FSST - Hardwarenahe Programmierung
Lösung SwEvent
SwEvent Klasse
// ---------------- Switch Event Class -------------------------- #include "mbed.h" class SwEvent { InterruptIn _isr; volatile int16_t _pressed; void _risingISR(); public: SwEvent(PinName pin) : _isr(pin) { // create the InterruptIn on the pin specified to SwEvent _isr.rise(callback(this, &SwEvent::_risingISR)); // attach ISR-function of this SwEvent instance _pressed=0; } int checkFlag(); // must in do-condition (while(true)-loop) continuously interrogated }; // ---------------- Switch Event Class Methodes -------------------------- int SwEvent::checkFlag() { if( _pressed ) { _pressed = 0; return 1; } return 0; } void SwEvent::_risingISR() { if( _isr.read() ) _pressed = 1; }
SwEvent sw1(p14); DigitalOut myled(LED1); int main() { myled = 1; wait(1); myled = 0; printf("Hello SwEvent v0.1\n"); while(1) { sw1.read(); if(sw1.checkFlag()) myled = ! myled; } }