mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Fork of mbed-dev by mbed official

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_NUVOTON/TARGET_NUC472/StdDriver/nuc472_uart.h	Fri Sep 02 15:07:44 2016 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+ * @file     uart.h
+ * @version  V1.00
+ * $Revision: 19 $
+ * $Date: 14/10/07 9:28a $
+ * @brief    NUC472/NUC442 UART driver header file
+ *
+ * @note
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Nuvoton Technology Corp. All rights reserved.
+#ifndef __UART_H__
+#define __UART_H__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+/** @addtogroup NUC472_442_Device_Driver NUC472/NUC442 Device Driver
+  @{
+/** @addtogroup NUC472_442_UART_Driver UART Driver
+  @{
+/** @addtogroup NUC472_442_UART_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS UART Exported Constants
+  @{
+/* UART_FCR constants definitions                                                                            */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_1BYTE        (0x0 << UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos)   /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RX FIFO Trigger Level to 1 byte */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_4BYTES       (0x1 << UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos)   /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RX FIFO Trigger Level to 4 bytes */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_8BYTES       (0x2 << UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos)   /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RX FIFO Trigger Level to 8 bytes */
+#define UART_FIFO_RFITL_14BYTES      (0x3 << UART_FIFO_RFITL_Pos)   /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RX FIFO Trigger Level to 14 bytes */
+#define UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_1BYTE     (0x0 << UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Pos)  /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RTS Trigger Level to 1 byte */
+#define UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_4BYTES    (0x1 << UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Pos)  /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RTS Trigger Level to 4 bytes */
+#define UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_8BYTES    (0x2 << UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Pos)  /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RTS Trigger Level to 8 bytes */
+#define UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_14BYTES   (0x3 << UART_FIFO_RTSTRGLV_Pos)  /*!< UART_FIFO setting to set RTS Trigger Level to 14 bytes */
+/* UART_LCR constants definitions                                                                            */
+#define UART_WORD_LEN_5     (0) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART word length to 5 bits */
+#define UART_WORD_LEN_6     (1) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART word length to 6 bits */
+#define UART_WORD_LEN_7     (2) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART word length to 7 bits */
+#define UART_WORD_LEN_8     (3) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART word length to 8 bits */
+#define UART_PARITY_NONE    (0x0 << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART as no parity   */
+#define UART_PARITY_ODD     (0x1 << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART as odd parity  */
+#define UART_PARITY_EVEN    (0x3 << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting to set UART as even parity */
+#define UART_PARITY_MARK    (0x5 << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting to keep parity bit as '1'  */
+#define UART_PARITY_SPACE   (0x7 << UART_LINE_PBE_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting to keep parity bit as '0'  */
+#define UART_STOP_BIT_1     (0x0 << UART_LINE_NSB_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting for one stop bit  */
+#define UART_STOP_BIT_1_5   (0x1 << UART_LINE_NSB_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting for 1.5 stop bit when 5-bit word length  */
+#define UART_STOP_BIT_2     (0x1 << UART_LINE_NSB_Pos) /*!< UART_LINE setting for two stop bit when 6, 7, 8-bit word length */
+/* UART RTS LEVEL TRIGGER constants definitions                                                            */
+#define UART_RTS_IS_HIGH_LEV_TRG    (0x1 << UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Pos) /*!< Set RTS is High Level Trigger   */
+#define UART_RTS_IS_LOW_LEV_TRG     (0x0 << UART_MODEM_RTSACTLV_Pos) /*!< Set RTS is Low Level Trigger    */
+/* UART CTS LEVEL TRIGGER constants definitions                                                            */
+#define UART_CTS_IS_HIGH_LEV_TRG    (0x1 << UART_MODEMSTS_CTSACTLV_Pos) /*!< Set CTS is High Level Trigger   */
+#define UART_CTS_IS_LOW_LEV_TRG     (0x0 << UART_MODEMSTS_CTSACTLV_Pos) /*!< Set CTS is Low Level Trigger    */
+/* UART_FUNC_SEL constants definitions                                                                       */
+#define UART_FUNCSEL_UART  (0x0 << UART_FUNCSEL_FUNCSEL_Pos) /*!< UART_FUNCSEL setting to set UART Function  (Default) */
