KL25Z Comparator library

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KL25Z Comparator library

Comparator features

  • Operational over the entire supply range
  • Inputs may range from rail to rail
  • Programmable hysteresis control
  • Selectable interrupt on rising-edge, falling-edge, or both rising or falling edges of the comparator output
  • Selectable inversion on comparator output
  • Capability to produce a wide range of outputs such as:
    • Sampled
    • Windowed, which is ideal for certain PWM zero-crossing-detection applications
    • Digitally filtered:
      • Filter can be bypassed
      • Can be clocked via external SAMPLE signal or scaled bus clock
  • External hysteresis can be used at the same time that the output filter is used for internal functions
  • Two software selectable performance levels:
    • Shorter propagation delay at the expense of higher power
    • Low power, with longer propagation delay
  • DMA transfer support not yet implemented in this library
    • A comparison event can be selected to trigger a DMA transfer
  • Functional in all modes of operation
  • The window and filter functions are not available in the following modes:
    • Stop
    • VLPS
    • LLS
    • VLLSx

Block diagram



This library allows us to create comparator objects between different inputs.
The comparator + and - inputs can be routed to one out of eight reference inputs (see table).
Input selection

Pin name#MUX inputCMP0Comment
PTE30100IN4CMP0_IN412-bit DAC0
110IN61V internal Bandgap*
NC111IN7internal 6-bit DAC0
(table 1)

* Not yet implemented

Using the library

Selecting pins on initialisation
Upon initialisation, the comparator registers are set to following values:

    CMP0->CR0   = 0x00;  // Filter and digital hysteresis disabled
    CMP0->CR1   = 0x17;  // Continuous mode, high-speed compare, unfiltered output, output pin disabled
    CMP0->FPR   = 0x00;  // Filter disabled
    CMP0->SCR   = 0x06;  // Disable all interrupts and clear flags (flags are cleared by this write)
    CMP0->DACCR = 0xE0;  // DAC enabled, Vdd is 6bit reference, threshold set to 1/2 of full-scale (1.65V)

The library accepts two input parameters:

ComparatorIn compi(PTC8, NC);
  • First parameter : + input pin.
  • Second parameter : - input pin.
    Every pin from the 'Pin names' column in (table 1) can be selected.


  • IN6 (internal 1V bandgap reference) has no pin name and is not selectable on init.
    However, we can use the switch_plus and switch_min functions to change the corresponding input to IN6.
  • A special case is the NC pinname. Declaring this pin will connect the internal 6-bit DAC0.

Following code demonstrates interrupt callback and polling mode.
WARNING : The demo code uses printf in the ISR routine, this is not recommended for real applications.

#include "ComparatorIn.h"
#include "mbed.h"

DigitalOut myled(LED1); // Blue LED (blinks at a constant rate)
DigitalOut cmpled(LED2); // Green LED (lit when comparator threshold is reached)
DigitalOut cmp_en (PTD5); // Op-amp enable pin on Wi-Go board
ComparatorIn compi(PTC8, NC); // light sensor comparator input

// Comparator callback function
void cmp_ISR(unsigned int cmp_ret)
    if ((cmp_ret & CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK)==CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK)
        printf("<INT=Rising edge on HSCMP0>\n");
    if ((cmp_ret & CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK)==CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK)
        printf("<INT=Falling edge on HSCMP0>\n ");

int main()
    cmp_en = 1;

    compi._callbackISR(&cmp_ISR);               // Set comparator interrupt callback to cmp_ISR
    compi.treshold(0.5);                        // Set comparator threshold to 50% = 3.3V * 0.5 = 1.65V
    compi.int_en(RISING);                       // Enable rising interrupt

        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;
        if (compi.status() == 0x01)         // Poll comparator output
            cmpled = 0;
            cmpled = 1;


  • When interrupts are enabled, we need to declare a user callback function AND initialise the pointer to this function

  • Use of an unsigned int in the user declared callback function is mandatory.
  • The interrupt returns two possible values:
    • CMP_SCR_CFR_MASK to indicate a rising interrupt (when enabled).
    • CMP_SCR_CFF_MASK to indicate a falling interrupt (when enabled).
  • Currently, following functions are not yet implemented:
    • On the fly MUX switching for + input (switch_plus function).
    • On the fly MUX switching for - input (switch_min function).
    • DMA transfer.

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