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Fork of IntegrationCAN by Nenad Djalovic

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00001 #include "draw_print_library.h"
00002 #include "gears.h"
00003 #include "font100.h"
00004 #include "font50.h"
00006 extern LCD_DISCO_F469NI lcd;
00007 extern SD_DISCO_F469NI sd;
00008 extern Serial pc;
00010 extern uint8_t lvdtref;
00011 extern int FL_LVDT_Ref,FR_LVDT_Ref,RL_LVDT_Ref,RR_LVDT_Ref;
00013 //Gears 
00014 GEAR Idle{'0',256,384,idleBitmap};
00015 GEAR Gear1{'1',256,384,gear1Bitmap};
00016 GEAR Gear2{'2',256,384,gear2Bitmap};
00017 GEAR Gear3{'3',256,384,gear3Bitmap};
00018 GEAR Gear4{'4',256,384,gear4Bitmap};
00019 GEAR Gear5{'5',256,384,gear5Bitmap};
00020 GEAR Gear6{'6',256,384,gear6Bitmap};
00021 GEAR *Gears[7]={&Idle,&Gear1,&Gear2,&Gear3,&Gear4,&Gear5,&Gear6};       //Gears array
00022 IMAGE LogoBig{800,480,LOGOBIG_START_ADDR};                              //Big Logo 
00023 IMAGE LogoSmall{160,64,LOGOSMALL_START_ADDR};                           //Small Logo
00024 IMAGE Branko{250,480,1576960};                                          //Branko
00025 IMAGE NewYearCongat{800,480,NEW_YEAR_CONGAT_START_ADDR};
00026 //IMAGE Miljana[250,480,---};
00028 void DrawSpeedMeter(){
00029     uint16_t x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;
00030     double THETA1=PHI,THETA2;
00032     //Set starting point for drawing
00033     x1=(int)(400-530*cos(THETA1));
00034     y1=(int)(550-530*sin(THETA1));
00035     x2=(int)(400-500*cos(THETA1));
00036     y2=(int)(550-500*sin(THETA1));
00038     lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00039     for (int V=0;V<=150;V++){                   //Draw from 0 to 150
00040         //Set angle for next speed scale value
00041         THETA2=THETA1+ALPHA/Vmax;               
00042         x3=(int)(400-530*cos(THETA2));
00043         y3=(int)(550-530*sin(THETA2));
00044         x4=(int)(400-500*cos(THETA2));
00045         y4=(int)(550-500*sin(THETA2));
00046         if(V<150){                              //Draw arch section
00047             lcd.DrawLine(x1,y1,x3,y3);
00048             lcd.DrawLine(x2,y2,x4,y4);
00049         };
00050         lcd.SetFont(&Font20);
00051         if(V%10==0){                            //Print round values (0,10,20,...)
00052             lcd.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);          //Draw round scale value
00053             char Vchar[3];
00054             sprintf(Vchar,"%d",(int)V);
00055             uint16_t xnum=x2,ynum=y2;
00056             if (V==0 | V==10 | V==20 | V==30){  //Position of printed value
00057                 xnum=x2,ynum=y2+5;
00058             }else if (V==40 | V==50 | V==60){
00059                 xnum=x2-3,ynum=y2+5;
00060             }else if (V==70 | V==80){
00061                 xnum=x2-14,ynum=y2+5;
00062             }else if (V==90){
00063                 xnum=x2-20,ynum=y2+5;
00064             }else if (V==100 | V==110 | V==120) {
00065                 xnum=x2-35,ynum=y2+4;
00066             }else if (V==130 | V==140 | V==150){
00067                 xnum=x2-35,ynum=y2+5;
00068             };
00069             lcd.DisplayStringAt(xnum,ynum,(uint8_t*)Vchar,LEFT_MODE);
00070         };
00071         x1=x3,y1=y3,x2=x4,y2=y4;            //Increment position
00072         THETA1=THETA2;
00073     };
00074 };
00076 void PrintChar(CHAR Char,uint16_t StartXPos,uint16_t StartYPos,uint32_t TextColor){
00077     uint16_t width=Char.width;
00078     uint16_t height=Char.height;
00079     uint16_t horpos,vertpos;
00080     uint16_t bitloc;
00081     uint32_t DrawColor;
00082     char pos[9];
00083     //uint8_t dbg[50];
00084     for(horpos=0;horpos<width;horpos++){                                //Bitmaps are row after row
00085         for(vertpos=0;vertpos<height/8;vertpos++){
00086             sprintf(pos,BYTE_TO_BINARY_PATTERN,BYTE_TO_BINARY(Char.bitmap[horpos*height/8+vertpos]));   //Convert uint8_t from hex to binary. 1 to fill, 0 to skip
00087             //pc.printf("%d. %s\n",horpos*height/8+vertpos,pos);
00088             for(bitloc=0;bitloc<8;bitloc++) {
00089                 if (pos[bitloc]=='1') {
00090                     DrawColor=TextColor;
00091                 }
00092                 else{
00093                     DrawColor=lcd.GetBackColor();
00094                 };
00095                 lcd.DrawPixel(StartXPos+horpos,StartYPos+vertpos*8+bitloc,DrawColor);
