)+pow((c1y-a1y),2) ))); //Hoek tussen lijn van motor naar bijbehorende end=effector punt en actieve arm
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 424 float a1 = alpha1 + psi1 - da1; //hoek tussen horizontaal en actieve arm
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 425 //printf("arm 1 = %f \n\r",a1);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 426 return a1;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 427 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 428
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 429 // arm 2 --> reference angle motor 2
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 430 float hoek2(float px, float py)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 431 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 432 float c2x = px - rp * cos(thetap -(M_PI/2));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 433 float c2y = py - rp*sin(thetap-(M_PI/2));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 434 float alpha2 = atan2((c2y-a2y),(c2x-a2x));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 435 float psi2 = acos(( pow(la,2)-pow(lp,2)+pow((c2x-a2x),2)+pow((c2y-a2y),2))/(2*la*sqrt(pow ((c2x-a2x),2)+pow((c2y-a2y),2) )));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 436 float a2 = alpha2 + psi2 - da2;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 437 //printf("arm 2 = %f \n\r",a2);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 438 return a2;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 439 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 440
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 441 //arm 3 --> reference angle motor 3
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 442 float hoek3(float px, float py)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 443 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 444 float c3x = px - rp * cos(thetap +(5*M_PI/6));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 445 float c3y = py - rp*sin(thetap+(5*M_PI/6));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 446 float alpha3 = atan2((c3y-a3y),(c3x-a3x));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 447 float psi3 = acos(( pow(la,2)-pow(lp,2)+pow((c3x-a3x),2)+pow((c3y-a3y),2))/(2*la*sqrt(pow ((c3x-a3x),2)+pow((c3y-a3y),2) )));
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 448 float a3 = alpha3 + psi3 - da3;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 449 //printf("arm 3 = %f \n\r",a3);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 450 return a3;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 451 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 452
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 453 // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PID CONTROLLER~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 454
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 455 double PID_controller(double error)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 456 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 457 static double error_integral = 0;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 458 static double error_prev = error; // initialization with this value only done once!
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 459 static BiQuad LowPassFilter(0.0640, 0.1279, 0.0640, -1.1683, 0.4241);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 460
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 461 // Proportional part:
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 462 double u_k = Kp * error;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 463
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 464 // Integral part
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 465 error_integral = error_integral + error * Ts;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 466 double u_i = Ki * error_integral;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 467
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 468 // Derivative part
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 469 double error_derivative = (error - error_prev)/Ts;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 470 double filtered_error_derivative = LowPassFilter.step(error_derivative);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 471 double u_d = Kd * filtered_error_derivative;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 472 error_prev = error;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 473
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 474 // Sum all parts and return it
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 475 return u_k + u_i + u_d;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 476 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 477
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 478
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 479 // DIRECTON AND SPEED CONTROL
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 480 void moter_control(double u)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 481 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 482
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 483 directionpin1= u > 0.0f; //eithertrueor false
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 484 if (fabs(u)> 0.7f) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 485 u = 0.7f;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 486 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 487 u= u;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 488 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 489 pwmpin1= fabs(u); //pwmduty cycle canonlybepositive, floatingpoint absolute value
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 490 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 491
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 492 void moter2_control(double u)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 493 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 494 directionpin2= u > 0.0f; //eithertrueor false
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 495 if (fabs(u)> 0.7f) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 496 u = 0.7f;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 497 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 498 u= u;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 499 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 500 pwmpin2= fabs(u); //pwmduty cycle canonlybepositive, floatingpoint absolute value
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 501 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 502
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 503 void moter3_control(double u)
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 504 {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 505 directionpin3= u > 0.0f; //eithertrueor false
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 506 if (fabs(u)> 0.7f) {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 507 u = 0.7f;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 508 } else {
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 509 u= u;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 510 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 511 pwmpin3 = fabs(u); //pwmduty cycle canonlybepositive, floatingpoint absolute value
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 512 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 513
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 514 // CONTROLLING THE MOTOR
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 515 void Motor_mover()
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 516 {
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 517 float px = positionx(bicepsR,bicepsL); // EMG: +x, -x
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 518 float py = positiony(tricepsR,tricepsL); // EMG: +y, -y
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 519
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 520 double motor_position = encoder1.getPulses(); //output in counts
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 521 double reference_rotation = hoek1(px, py);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 522 double error = reference_rotation - motor_position*(2*PI)/8400;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 523 double u = PID_controller(error);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 524 moter_control(u);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 525
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 526 double motor_position2 = encoder2.getPulses(); //output in counts
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 527 double reference_rotation2 = hoek2(px, py);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 528 double error_2 = reference_rotation2 - motor_position2*(2*PI)/8400;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 529 double u_2 = PID_controller(error_2);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 530 moter2_control(u_2);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 531
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 532 double motor_position3 = encoder3.getPulses(); //output in counts
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 533 double reference_rotation3 = hoek3(px, py);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 534 double error_3 = reference_rotation3 - motor_position3*(2*PI)/8400;
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 535 double u_3 = PID_controller(error_3);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 536 moter3_control(u_3);
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 537 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 538
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 539 //Activate ticker for Movement state, filtering and Threshold checking
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 540 void movement_ticker_activator()
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 541 {
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 542 sample_ticker.attach(&emgsample, ts);
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 543 threshold_check_ticker.attach(&threshold_check, ts);
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 544 }
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 545 void movement_ticker_deactivator()
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 546 {
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 547 sample_ticker.detach();
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 548 threshold_check_ticker.detach();
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 549 }
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 550
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 551
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 552 //-------------------- STATE MACHINE --------------------------
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 553 enum states {MOTORS_OFF,CALIBRATION,HOMING,DEMO,MOVEMENT,CLICK};
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 554 states currentState = MOTORS_OFF; //Chosen startingposition for states
aschut 0:90750f158475 555 bool stateChanged = true; // Make sure the initialization of first state is executed
aschut 0:90750f158475 556
aschut 0:90750f158475 557 void ProcessStateMachine(void)
aschut 0:90750f158475 558 {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 559 switch (currentState) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 560 case MOTORS_OFF:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 561 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 562 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 563 // state initialization: rood
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 564 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 565 led2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 566 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 567 wait (1);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 568 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 569 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 570
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 571 // State transition logic: Als button 1 word ingedrukt --> calibratie, anders motor uithouden
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 572 if (!button1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 573 currentState = CALIBRATION;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 574 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 575 } else if (!button2) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 576 currentState = HOMING ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 577 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 578 } else {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 579 currentState = MOTORS_OFF;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 580 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 581 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 582
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 583 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 584
