These are the examples provided for [[/users/frank26080115/libraries/LPC1700CMSIS_Lib/]] Note, the entire "program" is not compilable!

diff -r 000000000000 -r bf7b9fba3924 ADC/HardwareTrigger/adc_hardware_trigger_test.c
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADC/HardwareTrigger/adc_hardware_trigger_test.c	Sun Mar 20 05:38:56 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ * @file		adc_hardware_trigger_test.c
+ * @purpose		This example describes how to use ADC conversion in
+ * 			  	interrupt mode
+ * @version		1.0
+ * @date		18. June. 2010
+ * @author		NXP MCU SW Application Team
+ *---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
+ * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
+ * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
+ * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
+ * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
+ * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
+ * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
+ * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
+ * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
+ * use without further testing or modification.
+ **********************************************************************/
+#include "lpc17xx_adc.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
+#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"
+#include "debug_frmwrk.h"
+/* Example group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
+/** @defgroup ADC_HardwareTrigger	HardwareTrigger
+ * @ingroup ADC_Examples
+ * @{
+ */
+/************************** PRIVATE DEFINITIONS ***********************/
+#define _ADC_INT			ADC_ADINTEN2
+/************************** PRIVATE VARIABLES *************************/
+uint8_t menu1[] =
+"Hello NXP Semiconductors \n\r"
+" ADC demo \n\r"
+"\t - MCU: LPC17xx \n\r"
+"\t - Core: ARM CORTEX-M3 \n\r"
+"\t - Communicate via: UART0 - 115200 bps \n\r"
+" Use ADC with 12-bit resolution rate of 200KHz, read in hardware-triggred mode\n\r"
+" Press INT0 button to start ADC conversion, ADC interrupt when conversion completed\n\r"
+" ADC channel value is read back and displayed via UART0\n\r"
+" Turn the potentiometer to see how ADC value changes\n\r"
+uint32_t adc_value;
+/************************** PRIVATE FUNCTION *************************/
+void ADC_IRQHandler(void);
+void print_menu(void);
+/*----------------- INTERRUPT SERVICE ROUTINES --------------------------*/
+ * @brief		ADC interrupt handler sub-routine
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void ADC_IRQHandler(void)
+	adc_value = 0;
+	{
+		adc_value =  ADC_ChannelGetData(LPC_ADC,ADC_CHANNEL_2);
+		NVIC_DisableIRQ(ADC_IRQn);
+	}
+/*-------------------------PRIVATE FUNCTIONS------------------------------*/
+ * @brief		Print menu
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		None
+ **********************************************************************/
+void print_menu(void)
+	_DBG(menu1);
+/*-------------------------MAIN FUNCTION------------------------------*/
+ * @brief		c_entry: Main ADC program body
+ * @param[in]	None
+ * @return 		int
+ **********************************************************************/
+int c_entry(void)
+	PINSEL_CFG_Type PinCfg;
+	/* Initialize debug via UART0
+	 * – 115200bps
+	 * – 8 data bit
+	 * – No parity
+	 * – 1 stop bit
+	 * – No flow control
+	 */
+	debug_frmwrk_init();
+	// print welcome screen
+	print_menu();
+	/*
+	 * Init ADC pin connect
+	 * AD0.2 on P0.25
+	 */
+	PinCfg.Funcnum = 1;
+	PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinmode = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinnum = 25;
+	PinCfg.Portnum = 0;
+	PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	/*
+	 * Init P2.10
+	 *
+	 */
+	PinCfg.Funcnum = 1; //EINT0
+	PinCfg.OpenDrain = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinmode = 0;
+	PinCfg.Pinnum = 10;
+	PinCfg.Portnum = 2;
+	PINSEL_ConfigPin(&PinCfg);
+	/* Configuration for ADC:
+	 *  select: ADC channel 2 (if using MCB1700 board)
+	 *  		ADC channel 5 (if using IAR-LPC1768 board)
+	 *  ADC conversion rate = 200KHz
+	 */
+	ADC_Init(LPC_ADC, 200000);
+	/* preemption = 1, sub-priority = 1 */
+	NVIC_SetPriority(ADC_IRQn, ((0x01<<3)|0x01));
+	while(1)
+	{
+		adc_value = 0;
+		// Start conversion on EINT0 falling edge
+		/* Enable ADC in NVIC */
+		NVIC_EnableIRQ(ADC_IRQn);
+		_DBG("Press INT0 button to start ADC conversion on AD0.2...");_DBG_("");
+		while(adc_value==0);
+		//Display the result of conversion on the UART0
+		_DBG("ADC value on channel 2: ");
+		_DBD32(adc_value);
+		_DBG_("");
+	}
+	ADC_DeInit(LPC_ADC);
+	return (0);
+/* Support required entry point for other toolchain */
+int main (void)
+	return c_entry();
+#ifdef  DEBUG
+* @brief		Reports the name of the source file and the source line number
+* 				where the CHECK_PARAM error has occurred.
+* @param[in]	file Pointer to the source file name
+* @param[in]    line assert_param error line source number
+* @return		None
+void check_failed(uint8_t *file, uint32_t line)
+	/* User can add his own implementation to report the file name and line number,
+	 ex: printf("Wrong parameters value: file %s on line %d\r\n", file, line) */
+	/* Infinite loop */
+	while(1);
+ * @}
+ */