00096                     //pc.printf("%d,%d\n",StartXPos+horpos,StartYPos+vertpos*8+bitloc);                   
00097             }
00098         }
00099     }
00100     lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00101 };
00103 void PrintString(char str[],int font,uint16_t StartXPos,uint16_t StartYPos,uint32_t TextColor){
00104     //pc.printf("Function activated.\n");
00105     char *a=str;
00106     int p=0;
00107     while(a[p]){
00108         //pc.printf("Searching char: %c\n",a[p]);
00109         for(int k=0;k<68;k++){
00110             //pc.printf("Character %c\n",(*font50[k]).name);
00111             if((*font50[k]).name==a[p]){
00112           //      pc.printf("Found!\n");
00113                 PrintChar(*font50[k],StartXPos,StartYPos,TextColor);
00114                 StartXPos+=(*font50[k]).width;
00115                 k=100;
00116             };
00117         };
00118         //pc.printf("End.\n");
00119         p++;
00120     };
00121 };
00126 void ChangeNumber(int num,int num0,int Font,uint16_t StartXPos,uint16_t StartYPos, int digits, int dec_point, int sign){
00127     //Function only changes the decimals that change. If number changes from 146 to 147, it only changes 6 to 7.
00128     int digit[digits],digit0[digits];
00129     int sum=0,sum0=0,k,aux=0;
00130     CHAR **font;
00131     if(abs(num)<pow(float(10),digits)){
00132         digit[0]=abs(num)/pow((float)10,(float)(digits-1));
00133         digit0[0]=abs(num0)/pow((float)10,(float)(digits-1));
00134         for(k=1;k<digits;k++){
00135             sum=(sum+digit[k-1])*10;
00136             digit[k]=abs(num)/pow((float)10,(float)(digits-1-k))-sum;
00137             sum0=(sum0+digit0[k-1])*10;
00138             digit0[k]=abs(num0)/pow(10,(float)(digits-1-k))-sum0;
00139         };
00141         if (Font==50){
00142             font=font50;
00143         }else if (Font==100){
00144             font=font100;
00145         };
00147         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00148         uint8_t char_width=(*font[0]).width;
00150         if (sign==1){
00151             if(num<0 & num0>=0){                                                //Print minus if number lower than 0
00152                 PrintChar(*font[10],StartXPos,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00153             }else if(num>=0 & num0<0){                                          //Print blank if number lower than 0 
00154                 lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00155                 lcd.FillRect(StartXPos,StartYPos,(*font[10]).width,(*font[10]).height);
00156                 lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00157             };
00158             aux+=(*font[10]).width;
00159         };
00161         for(k=0;k<digits;k++){
00162             if(dec_point==k & dec_point>0){  //Default is for font50. This is not an universal solution, but it is in use because all font 100 infos are integers
00163                 PrintChar(Chardot_50,StartXPos+dec_point*char_width,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00164                 aux+=Chardot_50.width;
00165             };
00166             if(digit[k]!=digit0[k]){
00167                 PrintChar(*font[digit[k]],StartXPos+k*char_width+aux,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00168             };
00169         };   
00170     };
00171 };
00173 void SetNumber(int num,int Font,uint16_t StartXPos,uint16_t StartYPos, int digits, int dec_point, int sign){
00174     int digit[3],sum=0,k,aux=0;
00175     CHAR **font;
00177     if (Font==50){
00178         font=font50;
00179     }else if (Font==100){
00180         font=font100;
00181     };
00183     lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00184     uint8_t char_width=(*font[0]).width;
00186     if(num<pow(float(10),digits)){
00187         digit[0]=abs(num)/pow((float)10,(float)(digits-1));
00188         for(k=1;k<digits;k++){
00189             sum=(sum+digit[k-1])*10;
00190             digit[k]=abs(num)/pow((float)10,(float)(digits-1-k))-sum;
00191         };
00193         if(sign==1){
00194             if(num<0){                                                          //Print minus if number lower than 0
00195                 PrintChar(*font[10],StartXPos,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00196             }else if(num>=0){                                                   //Print blank if number lower than 0 
