I needed a device to time my sprinklers, because I had been forgetting to turn them off. So I made a very simple program to turn them off after 45 minutes. Future versions will have an array of outputs, so you can run sections with one button push. Hardware: Either board should work, I used the LPC1768. You will also need a solenoid to control the water, I am testing a 12V rainbird valve with a relay and 12V power supply.

Dependencies:   PinDetect mbed

Sprinkler Timer

I needed a device to time my sprinklers, because I had been forgetting to turn them off. So I made a very simple program to turn them off after some number of minutes.




  • One side to pin 5
  • the other to Vout


  • Vcc to Vout
  • Gnd to ground
  • IN1 to pin 6


Do not hold button while restarting!

I have experienced negative effects during testing while the button was held on. If you have problems and suspect this you may need to reflash your chip

  • The button will start the sprinkler when it is off and vice versa.
  • Once started if not interrupted, the sprinkler shall run for 25 minutes.


Future versions will have an array of outputs, so you can run sections with one button push.

shortlog@5c195b07885c: not found in manifest