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 585 case CALIBRATION:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 586 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 587 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 588 // state initialization: oranje
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 589 temp_highest_emg1 = 0; //highest detected value right biceps
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 590 temp_highest_emg2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 591 temp_highest_emg3 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 592 temp_highest_emg4 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 593
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 594 timer_calibration.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 595 timer_calibration.start();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 596
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 597 sample_ticker.attach(&emgsample, ts);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 598 CalibrationEMG();
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 599 sample_ticker.detach();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 600 timer_calibration.stop();
aschut 0:90750f158475 601
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 602
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 603 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 604 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 605
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 606 // State transition logic: automatisch terug naar motors off.
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 607
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 608 currentState = MOTORS_OFF;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 609 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 610 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 611
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 612 case HOMING:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 613 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 614 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 615 // state initialization: green
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 616 t.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 617 t.start();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 618 led1 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 619 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 620 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 621 wait (1);
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 622 if(t>0 && t<=4) {
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 623 px = 0.2;
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 624 py = 0.155;
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 625 } else {
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 626 t.stop();
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 627 }
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 628 ///////////////////////////
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 629 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 630 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 631
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 632 // State transition logic: naar DEMO (button1), naar MOVEMENT(button2)
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 633 if (!button1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 634 currentState = DEMO;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 635 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 636 } else if (!button2) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 637 currentState = MOVEMENT ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 638 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 639 } else if (t>300) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 640 t.stop();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 641 t.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 642 currentState = MOTORS_OFF ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 643 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 644 } else {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 645 currentState = HOMING ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 646 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 647 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 648 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 649
aschut 0:90750f158475 650 case DEMO:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 651 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 652 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 653 // state initialization: light blue
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 654 led1 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 655 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 656 led3 = 0;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 657 wait(1);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 658 t.reset();
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 659 t.start();
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 660 demomodus();
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 661 t.stop();
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 662
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 663 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 664 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 665
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 666 // State transition logic: automatisch terug naar HOMING
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 667 currentState = HOMING;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 668 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 669 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 670
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 671 case MOVEMENT:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 672 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 673 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 674 // state initialization: purple
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 675 //t.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 676 //t.start();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 677
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 678 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 679 led2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 680 led3 = 0;
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 681 wait(1);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 682
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 683 movement_ticker_activator();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 684
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 685 led1 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 686 led2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 687 led3 = 0;
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 688 wait(1);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 689
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 690
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 691 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 692 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 693
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 694 // State transition logic: naar CLICK (button1), naar MOTORS_OFF(button2) anders naar MOVEMENT
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 695 if (!button1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 696 movement_ticker_deactivator();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 697 currentState = CLICK;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 698 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 699 } else if (!button2) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 700 movement_ticker_deactivator();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 701 currentState = MOTORS_OFF ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 702 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 703 } else if (bicepsR==0 && tricepsR==0 && bicepsL==0 && tricepsL==0) { //this check if person is idle for more than 300seconds
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 704 t.start();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 705 } else if (bicepsR==1 || tricepsR==1 || bicepsL==1 || tricepsL==1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 706 t.stop();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 707 t.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 708 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 709
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 710 if(t>20) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 711 movement_ticker_deactivator();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 712 t.stop();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 713 t.reset();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 714 currentState = HOMING ;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 715 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 716 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 717 // here ends the idle checking mode
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 718 else {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 719 //For every muscle a different colour if threshold is passed
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 720 if(bicepsR==1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 721 led1 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 722 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 723 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 724 } else if (bicepsR==0 && tricepsR==0 && bicepsL==0 && tricepsL==0 ) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 725 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 726 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 727 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 728 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 729 if(tricepsR==1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 730 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 731 led2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 732 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 733 } else if (bicepsR==0 && tricepsR==0 && bicepsL==0 && tricepsL==0 ) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 734 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 735 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 736 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 737 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 738 if(bicepsL==1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 739 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 740 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 741 led3 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 742 } else if (bicepsR==0 && tricepsR==0 && bicepsL==0 && tricepsL==0 ) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 743 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 744 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 745 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 746 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 747 if(tricepsL==1) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 748 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 749 led2 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 750 led3 = 0;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 751 } else if (bicepsR==0 && tricepsR==0 && bicepsL==0 && tricepsL==0 ) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 752 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 753 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 754 led3 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 755 }
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 756 //currentState = MOVEMENT ;
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 757 //stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 758 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 759
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 760 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 761
aschut 0:90750f158475 762 case CLICK:
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 763 // Actions
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 764 if (stateChanged) {
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 765 // state initialization: blue
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 766 led1 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 767 led2 = 1;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 768 led3 = 0;
gastongab 16:438b330f5312 769 wait(1);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 770 for(float p=1; p>0; p -= 0.1) {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 771 myservo = p;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 772 wait(0.1);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 773 }
aschut 0:90750f158475 774
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 775 stateChanged = false;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 776 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 777
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 778 // State transition logic: automatisch terug naar MOVEMENT.