00197                 lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00198                 lcd.FillRect(StartXPos,StartYPos,(*font[10]).width,(*font[10]).height);
00199                 lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00200             };
00201             aux+=(*font[10]).width;
00202         };
00204         for(k=0;k<digits;k++){
00205             if(dec_point==k & dec_point>0){  //Default is for font50. This is not an universal solution, but it is in use because all font 100 infos are integers
00206                 PrintChar(Chardot_50,StartXPos+dec_point*char_width,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00207                 aux+=Chardot_50.width;
00208             };
00209             PrintChar(*font[digit[k]],StartXPos+k*char_width+aux,StartYPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00210         };
00211     };   
00212 };   
00214 void DrawRGBImage(IMAGE Image,uint16_t StartXPos,uint16_t StartYPos){
00215     uint32_t p,q;
00216     uint32_t BlockBuffer[128];
00217     uint16_t xpos=0,ypos=0;
00218     for(p=0;p<Image.width*Image.height/128;p++){
00219         sd.ReadBlocks(BlockBuffer,Image.START_ADDR+p*512,1,SD_DATATIMEOUT);
00220         for(q=0;q<128;q++){
00221             if(ypos<Image.height){
00222                lcd.DrawPixel(StartXPos+xpos,StartYPos+ypos,BlockBuffer[q]);
00223             }
00224             else{
00225                 xpos++;
00226                 ypos=0;
00227                 lcd.DrawPixel(StartXPos+xpos,StartYPos+ypos,BlockBuffer[q]);
00228             }
00229             ypos++;
00230         };
00231     };
00232 };  
00235 void UpdateSpeedMeter(int V, int dV){
00236    //Prednost koda je sto se docrtava samo onaj deo koji se menja. Tako ako sa 55 kmh prelazimo na 57 khm on obradjuje samo polja 55 i 56.
00237    //Kada bi se samo brisala stara i crtala nova vrednost na baru ukupno bi morali da obradimo 55+57=112 umesto samo 2 bara.
00238    uint32_t OldColor,RewriteColor;
00239    double THETA1,THETA2;
00240    uint16_t x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,x4,y4;
00241    uint16_t startx,starty,leftupx,rightupx,leftdownx,rightdownx,ypos;
00243     //Obradjivanje polje po polje. Svako polje prestavlja odredjenu vrednost kmh.  
00244     for(int k=1;k<=abs(dV);k++){
00245         //Uokviravanje polja koje se trenutno obradjuje. Granice su crne kako bi se jasno razgranicilo polje od ostatka bara.
00246         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00247         THETA1=PHI+((double)V)*ALPHA/Vmax;
00248         x1=(int)(400-530*cos(THETA1));
00249         y1=(int)(550-530*sin(THETA1));
00250         x2=(int)(400-500*cos(THETA1));
00251         y2=(int)(550-500*sin(THETA1));
00252         THETA2=PHI+((double)(V+dV/abs(dV)))*ALPHA/Vmax;
00253         x3=(int)(400-530*cos(THETA2));
00254         y3=(int)(550-530*sin(THETA2));
00255         x4=(int)(400-500*cos(THETA2));
00256         y4=(int)(550-500*sin(THETA2));
00257         lcd.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
00258         lcd.DrawLine(x3,y3,x4,y4);
00259         lcd.DrawLine(x1,y1,x3,y3);
00260         lcd.DrawLine(x2,y2,x4,y4);
00262         //Odredjivanje pocetnih koordinata i kojom bojom ce se polje bojiti.
00263         if(dV>0){
00264             startx=(x2+x3)/2;
00265             starty=(y2+y3)/2;
00266             if(V+1<=50){
00267                 RewriteColor=LCD_COLOR_GREEN;
00268             }else if (V+1>50 & V+1<=100){
00269                 RewriteColor=LCD_COLOR_BLUE;
00270             }else{
00271                 RewriteColor=LCD_COLOR_RED;
00272             };
00273             OldColor=LCD_COLOR_WHITE;
00274         }else{
00275             startx=(x1+x4)/2;
00276             starty=(y1+y4)/2;
00277             if(V<=50){
00278                 OldColor=LCD_COLOR_GREEN;
00279             }else if (V>50 & V<=100){
00280                 OldColor=LCD_COLOR_BLUE;
00281             }else{
00282                 OldColor=LCD_COLOR_RED;
00283             };
00284             RewriteColor=LCD_COLOR_WHITE;
00285         };
00286         lcd.SetTextColor(RewriteColor);
00288         //Odredjivanje pocetnog piksela odakle ce bojenje poceti. Kako bi se svaki piksel obojio pocetni se postavlja u centru polja i krece se najpre
00289         //na gore pa zatim od sredine na dole.