+#define UART_FUNCSEL_IrDA  (0x2 << UART_FUNCSEL_FUNCSEL_Pos) /*!< UART_FUNCSEL setting to set IrDA Function            */
+#define UART_FUNCSEL_RS485 (0x3 << UART_FUNCSEL_FUNCSEL_Pos) /*!< UART_FUNCSEL setting to set RS485 Function           */
+/* UART BAUDRATE MODE constants definitions                                                                       */
+#define UART_BAUD_MODE0     (0) /*!< Set UART Baudrate Mode is Mode0 */
+#define UART_BAUD_MODE2     (UART_BAUD_BAUDM1_Msk | UART_BAUD_BAUDM0_Msk) /*!< Set UART Baudrate Mode is Mode2 */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_UART_EXPORTED_CONSTANTS */
+/** @addtogroup NUC472_442_UART_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS UART Exported Functions
+  @{
+ *    @brief   Calculate UART baudrate mode0 divider
+ *
+ *    @param[in]   u32SrcFreq      UART clock frequency
+ *    @param[in]   u32BaudRate     Baudrate of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return  UART baudrate mode0 divider
+ *  \hideinitializer 
+ *
+ */
+#define UART_BAUD_MODE0_DIVIDER(u32SrcFreq, u32BaudRate)    (((u32SrcFreq + (u32BaudRate*8)) / u32BaudRate >> 4)-2)
+ *    @brief   Calculate UART baudrate mode2 divider
+ *
+ *    @param[in]   u32SrcFreq     UART clock frequency
+ *    @param[in]   u32BaudRate    Baudrate of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return  UART baudrate mode2 divider
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_BAUD_MODE2_DIVIDER(u32SrcFreq, u32BaudRate)    (((u32SrcFreq + (u32BaudRate/2)) / u32BaudRate)-2)
+ *    @brief   Write Data to Tx data register
+ *
+ *    @param[in]   uart    The base address of UART module.
+ *    @param[in]   u8Data  Data byte to transmit
+ *
+ *    @return  None
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_WRITE(uart, u8Data)    (uart->DAT = (u8Data))
+ *    @brief   Read Rx data register
+ *
+ *    @param[in]   uart   The base address of UART module.
+ *
+ *    @return  The oldest data byte in RX FIFO
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_READ(uart)    (uart->DAT)
+ *    @brief    Get Tx empty register value.
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   Tx empty register value.
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Get Rx empty register value.
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   Rx empty register value.
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Check specified uart port transmission is over.
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   TE_Flag.
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Wait specified uart port transmission is over
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   None
+ *  \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Check RDA_IF is set or not
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return
+ *            0 : The number of bytes in the RX FIFO is less than the RFITL
+ *            1 : The number of bytes in the RX FIFO equals or larger than RFITL
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Check TX FIFO is full or not
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return
+ *            1 = TX FIFO is full
+ *            0 = TX FIFO is not full
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Check RX FIFO is full or not
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return
+ *            1 = RX FIFO is full
+ *            0 = RX FIFO is not full
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ *
+ */
+ *    @brief    Get Tx full register value
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   Tx full register value
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_GET_TX_FULL(uart)    (uart->FIFOSTS & UART_FIFOSTS_TXFULL_Msk)
+ *    @brief    Get Rx full register value
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *
+ *    @return   Rx full register value
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_GET_RX_FULL(uart)    (uart->FIFOSTS & UART_FIFOSTS_RXFULL_Msk)
+ *    @brief    Enable specified interrupt
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart          The base address of UART module
+ *    @param[in]    u32eIntSel    Interrupt type select
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_TOCNTEN_Msk    : Rx Time Out interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_WKCTSIEN_Msk   : Wakeup interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_BUFERRIEN_Msk  : Buffer Error interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Msk    : Rx time-out interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_MODEMIEN_Msk   : Modem interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Msk     : Rx Line status interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_THREIEN_Msk    : Tx empty interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk     : Rx ready interrupt
+ *
+ *    @return    None
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_ENABLE_INT(uart, u32eIntSel)    (uart->INTEN |= (u32eIntSel))
+ *    @brief    Disable specified interrupt
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart         The base address of UART module
+ *    @param[in]    u32eIntSel   Interrupt type select