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 779
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 780 currentState = MOVEMENT;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 781 stateChanged = true;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 782 break;
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 783
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 784 }
aschut 0:90750f158475 785 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 786
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 787 // --------------------------MAIN--------------------
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 788
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 789
aschut 0:90750f158475 790 int main()
aschut 0:90750f158475 791 {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 792
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 793 //BiQuad Chain add
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 794 highp1.add( &highp1_1 ).add( &highp1_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 795 notch1.add( &notch1_1 ).add( &notch1_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 796 lowp1.add( &lowp1_1 ).add(&lowp1_2);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 797
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 798 highp2.add( &highp2_1 ).add( &highp2_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 799 notch2.add( &notch2_1 ).add( &notch2_2 );
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 800 lowp2.add( &lowp2_1 ).add(&lowp2_2);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 801
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 802 highp3.add( &highp3_1 ).add( &highp3_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 803 notch3.add( &notch3_1 ).add( &notch3_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 804 lowp3.add( &lowp3_1 ).add(&lowp3_2);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 805
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 806 highp4.add( &highp4_1 ).add( &highp4_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 807 notch4.add( &notch4_1 ).add( &notch4_2 );
gastongab 4:c7be673eb4a1 808 lowp4.add( &lowp4_1 ).add(&lowp4_2);
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 809
gastongab 2:0a8622662f6d 810 pc.baud(115200);
aschut 0:90750f158475 811 led1 = 1;
aschut 0:90750f158475 812 led2 = 1;
aschut 0:90750f158475 813 led3 = 1;
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 814
cmaas 9:40c9a18c3430 815 pwmpin1.period_us(60); // setup motor
gastongab 17:45b31bf0c11e 816 ref_rot.attach(Motor_mover, 0.005f);// HAS TO GO TO STATE MACHINE
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 817 //movement_ticker_activator();
cmaas 14:fb5d8064830d 818 //emg_sample_ticker();
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 819 while (true) {
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 820 ProcessStateMachine();
cmaas 13:0e25698dce40 821
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 822 /*
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 823 if (button2 == false) {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 824 wait(0.01f);
cmaas 10:2325e545ce11 825
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 826 // berekenen positie
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 827 float px = positionx(1,0); // EMG: +x, -x
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 828 float py = positiony(0,0); // EMG: +y, -y
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 829 //printf("positie (%f,%f)\n\r",px,py);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 830 }
cmaas 10:2325e545ce11 831
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 832 if (button1 == false) {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 833 wait(0.01f);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 834 // berekenen positie
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 835 float px = positionx(0,1); // EMG: +x, -x
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 836 float py = positiony(0,0); // EMG: +y, -y
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 837 //printf("positie (%f,%f)\n\r",px,py);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 838 }
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 839 /*
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 840 if (button3 == false) {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 841 wait(0.01f);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 842 // berekenen positie
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 843 float px = positionx(0,0); // EMG: +x, -x
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 844 float py = positiony(1,0); // EMG: +y, -y
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 845 //printf("positie (%f,%f)\n\r",px,py);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 846 }
cmaas 10:2325e545ce11 847
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 848 if (button4 == false) {
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 849 wait(0.01f);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 850 // berekenen positie
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 851 float px = positionx(0,0); // EMG: +x, -x
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 852 float py = positiony(0,1); // EMG: +y, -y
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 853 //printf("positie (%f,%f)\n\r",px,py);
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 854 }
gastongab 15:6ad7abc5c691 855 */
aschut 0:90750f158475 856 }
gastongab 7:88fa84742b3c 857
aschut 0:90750f158475 858 }
aschut 0:90750f158475 859
aschut 0:90750f158475 860
aschut 0:90750f158475 861
aschut 0:90750f158475 862
aschut 0:90750f158475 863
aschut 0:90750f158475 864