
Dependencies of smartRamalEZR

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

IAP code for Freescale platforms
Simple Watchdog for Freescale FRDM-KL25Z. WARNING: It works only if you import mbed-src and change the define "#define DISABLE_WATCHDOG 1" to "#define DISABLE_WATCHDOG 0" in the file "mbed-src/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KLXX/TARGET_KL25Z/system_MKL25Z4.c" Freescale, KL25z, watchdog
V2COM GGS Protocol
A feature complete driver for the LM75B temperature sensor from NXP. Celsius, driver, I2C, LM75B, nxp, sensor, Temperature
Protocolos PIMA ELO e Piminha Copel (SER-311) para leitura de energia ativa e reativas.
Load and save persistent parameters from/to flash memory. It uses the penultimate memory block.
Circular queue implementation as a memory sector per queue.
Read and write V2COM Serial Number (EAN code with 25 digits). It uses the last memory sector. ean, number, Serial
mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.