Tricolor LED driver for any 3 pin tricolor LED.

Dependents:   xivelyboard

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00001 #ifndef TRICOLOR_H
00002 #define TRICOLOR_H
00004 #include "mbed.h"
00006 /** Tricolor LED driver
00007  * 
00008  * This is a reentrant LED controller
00009  *
00010  * @code
00011 #include "mbed.h"
00012 #include "tricolor.h"
00014 Tricolor led(p23, p24, p25); // red, green, blue
00016 int main() {
00017     led.SetLEDColor(0, 100, 0); // Green @ about 40%
00019     while(1) {
00020         wait(0.5);
00021         led.Toggle();
00022     }
00023 }
00024  * @endcode
00025  */
00026 class Tricolor
00027 {
00028     public:
00029         /** Basic Constructor
00030          */
00031         Tricolor(PinName r, PinName g, PinName b) : _Red(r), _Green(g), _Blue(b) {
00032             SetLEDColor(0, 0, 0);
00033         }
00034         /** Color Constructor
00035          *  Adds color values to constructor.
00036          */
00037         Tricolor(PinName r, uint8_t r_color,
00038                  PinName g, uint8_t g_color,
00039                  PinName b, uint8_t b_color) :
00040                  _Red(r), _Green(g), _Blue(b) {
00041             SetLEDColor(r_color, g_color, b_color);
00042         }
00043         /// Sets LED to blue (LED will be on afterwards)
00044         void Blue(void);
00045         /// Sets LED to green (LED will be on afterwards)
00046         void Green(void);
00047         /// Turns the LED off (saves color)
00048         void LEDOff(void);
00049         /// Restores LED to set color (color MUST be set beforehand)
00050         void LEDOn(void);
00051         /// Sets LED to red (LED will be on afterwards)
00052         void Red(void);
00053         /** Sets custom color for LED (LED will be on afterwards)
00054          * @param red Amount of red color (0-255)
00055          * @param green Amount of green color (0-255)
00056          * @param blue Amount of blue color (0-255)
00057          */
00058         void SetLEDColor(uint8_t, uint8_t, uint8_t);
00059         /// Toggles the LED on and off
00060         void Toggle(void);
00062     private:
00063         // LED Output
00064         bool _on;       // Is the LED on
00065         PwmOut _Red;    // LED red pin
00066         PwmOut _Green;  // LED green pin
00067         PwmOut _Blue;   // LED blue pin
00069         // LED Color
00070         float _RedPwm;  // Amount of red
00071         float _GreenPwm;// Amount of green
00072         float _BluePwm; // Amount of blue
00073 };
00075 #endif