00290         leftupx=startx;
00291         rightupx=startx+1;
00292         ypos=starty; 
00293         while(leftupx<rightupx){
00295             ypos--;
00296             if(lcd.ReadPixel(leftupx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00297                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(leftupx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00298                     leftupx++;
00299                 }
00300             } else {
00301                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(leftupx,ypos)==OldColor){
00302                     leftupx--;
00303                 };
00304                 leftupx++;
00305             };
00306             if(lcd.ReadPixel(rightupx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00307                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(rightupx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00308                     rightupx--;
00309                 }
00310             } else {
00311                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(rightupx,ypos)==OldColor){
00312                     rightupx++;
00313                 };
00314                 rightupx--;
00315             };
00317             if (leftupx<=rightupx){
00318                 lcd.DrawLine(leftupx,ypos,rightupx,ypos);
00319             };   
00320         };
00322         leftdownx=startx;
00323         rightdownx=startx+1;
00324         ypos=starty-1; 
00325         while(leftdownx<rightdownx){
00326             ypos++;
00327             if(lcd.ReadPixel(leftdownx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00328                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(leftdownx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00329                     leftdownx++;
00330                 }
00331             } else {
00332                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(leftdownx,ypos)==OldColor){
00333                     leftdownx--;
00334                 };
00335                 leftdownx++;
00336             };
00337             if(lcd.ReadPixel(rightdownx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00338                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(rightdownx,ypos)==LCD_COLOR_BLACK){
00339                     rightdownx--;
00340                 }
00341             } else {
00342                 while(lcd.ReadPixel(rightdownx,ypos)==OldColor){
00343                     rightdownx++;
00344                 };
00345                 rightdownx--;
00346             };
00348             if (leftdownx<=rightdownx){
00349                 lcd.DrawLine(leftdownx,ypos,rightdownx,ypos);
00350             };   
00351         };
00353         //Brisanje granicnika. Vodi se racuna ako je granica neki od dekadnih podeoka koji treba da ostane crn.
00354         if(V%10!=0){
00355             lcd.DrawLine(x1,y1,x2,y2);
00356             if (dV<0){
00357                 lcd.DrawPixel(x1,y1,LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00358                 lcd.DrawPixel(x2,y2,LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00359             };
00360         };
00361         V+=dV/abs(dV);
00362     };
00363 };
00365 void ChangeCrank(int Crank){
00366     PrintString("     ",50,350,400,LCD_COLOR_GREEN);
00367     if (Crank){
00368         PrintString("ERROR",50,CrankXPos,CrankYPos,LCD_COLOR_RED);
00369         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00370     } else {
00371         PrintString("OK",50,CrankXPos,CrankYPos,LCD_COLOR_GREEN);
00372         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00373     };  
00374 };
00376 int UpdateLVDTScale(int H,int H0, uint16_t StartXPos, uint16_t StartYPos){
00377     uint16_t BarWidth=80,BarHeight=8;
00378     int YPos;
00379     int D,D0,dD;
00381     switch( ((H>=0)<<1)+(H0>0)){
00382         case(0):
00383             D=5-abs(H)/20;
00384             D0=5-abs(H0)/20;
00385             break;
00386         case(1):
00387             D=5-abs(H)/20;
00388             D0=H0/20+5;
00389             break;
00390         case(2):
00391             D=H/20+5;
00392             D0=5-abs(H0)/20;
00393             break;             
00394         case(3):
00395             D=H/20+5;
00396             D0=H0/20+5;
00397             break;
00398     };
00399     dD=D-D0;
00401     if (dD>0){
00402         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00403         YPos=StartYPos-10*(D0+1);
00404     }else{
00405         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00406         YPos=StartYPos-D0*10;
00407     };
00408     for (int k=1;k<=abs(dD);k++){
00409         lcd.FillRect(StartXPos,YPos,BarWidth,BarHeight);
00410         YPos-=10*(dD/abs(dD));
00411     };
00412     lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00413     return 1;
00414 };
00417 void BrakeSignal(int brake){
00418     if (brake){
00419         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_RED);
00420         lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_RED);
00421         lcd.FillRect(560,340,230,68);
00422         PrintString("BRAKE",50,575,350,LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00423     }else {
00424         lcd.SetTextColor(LCD_COLOR_DARKRED);
00425         lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_DARKRED);
00426         lcd.FillRect(560,340,230,68);
00427         PrintString("BRAKE",50,575,350,LCD_COLOR_BLACK);
00428     };
00429     lcd.SetBackColor(LCD_COLOR_WHITE);
00430 };
00433 void TestFont(){
00434     uint16_t XPos=0,YPos=120;
00435     for(int k=0;k<68;k++){
00436         PrintChar(*font50[k],XPos,YPos,lcd.GetTextColor());
00437         XPos=XPos+(*font50[k]).width;
00438         wait(0.1);
00439         //pc.printf("%d",k);
00440     };
00441 };