Example of how to handle the Modbus Slave RTU protocol using the mbed RTOS. This example can also be used as reference to implement other slow serial protocols.
Dependencies: MessageQueue ModbusSlaveRTU SerialPortHandler mbed-rtos mbed
Added timer based synchronization to the receiving side tasks.
2015-01-21, by gabrielrivas [Wed, 21 Jan 2015 03:00:29 +0000] rev 1
Added timer based synchronization to the receiving side tasks.
Example of how to handle the Modbus Slave RTU protocol using the mbed RTOS.
2015-01-19, by gabrielrivas [Mon, 19 Jan 2015 04:07:15 +0000] rev 0
Example of how to handle the Modbus Slave RTU protocol using the mbed RTOS.