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_TOCNTEN_Msk    : Rx Time Out interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_WKCTSIEN_Msk   : Wakeup interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_BUFERRIEN_Msk  : Buffer Error interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RXTOIEN_Msk    : Rx time-out interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_MODEMIEN_Msk   : Modem interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RLSIEN_Msk     : Rx Line status interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_THREIEN_Msk    : Tx empty interrupt
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTEN_RDAIEN_Msk     : Rx ready interrupt
+ *    @return    None
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_DISABLE_INT(uart, u32eIntSel)    (uart->INTEN &= ~ (u32eIntSel))
+ *    @brief    Get specified interrupt flag/status
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart              The base address of UART module
+ *    @param[in]    u32eIntTypeFlag   Interrupt type select
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWBUFEINT_Msk : In DMA Mode, Buffer Error Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWTOINT_Msk   : In DMA Mode, Time-out Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWMODINT_Msk  : In DMA Mode, MODEM Status Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWRLSINT_Msk  : In DMA Mode, Receive Line Status Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWBUFEIF_Msk  : In DMA Mode, Buffer Error Interrupt Flag.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWTOIF_Msk    : In DMA Mode, Time-out Interrupt Flag.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWMODIF_Msk   : In DMA Mode, MODEM Interrupt Flag.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_HWRLSIF_Msk   : In DMA Mode, Receive Line Status Flag.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_LININT_Msk    : LIN Bus Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_BUFERRINT_Msk : Buffer Error Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RXTOINT_Msk   : Time-out Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_MODEMINT_Msk  : Modem Status Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RLSINT_Msk    : Receive Line Status Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_THREINT_Msk   : Transmit Holding Register Empty Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RDAINT_Msk    : Receive Data Available Interrupt Indicator.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_LINIF_Msk     : LIN Bus Flag.
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_BUFERRIF_Msk  : Buffer Error Interrupt Flag
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RXTOIF_Msk    : Rx time-out interrupt Flag
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_MODENIF_Msk   : Modem interrupt Flag
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RLSIF_Msk     : Rx Line status interrupt Flag
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_THREIF_Msk    : Tx empty interrupt Flag
+ *                               - \ref UART_INTSTS_RDAIF_Msk     : Rx ready interrupt Flag
+ *
+ *    @return
+ *            0 = The specified interrupt is not happened.
+ *            1 = The specified interrupt is happened.
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+#define UART_GET_INT_FLAG(uart,u32eIntTypeFlag)    ((uart->INTSTS & (u32eIntTypeFlag))?1:0)
+ *    @brief    Set RTS pin is low
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *    @return   None
+ */
+    uart->MODEM &= UART_MODEM_RTS_Msk;
+ *    @brief    Set RTS pin is high
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *    @return   None
+ */
+ *    @brief    Clear RS-485 Address Byte Detection Flag
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *    @return   None
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+ *    @brief    Get RS-485 Address Byte Detection Flag
+ *
+ *    @param[in]    uart    The base address of UART module
+ *    @return   RS-485  Address Byte Detection Flag
+ * \hideinitializer 
+ */
+void UART_ClearIntFlag(UART_T* uart , uint32_t u32InterruptFlag);
+void UART_Close(UART_T* uart );
+void UART_DisableFlowCtrl(UART_T* uart );
+void UART_DisableInt(UART_T*  uart, uint32_t u32InterruptFlag );
+void UART_EnableFlowCtrl(UART_T* uart );
+void UART_EnableInt(UART_T*  uart, uint32_t u32InterruptFlag );
+void UART_Open(UART_T* uart, uint32_t u32baudrate);
+uint32_t UART_Read(UART_T* uart, uint8_t *pu8RxBuf, uint32_t u32ReadBytes);
+void UART_SetLine_Config(UART_T* uart, uint32_t u32baudrate, uint32_t u32data_width, uint32_t u32parity, uint32_t  u32stop_bits);
+void UART_SetTimeoutCnt(UART_T* uart, uint32_t u32TOC);
+void UART_SelectIrDAMode(UART_T* uart, uint32_t u32Buadrate, uint32_t u32Direction);
+void UART_SelectRS485Mode(UART_T* uart, uint32_t u32Mode, uint32_t u32Addr);
+uint32_t UART_Write(UART_T* uart,uint8_t *pu8TxBuf, uint32_t u32WriteBytes);
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_UART_EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_UART_Driver */
+/*@}*/ /* end of group NUC472_442_Device_Driver */
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif //__UART_H__
+/*** (C) COPYRIGHT 2013 Nuvoton Technology Corp. ***/